Comments by lopaw (page 198)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OMG... A Rainmaker machine!!!
    Jeez...are we getting so lazy that we have to rely now on a rainmaking machine? Part of the fun is doing the tossing yourself, and hoping that you don't "brick" it. It's an art, for god's sake!
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    14 years ago
    Women in important roles.
    My doctor, accountant & financial planner are all female. My dentist and lawyer are male. I hired them all because of their qualifications, not their gender. I don't even know where to begin with the "women not needing to work as hard" statement. It is so ridiculous as to laugh. In high tech & advanced professions women often have to work TWICE as hard to even be taken seriously. I oughta know, since I'm one of them.
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    14 years ago
    What if the Stripper freely gives an extra?
    lol no, Clubber - if I did I would be the envy of every lesbian on the block! When the girls open my fly, they know that they gotta just reach right in and go for it!
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    14 years ago
    What if the Stripper freely gives an extra?
    This happens to me quite a bit, and I tip accordingly. Assures a repeat performance on the next visit.
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    14 years ago
    New York
    Strip club addiction?
    I go typically once a week. I'm waiting for the day that it becomes boring and I get tired of it and give it up for something less expensive, like knitting. But it's been 9 years now and this I mean "hobby" for me only seems to be getting more intense.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    (Warning, long post) How do you know if a dancer genuinely enjoyed your company
    Yes. She is genuinely enjoying your wallet. (I only read every thirteenth word or so of the OP, but i think i got the gist of it.)
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    14 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    lmao samsung - that was priceless! I'm gonna think of those things the next time I meet a stripper "in college" (which is pretty much all of 'em)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you feel guilty when you turn down a dance
    The only time I ever felt kinda bad was when an obviously painfully shy dancer approached me after sitting alone by herself for most of the evening. She just wasn't my type, so I politely turned down her request. It must have taken all of her nerve to even come over to ask me. After my rejection, she went back to her lonely little corner of the room. I did feel bad for her.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Year in Review?
    Good year overall. More hits than misses.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    You ever notice that in brighter light, most dancers in a club don't look nearly
    I occasionally get the joy of seeing the dancers in the ladies room, under often very unforgiving lighting. It surprises me how many are truly lovely, even under harsh lighting. But then there are those that should never be allowed out into daylight, even in full warpaint.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Fake Customers Working For The Club
    I have a SC buddy who is friendly with a couple of dancers. They will actually give him their tip money to have him make it rain on them when it is their turn onstage. Their own money! While my friend is still technically a customer, he is definitely using the girl's own money to help make them look more "valuable" to the other customers. So, yeah - it sure does happen.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer: I used to teach gym
    Pathology assistant in the Coroner's Office. Yikes!
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    14 years ago
    New Year's- anyone thinking about going to an SC?
    New Years Eve is amateur night. Way too many idiots out on the road. Not worth the risk.
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    14 years ago
    The Lap Dance Unit (LDU)
    I find myself doing the LDU thing constantly - at the dry cleaners, grocery store, even at the vet ("damn - his doggy vitamins & rabies shot coulda gotten me at least 4 dances!"). I'm too far gone at this point. Save yourselves!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I used to DATY quite a bit but have pretty much stopped completely due to concerns of bringing home god-knows-what to my SO. Really miss it, tho.
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    14 years ago
    VIP/LD area gatekeeper
    No. Let the dancers tip him to look the other way if they want to.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Emotional involvement
    I avoid the emotional attachment issue - it can create problems that I sure-as-hell don't need. If I had my way I wouldn't even bother with their names, much less anything beginning to resemble a "relationship" with them. Keeps things much simpler in my world (and theirs too).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Contact Lap Dances
    Here in L.A. an UHM nude dance can run as high as $50 per, or as low as $20, depending where you go. One club I visit regularly has a 3for$40 nude special that runs constantly during some dayshifts. Needless to say, I visit that place ALOT.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Xmas present.
    lol gmd that was a great answer from your daughter!
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    14 years ago
    Going by yourself
    Clubber, I've never had the opportunity to have a wingwoman with me while clubbing. The rare times a woman has tagged along with me on a group SC outing they usually are uncomfortable and show it. Buzzkill big time.
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    14 years ago
    Going by yourself
    Alone is better, I find. Wingmen can be an asset at times, but they can also be a pain in the ass too. They can inadvertently cockblock you (or in my case, pussyblock).
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    14 years ago
    Quick opinion-related question for avid clubgoers
    troop, I have never encountered that in all of the years I've been clubbing. I couldn't even imagine it happening. I think it might be a regional thing, and I have never run into it anywhere here where I club on the West coast (L.A.,SF, Vegas, etc.). Way back when, before my first time in a SC in Vegas, I had read somewhere that the clubs there required ladies to be accompanied my a man. But I was determined to go solo, and mentally prepared myself for a fight at the door. Turned out no fight was necessary. I got into every club by myself (and for those curious - no I most certainly do NOT look like a man!). On that trip I went a little nuts & visited OG, Deja Vu, Jaguars (at the time), & Cheetahs. I had a ball! Maybe since I didn't look like a hooker or an angry wife they didn't see any problem with me. Don't know. I suspect that even back then club were stopping that practice.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Quick opinion-related question for avid clubgoers
    I'm in a SC to enjoy the ladies. I rarely even look at any of the other customers. I visit both dives & "upscale" clubs. As a solo woman, I've never been hassled by anyone at any time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    My alltime fave opening line from a dancer hadda be when I once wore a very nice blouse to a club, and the dancer approached me, and while running her hand along my collar said "you know what would look really good on!" Damn she emptied my wallet that night.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The MY Customer Game
    I've gotten in the middle of stripper possessiveness a few times, and it wasn't humorous at all. I almost got a stiletto buried in my skull once from a crazed stripper who thought she owned me. Yet another reason for me to avoid having just one fave dancer in the club.