VIP/LD area gatekeeper

At the entrance to the LD area at my favorite club, a guy records on a clipboard when a stripper enters and leaves. I think he is counting songs and at the end of the day, the girls have to pay the club for the number of songs he records.
This guy doesn't collect a LD area fee or escort you to the individual curtained LD booths. He seems to ignore what's going on and doesn't seem to be watching. I don't think his presence has effected the mileage I've been getting. So, would you tip this guy? I haven't in the past, but wondered if I should. Thoughts?
last commentIf all he is doing is recording the number of dances a dancer does, why tip him? He gets paid by someone and if he isn't a bouncer checking on the girls as they do lap dances, it shouldn't affect the quality of the dance.
I agree, why tip someone who isn't providing you a service of any kind.
I might give him a tip if he were to confirm MY side of a disagreement over the number of dances.
What is this really all about? Are dancers being clocked and customers watched? Maybe it's just me, but it seems that clubs are getting over regulated with mandatory valet, drink minimums, mandatory coat check, fees for a booth, fees for VIP and now this. Pretty soon we will have a world where the customer spends almost $100 before he gets a dance. Clubs that follow this trend, and they all seem to think alike, will die in the rust belt.
fuk no dont tip him. he is a LD nazi keeping tabs on the strippers so he can get paid. this place has their thumb so tight on the strippers the strippers are looking for ways to make money. believe me pay the girls there. talk to them i bet they barely make any money after their tip outs with security guys like that. also beware that is another sign of human trafficking which possibly occurs there.
i am all for strippers who voluntarily do it but i hate the human traffickers who force the girls into doing it.
Except for Hustler (in Lincoln Park) during the days. $3 beers and $3 valet. Free cover!
I prefer going to clubs where dancers just have to pay a house fee and the club does not bother trying to keep track of the number of dances.
Unfortunately here in Columbus, the house fee model does not work well because the dancer quality sucks and so many dancers would lose money if they had to pay a house fee. Instead clubs have no house fees, but charge $10 for each dance the dancer sells. Therefore, a lot of dancers come into work but don't give a shit about their job because they have no house fee to pay off. They just come in and have a good time and if they get lucky with selling dances then great...but if not oh well they won't lose anything.
I've tipped a LD "supervisor" once, to keep him away, and it worked quite well.
At the club where I am VIP, a manager sits at bottom of stairs checking that guys going up to VIP are in fact VIP members. The club does not interfere with activities or try to clock the number of dances / extras. Its simply a security measure to keep non paying customers or non members out of VIP. It works for me!
Let the dancers tip him to look the other way if they want to.
trick question is: what do you do when the dancer tells you to tip him? These are ROBs who will not be getting any more of my business.
I've found that the dancer will usually tell you if you "have" to tip an attendant or door guy. If he's clearly in charge of the area and is the "law" back there, then I'd tip him. I don't know that it really does any good, but it can't hurt. One of my ATF's would usually say "tip Oliver and we won't see him again", or "you don't have to tip Frank, he's not coming back thee anyway." If you go to clubs in Wisconsin, you'll run into totally useless "cashier" guys who sit near the LD area, collecting in advance. They serve absolutely no good purpose & I've never seen them anywhere else. They just take the money. If you want another dance, the girl has to leave, go pay him another $20 and come back. It totally destroys the atmosphere and discourages multiple dances. But many clubs in WI still do it. NEVER tip that guy!
What FinalLap says has pretty much been my experience, other than the time a guy walked in to do something to the AC control which was in MY LD room! That was a strange encounter.
This is another place where I might disagree with the majority view. In places where I am getting serviced I ALWAYS take care of the gatekeeper. Now remember that I only generally go back in places where my action is fairly well assured, so if I am already planning on spending $150+ to get my rocks off then another $10-20 to the hall monitor is a small price to pay to ensure that I'm not disturbed in the act.
In one club that I visit every so often, the "lap dance" area is a small room where 3+ guys can be getting serviced at the same time. A good tip to the door guy has actually ensured that others were made to wait while I was getting mine in an otherwise empty room.
Will I tip a guy in a place offering simple lap dances? Of course not, but if I'm getting a BJ or FS in a place that has a guy in charge of the area then you better believe that he has been greased to ensure that my lube job is undisturbed.
Unless you are expecting him to do something out of the ordinary the guy does not deserve a tip.
A club that charges dancers per dance is not necessarily being overly controling or a 'nazi'. The club has to make their profit somehow, and it certainly isn't just on the cover charge or drinks. They club knows where the money is going and needs a little of it.
The alternative to charging per dance is to either charge a big 'stage fee' or 'tip-out' that can on a slow night leave the dancer losing money at the end of the shift. Charging the dancers per-dance gets the club their revenue and, unless the dancer is so stupid as to charge below cost, the dancer as well.
Inno, how about not interrupting me when I'm about to blow a load in her mouth? That sound like something out of the ordinary? ;)