I once came out to my car after last call to find I had a flat tire. Shortly after I was confronted by a streetwalker wanting to sell me a BJ, I think it was for something like $25. I told her no thanks but I'd give her $50 if she'd change my tire. She turned me down.
I once had a dancer tell me she could clean my house topless. She wanted more than $20 though. I passed. I believed her when she said she was running a cleaning business.
Spread manure and compost on my vegetable garden and flowerbeds? Breaking into my neighbour's pile of well rotted manure is a nasty job well worth that $20.
last commenton the other hand, i have had guys tell me they would do anything for a chance to f*** me, so i normally get all kinds of stuff done for **free**.
I'd give 50 for a good housecleaning. She can even keep her clothes on. A clean home is much better than sex. Ill even provide the m&c