I've been reading the pink site alot and it strikes me that a lot of the girls posting there are in denial. They're in denial about what they do, about the risks involved, about how much their time is worth. They expect customers to treat them with more respect than they are willing to show in return. They expect customers to give them a lot of money just for taking their clothes off. They don't think they should have to work hard to make a lot. Ect. Dont get me wrong, I like a lot of strippers and many of them have a good understanding of reality. But it seems to me that for at least some of them, the biggest lies they tell are the ones that they tell themselves. But then again, maybe we all do that.
I also agree with you that most dancers would do something else if they could make enough money, alghouth I've met a few who would probably dance even if it only apid as much as flipping burgers. My current favorite says that she loves dancing on stage but doesn'l like the rest of the job - I think that's pretty common. She says that when she was in high school she coundn't wait til she turned 18 so she could start dancing. She's fairly shy until she's on stage, then she's a different person. And yes, I always start out treating dancers with respect. Whether I continue to do so depends on whether they treat me with respect in return.
By the way, guys, I notice that on several occasions I've typed "they're" when I meant "their." Sorry about that - I do know better, but sometimes my typing runs ahead of my thinking. Hope my old English teacher doesn't catch me, she'd skin me alive.
Doesn't seem like a very pleasant site--at least the threads you were involved in. Considering the contents of your posts it seems like a person would have to really work to get angry.
I've never been on the blue site. What's it about? How do I get there? Are the people there interested in sharing divergent opinions or are they there just to slam each other?
Also consider what strippers boyfriends tend to be like when determining their sense of self worth.
Thus it seems fair that strippers should feel contemptuous of their customers given what their customers are doing: exploiting people in unfortunate circumstances in some case, paying money for things in life that ought to be free.
And yeah, alot of strippers do expect money for nothing, but they have grown used to it: alot of customers, apparently, will give it to them.
Stupid "industry".
(Oh, and before you give your stupid counter argument that you have met 500 strippers and 2 or 3 are not like that, I am only talking about the VAST majority here. Your rare exceptions do not redeem the "industry" overall.)
I think what you see on the SW is a group of women who are professional dancers and have a good handle on their own thought processes. You and I are not dancers so it stands to reason that we may not share the same opinion that the ladies of SW do about thier occupation. Again, I don't really understand why you are posting this here. Wouldn't the blue side of SW make more sense?