
You ever notice that in brighter light, most dancers in a club don't look nearly

Sunday, January 2, 2011 3:31 AM
I guess this is a no brainer. It's why the lights are always dim or flashing in your eyes. The management doesn't want you to realize several of the dancers don't look that great and you wouldn't even give them a second look if they were walking down the street. Disclaimer: There may be some high end clubs where this is not true. I just haven't been to one like that in a long time.


  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I have always been amazed by how much makeup many strippers and women in general use. It's always interesting to see what girls look like when they are coming into work in street clothes.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I occasionally get the joy of seeing the dancers in the ladies room, under often very unforgiving lighting. It surprises me how many are truly lovely, even under harsh lighting. But then there are those that should never be allowed out into daylight, even in full warpaint.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    The most extreme example I can think of is a GF from my military days. When we were first involved, she wore makeup. The first time that we were alone to be intimate in a hotel room, she went in the bathroom and took off the makeup. UGH !! Talk about a buzzkill.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Any of you Columbia Platinum Plus fans remember Sparkle? I saw her in the parking lot once. Nice trim body but a face that only a mother could love. She spent a lot of time in the dressing room applying makeup and made herself look presentable in the dim light.
  • pabloantonio
    14 years ago
    I look a whole lot better inside the club too. (Lol). But I too have seen dancers coming to work, no make-up, regular street clothes, and many of them still look good. I once went to the VIP with this beautiful Columbiana, Lacie was her name. Her make-up was perfect, her outfit was very skimpy, and her body was to die for. I had a great time. "I will see you in a few weeks" I told her. Sure enough 4 weeks later I was back. I arrived a little early in the afternoon, got a beer and relaxed near the front door. Girls begin to arrive. Of course they all were wearing street clothes. One particular girl with black hair and big tits caught my eye, a 9 in anybodys book. She stopped at the front desk. I got up and quickly approached her. "I don't mean to be forward, but you are so beautiful, what is your name?" I asked. "Lacie" came the reply. I was so busted. "I'm sorry Lacie, I've never seen you with your clothes on". She laughed, and we had great time that night too. Lucky me.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    The first time I met my current favorite outside the club, she walked into the very well lit room and my jaw just dropped. She wasn't wearing any makeup, per my request, since some brands have an adverse affect on me, and she looked even better than she does in the dimly lit club. She even blushed when I told her! A couple of weeks later, I happened to be in the club when she walked in, and the dim light didn't compliment her natural complexion at *all*, but when she came out made up, it was almost as attractive as the real thing in daylight. Whoever did her makeup, not her, by her own admission, really understood what to do about the lighting.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    One of the many reasons I don't get drunk in the clubs. I like to think I can judge them well enough without the "extra" enhancement provided by booze. LOL
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Through my OTC adventures I can tell you that those dim lights, along with makeup, often hide a multitude of issues, including stretch marks on their tits and asses, lines on the face, bruises, pimples, etc. My worst experience was in Baltimore, where I took a girl out from a club on the block. We walked nack together to my hotel and once she came under the bright lights in the lobby I thought, "What the fuck have I just done" - lol. Damned if she hadn't looked great in the club and in the dark on the way over, but she was a sight to make the eyes sore when it got bright. The icing on the ugly cake was that her performance in the sack sucked too.
  • tigerfan3
    14 years ago
    The lighting in my club is what it is for very specific reasons. Most dancers have blemishes, and that's a fact. Also, if your club has a pole, the bruises it leads to can be huge especially on new girls. Lights are set up to hide these marks.
  • tigerfan3
    14 years ago
    When I'm in the dressing room with the girls and the lighting is normal I see what a good job the club has with the stage lights.
    14 years ago
    Was in Bogart's once when a practical joker turned on the flourescents embedded in the ceiling. WoW!
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    But we continue to shell out money for our fantasies, hoping they all will look good in our (wet) dreams.
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    The dancers I've had OTC have looked good in natural lighting. They look different in street clothes, but tight jeans and low-cut blouses make me want to see them naked. Again. I've never kicked one out of bed.
  • glen_livet
    14 years ago
    It can work the opposite way. Sometimes clubs use "black light" bulbs that bring out blotches and flaws that are not visible in normal light.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I believe the topic could work for any person.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Depending on the club, you can often see what the dancers look like before all the makeup starting at about an hour before shift change, when they start coming in. There are a few I think look better before all the makeup, but most I have seen don't look as good.
  • 59
    13 years ago
    I've been fortunate. I've hung out with a half dozen or so girls OTC over the years. They've all looked as good, if not better, in natural lighting.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Since the most physically appealing part of me is my cash, I am fairly forgiving of flaws on the bodies of high mileage gals (just spare me the ugly tats).
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    damn you all's eyeballs actually make it up to their faces??? i just see phat asses bigg tits amd flash cash for great grindage. ok i admit i have looked up and seen some horrific faces, but there is nothing more beautifu than looking down and seeing any girls face wrapped around my cock bobbing for nut. i dont care what they look like most times, they are just warewolf pussy you see em in the dark and when the lights come on or sun comes up they scatter
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    dw: Faces are one of the *first* things I look at. Without an attractive face, not much else matters to me, unless it's *so* incredible that it makes me forget the face. That doesn't happen often.
  • scatterbrain
    13 years ago
    I'm pretty sure it goes both ways...we all probably look much better to them in the dim lights too. And we don't wear makeup (at least most of us).
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