Clubs in the 70's and 80's were lame, plus I was young, so I hardly ever went. After 30 years, I decided to go back in. But, I paid no attention to this site. I just went, and what happened, happened.
In 1985, moping over a lost girlfriend, I called an escort service from .... yes, the yellow pages. I lucked out (at least looks wise). There was also a rag called Swing or something, that had crummy pics of girls, and was sold in all night porn shops. Never used it.
Like you mikey, I just went to random clubs and what happened, happened. In the 70's and 80's, nothing much happened at least at the clubs I happened to go to. Things got better in the 90's. Not sure if things had changed generally or I just happened to pick better clubs.
Trial and error. Wasted some funds. Some were better then and some are better now. I used to love the New Century in San Fran back in the day. Great back rooms! Now the accountants remodeled and wrecked it.
Same thing with Vegas -- ran much better back then under the wiseguys than the corporations now.
Clubs for me in those days were just for looking, and mostly it was just an in the club experience. It is not just TUSCL and the Internet which changed things. It is cell phones and caller id. Before that, all women were slower to give out phone numbers. Dancers were even slower. They had to be. They would accept a phone number, and if they said they would call, then they would. But they needed to be careful about their own land line phones.
So now today, as it is often possible to contact dancers outside of the club, every dancer becomes a potential escort. Then from that, there is pressure to raise the ITC mileage too.
Where I am at, Santa Clara County, the clubs are still strictly no touching. Our local DA is committed to crushing anyone who would dare try to change this, and without ever letting them be tried in front of a jury. So I don't see the no touching thing as changing in this county or San Mateo County. But the number of dancers doing OTC and escorting continues to rise. I think even more important, with it being possible to contact more dancers now outside of the club, it becomes even easier to get into dating relationships with them, and sometimes for those who want to, to get them into situations which are intentionally ambiguous.
Some of all of the above for me. I was in L.A. during that time, in the San Fernando Valley in particular. The only related entertainment available was either topless or bikini bars. Maybe three dancers would be on shift. They'd rotate among themselves and would waitress when not dancing. The stage had no pole. It was cheap entertainment. No admission charge. Besides the cost of a $2. draft beer, you'd tip one dollar bills on stage here and there. Many times I didn't even spend $10. in place like that.
Then in the early 1990's one long-since established topless bar began offering lap dances. (It's now Bare Elegance, Van Nuys.) Other new clubs were built in much larger buildings and the industry expanded greatly after that. Some of the old, small topless bars are still there, that I patronized back in the '70s, and have tried to retrofit a lap dancing space into their buildings.
In the 80's I used the Yellow pages for escorts and ended up as a driver for a couple of services. I carried a pager and it was all pretty high tech what with pay phones and all. After awhile it got in the way of dating and I was spending a lot of time loitering outside of Detroit crackhouses. The money was great, the stories even better and even an occasional BJ in lieu of tips. The clubs were so lame in those days that I hardly ever went.
Here goes from a Detroit perspective...The 80's La Chambre - Not much compared today, the 747, now the Flight Club ...getting better, mileage improving more grindage than tonguage, Landing Strip pretty good waiting for Bob Seger to show up, Club Manchester in Highland Park...classy and some girls would play in the back rooms, Memphis was awesome Danny's was the cream of the crop...made my eyes roll into the back of my forward to 1988, things were getting looser in the D, mileage was improving from one or two who might to around a third of the girls who would "play"..Made my virgin/rookie trip to MBOT in that! Can I move to San Fran???..
1990.Memphis was accelerating with all the southern girls wanting to make some money...Detroit was getting crazier, Houston loved Treasures and St James, but a bit pricey and mileage was great (loved the chair forts)....
2000's Detroit was rocking, money was flowing and the girls were bl*wing...late 2010' Auto biz having problems, but the strip clubs were ramping up the horsepower Penthouse was born at the end of the decade and was pretty classy for the Motown boys...girls were top-notch, and some still are, but the quality has gone down a bit over the last 5 years...Memphis is a shell of its former self. MBOT is wayyyyoverpriced, but hey so is Disney World.
The 80-90s was my skoouul boyz years in 00 little juice was getting his marriage on and a hidding clubbing night life style...the girls at my local tity bars loved me cuz i was 18 but looked 21 and they made my nights worth it. Come 2010 and a few dancer under my belt i get devorsed and date my first stripper and my god was it a wild and adventurous time. Now 2014 and juice almost has stripper number 2 on his datting list and 98 on my sexual list of notches under my belt.
This was something that happened at Houston and Dallas clubs, I don't recall ever hearing of it anywhere else...
Many of those clubs just had one general VIP area for lap dances, some had little cubby holes along the wall that didn't have a curtain or door. Many of these clubs were extras friendly but girls needed some privacy so they would do all sorts of things to create their own curtain while management would turn their heads. As simple as pushing a bunch of high back chairs in front of the area the lap dance occurred to as extravagant as using a blanket making a "fort" just as a kid would in his living room.
In the dimly remembered '70s and early '80s I thought that strip clubs were populated by sex-crazed, desperate roues of dubious moral character. That was before I became a sex-crazed, desperate roue of dubious moral character myself ....
Before TUSCL I just wandered around into things. One time I went to a Frat party and they had a topless stripper in the basement. They also had a beach room with sand and sea oats and a sign that said DO NOT PICK the SEA OATS $100 Fine. They said they drove from Raleigh NC to the beach and came back with it. I had some fun there with the stripper. Then the next thing I knew I wandered into a sorority party. I can't remember that night very well. The girls gave me a lot of beer. I felt like I was partying with a whole lot of girls all night. I can't even remember how in the world I ended up at a sorority party.
Years later after just wandering around trying out strip clubs, I decided it might be better to ask someone who knew something before I just wandered into in any old club to find out what it was like. Then I decided to look online and found a strip club site. Great idea I thought. Read about a club online before just wandering into it and wasting your time and money.
Considering I wasn't far into my 20's when the internet came along, it's fairly reasonable to say "Not much". I did buy this one Exotic Dancer Review (or whatever the title was) magazine I got from a porn shop once, which gave me a list of strip clubs, although the information in it was far from complete, and in some cases not accurate at all. A good number of clubs listed in it were either closed (too many to mention), or information was lacking (the fact the Paradise Saloon in Lawrence, KS is a private club being the one I remember from that category). Of course, such a listing doesn't tell you whether the clubs in it are any good or not. One other thing I remember is strip clubs used to advertise in newspapers and I would find new ones through the newspaper.
Other than that, I only found out about them via word of mouth.
I was traveling a lot in parts of the Northeast in the mid to late 90s and could never seem to easily find the clubs. It was always hit or miss as the Yellow pages in most areas did not list strip clubs, so I had to resort to getting the intel from the cheesy newspapers that contained adult entertainment listings as well as hotel concierges and cab drivers.
Circa 1998, I bought a book of Internet sites if you can imagine that, lol, and, to my amazement, was provided as a source for strip clubs. Now the site was nowhere near as comprehensive or user friendly as it is today. Shit, back then, between the slow, phone based computer Internet connections and heavy duty ads on the site, it was hard to use. But it sure did help. I found clubs in places like Stamford, CT, that I never knew existed, even though I had traveled there for work several times.
Like most any older guy, copies of Playboy when they could be obtained. From there we graduated to early 8mm and 16mm porn films. Clubs for me started in the early 70's.
Mostly just went to clubs. In apparent contrast to many of the other posters here, strip clubs, even in the late 70s and into the 80s, have nearly always been good and consistent sources of ladies of negotiable virtue. I know some claim that those decades were devoid of dancer debauchery, but my experience is different. Not always ITC, mind you, but I can't recall too many instances where my desires were not fulfilled.
My first strip club experience in the US was in 1993. It happened to be TL. Club_Goer could attest that even in the low mileage era that TL and HT were outlaw clubs.
Thank you for explaining about the chair forts. Now I understand perfectly!
It sounds like somehow, prevalence of porn or something, we have just turned a corner. Back in those 'chair fort" days, were they doing FS, or was it just the "extras".
I gather then that with these improvised spaces that there probably was enough room to make graceful position changes with her and to be able to bring it on home by putting her on her back. It wasn't restricted to girl on top on the couch. It sounds fantastic.
What it really was is that someone just decided to let the dancers do it their way. So long as you just have to deal with the dancer, it should be fantastic. She is not going to mind if you are keeping her at cruising altitude for a while, before bringing it to conclusion. She has ways she can make it culminate faster, if she wants to. But she won't.
It becomes a sucker game when the house has got too many ways to cut into the money, when they are building booths to limit what can be done, and when dancers have learned how to do FS so that it does not actually require much submission and so it is just another tier of extra.
I could really go for ravaging dancers behind those chair forts!
Is all Texas this FS oriented? I mean not just the Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston area, but all the entire western area of the state, like Lubbock, Amarillo, and especially Odessa and Abilene?
I guess people must have just decided that unless there is a victim, there is no crime, and so they should not worry about such things.
I read about some place, I think it was Texas, where a woman walked down the row of dance booths and saw lots of FS going on. Don't know if it was restricted to girl on top on the couch though. But they said that there the dancers take their panties off and put them just at the entrance, I guess under the curtain so you can see them. That is the keep out signal. I think this was in Texas.
This Jaguars which operates in many cities, including Odessa and Abilene, is it that good?
I have read that pressure is being applied in Houston to reign it back in. They specifically mentioned this Treasures.
Lol. I remember those days. I would always check out the yellow pages for escort services and massage parlors - even if just gathering intel - but 9/10 pages had been ripped out. Good memories.
It was mostly word of mouth. However my best friend had his own business of cleaning beer taps and a lot of his customers were go go bars that morphed into strip clubs and he got some good insider information. Like the first club to go bottom less in the Los Angles area.
Before the internet, there was a newspaper in Phoenix called Bachelor Beat sold in corner stands. It had provocative ads for jack shacks around Phoenix, with pictures of really gorgeous stacked women. I did this circuit for a while, but started to encounter ripoffs and bait and switch operations. Once the internet became accessible, I started to find email mailing lists where hobbyists would post their adventures. Dave's List was great for Phoenix intel. About that time I started traveling to Texas for work regularly and discovered the old Texas Services Mailing List (TSML). I was always looking for new intel online, and then the internet just blew up with new websites and bulletin boards. The rest is history!
So what I am hearing then is that before strip clubs went to high mileage, people were calling escorts.
There are weaknesses in the escort approach. There is not this face 2 face high powered attraction. You don't even get to meet the girl until you have already booked and are obligated. Even with photographs online, you still don't know about how the two of you will feel about each other. So of course it is better with strippers.
So your stripper takes the place of your escort. But does FS-ITC take the place of the escort session? Is the quality level of the session that high? Or do you still need to set up OTC to get what you are accustomed to?
I have reservations about many of the FS-ITC experiences I am reading about, that they are too constrained, too short, and that too many palms are needing to be greased, and that the physical space is too small, and that the foreplay before committing is absent.
As far as calling escorts, It was not like that for me. What I was doing were FS sessions at store front AMPs.
The strip clubs where I am are no touching. There is one mind blowing experience I hope to relate about what happened in San Francisco. But mostly I have been skeptical about the high and extreme mileage which was to be had in San Francisco clubs. I don't really go along with the "extras" model, as that to me seems like a gimmick to suck your wallet dry. I want FS. But at a place where they measure time in songs, and where the facilities are too limited, and where the dancers are too hard surfaced to engage with? I've never liked the idea.
So are the SC FS-ITC sessions really good enough to replace the escort sessions?
I still like that idea of the chair forts in the early days of Texas high mileage. I believe that the girl must have been in charge of everything, including the time keeping, and that she must have gotten most of the money. I believe that those sessions could have really been good. I'm hoping people might want to talk more about this.
Talking about ways the SC service level might be extended to combine the best aspects of SC's and Escort sessions. I know there are many who could have much to contribute to this:
When I was in a new town, it was always a challenge finding the strip clubs. I had the best luck looking in the help wanted section of the paper. If they were looking for dancers, chances were that it was a strip club.
Before the Internet as a kid I used to play games with friends and family. Board games, card games, pc games, video games. I also used to read books on a more regular basis. I thought about writing or programming pc games but some big money started flowing into it and I just played them instead.
I forgot playing some sports with family and friends. Throwing frisbees, boomerangs, golfing, bicycling, and other outdoor games, going traveling and sightseeing across the country. When we weren't traveling, we often ended up being part of a family work crew fixing up rent houses. Even as a little kid, I was put to work. Never was given an allowance like I heard kids today often get.
last commentSame thing with Vegas -- ran much better back then under the wiseguys than the corporations now.
So now today, as it is often possible to contact dancers outside of the club, every dancer becomes a potential escort. Then from that, there is pressure to raise the ITC mileage too.
Where I am at, Santa Clara County, the clubs are still strictly no touching. Our local DA is committed to crushing anyone who would dare try to change this, and without ever letting them be tried in front of a jury. So I don't see the no touching thing as changing in this county or San Mateo County. But the number of dancers doing OTC and escorting continues to rise. I think even more important, with it being possible to contact more dancers now outside of the club, it becomes even easier to get into dating relationships with them, and sometimes for those who want to, to get them into situations which are intentionally ambiguous.
Then in the early 1990's one long-since established topless bar began offering lap dances. (It's now Bare Elegance, Van Nuys.) Other new clubs were built in much larger buildings and the industry expanded greatly after that. Some of the old, small topless bars are still there, that I patronized back in the '70s, and have tried to retrofit a lap dancing space into their buildings.
1990.Memphis was accelerating with all the southern girls wanting to make some money...Detroit was getting crazier, Houston loved Treasures and St James, but a bit pricey and mileage was great (loved the chair forts)....
2000's Detroit was rocking, money was flowing and the girls were bl*wing...late 2010' Auto biz having problems, but the strip clubs were ramping up the horsepower Penthouse was born at the end of the decade and was pretty classy for the Motown boys...girls were top-notch, and some still are, but the quality has gone down a bit over the last 5 years...Memphis is a shell of its former self. MBOT is wayyyyoverpriced, but hey so is Disney World.
My two cents over three decades of clubbing.
This was something that happened at Houston and Dallas clubs, I don't recall ever hearing of it anywhere else...
Many of those clubs just had one general VIP area for lap dances, some had little cubby holes along the wall that didn't have a curtain or door. Many of these clubs were extras friendly but girls needed some privacy so they would do all sorts of things to create their own curtain while management would turn their heads. As simple as pushing a bunch of high back chairs in front of the area the lap dance occurred to as extravagant as using a blanket making a "fort" just as a kid would in his living room.
I think it is just an urban legend.
Years later after just wandering around trying out strip clubs, I decided it might be better to ask someone who knew something before I just wandered into in any old club to find out what it was like. Then I decided to look online and found a strip club site. Great idea I thought. Read about a club online before just wandering into it and wasting your time and money.
Other than that, I only found out about them via word of mouth.
Got lost a lot. Remember the Jimmy Stewart line in the "The Flight of the Phoenix"?
"You took pride in just, GETTING there!
Circa 1998, I bought a book of Internet sites if you can imagine that, lol, and, to my amazement, was provided as a source for strip clubs. Now the site was nowhere near as comprehensive or user friendly as it is today. Shit, back then, between the slow, phone based computer Internet connections and heavy duty ads on the site, it was hard to use. But it sure did help. I found clubs in places like Stamford, CT, that I never knew existed, even though I had traveled there for work several times.
Good stuff.
Thank you for explaining about the chair forts. Now I understand perfectly!
It sounds like somehow, prevalence of porn or something, we have just turned a corner. Back in those 'chair fort" days, were they doing FS, or was it just the "extras".
I gather then that with these improvised spaces that there probably was enough room to make graceful position changes with her and to be able to bring it on home by putting her on her back. It wasn't restricted to girl on top on the couch. It sounds fantastic.
What it really was is that someone just decided to let the dancers do it their way. So long as you just have to deal with the dancer, it should be fantastic. She is not going to mind if you are keeping her at cruising altitude for a while, before bringing it to conclusion. She has ways she can make it culminate faster, if she wants to. But she won't.
It becomes a sucker game when the house has got too many ways to cut into the money, when they are building booths to limit what can be done, and when dancers have learned how to do FS so that it does not actually require much submission and so it is just another tier of extra.
I could really go for ravaging dancers behind those chair forts!
Is all Texas this FS oriented? I mean not just the Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston area, but all the entire western area of the state, like Lubbock, Amarillo, and especially Odessa and Abilene?
I guess people must have just decided that unless there is a victim, there is no crime, and so they should not worry about such things.
I read about some place, I think it was Texas, where a woman walked down the row of dance booths and saw lots of FS going on. Don't know if it was restricted to girl on top on the couch though. But they said that there the dancers take their panties off and put them just at the entrance, I guess under the curtain so you can see them. That is the keep out signal. I think this was in Texas.
This Jaguars which operates in many cities, including Odessa and Abilene, is it that good?
I have read that pressure is being applied in Houston to reign it back in. They specifically mentioned this Treasures.
Lol. I remember those days. I would always check out the yellow pages for escort services and massage parlors - even if just gathering intel - but 9/10 pages had been ripped out. Good memories.
There are weaknesses in the escort approach. There is not this face 2 face high powered attraction. You don't even get to meet the girl until you have already booked and are obligated. Even with photographs online, you still don't know about how the two of you will feel about each other. So of course it is better with strippers.
So your stripper takes the place of your escort. But does FS-ITC take the place of the escort session? Is the quality level of the session that high? Or do you still need to set up OTC to get what you are accustomed to?
I have reservations about many of the FS-ITC experiences I am reading about, that they are too constrained, too short, and that too many palms are needing to be greased, and that the physical space is too small, and that the foreplay before committing is absent.
As far as calling escorts, It was not like that for me. What I was doing were FS sessions at store front AMPs.
The strip clubs where I am are no touching. There is one mind blowing experience I hope to relate about what happened in San Francisco. But mostly I have been skeptical about the high and extreme mileage which was to be had in San Francisco clubs. I don't really go along with the "extras" model, as that to me seems like a gimmick to suck your wallet dry. I want FS. But at a place where they measure time in songs, and where the facilities are too limited, and where the dancers are too hard surfaced to engage with? I've never liked the idea.
So are the SC FS-ITC sessions really good enough to replace the escort sessions?
I still like that idea of the chair forts in the early days of Texas high mileage. I believe that the girl must have been in charge of everything, including the time keeping, and that she must have gotten most of the money. I believe that those sessions could have really been good. I'm hoping people might want to talk more about this.
Talking about ways the SC service level might be extended to combine the best aspects of SC's and Escort sessions. I know there are many who could have much to contribute to this:………
30 Days In The Hole…
I played a lot of board games. It was fun.
I just love that.