
How Old is Too Old to Pick-up Hot Young Girls?

Do any of the posters here hang out in strip clubs because they feel they are too old to pick-up young hot girls by means on their personality?

If so how old is too old?

Bertrand Russell, Richard Feynman, and Voltaire are examples of men scoring with young beautiful women well into their 60s and beyond? If they could do it why can't you?


  • Mouse
    19 years ago
    Yoda, what do you mean by your statement, "I'm 47 and I have no trouble attracting late 20 somethings to early thirty somethings." What do you mean by "attracting?" Please dilate for us.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    FONDL: My figure is my estimate of what it would take to support a young woman with whom one is having a full-blown, sexual, exclusive (at least on her part) relationship, and in which one is securing a claim on her time pretty much at will by supporting her is such a way that she does not need demanding employment. I am assuming that you will have to pay for her rent/mortgage payment, keep her in a fairly nice car, pay a thousand or so a month in clothing and hair expenses, etc. I am figuring that women in their twenties are fairly acquistive. In other words, the figure that I gave is what I think it would cost to keep a mistress. If you are just interested in a non-sexual, "best pals hanging out" type of relationship, more sort of a Henry Higgins/Eliza Doolittle thing (as opposed to a small town USA version of Donald Trump/Marla Maples(scratch that, Melania Knauss)), then I'm sure that is obtainable for far less--maybe not more than picking up the tab at dinner.
    19 years ago
    Unlike Yoda, I enjoy talking to many of the real young ones, I often find their expressions, mannerisms, and conversation to be both cute and humorous. But I wouldn't want to have to put up with it all day every day.

    I'm only interested in attracting them in the club, I have no interest in becoming "friends" outside the club unless the girl is an extremely rare individual like my ATF. But if I did want to get to know some young women OTC, I disagree with Chitown, I don't think it takes nearly as much $$$ as he suggests. For a couuple of reasons. First of all, as guys age they tend to become less picky about looks. I find some 20 year olds attractive today that I never would have found attractive when I was their age. Secondly, older guys know how to treat and appreciate them, and for some of them that's very appealing. And we aren't just looking for sex the way that guys their own age are. Some young women enjoy spending time with an educated and polite older man. My ATF is one of them.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    I'm 47 and I have no trouble attracting late 20 somethings to early thirty somethings. Thats fine with me since I don't have any interest in girls any younger than that. As far as strip clubs go, I can certainly appreciate the beauty off a pair of nice firm 20 year old tits but I'd rather chew my arm off than spend fifteen minutes talking to most women that age. There are rare exceptions....
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Well, now Mouse, remember, the wealth of an older man and the beauty/other physical attributes of a younger woman are both relative commodities. Yes, as a 50 plus man you do have to have more-than-average wealth to attract a desirable woman under 30. HOWEVER, how wealthy you have to be depends on how attractive she is. If you are Michael Douglas, you get Catherine Zeta-Jones.
    If you are Donald Trump, you get Melania Knauss.

    However, even if your wealth is less than spectacular--but still considerable, or at least above average--then you may well be able to get an attractive woman within the context in which you live your life.

    If you want the latest Czech model off of the cover of Sports Illustrated, I doubt that a net worth of less than 20-25 million, plus a pretty high profile lifestyle is going to do it.

    But if you are looking for a fairly good looking woman in a second- or third-tier metropolitan area, or small town USA, I bet that you could do it with a net worth in the 2-5 million range, assuming that you have a good annual income and aren't overly encumbered by other obligations (alimony/child support being the most obvious).

    The bait you need depends on the fish you want to catch.
    However, as my grandfather used to say, just make sure the real sucker isn't sitting on the bank. (sucker=a midwestern term for carp, a game fish of middling quality),.
  • Mouse
    19 years ago
    You're too old guys, unless you're Michael Douglas, Hugh Heffner, or the like - men with extraordinary wealth and status. If you've got that EXTRA STATUS, then you've got a shot at the hot & hungry young women (i.e., the users, mecenaries, and status seekers), otherwise go for women your age. The odds of success are MUCH better.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    Movie Line: A film starring Raoul Julia (sp?) as Aristotle Onassis. He looks up from his plate, eating aboard his yacht, and says to his guests. "Eventually, all women do it for the money."
  • themailman
    19 years ago
    Back to the age/money/personality discussion.
    I still contend that 99% of men past 60, must be realitively wealthy in order to attract a woman under 35.
    Now, I will concede that personality does play a factor, but it is vastly easier for a wealthy older man to exude confidence and virility, that for a poor or even middle class man to do so.
    It's all connected, in my opinion.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Unless you are paying for it having sex with someone almost always means you have to listen to them politely for a while. Maybe DavidS has some secret where he can walk into a club, crook his finger and have any girl understand that he wants to have sex, but not do any kind of socializing before or after. Maybe he's such a stud it works for him. The rest of us mortals will have to keep buggering on the old fashioned way where you need to actually convince someone through social interaction that they should sleep with you, or you pay for it. Yes, I'd love to do a 20 yo if the oppurtunity presented itself. I can even think of a few.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I certainly would have sex with a 20 year old. However, I wouldn't get involved in a serious relationship with one.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Hello, old people? What on earth makes you think that you have to date/get all serious with 20 yo's to get something physical going with them? In fact of any age group that will be the one most willing to just have sex with you no strings attached. Oh wait, I guess you guys are going to try and tell me you won't want just sex with them. Alrighty, sure, we really believe you....
    19 years ago
    AN, I disagree slightly. I do enjoy hearing what a 20-something has to say, but I only want to have to listen to it when I'm in the mood which is ony now and then. And I definately want to be able to turn it off when it gets tiring. Strip clubs fit the bill very nicely.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Chitown, I agree completely, except for the age. I'm 41. My last girlfriend was 27. While there were some of the inevitable differences, the maturity was there. so I guess I agree with FONDL too, it's not age per se. I just find that I am really not that interested in anything a 20 yo has to say. Sorry, but I've been there, done that. No, you are not the first person in history to think those thoughts.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    FONDL said:

    "to answer the original question, can we pick up young girls outside of clubs? Sure we can, it's just easier, cheaper and less of a hassle in strip clubs. And you don't have to deal with as much BS. Plus I have no interest in dating young girls anyway, I'm just looking for a couple hours company and some risque entertainment once in awhile. Strip clubs work well for this."

    Anyone believe FONDL when he says this? Yeah, me neither. Looks like FONDL might have crossed the line between just trying to kid himself and lying to others now.

    Nice to see I am off his "do not read list" however.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I must be getting old, because if I was at liberty again, in my early 40s, I would not go after a very young girl, even if the prospects were favorable. I think you get to a point in life where common interests, cultural contexts, etc., become more important than bedtime. But for a short term experience, strip clubs give you a wonderful opportunity to think that younger girls are attracted to you, and that you could really have a successful relationship with one. But if I was really looking for a serious longterm relationship, I doubt I would go below 35, and certainly not below 30.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    I felt too old when a hot young dancer, asking me about where and how she could get Cuban cigars, told me she never heard of the embargo, learned about the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 8th grade, five years ago and didn't understand anything about it. She pretended to want to learn because she really likes good cigars and knew she could smoke them accross the Detroit River in Canada, but could'nt bring them back. I tried to keep the history lesson as short as possible, answering her questions, but had the feeling that this was just too much work.
    19 years ago
    Once you reach maturity (and some people here still have a long way to go) age is more a state of mind than anything else. I've known old guys in ther 20's and young guys in their 60's, you probably have too. I used to talk to a guy regularly at my gym who swam a mile every day, and was shokced to later find out that he was in his 80's. He was good looking, intelligent, had a lot of class, and would have had no trouble dating girls 1/3 his age if he was interested.

    But to answer the original question, can we pick up young girls outside of clubs? Sure we can, it's just easier, cheaper and less of a hassle in strip clubs. And you don't have to deal with as much BS. Plus I have no interest in dating young girls anyway, I'm just looking for a couple hours company and some risque entertainment once in awhile. Strip clubs work well for this.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Never crossed my mind since I did the equation in the order mentioned, but there can be two interpretations. One is essentially (half the man's age) + 7 years, whereas the other is half (the man's age +7 years). I'm 41, 42 in a month so we'll use that.

    42 / 2 = 21, 21 + 7 = 28 (the one I used)
    42 + 7 = 49, 49 / 2 = 24.5 ( in case you want to stretch things a bit)
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    On the other hand, I am 32 and I can't see myself picking up some chick who can't legally drink.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    I had heard the formula was half the man's age plus 10. Now that I am in my 40s, I like that better than AB's rule.
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I love seeing old ladies with young studs.....it's almost as amusing as the other way around.
    Just another case of having the right amount of $$$$$$ to get what you want.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    As far as how old is too old there used to be a tradition the matchmakers used for couples. The woman should be half the man's age plus 7 years to be compatible. So an 18 yo man marying a 16 yo girl is good, as is a 40 yo man marying a 27 yo woman. I like it. I'd be glad to have sex with a 20 yo, but I doubt I'd want to date one at this point in my life.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    One of my favorite lines comes from Hugh Hefner (who is now 79 "dating" 3 or 4 20ish YO playmates). At the time he was in his 50's picking up one of his long term GFs. She complained "I've never dated anyone over 25." He said, "That's OK, neither have I."

    More seriously if you are confining this topic to strippers money will be key. If you are talking about society at large money probably matters somewhat less. If you think what we are programmed to look for in partners it makes some sense. Men want a young healthy woman capable of bearing his children. Women want a man who can protect and provide for her and her children. A successful older man can do that, and there is no genetic disadvantage to an older man.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Obviously, money is the ageless commodity here.

    I don't know where the author of the immediately preceeding post lives, but in my part of the country, a $100K income is pretty good, depending on a man's other commitments. HOwever, saying, I sell real estate at $40K is probably not a big come-on.

    Ultimately, what gets attention is not how much money you have, but how much you will spend on the dancer. And I think a lot of people in business (not just dancers), will create rationalizations so thay they don't care if the money they get comes from someone's 401(k), kid's college account, etc.
  • phonehome
    19 years ago
    There may be a little of that father or as the case may be granfather figure thing but more often than not it's the money do we really think that ANS would have had anything to do with JHM if he had been you average SS & pension recipient? Lets see hot young big booded blonde and 90 year old guy in a wheel chair, you just knew he was a real stud in bed LOL If he just had a few grand in the bank and a few grand a month coming in somehow i think the outcome would ahve been different.

    Do we really think that Donald Trump would have had no shortage of Eastern European models dying to be MRS. Trump # 3 if he had been just some "I make 100K a year selling real estate" type simply because of his darling personality?
  • Shekitout
    19 years ago
    I wonder if some of the younger dancers look at older guys as a grandfather figure especially if they are so much younger-18 to 19-than you are.
  • Dain
    19 years ago
    I get girls who are twenty, and I'm old enough to be their grandfather. It's a matter of making them feel relaxed. About 5 or 6 underage girls approach me yearly; but I just enjoy the attention, nothing else.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Do you think it's money or personality that allows some older guys to still attract young, beautiful women? Do you really think the three I mentioned were successful because they were buying the younger women?
  • themailman
    19 years ago
    It's interesting that you don't see young hotties attached to POOR older men...
    Could money be a factor in the aged's ability to attract these young vixens? (Retorical question)
    So maybe a 2 part question would be in order...How old is to old, if you are wealthy? and How old is too old if you're middle class?
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    How old?

    When you are dead, or when you are broke, whichever comes first.

    Let us not forget my colleague Pierce Marshall, who picked up future bride Anna Nicole Smith (a/k/a "Sweet Cheeks") from a strip club in Dallas when he was in his 90s and had to be wheeled in.
    19 years ago
    I agree but I don't think age has much to do with it. Guys at any age will attract better looking girls if they have money. Next time you see a really expensive car go by with a young guy and girl inside, take a look, I'll bet 9 times out of 10 she's very good looking, even if he isn't. Money attracts good looking women, regardless of the guy's age.
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