
Comments by davids (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper is LYING and/or MANIPULATING others, is she HONEST with YOU??????
    Quite a fascinating question, actually. Perhaps the customer gets a false sense of security: Well of course she won't be crazy enough to lie and/or manipulate me after she told me she does it to others. It's almost like confessing some of your "dark side" builds trust. Trust then gets confused with friendship or love... Perhaps some lying, manipulative strippers would care to comment?
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    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    tropical: The strategy is not designed to make friends with strippers. I presume that any normal person will be able to find better places than strip clubs to make friends: schools, work, book clubs, through charitable or political and what not. You idea of treating others with respect in order to become friends is a good one in general, but applicable in strip clubs due to the type of people you are dealing with.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers giving less "RESPECT" to customers spending less
    The less you spend the more respect you get. Plus you get to the keep your money too.
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    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    Oh, and just for the record, if you do happen to meet a stripper who you truly beleive to be a grad student, respectful to her customers and not a game player and someone you like than you have run into an EXCEPTION. By all means try and become friends with her by being respectful and what not. (Note that this exceptional class of strippers accounts for exactly 0.5% of all strippers. )
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    19 years ago
    Front or back?
    Well known that most men prefer doggie style and most women prefer face to face.
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    19 years ago
    Front or back?
    RL is actually quite an intelligent and amusing poster. Problems are that he recycles too much material; does not engage in follow ups to his original posts; has quite a histronic writing style especially as exemplified by his abuse of CAPITALIZATION. Once in a while he posts some real gems though, so it's kind of worth dealing with the repetition. (On the other hand, no poster makes a great post everytime, either)
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    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    And it looks like the regulars here are already lined up to kiss the stripper's ass big time. Who will be the winner? Mouse has taken an initial by buttering her up in club chat, but few can doubt Yoda's expereince. Will she feel sorry FONDL's lack of manliness? Perhaps the younger casualguy can sweep her off her feet. Can shadowcat rally before he has to check into the retirement home? Place yer bets folks!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Things they think we like, but we don't...
    Some of the "pet names" are super annoying: "Hon", "Darling", and "Dear" come to mind. Can you please hide your contempt for your customers just a little bit? Some very obnoxious strippers even called me "doll"!!!!! Think I'll ever bought another dance from them? "Baby", "cutie", and "handsome" are, of course great. "Sweetie" depends on voice tone.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strip Club Outfit
    Dressing randomy is the best policy. Sometimes wear total rags, other nights wear the finest of threads. Just never be predictable. Women love to think about these kinds of things and look for explanations for your choice of clothing where there are none. Think it ties in with the variable reinforcement thing.
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    19 years ago
    Strip Club Outfit
    Jeans are ok if you are just going there to pick up strippers. Pick up line: "I need your honest opinion here: Please tell me the truth: Do these jeans make my ass look fat?" (Show off your ass.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    casualguy: It's only ass kissing if you have (or think you have) something to gain by it. If anything I lose in terms of reputation here by siding with RL on many issues. I am just here to tell the truth, however, and, incidentally, have pointed out RLs weaknesses in other threads. I neither seek nor shy away from confrontation. This is unlike many of the other posters here (!!!FONDL!!!) who I suspect are very confrontation avoidant in real life which, doubtlessly, is a big contributing factor to their lack of success with women they don't have to pay for. I am just here to tell the truth: if that ruffles some feathers along the way then so be it. As I've said many times I have discussed my opinions on the culture quite extensively with SC employees and they think I am on the mark. Hence, if the dupes here are upset, it's too bad for them. I don't go to SCs much anymore. If I do it's mostly to gossip with friends about the latest developments and see how the culture is evolving. mailman: when all else fails and you can't think of anything creative to say attack typos. Good one!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Too many favorites in one place, what to do?
    AN: you need to do some googling before you shoot your mouth again like you did on the haircut thing.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strange things men have done with or to a dancer during a lap dance.
    With some strippers I could within 30 seconds of so that their attitude was the pits or that their dances were going to lame, so I would just pay for the one song and leave before we were even a minute into it. Surprisingly none of them ever offered a discount or felt bad about giving me such crumby service. These just took the money and acted cool. In any normal business they would at least try to find out what was wrong or not accept your money if you did not like their product and let them know right away. Just part of the reason I can't have much respect for strippers at the end of the day.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Requesting feedback of No Touch in Vegas?
    "No touch" in Vegas is a total joke. Approximately 5% of strippers in Vegas insist on it, and *exactly* (no joke this time) 0% of those got me to buy a second dance from them. Go to the Olympic Garden if you want to meet the most flagrant violators.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    You know you've been spending too much time in nudie bars when...
    ... your cellphone contains more strippers' numbers than other people
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the best way to....
    Ask if you can do anything "more interesting next song" or if you can "have more fun". If you are willing to pay more than ask if she does any dances above X where X is the standard rate. (Use this last one with caution though: sometimes their naughtier dances will consist of something totally lame.) Most girls, round here at least, will be pretty open about what they'll do once they figure out you are interested.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the best way to....
    I disagree with the "never ask" philosophy. While it's true that most let you know on their own, there's nothing to be lost by asking if a stripper has not offered you anything yet. Sometimes you'll run into some big surprises! (Some will not have anything to offer ITC but may propose OTC stuff to you at this point: If they do always be aware that since they know you want something the first price they are going to quote will be insanely high. Never take it unless you also routinely burn money in your fire at home. In fact, I would stay away from them for a couple of weeks and ask again to see if the price has gone down yet...) If she follows up with "what did you have in mind?" then start with the tamest thing beyond what she is currently doing, and work your way up. Do it with a sense of humor, of course, and you WILL NOT offend any stripper by asking. (Even if you do there are tons of other strippers you can get dances from instead so who cares?)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is the best way to....
    Oh, and just to mention the obvious: If you inquire about extras and she responds with "I'm a dancer not a prostitute" then it is best just to leave it at that rather trying to argue with her that she technically (and in spirit) is one.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper names and what they mean...
    Why do they even have names at all? Why would you possibly care what their real one is?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids don't leave, help out some PATHETIC, DESPERATE LOSERS
    I'm here for a bit, with hopefully a few surprises for the readers in the future... A question the customers you talk about might want to ask themselves is this: would a real "friend" have accepted your money for conversation in the first place? Won't she instead tell you to get the fuck out strip clubs and spend that money instead on personal trainers, psycho-therapists, books on how to date successfully, etc?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do Strippers Kid Themselves about their Customers Likely Financial Situations?
    You are right that most strippers probably have enough conscience to not want to see their customers starving. (However there are definitely those who could care less.) I think most are able to, and do occasionally, run the estimates of how much their customers are spending and conclude that it is not sustainable for normal guys. At this point they are forced with the following moral dilemna: 1) they can have the guts to stand up to their customer and tell them they think they have a problem and will not contribute to it 2) they can imagine and make themselves beleive that their customers are rich and can afford it 3) they can tell themselves that the customer is indeed behaving self destructively but it is not their responsibility to get involved 4) the most sinster ones can do things to accelerate the process. Some will rationalize that customer will self destruct anyway, and their money might as well be put to good use: e.g. feeding her own children or deadbeat boyfriend. I have done extensive scientific measurments, including having interviewed ever stripper alive. I have also consulted psychics to contact all strippers who are no longer alive. From this I have exact numbers as to what percentage of strippers have follow each course above. The numbers are as follows 1) 5% 2) 45% 3) 45% 4) 5%
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
    Do you think it's money or personality that allows some older guys to still attract young, beautiful women? Do you really think the three I mentioned were successful because they were buying the younger women?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Other activities
    Interesting: Now we learn that FONDL is still spending money on his ATF after all. Could this account for the attention he receives? Hey, FONDL, have you ever done it with her?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Should you call the club to see if your fav is working?
    Why don't you have her phone number? That's the mistake you made and why you are wondering about this. If don't have it then you do not know her well enough that you should be fixated on this one in particular. (On the other hand if you do have it and are fixated on this one in particular then why aren't you trying to meet her outside of work instead?) Gentlemen: Please do not get hung up on any one particular stripper. The exception to this might be if you know you could get ten others but this one is special to you and you are about to propose.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?
    FONDL said: "to answer the original question, can we pick up young girls outside of clubs? Sure we can, it's just easier, cheaper and less of a hassle in strip clubs. And you don't have to deal with as much BS. Plus I have no interest in dating young girls anyway, I'm just looking for a couple hours company and some risque entertainment once in awhile. Strip clubs work well for this." Anyone believe FONDL when he says this? Yeah, me neither. Looks like FONDL might have crossed the line between just trying to kid himself and lying to others now. Nice to see I am off his "do not read list" however.