
Comments by Jpac73 (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    He is referring to Stripperweb.com
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    20 years ago
    On the average do the lesser attractive girls give better mileage?
    Well I guess that settles it bring on the "Plain Janes"
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    20 years ago
    What is up with this girl?
    Naw I don't show I like her no more than the rest of the guys in there. I think she is a little on the quiet side, although she will talk while I am getting a dance from her but she doesn't seem like the type that is real assertive. I don't know if she asks guys for dances or if she just goes over there and let them bring up the subject of dances. I met a girl at another club recently who mentioned she didn't like asking guys for dances and she appreciated the fact that I had asked her for one. Actually I was the first dance she had that day although I feel she wouldn't have a problem making money because she was fairly attractive.
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    20 years ago
    Private sessions
    I have been propositioned 2 or 3times(not at the gentlemen clubs) but one of he girls said she would do for #100bucks plus the hotel. If a dancer mentions anything about going to a hotel or back to her place then both of you know what's up. Why would anyone in their right mind think that a private session away from the club think it's the same as getting another lapdance just like in the club?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers who refuse to tell their (real) name - generally not friends!
    I have had some strippers to tell me their real name voluntarily I didn't ask for it, but that doesn't mean that they wanted to get to know me better. If a stripper tells you her real name that doesn't mean the will be visits outsid of the club or calling her at home. I just took it as a freiendly gesture by them. We never hooked up or anything. As a matter of fact most of my favorites never told me there real names but they always showed me a good time at the club and treated me like a human being not a ATM.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I have to agree somewhat with FONDL. I have posted a few topics over there as well and some of the dancers seem cool but then there are some real "A" holes as well. Like he said they tend to be the more experienced dancers not necessarily older in age. I mean it is kind of funny they supposedly welcome the male customers question but if you say something that they think is wrong you get flammed for it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are clubs bedoming more upscale?
    Shadowcat I don't think the Champagne rooms will ever be that cheap($25.00dollarhr). Maybe a more reasonable price would be $100hr plus the Chamagne. The clubs I visit don't have one and if they did I wouldn't waste money on it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How not to become a PL
    Shadowcat: I didn't say I was looking for love in a stripclub truely there has only been 1dancer that I would deem worthy of being a girlfriend. I was just saying if a person is young and never been married he should focus more on finding someone so he can start a family and not visiting SC's on a regular basis. It doesn't matter if your visiting for entertainment or not it is not healthy to go to a stripclub frequently because that is lost time that you could have been doing something to better your life if you are a younger person like me. Most of you guys have lived your life but for a guy in his 20's or 30's he needs to establish his own.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What customer does she choose?
    TopGunGlenn the blackgirl had left before I got a dance from Blake. Yeah if she saw me getting a dance from Blake she probably would have thought "oh he likes white girls". Maybe she did think I was going to be there for a while I don't know but she still didn't have a very pleasant attitude. She didnot say anything out of the way but she wasn't her usual self and didn't greet me like someone you hadn't seen in a year but more like someone you saw last week.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Going to a club with the wrong person can spoil your fun
    I usually go to the clubs by myself except when my cousin was going with me but he isn't in a position to do so now. When we did go together we kind of separated when we got to the club He would find his favorite dancer and talk to her while I would talk to my favorite dancer but this guy doesn't believe in doing alot of conversation with the dancers he just likes to look.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I have to take Shadowcat's side somewhat in that I don't think just because a customer wants a "strong" hug from you are wants to give you a litte kiss is a indication that he is lonely and desparate. He more than likely has a crush on you but as long as he doesn't think it will develop into a relationship what is wrong with a customer showing some affection? Phoenix I thik that that is your own personal feelings about kissing being left to your S.O. I have never had any deep french kissing with any dancer(nor would I) but I have had a number of cases where I recieved a light kiss on the lips. In all cases the dancer was the one who initiated the kiss and not me. One of them in particualar had a S.O. at home(though they weren't on good terms) but she didn't see as being disloyal to him in any way.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you have a friend like This?
    Kyle the guy is unemployed. He got in his refund check the other day and it just seems like he was blowing it in the club and the worst part about it he wasn't getting anything in return but thankyou's. I just think he is delusional into thinking if he is a real nice guy and buys stuff he will become friends with them OTC. Those 2dancers did write down their name and number(I don't know if it was fake or not) but even if the digits are legit they just gave it to him because they think he will throw more money at them OTC. Heck they might not even answer the phone which know happened to another guy I work with whom tried to talk to this Hooter's girl. I would never give away something personal of mine to a stranger especially if a "blood" relative gave it to me as a gift.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you have a friend like This?
    Casualguy I doubt he will ever tell his brother about the jacket. Futhermore these girls were not classy women. One of them was only 18yearsold and was talking about she might have to go to jail the next day for unpaid speeding tickets. The other girl was probably in her late 20's and she was actually on her cell phone talking to her brother who is in prison. So they weren't angels by any means.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone ever had a goodtime on a slownight at a club?
    Well I didn't have a choice in girls since there were only 2 of them but I still talked to both. I got a dance from both of them but wished I had gotten a dance exclusively from the last one because she gave the best one.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you enjoy your lapdances better when your intoxicated or sobber?
    Yeah that is why I always try to use the bathroom before I get a lapdance if I have been drinking. I might even tell them before we go to the room that I need to use the bathroom right quick but I want be gone long.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers charging SOME customers for CONVERSATION while talking to others FREE
    The strippers might know some of these guys outside of the club. They may be a friend from highschool or another previous job. On the other hand, Money talks if you are the type that does spend a good bit on that stripper she will soon end the conversation with her friend and come sit with you, that is if she is smart and wants to make her money.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do strippers ask the questions they do?
    I think she is trying to claim you unless you have lead her to believe you like her in some romantic way. She wants you to be her regular and her regular only. It sounds kind of immature for her to be acting that way, she knows yall aren't involved so why worry about whom else you get a dance from. I have had a dancer whom was one of my favorites tell me not to tip a certain dancer onstage. There was another incient were I was getting a dance from one girl and the other dancer whom I was a regular of told her "Don't think you are going to take my man!" I was puzzled because I didn't know we were suppose to have a relationship. I think in my particular case these girls didn't want another girl taking a goodpaying customer away from them and they were willing to fight if some another girl tried to do so.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who think it is a PRIVELEDGE to drive them home?
    If I was a woman I wouldn't want a stranger taking me home. I can only account 1time that a dancer asked me to take her home and I declined. She wasn't attractive in the least bit and I didn't know her at all. That was my first time seeing her at that club, and I didn't know anything about her neiborhood because I stayed out of town.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers trying to con you into spending more on a lapdance
    I should have mentioned that these questions came at Topless Bars and Bikini Clubs so I couldn't use the response you gave me. You stated that if you don't know the stripper you usually ask what are her rules? Well I think that would only work in a contact club. The clubs that I go to that do give contact have a camera in the room so you know there isn't going to be nothing but a regualar lapdance going on. I think if I was to say that in a low contact club the girl might get the impression that I am trying to get her to do something illegal or against the house rules.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do black dancers feel black customers are suppose to get dances from them?
    Kyle I agree that you should try and build up your race in having some pride but that doesn't apply to a stripclub. If the black girl is cute or sexy and has a pleasant attitude I wouldn't mind talking with her but it seems I can't get both. Either she is nice looking but has a bad attitude or she has a pleasant attitude but isn't that much to look at. Being in Southwest Georgia there isn't that much of a choice when it comes to dancers at stripclubs black or white. Most of the dancers where I stay fall into the 5 or 6 category(some or a little lower) but you will have your 7 and 8's here and there( no 9's or 10's). I guess I don't have much to work with where I am from. Maybe I might take a trip up to Shadowcat's favorite place in SouthCarolina this summer during my vacation.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    Your opinions seem to match what a few of my friends at work said. In fact, one of them stated he didn't care how good looking the girl was or if it was a girl he knew he still wouldn't have went out of his way. He stated that sometimes you have to draw a line on what you will or will not do or put up with.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do black dancers feel black customers are suppose to get dances from them?
    Joi that is true to a certain extent. It all depends on what type of crowd and what type of stripclub you happend to be in. If it is more of a ritzy gentelman's club where there isn't much if any rap music played you tend to get the older white male as opposed to a more laid back normal sized club. Yeah black females will go for the older white males if they are in the club and not preoccupied by the white dancers. I also agree that if a Black male is in predominatley white club then it is only commons sense to think that he is looking for a white dancer.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    I know Soda helps bring up your blood sugar level but I never heard of drinking water to help relieve the hunger feeling. I might would have suggested drinking a soda but she probably would have looked at me crazy if I had mentioned drinking water. Thanks for the tips.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do black dancers feel black customers are suppose to get dances from them?
    Kyle that group of black dancers lacked any class or professionalism. I am willing to bet the asian girl didn't last long at that club. One white dancer who worked at a all black club told me when she first starting working at the place this one black girl use to bother her all the time until she whipped her tail. The black girl didn't know that the white girl grew up in the projects as well. A non-black dancer working at predominately black SC has to be tough. She can't be one of the prissy Paris Hilton types are else she won't last long. I guess some of the black girls feel the white girl is taking away money from them. One time there was this white guy who was a DJ at a all black who came into a white club trying to recruit some of the dancers there to come to his club. He had talked to one of the white dancers and asked her about coming to the black club Pop -A-Top. After the dancer had left(Whom BTW was one of my favs at the time) I said " She isn't "thick" enough to work at Pop-A-Top) He replied that she would make money simply because she is a white girl working in a black environment. I guess that statement could have some merit to it even though she didn't fit the mold of having a little "meat on her bones." I asked her about what the guy said after he was gone and she said she would never work up there and I agreed. She wouldn't have lasted long in that environment.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    Superdude that was awful, I would have went straight to management and told them what happened. If they had of acted like they couldn't do much to her I would have told them off. That's not the way you run a club. That girl obviously thought you were a nice guy who she could run a scam on. If it had been a thug brother he would have whipped her ass and her boyfriend.