Strip Club Outfit
On another thread there was a discussion of what to wear. Like most guys I've always gone in what I wore to work that day, which is usually Kakis and a nice shirt. On vacation it's been shorts and t-shirt. What do you usually wear? My trips are usually not planned, so that is a factor you can consider.
When I go clubbing I usually wear khakis or nice Bermuda shorts, depending on the time of year, and a Polo shirt. I usually wear a sport coat in cooler weather too. (A sport coat functions for me the same as a purse for a woman, all the pockets give me places to carry things like sun glasses etc.) The one exception is if I'm going to a very downscale blue collar place in the boonies or in a factory area where I know everybody in the place will be in jeans, then I am too. But I'll still wear the Polo shirt where everyone else is in a T-shirt. That sets me apart enough to get attention.
The only time I ever wear a tie is to a wedding or funeral. But even then I wear a sport coat rather than a suit. I feel dressier in a nice sport coat, a suit is a work uniform to me. I'm not even sure if my one (grey pinstripe) suit fits me anymore, I haven't tried it on in years.
An interesting experience with a club in the Kansas CIty area. The first time I went, I came into town the night before, was casually dressed for the long drive, and went straight to the club in dockers and a polo shirt, with a hoodie on top. Virtually no attention (admittedly, the club was very crowded). Next visit, went at the end of the business day, in a Hickey-Freeman special and wingtips. The club was equally crowded, and the dancers were all over me.
Twain: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no place in modern society." (I don't share that, or any other Churchill/Shaw/Twain/Truman/Lincon/Biblical quote anywhere near a strip club.)
Just never be predictable. Women love to think about these kinds of things and look for explanations for your choice of clothing where there are none. Think it ties in with the variable reinforcement thing.