
going to stip clubs with strippers

Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:29 AM
Has anyone had the phenomenon of a stripper really wanting to go to another stip club (one where she used to work) with you? I'm not gullible, I assume all she wants to do is make it rain on her ex co workers in some weird stripper "I've made it" power play but Damn, all this girl does is bug me to take her to the club she used to work at. I guess that it would be somewhat fun, but I'm apprehensive to go as I feel it will just be this girl spending my money to taunt her ex co workers. I have no problem spending, obviously, I just don't like others spending what's mine. Anyone ever do this before? Feedback?


  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    How bout u post some pictures as instructed and write some reviews!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Or think about converting to Islam. As our bud Juice would say...thank about it!
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    If u r going too talk the talk u better walk the walk LMN
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^LMN, please hush up and obey your master. Do as Caprisun has commanded.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My ATF has worked in a suburban club for 6 years. A couple of years ago, she asked me to take her to an urban club where she knew several dancers that used to work at her club. She wanted to check the place out, see if the money was as good as she'd heard, and get the lay of the land. It was extremely expensive, very beautiful women, and no contact. The real money apparently came from OTC (set up by the bouncers?) and we left after a couple of hours and a couple of hundred.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    OK, OK...I step back from the joke and engage with you "in universe". What I say about myself is true and I'm responding to you as if you were telling the gospel truth One point I'll make for you is that having somebody else spend your money is fine as long as you enjoy it. Now, I'm not one of the 0.1% like you, but I'm well off enough that I can afford to spend on an experiment. For me, time actually is more valuable than money. What determines my limits is "an amount my SO won't complain about". Which ends up being about $1K. I spend way more on standard lappers than so of our fellow pervs spend on extras. Because I enjoy them and because I have other limits I impose on myself due to being in a LTR. I just like to hear the antics of my fellow pervs. Be the true or be they not so true. Now I'm not going to spend if I'm not having fun -- I've gone to places and sat through a full rotation nursing a diet coke or two. But only because all the girls are ones where I say "NO WAY am I going to have fun." Point? It ain't the money...it's the fun! A consequence? I *have* spent on experiments. Unless I say to myself "no way could this ever be fun" I am happy throw a few $100 not being sure...if I flushed it down the toilet so frickin' what. Just money. You have no relationship constraints and money to burn dude. Go to another club with your stripper friend and give her $2K to play with. Chump change for you. Maybe it'll be hot and you'll return home with said stripper and one or two of her friends for debauchery that would make Caligula blush. Maybe it will be a bust. Just money.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Oh, and if you have Caligula level debauchery...document it and post picks here.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    A huge waste of money but probably fun as shit. I'm considering taking a dancer (from a different club) to the sc I'm a regular in. Be fun to see how all the honey's I know will react. It would cost me a small fortune though.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I took a dancer once to see a club where she previously danced, but it wasn't at all like the experience you described. She hadn't worked there in about five years. A remodeling had occurred since she was there; a VIP room was installed, which she was curious to see because she had heard the reports of UHM since the remodel. And she wanted to see who the current crop of dancers were since she left. I have also taken several dancers to see other strip clubs they hadn't seen. Either they just couldn't make the time for it on their own, or they were clubs that didn't admit unescorted women. The "fun factor" of doing this varies from dancer to dancer. There is one dancer that I prefer to do this the most. She's like a play-by-play announcer of what's going on--particularly her analysis of the dancers and waitresses actions. Very interesting comments from a dancer's perspective As a few of you have mentioned, that can make for an expensive evening. Especially if you go to more than one club. Just the cover and drink charges alone can add up quickly.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    I do it all the time, it's a standard activity for many of my OTC encounters. Taking a stripper to a strip club is so fun it should be illegal. Just make sure she understands the plan is to get drunk and horny at the strip club, then get a room and fuck it all out.
  • ButterMan
    10 years ago
    Right on subraman! i've done this a couple times before. it is fun and the ending is usually as you discribed:)
  • Otto22
    10 years ago
    Have done this on a few occasions, both to clubs where she used to dance and to clubs she always wanted to visit. Kind of fun but be prepared to buy a lot of drinks for the club's dancers.
  • scatterbrain
    10 years ago
    I too have done this on two occasions. Once in Vegas on a road trip with two dancers and once in Dallas with a local. Yes, these experiences were off the charts. A lot of fun ITC ANC ZoTC was even better.
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