
off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts

Off topic..

Lets talk REIT's

I've been trying to diversify my investment portfolio beyond my current position in municipal bonds, mid cap domestic, large cap domestic, large cap global mutual funds. I will say the mutual funds returned 15 percent last year so I'm not complaining. The bulk of my investments have been toward mutual funds and cash value of life insurance. With my life insurance policy maxed out on the monthly premiums and wanting to do more than mutual funds, I talked to my financial advisor and he suggested diversifying in REIT's.

We specifically discussed non traded income generating REIT's.

The primary thing I dislike about the REIT'S and the reason i haven't had them in my personal portfolio is the distinct lack of liqudity. Because I am the majority owner of a franchised business with steep overhead and operating costs, I usually keep most of my investments in vehicles with good liquidity.

Anyone here have positive experience in REIt's? Traded, not traded or both? What return did you end up getting?

I got in on a REIT last month (the first one I've invested in) that was still very undervalued at its price per share. Mostly office buildings in TX.


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    zzzzzzzzzzzz lets not talk REIT's, what did you think of "Breaking Bad"?
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    All my money and investments go towards strippers. How is this return?

    I sent one MILF's son to college. It cost me $80,000 and all I got was a quarter back

  • Otto22
    10 years ago
    In my judgment there is no reason to buy REITs that are not publicly traded. Your advisor likely makes a significantly larger commission from the private equity deals but you are correct to recognize their inherent lack of liquidity. Exchange traded REITs will perform as well as private placements and offer daily pricing. Although a 15% return last year was probably welcomed by you, the S&P actually returned 32% so you really underperformed.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    LMN dude, I'm curious what you're trying to accomplish here. The people who post here come from many walks of life and only a subset have expertise relevant to your question. You have no ability to judge their expertise nor do you have any context regarding your advice.

    Is it to lend an air of verisimilitude to your character? A little transparent, isn't it?

    C'mon dude, we want to live the life of the 0.1% vicariously. Photos of your next Caligula-style orgy need to be posted!
  • farmerart
    10 years ago

    In a thread I just posted on the board a few hours ago I confessed to being flummoxed by you. I admitted that I thought that there might be some nuggets of truth in your stories. Not now. Dude, you just blew your cover with this discussion thread.

    People in the world you have described - inherited wealth, private equity, high income, privileged education........all that shit.......people like that do not buy REITs with a portfolio of Texas office buildings. People in your described world buy the damned office buildings themselves. People in your described world don't buy mutual funds. Mutual funds are for dummies. People in your described world buy direct equity positions.

    Life insurance? A single guy with no dependents has absolutely no need for life insurance. You own a franchised business? People in the world that you purport to inhabit are not franchisees. Your supposed world is the world of the franchisor.

    The overwhelming naivete and gullibility of this thread has exposed you for the poseur that you really are. I can't believe that it took me this long to figure that out.

    Shame on me.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    sheesh is fucking right. just another TUSCL internet poser pretending to have some experience with private equity, hedge funds, and big money but who among us didn’t already know that? to quote a learned scholar- fucking clownshoes.


    @Caprisun69. i like you really i do but @ime already sussed lmn


    @ime “people that have money don't talk about it.”

    and we have a winner. give this man a Gauloise.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Some of us had money but chose to invest in pussy. Now just live from pension check to pension check with an occasional club visit and an occasional OTC assignation. My experience with REIT's was quite a few years ago and like most of my investments I buy high and sell low.
  • LMN
    10 years ago

    I own a few section 8 buildings.

    Give me a break, that I'm "supposed" to buy the office building and not into a REIT. Lol. I've made one REIT investment before, thus I was asking about experiences people here have had.

    As I've repeatedly stated, I have an inheritance from my family and im in my mid 20s. I'm not claiming to be an independently successful expert in the field.

    Btw, the statement that people of my wealth do not own franchises: lol. What an ignorant statement. Only the middle class own McDonald's, right?

    The overwhelming attitude here of jealousy is pretty pathetic.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    What kind of investments you claim may or may not be telling. Farmerart has plenty of money and would probably know better than I.

    But what is telling? Asking a bunch of strangers on a STRIP CLUB FORUM for advice on investing.

    More bullshit.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    No where in here did I ask for advice. I asked for experiences. This is merely a forum where people share experiences. I figured a common denominator here is large disposable income since strippers are not cheap for the most part (though I have since learned there are people here banging bottom of the barrel girls for like 2 bills).
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… like most of my investments I buy high and sell low …”

    LOL – someone’s gotta do it
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Well – the dude/OP has been fairly consistent – it could still be BS – but if it is; it has been fairly consistent BS.

    He *has* always said that he did not make his $$$ - it’s his family that has $$$ - and he does say he is in his 20s – so his statements are consistent w/ someone in that boat.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’m not much of a financial wiz at all – I’m pretty much a financially uneducated passive investor with not much of a strong stomach for risk – thus I invest in an S&P very low cost ETF and just ride out the market long term.

    I took a look at REITs a while back; and I was not impressed with their returns of the last few years and if I recall they seemed to have underperformed the S&P.

    Also; one needs to be careful with “financial advisors” – many are just overblown salesman who’s first priority is what kind of commissions they are getting rather than what is best for you.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Looks like jestie just through txtittyfan and rickdugan under the bus - mocking asking for financial advice here. Oooops!

    (There's actual plenty of discussion on financial opinions that goes on in PMs here.)
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    "though I have since learned there are people here banging bottom of the barrel girls for like 2 bills)."

    That's funny. He thinks that if she *only* cost 2 bills, then she must be bottom of the barrel. *sigh*... If she's a quality provider, how much she costs generally does not correlate to how good she looks.

    Case in point, I've banged $5000 ladies that looked good, but provided a sucky experience, and I've banged $100 ladies that looked just as good and provided a mind blowing experience.

    LMN recently paid two ladies $2K and ended up not really getting what he wanted. I'd say that's a sucky experience and personally would never repeat. In contrast, I spent $300 and got exactly what I wanted from a really hot stripper in SF and can get it as low as $200 total outlay. I'll gladly repeat that experience 10 times over the $2K shitty experience.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
  • farmerart
    10 years ago

    'Only the middle class own McDonald's, right?'

    Um....yeah, that is about right. McDonald's doesn't sell franchises to partnerships or investors. McDonald's requires 'hands on' ownership for all its independent franchises, definitely a middle class credo. No great barrier to entry for franchise ownership either - $750K -$1MIL is all that is needed, a very middle class amount of money.

    'I own a few section 8 buildings.'

    Now you're talking! Slumlord is an honoured title for members of the brain dead idle rich to brag about.

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    papi: "one needs to be careful with 'financial advisors' – many are just overblown salesman who’s first priority is what kind of commissions they are getting rather than what is best for you"

    Gee, I wonder txtittyfan fell into that category. (Still love it when he said he had a risk-free scheme that returned many times what treasuries did by hedging a treasuries short by going long futures.)

  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Lol Art.
  • LMN
    10 years ago

    Maybe your net worth so greatly exceeds mine that you find 1 mil to be "middle class". While my family has much more than that (and thus transitively so do i), I do not live in a fantasy world to believe the average person has a lower barrier to entry to start a McDonald's. Median income in Miami is like 41k I think.

    My point was, I strongly disagree with your statement that the very wealthy are not franchisees.

    Regarding the section 8, call it whatever you want but at the end of the day it generates a 19 percent cap rate and almost all that income is paid for by the government.

  • farmerart
    10 years ago

    Fuck man....you are a player. $1Mil is chump change for someone with your drug expenses, stripper expenses, Ferrari expenses, multiple Miami condos expenses, etc.

    Shit, the mouth breathing 18 year old rig pigs that I employ will make $1Mil in salary (+overtime) in four years. The rig pigs with a few brain cells will actually save some of that hot money that I pay them. Thing is, though.....they actually have to work for that dough.

    Take a look at the real world where I work. I could show you uncounted welders, diesel mechanics, rig managers, farmers, truckers who all could write several million dollar cheques (cheques that wouldn't bounce).

    Kid, you are incredibly naive about money. Stick to your drug stories and your stories about fucking strippers. Some of us here on tuscl do know a bit about the world of money, those of us who earned the stuff.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    Check out HCN REIT. %5 dividend and %20 growth past two years in price.
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