
What would you have done?

Last night I was at a club talking to a dancer whom had came and sat at my table after a dance. This was my first time talking to her although I had seen her some months ago at another club. We were just carrying on a general conversation when she stated that she was hungry and that she could go for some hotwings to eat. I replied "Well you couldn't send by someone to go get anything?" She said no because there are no fastfood places near by(This club is off of a county Hwy about 10miles from the nearest town.) I then asked well what time are yall closing? she said "usually around 3:00a.m. but I don't know about tonight since it is a good crowd in here." (It was currently about 12:30 at the time). I felt bad that she was hungry and couldn't get anything to eat, I would have to drive 10 or 12miles just to get some real food for her to eat and then I would be wasting my gas money coming and going to help her out. She didn't ask me for any help but I just don't like to see anyone go hungruy whether they are a stranger or not. I didn't have much money left on me and I was kind of hungry myself. If I had of offered to get something for her I don't know whether she would have given me some money to pay for the food or not. Moreover, I would have looked like a fool to some of the customers and management driving out of my way to help a stripper I don't even know. So what would you guys have did or said? I wanted to help her but, I didn't know if it was worth going out of my way, especially if I didn't know if she was going to pay me back for getting her something.


  • baddy
    19 years ago
    Jpac, I think you did the right thing; obviously she could of genuinely been hungry but I would bet 9/10 dancers that ask that are just trying to use you or gauge your reaction. The appropriate thing is what you did - just keep the conversation going and not offer... if she was just looking to scam you, it will probly be apparent pretty soon after she realizes you won't go get her food. If she was being genuine then she should not be expecting you to go buy her dinner and the talking will keep going.

    Maybe I am just synical, but I think just about any time a dancer asks you for something you should be hesitant. They are trying to make a living at you expence, no matter how much you like a stripper I would not go to far out of the way for them unless you thought you honostly had a chance for a relationship outside the club that you wanted to persue. They make way to much money for you to feel guilty for them and their work situation.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Superdude that was awful, I would have went straight to management and told them what happened. If they had of acted like they couldn't do much to her I would have told them off. That's not the way you run a club. That girl obviously thought you were a nice guy who she could run a scam on. If it had been a thug brother he would have whipped her ass and her boyfriend.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago

    That is bad. But, it is a lot worse than a scammed dinner. Future experiences with other strippers are NOT as pleasing. And, some nice dancers are going to pay the price as well. I don't get too upset for long with stripper scams because they are really cheap (in my case) and don't have terror of law on their side. The court system makes regular crooks look like angels.

  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    True story: Years ago a dancer told me she was hungry and asked if I would buy her dinner. I felt sorry for her and let her order what she wanted from the club menu. As I left for the mens room, she waved her boyfriend over to eat the meal. I left. Never again. It's a scam to get a free meal, using guilt, male protectiveness of women or whatever works.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I used to get hungry all the time. Drinking a bottle of water helps for a little while but not for too long. Soda works better for me if I have to wait for lunch etc. and I don't want to feel the hunger pains. Of course soda is not necessarily good for you I've heard.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    This was obviously a test to see how big a chump you were. Not say that she wasn't hungry, maybe she was, but if you had gone and got her that food she would have not have thought "nice guy" she would have thought "sucker" and either played you big time after that or got her friends too. Congratulations on retaining your dignity.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    I know Soda helps bring up your blood sugar level but I never heard of drinking water to help relieve the hunger feeling. I might would have suggested drinking a soda but she probably would have looked at me crazy if I had mentioned drinking water. Thanks for the tips.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Hi Casualguy,

    Offer a solution to a woman?! Supposedly women don't want solutions they just want a friendly ear. ;)

  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I forgot one tip. She could try drinking a soda if they have one. That can put off some hunger.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I would have suggested she try drinking some water to put out some of the hunger. She could also ask around if anyone had any snacks on them. That's about all I would offer. Just some tips.
  • Jpac73
    19 years ago
    Your opinions seem to match what a few of my friends at work said. In fact, one of them stated he didn't care how good looking the girl was or if it was a girl he knew he still wouldn't have went out of his way. He stated that sometimes you have to draw a line on what you will or will not do or put up with.
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago

    If you wanted to be super nice, then you could have lobbed a question answer at her such as "If you're paying, then I'm driving." Her reaction could be very telling.

    19 years ago
    My response to this question would depend completely on how much I was attracted to the girl. If she was someone who I really wanted to establish a relationship with I would have volunteered to go get her something, and if I didn't have neough money to do so I would tell her that. Otherwise I'd probably just continue talking til I was ready to leave.
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