avatar for Ironcat
South Carolina

Comments by Ironcat

a year ago
Yes - I like it and always ask if nipple sucking is on the menu before I get a dance.
2 years ago
Sorry I hit a nerve with Bubble Yum - I have no body image problems (my nickname iron cat should be a clue) and I would never fat-shame anyone. The point is that a good club should have some variety - I get it that some people like big girls but I would be just as disappointed if they were all strung out skinny meth-heads. The people who made the other comments get it.
6 years ago
It's not as good as it used to be in G'ville - Trophy Club and Lust (if you are not oppose to pasties on your nipples) are your best bets for making money.
7 years ago
Sage advice - I can't tell you how many times I took the quality of a club or a specific dancer for granted - then things change (clubs get shut down, dancers move on).
7 years ago
Polls show that most people agree that pot should be legalized - however there are certain political groups that don't want to see this happen:
1) The private prison lobby - keeps prisons full with a lot of easy to manage, non-violent prisoners
2) The alcohol and tobacco industries - cuts into their market
3) Evangelical types who think that pot is evil, even though they drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes
4) Law enforcement - who reaps monitary benefits from pot and money seizures as well as finding an easy way to target "undesirables"
5) The drug cartelsand street dealers who reap huge profits by selling on the black market
As they say "follow the money".
7 years ago
I think you are correct - at least when it comes to clubs in my area, the quality, mileage and bang-for-your-buck have all gone downhill. I blame LE and hypocritical politicians who love to talk about personal freedom, but really only mean free to do what they think is right.
7 years ago
I would suspect that she is an "up-seller" in the VIP room and pass, especially if there are other chioces.
7 years ago
Back in the old Platinum Plus days in Greenville SC I had a rather obese dance approach me and tell me "For $50 a song I'll let you eat all the pussy you want". I wouldn't do it if she payed ME $50 a song.
7 years ago
The first time it ever happened to me, it caught me by surprise and the dancer got a concerned look on her face and said "Are you OK?" - I think she thought I was having a heart attack.
7 years ago
Hope the Shadowcat gets well soon.
7 years ago
At a minimum an LDK, but that's just me.
8 years ago
8 years ago
The Ironcat lifts iron - best anti-aging approach. Running gives you stringy muscles while lifting gives you thick, juicy muscles. at age 65 I can still bench press 300 lb. with my body weight at 205. Running just wears out your joints.
8 years ago
Platinum Plus in Greenville, which changed the whole culture among other clubs in the area. It used to be pretty wide open and now all the other clubs are so paranoid about getting shut down that the clubs all suck - most now require pasties and all dances are closely monitored.
8 years ago
The first time it happened I was taken by surprise - the dancer even asked if I was OK (I think she thought I was having a heart attack). After that it became my mission every time I went to a strip club. The reactions have been as many of you have stated - most were totally cool with it but a few copped attitudes despite tipping - my response to them is "what did you expect when you dry hump me", which usually ends the argument.
8 years ago
Actually, the waiting for another dancer is my favorite since most dancers don't want to cut into somebody else's regular customer. I reality, it's not a lie since what I really mean is that I'm waiting for a dancer that isn't her.
8 years ago
Pumping iron is my hobby, so I am in good shape. I have always been (I was a college wrestler and the work ethic never left me), so I can't really make a comparison. I do notice many dancers lifting my shirt and feeling me up during dances, but also agree that if you have the money it doesn't really matter - of course hygiene will always affect the dance quality.
8 years ago
Tell me about it - I've lived her over 30 years and have seen some pretty draconian law enforcement decisions. My only consolation was that they seemed to leave the strip clubs alone. I guess it was only a matter of time before the religious zealots and femi-nazis decided to legislate morality. The only good news is that the Greenville County Sheriff who was involved in the "bust" got ousted from office because it was revealed that he was allegedly a drunk who was often caught driving under the influence. Damn hypocrites!
9 years ago
The cops are very shady in this part of the country - just today I read about the Spartanburg County Sheriff confiscating $29,000.00 on a traffic stop even though they never charged the driver with anything and found no drugs. I guess they need the money to bust another club down hear and totally eliminate any strip club options.
9 years ago
I heard the Greenville Hospital system, which owns a clinic right behind PP, have their eye on the property and want to expand their facility. That coupled with the fact that the club is visible from I-385 as you approach Greenville probably was also a contributing factor. The Greenville county sheriff lost his re-electing so maybe there is hope.
9 years ago
Who wouldn't like that combination?
9 years ago
Not worth the risk
9 years ago
Just a bunch of local politicians pandering to the religious groups in an election year. It sucks that they have ruined a great club where the women made money and the customers got their money's worth. Welcome to the Bible Belt.
9 years ago
I'm late hearing this - feel better soon Shadowcat
9 years ago
Get better soon Shadowcat.