I'm under the impression that, in response to declining dancer incomes in some areas, a perhaps small but increasing number of dancers are getting together with customers away from the club for private dancing sessions (and maybe more.) I'm not talking about meeting as friends for dinner or something, I'm talking about meeting in private as dancer and customer. Is this happening in your area? Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?
I sometimes get dances from a beautiful Mexican girl in South Florida who sometimes "cleans someones house" for a hundred. I've also known a couple of dancers who would go out to dinner and "borrow " some money. I tend to avoid these girls.
About 6-7 years ago the local LE cracked down big time on all the strip clubs in the area. They took the media along for the busts and got a lot of air play. Overnight they went from jam packed with wild laps to mostly empty air dance places. At the time I used to frequent 3 different strip clubs and had a favorite at each. Within 2 weeks from the bust all 3 of my favorites asked if I would be interested in private dances outside the club. Said yes to all and we agreed that sex would not be part of the arrangement. Fav 1 said she would do private dances nude, all the bars in the area are topless only. Invited her to my house where we talked and drank for several hours. Finally she got naked and gave me some smoking hot laps. Before it was done I got unlimited finger action and a BBBJ. Fav 2 car was down so I picked her up and took her to the house. Within 1 minute of entering she said to me “the best way I know for 2 people to break the ice is to f**k. She never did do any dances for me. Instead over the next 5 years she would spend a weekend with me about once a month. Fav 3 came over and we talked for hours and she said she was interested in having a relationship with me and would feel weird about dancing for someone she is dating. So we had a nice relationship for several years. I know I’m scum for cheating on fav 3 with fav 2 but the sex was just so much hotter with fav 2 I couldn’t give it up. I just recently met a pair of bisexual best friend dancers who I get together with in local hotel rooms about every other week where they wear me out.
So I have had plenty of experience with private dances. None of them ever promised sex yet all have turned out that way unless you use the Bill Clinton definition of sex then fav 1 and I technically never had sex.. I personally consider any form of penetration to classify as sex and I’m sure it is grounds for divorce everywhere but the White House. If your going to take your dances out of the club expect things to escalate. It’s only natural and if not why bother. So my advice is if your happy with what you have inside the club leave it alone because the second you go outside your relationship will in one way or another change forever. If your willing to risk what you have in the club then go for it. Could turn out to be the best thing you ever did.
In a lot of cities girls advertise for such things as private viewings and body rubs that specifically do not include full service. A lot of these ads say the girls is either a present or former dancer, some even give the name of the club where the girl works. Such ads seem to be increasing, which seems to me a logical response to declining club incomes (which result from the club increasing its cut of the girls' incomes or from hiring too many girls.) I know an ex-dancer who has been doing this for years. I expect to see more of this in the future but maybe I'm wrong. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this sort of thing.
I have had a few dancers give me their cell numbers (and yes, they were their real numbers since I did call them), but I've not met one outside the club for anything more then a friendship. One, a very special one, became a great friend, but I broke it off as it became to difficult to see her and deal with the situation, common friends, but those friends not knowing about us, as well as a wife for me and a boyfriend for her.
Private sessions don't have to include full service if that is the agreement. Unfortunately, too many dancers and customers think that even if there is an agreement, full service is still expected/required.
In the past ten months I've arranged private masturbation shows with four different dancers. You never know till you ask. The younger and less experienced ones are the more likely prospects; the ones who went for it were 19-22 years old. Both they and I enjoyed the sessions immensely. They are grateful that I do what I say and not press them for sex.
I have been propositioned 2 or 3times(not at the gentlemen clubs) but one of he girls said she would do for #100bucks plus the hotel. If a dancer mentions anything about going to a hotel or back to her place then both of you know what's up. Why would anyone in their right mind think that a private session away from the club think it's the same as getting another lapdance just like in the club?
I have a dancer friend who tried it a few times and found it wasn't worth the aggravation. First of all, the guys always want sex no matter what the agreement was beforehand. Secondly, they always want to get together on what would be the busiest nights at the club. Thirdly, even a guy you know pretty well INSIDE the club can turn into a dickhead OUTSIDE the club. Especially when he figures out that he isn't going to get what he assumed he was going to. Now, I know girls who dance AND escort and that's a whole different story. A lady can make some serious cash from a high roller with an investment of a few hours of her time.
last commentSo I have had plenty of experience with private dances. None of them ever promised sex yet all have turned out that way unless you use the Bill Clinton definition of sex then fav 1 and I technically never had sex.. I personally consider any form of penetration to classify as sex and I’m sure it is grounds for divorce everywhere but the White House. If your going to take your dances out of the club expect things to escalate. It’s only natural and if not why bother. So my advice is if your happy with what you have inside the club leave it alone because the second you go outside your relationship will in one way or another change forever. If your willing to risk what you have in the club then go for it. Could turn out to be the best thing you ever did.
Private sessions don't have to include full service if that is the agreement. Unfortunately, too many dancers and customers think that even if there is an agreement, full service is still expected/required.