
When Did You Start ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Friday, March 8, 2013 1:45 PM
I started SCing *regularly* when I was 30. Looking back at how much I've enjoyed it, for the most part, I wish I would have started earlier and saw those “lost years” :) as lost opportunities. We all have different circumstances in life which often dictate our SCing. W/o necessarily getting into why or why not SCing is a good or bad thing at a particular age, what I would like to know is: a) at what age approx. did you start SCing *regularly*? b) do you wish you would have done it sooner, assuming you could have, or even if you couldn't have?


  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Interesting topic, papi. My answer to a) is.......61 years old!! Not a typo, really, I was 61. My answer to b) is.......yes.....and NO. Yes, because I had no sex life at all before I was 37 years old and SCs could certainly have helped me with that irritation. But a resounding NO because of my addictive personality. Any thing that I do, I do to glorious excess. Work?....I am workaholic. Alcohol?.....I go on some monster binges with expensive wine and single malts involved. Food?.....During my retirement I gained 50kg indulging in my cooking hobby. Speed?.....I love hot, fast, sexy cars and I have a fascination with high speed which could be fatal if I am not careful. Do you see where I am going with this? If I had discovered the delights of hardcore SCs when I was in my twenties I can easily see how I might have become addicted to those same delights. I would not have focused my energy on building my company. I would not have built my serious wealth. I would now be groveling for nickels and dimes in some crappy corner of the world. For me, I do not wish I had entered this hobby any earlier than when I did.
  • kingcripple
    11 years ago
    first time was at a nude club in ABQ in 2005 when i was 19. regularly started in november 2010
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    I wish I had never started: "There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God I know I'm one............ Oh mother tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun" **My apologies to Motorhead**
  • large
    11 years ago
    First time was when I was 24. Didn't start going regularly until I was 39. I'm glad I did not start going sooner because I did not have the money to afford it.
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    I feel like a 24 year old farmerart
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… I feel like a 24 year old farmerart …” You mean in terms of being a millionaire - LOL
  • dalex
    11 years ago
    Not quite...
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    1992 at The Playhouse in Romulus MI.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I started at the beginning
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Beginning of what gatorfan?
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    my addiction started around the year 2000 or so at the ripe old age of 23. Im glad I didn't start sooner because I would be that much poorer today.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I became a strip club regular in my late 50's. Before then I had only visited clubs occasionally, and I had not partaken in extras and OTC. Do I wish I had started earlier? Yes. But it would not have been possible. When I was younger I was too busy with my career and I had the responsibility of supporting my wife and children.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I started in 2008 when I was 20.
  • JackKash
    11 years ago
    I was a regular at a "titty bar" in 1987 @ 25.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I've enjoyed sc's since I was 18 with a phony I'd. I began serious escort use at age 57. I began regular visits to clubs at age 63 and have spent way too much money in the past 4 years but don't regret a penny.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I'm the mirror image of jackslash.
  • marc5
    11 years ago
    One of my biggest regrets is not starting earlier! Although I have visited a few clubs in my youth, I only became a regular recently. Being 53, I feel I missed out on some great nights in SCs. I hear what farmerart said about addictive personalities and I feel I have one too. For example, I only visited a new club last night and I'm already planning to go again! If it's good enough to get addicted to, it's worth it, IMHO.
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    Got my first fix in my mid-twenties, but then I let girlfriends and other distractions keep me from frequent strip clubbing until my mid-40s. I rediscovered SCs big-time then, and they're sooo much better than they were when I started. I figure I'm a $6-$12K/year man, and don't regret a dollar of it.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Started in late 2009 when I was 23
  • SketchinGuy
    11 years ago
    The first time was in Las Vegas in mid-2002; I was 27 at the time. In less than five minutes I was bored. Wouldn't have gone back except that I'm an artist & at the time, I needed visual references to work from. Female ones. Couldn't afford to hire a model & didn't know of any figure-drawing groups then--the solution was clear. By Feb. 2003 it wasn't "regular" but, at times, close to it. One long search for clubs that would let me get some practice in...not easy to find in Vegas. In 2008 I moved to where I am now; fewer clubs but the scene is looser & usually no one gets uptight over some guy with a pad & marker. My trips to the clubs tapered off after mid 2011. As to my feelings about it, mmm...mixed. I don't regret the journey. I met some amazing people. And I did some great gesture studies & had fun. But I learned a lot, not all of which was pleasant to know.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    2007 or so, had just started my current job with lots of travel, strip clubs were a nice way to spend an evening. Helluva lot better than sitting in a bar or a hotel room every night. I had no reason to start sooner so don't regret it at all. If I ever stop traveling for work I suspect I'll stop visiting as much.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I first started going in 1994 when I was 21, but I wasn't really serious about it until 3 years later in 1997.
  • nj_pete
    11 years ago
    When I started traveling for business and wanted something fun to do in the evening, this would have been around 1993 or 94.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    jestie214: "If I ever stop traveling for work I suspect I'll stop visiting as much." So you're a travelling janitor? For the hardest to cleanup messes send in the best?
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    a) at what age approx. did you start SCing *regularly*? 25ish b) do you wish you would have done it sooner, assuming you could have, or even if you couldn’t have? no
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I started my late 20's. I was mainly watching at first until I visited some clubs where dancers were really into dances. One dancer who was one year older than me invited me to hang out with her after work so I started doing that for several months. She didn't have a car so I was her ride whenever I visited. It might have been fun to visit earlier but I didn't have much money so I don't know how well that would have gone. In college, I knew a lot of hot girls. I had one of the runner ups for home coming queen as my lab partner in one class. This was in a school with over 26,000 students. In my first professional job, I was severely underpaid but got experience. I could not afford to have too much fun. I believe I am underpaid about 20 percent or more below the national average even now but that's what I get for living in South Carolina since many are underpaid here. I do save money on lap dances and other expenses but I don't know if it makes up for that 20% difference in pay.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    a) Started when I was 17 (yes, I was underage.). Continued through college. b) Do I regret not staring earlier? Think I fall into the "not possible" category here.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I guess I'm the opposite of everyone. I get bored easily of a lot of things, sexual activities included. So even if I went to a strip club right now, after 3 hours or so, I'm good for nearly a month. But ask this question again sometime in the future for a more descriptive answer but right now, I'm nothing like any of you
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Dougster "a) Started when I was 17 (yes, I was underage.)" Dougster had one of these back in the day... [view link] Lol ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    a) I started on my 17th birthday, in 1978. As I recall, they never even asked how old I was. It was in Ft. Erie. b) I think that was early enough, especially I don't think there has been a year since that I haven't gone at least a couple times.
  • vincemichaels
    11 years ago
    In 1976, when I was 23, and had dark hair.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I first went into a club about 20 years ago, but I really didn't visit them much before 1996, when I started traveling for work. The clubs where I lived were both tame and very expensive, so my clubbing stayed road based for several years. I will say that my club activities have increased over the years as I have aged. There are a lot of reasons for that, including increasing travels to different parts of the country and changing life circumstances. Also, over the last 3 or 4 years I have also come to enjoy a few local clubs as well. The way in which clubs have changed since the mid 90s never ceases to amaze me. If they were the same way today that they were back then, I'm not so sure that I would visit them nearly as much as I do now.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    rickyboy: "changing life circumstances" You mean you became a RICH STUD? Funny how I've beaten you down so much on this board that you're only willing to use such oblique language now. In that past you would have just said you entered the elite special and very scarce class of citizens who are able to demonstrate their supreme wealth by paying hookers for sex. Good to see that you've learned better these days and no longer say such ridiculous things. (I'm sure still feel it, but it's amusing to see you suppress it when you post now.)
  • Bonesbrother
    11 years ago
    I must have missed something. I did not see anyone ask for comments from the peanut gallery but Dougster did post.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Hey, Bones! You back to try and act tough again. Last time I made you run away just be quoting one your idiotic posts from the past: Bones: " I would have to say that about [or strippers] 80% - 90% would not fuck after giving BBBJs" Yep, you sure got a fair amount of experience and cred with the strip club scene if that is really what you believe. No go run like you did last time, homo!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    This shit again? lol. Aw Dougie, are you still stalking me? How cute. But why would I change how I post over the likes of you? Now Uncle Ricky really doesn't want to hurt your feelings kiddo, which we know are very delicate, but your opinions are about as meaningful as a pimple on my ass. ;) Now changing life circumstances had more to do with other things than my earnings, since I've been making good money for some years now. However, yes, my money has grown as well. Of course, one of the reasons for that is that I understand that a small company which owes $10mm more in the next 30 days than it is going to collect, and does not have a sufficient revenue stream to cover running expenses plus the deficit, will need to take on additional debt. Kids like you are a little more confused by that sort of stuff... ;) It's nice when you give Uncle Ricky so many opportunities to contribute to your education kiddo. Keep on stalking me - I am starting to have fun with it now. :)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    The debt stays the same RickyBoy. They just roll it over. This is still a good environment to do that in too. Let me give you an example. Company owes $1 million due in a month to bank A. They go to bank B and say hey we need a $1 million loan we can off over a year. Bank B says "ok". So they get the million and pay it to bank A. How much us owed ? Still a million. Get it, Rick? x-x+x=x. Stays the same. Pretty amazing, huh? But let's here what you think, genius. How much does the debt go up by according to you? :-) (like a turkey shoot - you make it so easy for me)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    "But why would I change how I post over the likes of you?" Because nobody supported you, and you are willing to say things if you find that the consensus agrees with you. Otherwise you are too chicken shit to go it alone.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Another option, RickyBoy, would be to create some more stock and sell that in the market to cover the debt. Debt could actually go down... They probably won't do that though unless they have a buyer lined up or the stock price jumps when it's looking pretty comatose lately. I'm kind if amazed how dumb you are about these things Rick. More evidence you are not business owner as you claim but just low level salesboy.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Is that what they do kiddo? Just role over a short-term deficit? Ok, I'll just let that sit there and percolate for a while for anyone who actually knows anything about this stuff. ;) I wonder what the company's suppliers think about their invoice payments "rolling over"? And sure that some of the portion of ST Debt, at least that which is owed to banks, will be extended out - right into LT Debt. Such confused kids nowadays, too lazy to think things through. And we will not be remotely surprised when the LT Debt number is higher in the next filing, except of course for Dougie. ;)
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "Because nobody supported you, and you are willing to say things if you find that the consensus agrees with you." I didn't know that there ever WAS a consensus over anything that I said on here kiddo, nor do I care. I am just as happy to educate 10 of your screen names as I am one. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Rick - you didn't answer the question. I know it's hard for you concentrate by try hard, k? How much do you see their debt going up? (A third option is to use a bit of their cash for the debt payment and roll some of it over into long term debt. Again in that case debt goes done.) again, you tell me though how much it goes up by. And I'll wait for you to answer that one so your brain doesn't get all distracted here. :-)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I love how RickyBoy changes his argument and hopes nobody will notice. First he starts off talking about total debt, then we he sees he is wrong starts to say "yeah, well, I really meant long term debt all along..." You really do fancy yourself to be the master if fast talk don't you Rick?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Again the most amazing part to me is how pathological liars like the RickyBoy think they can get away with any lie they like. Say they meant one thing when it is there in black and white that they were talking about another. I don't know maybe it's easier in person if he targets the right people ? The stuff they teach salesboys these days. Not that they have ever had a good rep though!
  • rell
    11 years ago
    i started at 21 went regular about..... 23 ish
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    For those playing along at home, things to note about Rick's pathological lying condition. Can't remember what he said one sentence to the next (common basis of anti-socials to be impulsive and only able to see the moment. Then they project that others are the same, so they can a with claiming they said one thing when they really said another.) The other thing to note his use of equivocation. Talks about total debt one minute, long term debt the next, and liabilities the next. When called down pretends that he was talk about a different one of the three then he was. Also pretends the person he is talk to meant a different one of the three then what the explicitly said. Pathological-think-short-term-only-double-equivocating-whammy!
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    vm, My Granddaddy used to say hair does one of two things, turns gray or turns loose. I'll take the gray. :)
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    When I see three little blue dugly's in a row I know he must be upset. Must be nervous about mid-terms.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Actually, word is that we need a new janitor at work. I was concerned they won't be able to find someone who can clean a bathroom as well as the jestie-girl can.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Dougie, Four lengthy response posts? Wow, someone is taking this hard. ;) Look kiddo, all the noise, accusations, false and noisy indignation based upon your own made up characterizations of my previous comments, etc., are not fooling anyone, any more than your half-assed balance sheet analysis makes anyone who knows better believe that you have any real experience with investment analysis. Simply put, you yearn for attention and firebombing threads is the way that you achieve it, sad as this is. As a side goal, you also desperately want to front face as if you know what you are talking about, whether it is about strip clubs or just about any other topic. In fact, you will write volumes of noisy posts, filled with trite BS soundbites, in an attempt to appear so. But once your very thin cover is blown, as it often is, you'll take straight disruption if nothing else is available. Hey, you've already proven that you don't really give a shit or know anything about clubs and dancers, so attention is your only reason for being here. Cool beans tiger, get all that pain and frustration right on out. :) Another good thread gone to shit is probably a small price to pay to keep someone with your issues tied up and off the streets. ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Nice way to try an cover the fact that you can't answer how you expect their debt to go up. -- 0 -- dumbfuck. And think you are guy who knows nothing about strip clubs if you think it takes ten years to develop a system to get them to do OTC. Well you use to say that until the consensus on the board changed to my POV all along that "just ask" is all you need. Now you are completely silent about it an try to deny that you claimed it in the first place. Too bad it's there in the archive and won't go away, huh?
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    And yes you commit so many logical fallacies, do so much boobing and weavin and lying and equivocation and running that sometimes it takes a few posts to point it all out. Don't think a more weaselly person than you could be invented if some writer sat down and spent a year try to dream one up.
  • bman77
    11 years ago
    First strip club visit around 2000. I joined this site for a few months in 2005, but didn't start going to strip clubs with any regularity until 2011. What is the definition of regular? once a week, bi-monthly, monthly? I'd say I go maybe once per month.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    This really could have been a good thread. It is too bad. Dougie, I'm gonna post my future responses to this stuff in gmd's ignore user thread, since it really is a crap thread primarily designed to give you another chance to pipe in anyway. [view link] Hopefully this thread can get back on the rails as I would enjoy hearing other members' experiences.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    You know my favorite part Rick is where you imply I post BS about investments in another thread, but rather than say anything specific there that you disagree with you, you just make general accusations here. Why if you got specific there, people who know something about the matter would call you and your ass-clownery down for all to see. Safest just to post here, where probably no one will see let alone call you down. Just incredible what a complete chicken-shit you are!
  • crecat03
    11 years ago
    I first went to a strip club when I was 19 but didn't really go back until I was 24, just 4 years ago, and had just gotten out of a long relationship. I quickly began dating one of the strippers, that lasted a couple of months, and probably 3 years ago I started going to a club about once every 2 weeks. I travel a lot for work so I see this slowing down a bit if/when I have a family but SCs have been good to me. I'm glad I go semi-regularly and started at an appropriate time, given my career and personal situations.
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