avatar for phoenixxxblaque
ok....i just got through counting the number of threads on here by romantic lover that are against strippers...16....and probably more,since the page cant show ALL the threads of the past..just the more current ones.16 ways and angles to express bitterness and anyone BORED beyond BELIEF yet by all that hate in every way possible?i know i am...

i,m a dancer(no duh,right?)and i,m going to take this moment to express my point of view about him and people like him and doing my chosen profession.first of all,someone as hateful towards strippers as he is has NO BUSINESS having a name like ROMANTICLOVER about a contridiction in terms.from reading all his posts he sounds like some bitter old man that got ticked off at a dancer he wanted on the outside but couldnt have...or got all romantic on a dancer and maybe stalked her and she had him kicked out of the any case,he didnt get what he wanted...and so,here is he,a hateful angry man...or, could just be a case of someone who likes pissing other people off on a message board...any way you go its STILL BORING.

anyone that comes into a club looking for romance or love is gonna be either sorely disappointed or left with their heart aching for the emoion you just arent gonna get in a club.thats not our love you or give you love....we are there to ENTERTAIN...with no emotional strings attached.if we want love we probably have someone at home that has that postion filled already,and we are happy to keep that seperate from what we cant love a complete stranger that you dont know and cant really get to know in a noisy,smoky,enviroment like a club...get real!the most you might find is LUST and lust is a fleeting thing not meant for forever....

if i encounter someone that i can feel has been waaaayy too lonley for too long and hungry for affection,i proceed delicately and with caution...if they come at me strong with repeated requests to get together somehow,i politely say no.when you dance for a number of years(like i have)you can sense things about people....lonliness is a horrible thing,and when a person has been terribly lonley,it shows all over them....from the look in the eyes to how they touch and hold you and dont want to let go...they almost cling for dear life.i,m happy to entertain,but when a person gets too handsy or clingy that bothers me.i,m not a cold person,mind you,but i work enough in the feild of fantasy that i know what is on the grounds of entertainment and what is reality..and things like caressing,kissing,long hugging,pawing and groping really belong in the intimate category and best left to somene that really cares for you outside the club..not to a dancer who doesnt know you,doesnt love you,and just wants to entertain you...and you shouldnt walk into a club looking for things like that..its not our responsiblity to fill those needs and wants in your life.

here are a list of DONTS that should keep you on the straight and narrow when you go into a club and prevent any headaches

1)dont fall in love with any pretty face or body you see(they dont know you,therefore they cant love you)
2)dont ask for time outside of the club...we dancers know you either want to screw us,or just look for free time that means we wont get paid for,or it,ll mess up our money cause you,ll never come see us for dances again
3)dont grab or paw at our privates..they arent yours,you have no buisness touching them like a sleazy perv in the name of trying to get all you can for 20 bucks
4)for gods sakes man...DONT LICK OR SUCK ON ANYTHING ....EWWWWW!i have YET to talk to a dancer who liked that sort of thing...if anything,when you do it,they run to the dressing room afterwards,bitching,and reaching for alcohol and baby wipes..and when you come back in for another dance,they roll their eyes and say"oh,its mr lick on everything..god!i hate dancing for him!"
5)when you come in smelling bad,yeah,we notice..a little sweat,no problem,thats normal...but if you,ve done alot of sweatingor are really dirty,common sense should tell you you probably smell to high heaven..and dancers might stay away from you because they dont want to stink all night after the one dance and they might lose out on other dances because of you stinking up their bodies and their costumes...and bad breath..we have to deal with that too...2 words..breath know how we dancers deal with people with bad breath or boad body oder?we either face away or keep our noses away from the persons bad breath when we dance,or we keep our bodies slightly back and away during a dance.
6)dealing with people who are drunk isnt fun..or those on drugs,and no,that shit doesnt make you sexy to are just drunk and probably gonna be a handful in a not so fun kinda way.while we are on the subject,big nasty cigars dont turn us on either...they stink up the bar..and we arent impressed if you,re smoking one like a bigshot.flashing a big wad of cash doesnt win you points either...dancers have seen that before....the flashing of money that never really gets want to impress us?dont be stingy..SPEND IT.otherwise word will get around that you,re a cheapass and we,ll all stay away from you because you,re not doing anything productive.arrogant attitudes dont do anything good either...leave those at the door....i dont care if you,re a ceo for a company or a president of whatever..titles dont impress what you,re a executive?how does that affect me?it why should i care?i dont.i care about how you behave in my company and if you,re going to tip and get dances....anything else is extra on your part or my part.

dancers also know that bachelor parties are mostly or two guys in the whole group will have money,the rest will be broke and looking for free feels....ditto that on groups of guys coming in together....trouble....packs of wolves dont all eat together..if one doesnt eat,then the others will feel guilty and not eat either..leave the boys at home if you can.

well,thats my list for now..later


last comment
avatar for JC2003
20 years ago
RomanticLover has been posting on these boards since they came into existence and shows no signs of ever leaving. He is not right in the head and should be ignored. He gets off on his posts and the attention he gets from random folks who are offended by them. At this point, I'm almost positive that he's just recycling his posts. He ran out of new things to say a few years ago and is just reposting his rants.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
That's his whole point, too piss us off so that we respond, that how he get's his warped jollies. Ignore him and he'll go find some other people to annoy.
avatar for Jpac73
20 years ago
I have to take Shadowcat's side somewhat in that I don't think just because a customer wants a "strong" hug from you are wants to give you a litte kiss is a indication that he is lonely and desparate. He more than likely has a crush on you but as long as he doesn't think it will develop into a relationship what is wrong with a customer showing some affection? Phoenix I thik that that is your own personal feelings about kissing being left to your S.O. I have never had any deep french kissing with any dancer(nor would I) but I have had a number of cases where I recieved a light kiss on the lips. In all cases the dancer was the one who initiated the kiss and not me. One of them in particualar had a S.O. at home(though they weren't on good terms) but she didn't see as being disloyal to him in any way.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
When I get a first dance from someone new, I always ask her what her rules are (not the club's rules, her rules, which are often a lot different) and I abide by them. But a surprising number of girls won't tell you ("I don't like to talk about rules, it spoils the fun" is a common response.) Then I just do whatever I've done in that club before and proceed very slowly from there until she stops me.
avatar for casualguy
20 years ago
Just so I don't see trouble at other clubs in the Southeast, the general policy at many clubs is you touch and you go. I remember recently seeing some immigrant workers try touching a dancer on stage. A bouncer came over and said something to them and they left shortly afterwards. I suppose it wasn't serious touching or they would have been escorted out immediately which I have seen. Of course if you know the girls and it's ok with the club and your a big time VIP (shadowcat), the club might be more lenient.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Just to clarify, I think I pretty much agree with both Phoenix and Shadowcat - don't touch privates or suck on anything until you know the girl well and she pretty much gives you permission to do so, which I think is what both of you are saying. I'm also with Shadowcat in that I've had many girls give me tons of personal information without my ever asking. I guess I come across as being trustworthy and I'm also a good listener, as a result I'm frequently amazed at the personal things that some dancers will tell me. I aslo agree with Shadowcat that I'm a pretty conservative customer, if by that he means that I tend to treat dancers with respect (as long as they do the same for me.) But then I treat everyone that way.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago

Well that is my humble opinion and I could be wrong once in a million years or something like that. Without good contact then the internet seems like a far better deal or even a church. Although I believe in going slow with a new dancer, that means NO FS until I've known her a couple weeks (even that is probably a little too soon, but if she's hot . . . ). Some dancers think that is acting like a girl or that it is insulting to them. FS is just not a big deal to these dancers. The ideal strip club is where the dancers are available for FS at "their pleasure"--for some that might mean immediately and for others it might mean never.

I can't imagine going to an escort service. I need to see and meet with the lady for at least a little bit of time. Strip clubs are the ideal escort service.

avatar for phoenixxxblaque
20 years ago
shadowcat...if a person such as yourself is in that good with all the dancers,to the point you have personal info like names,email addresses and such and you didnt ask for any of it,then that alone seperates you from the other group that aggressively pursues such things and dancers dont want to give it must be in that rare category where you are genuinely liked.if a guy like yourself gets info without being asked,then that alone will let you know without question that the friendship you have with that person or persons is real....but i have to ask you shadowcat..i know you have your favorites and all,but would you touch,grope or lick on a new girl that you arent on familiar ground with already?or are you one of those gentlemen that waits to get to know the young lady before behaving in that way?something tells me you are of the latter because you do indeed have things like email addresses and such and that is how you got i right,or wrong on that?
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Two comments -

First, please ignore RL. Don't waste your time reading his garbage. On a board like this there's always one sick puppy, best to just ignore him and hope that he goes away.

Second, I agree with everything that you said, but I'm afraid that you're preaching to the choir. We know all this stuff already and I think you'll find that most of us here already do what you suggest. But you should also be aware (and I'm sure that you are if you're a dancer) that there are a lot of guys out there who basically don't give a shit what you girls want, they feel that they're the ones paying your salary and they're going to treat you however they feel like. I think there are a lot of reasons for that, but here are a couple: We live in the era of "me-me-me and I don't give a shit about anyone else," for which I mainly blame the popular media but feel free to choose your own villains, there are plenty of them. Second, a lot of guys think that all strippers are scam artists and they see it as a game to get you before you get them. It's the nature of the business and it isn't going to change no matter how much you or I would like it to. Sorry about that.
avatar for lexus300
20 years ago
Damn girl--you summed it all up--great post and I mean great post--I have loved a few dancers and they told me they loved me--but Jeez if I had read this before, I would have been a smarter man. Thanks.
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