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5 years ago
DFW, Texas
I was at the Market Street Cinema in San Francisco in the late 90s enjoying a dance from a porn star feature named Kimberly Kupps in one of the back rooms when she said to me 'why don't you take it out" I did and she went to work on it. Very pleasurable experience.
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6 years ago
Off again on again PL
I am not like some of the other guys in that I am not there for the companionship or to talk to hot women. Already got the companionship at least. I'm there for the private dances and any extras that are available. Indeed, I get annoyed if a dancer sits down and wants to have a conversation with me. I'm polite about it but really I just want to get to the fun stuff.
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7 years ago
rhode island
I have driven there 4 times in the last 2 years and never had any problem
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7 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I would appreciate hearing a warning from another customer. Whether I believed the warning or not would depend on the circumstances but I would still like hearing another person's opinion.
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8 years ago
Atlanta suburb
The Constitution does not actually use the words separation of church and state. Its just a short hand way of describing what the constitution does say which is that the government can't establish a religion or prohibit the free exercise of one's religion. So putting a polling place in a church is just a convenience for the government and maybe a benefit for the church. Its not establishing the church as the official religion of the government.
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9 years ago
air dances are fine as a warm up as long as she eventually gets to the real thing!
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9 years ago
Thanks crazyjoe for the revelation. My point was that Canada is a big country and I am interested only in the part of it that is near Niagra Falls and Toronto. I think shailynn understood and provided a useful tip. Thanks. I am staying in Toronto on Reading Court. Not really sure where that is. Counting on my GPS to guide me there.
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10 years ago
You might consider some of the clubs in Maryland's Prince Georges County.
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10 years ago
Like you mikey, I just went to random clubs and what happened, happened. In the 70's and 80's, nothing much happened at least at the clubs I happened to go to. Things got better in the 90's. Not sure if things had changed generally or I just happened to pick better clubs.
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11 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
When she kneels between my legs and grinds her breasts into my crotch.
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11 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Spook used as a verb should not be offensive.
Spook used as a noun is offensive.
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12 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
And so, Carolynne, did you uphold your end of the bargain?
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12 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
First time was when I was 24.
Didn't start going regularly until I was 39.
I'm glad I did not start going sooner because I did not have the money to afford it.
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13 years ago
North Carolina
If you like a fancy gentleman's club, then I would recommend the Hustler Club. The private dances are reasonably priced although relatively tame. I have not been to the other clubs on the Block for a while but when I was there , they were kind of seedy.
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13 years ago
I often stick big bills and my license in my socks. Leave the credit cards at home.
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16 years ago
I have spent $30 dollars at McDoogals and Players Club in Maryland and the Playhouse in New Jersey. The Playhouse is the only one where I would really consider it worth it.
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16 years ago
Getting back to one of your earlier posts in this discussion, I got the impression that you were really asking whether guys are turned off by smart dancers. I don't really think so. In fact, it seems that many guys on this board say they appreciate intelligent conversation. As for me, I don't really care. I go for the private dances. If a girl is pretty and gives a good dance, I'm happy regardless of her IQ. Its neither a turn-off or a turn on to me.
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16 years ago
I think religion and politics are always risky subjects to get into with someone you don't know very well. Also, I find it a turn-off when girls talk about their boyfriend or problems with their boyfriend. I know I'm not the first, but I really am not interested in talking about the others.
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16 years ago
I had occasionally been to clubs in the 70s and 80s but it was not until I was in Tampa in 1992 that I first experienced a full grind lap dance. About 2 months later in San Francisco, I had the same experience. I'm not sure when it started there because it was my first time in both places. The dances were $20 in Tampa and only $5 at the Market Street Cinema in San Francisco. Although there was a lot of touching, there were no extras. It wasn't until 5 or 6 years later when one of the girls at the Market Street Cinema, midway through a private dance, said to me "Why don't you take it out." I couldn't believe it but I did and it was great. After that, that became pretty much standard practice there.
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16 years ago
First went to a club when I was about 25 but didn't get "serious" about it until 16 years ago when I first went to a club that had lap dancing.
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16 years ago
What is your outlook on dancers all together? To me they are pretty girls that I can have fun with without any obligation to "call them in the morning".
What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? I'll tip a dollar at the stage but rarely after a private dance unless she really went the extra mile for me.
What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? I never go to VIP rooms anymore since in my experience they are a rip off. In a lapdance, I expect as much 2-way hand-on contact as the club allows. I especially like it when she snuggles in close and presses her whole body against me.
Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? I never pay for talking time and rarely pay for drinks. I'm there for the dances.
Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? I prefer to have the dancer approach me since that the way it seems to work at most clubs. If one I don't like approaches me, I try to be polite and say something like "maybe later."
What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? I like clubs with pretty women who like to touch and be touched. I don't care about the decor or the availablity of food and drink. I'm there for the dances. I don't ask for extras but if offered, I usually won't refuse. My expereince is that in some clubs extras are standard practice while in others, they are forbidden.
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16 years ago
My questions are -
Do the dancers generally consider guys who go to strip clubs, especally guys who go a lot, to be pathetic losers; and
When you go back to a club that you've been to many times and a girl acts as if she is happy to see you, is she really happy to see you or just happy to see your money?
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16 years ago
Been to Olympic Garden 3 times during the afternoon this year. Once I got very high mileage. The other 2 times, just average so I guess it depends on who is working that day.