Strippers giving less "RESPECT" to customers spending less

avatar for RomanticLover
I was reading about stripper giving less RESPECT to a customer who starts spending LESS MONEY on her. WHAT THE FUCK????? Is RESPECT something that customers BUY from a stripper? Does the amount of RESPECT that a customer receives from a stripper have to do with the amount of MONEY he spends?

If so, then I would like to ask strippers to post HOW MUCH MONEY does RESPECT cost in your strip club.


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avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
In response to "keira" - A problem with spending money on strippers (especially paying the "regular price" for dances when you are used to haggling) is that if a customer is spending money on a stripper while hoping that stripper will like him because of it then that customer can be said to be trying to BUY AFFECTION. Buying a dance at the "regular price" from a stripper in order to help her out when she needs money can hurt a customer's PRIDE if that customer thinks that the "regular price" of dances is overinflated, especially if this is done REPEATEDLY.

Also, another problem with spending MONEY on a stripper to help her out is that a customer may only want to help out a stripper who REALLY LIKES HIM. Because he is spending money, it can sometimes be difficult to tell. Also, some customers may only want to help out a stripper who is TRULY A FRIEND - that is they spend time together OUTSIDE THE CLUB.

Do you have any thoughts on this?
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Keira, most regular posters have clicked on the new "ignore" feature shown right besides davids and romanticlover aka RL. It eliminates a vast majority of the juvenile posts on here.

I tend to agree with what you stated which is why I didn't respond and most regular posters probably never even saw your post since they have RL on ignore and he started this thread. Just for your information.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Bones: By talking to strippers about what they think about customers. (Also from recalling how I was treated when I did spend money.) If I don't spend money on them, and it's clear that I am never going to, I think it takes away their motivation to lie. Also by talking to other club employees, and other guys who have dated or fucked strippers about what they think about customers who do spend. The truth is out there, but it would shock you. Look for it if you think you can handle it.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Anyway, my final appeal to everyone is just to do the experiment for themselves. Try going to clubs and spend money for some period of time. Then trying going for time without spend money, and see which way you are treated better.

I know the results are surprising, b/c we expect there to be tradeoffs in most situations: many things in life are win-lose, but this is actually a win-win situation: you get to keep your money AND the strippers respect you more.

Another interesting paradox about strippers is that the HIGHER the quality of the stripper the more likely she is to want to date or fuck you. Again counter intuitive to many b/c it is win-win.
avatar for Keira
19 years ago
wow, you guys have no idea....literally NONE
avatar for davids
19 years ago
In my experience if you spend money strippers do not respect you (I have seen two exceptions to this rule in about 1200 strippers I've met). However, if you do not spend money, then you have some chance.
avatar for Keira
19 years ago
Um ok, first strippers ARE still girls, we do have feelings. I see a lot of girls going home crying because of bad customers. Yes we know it comes with the job, but it still hurts us, and a lot of girls work as strippers because they are in a bad situation and need $. Every night I work I come in contact with people who treat me with NO respect simply bc of my occupation, they call me names and try to get things for free and assume I will have sex for money or that I do drugs or that I dropped out of school, soooo when I get a guy who is very nice to me, even if he spends a dollar on stage, I show him appreciation by being respectful back. He can spend a dollar and be nice and expect a dollar's worth of my time and Im MUCH nicer to him that some guy who works my $20 dances to $15 and buys 10 of them, and tries to get more for free. Ive had guys pull a dollar back on stage because they want me to stay longer in front of them, and I leave them and refuse them dances and wont talk to them the rest of the night because I like to go home in a good mood. In other words, dont be an a$$hole. Of course there are girls who have no respect no matter what...I work with quite a few of these. You know how they come about? They are dancers who have worked for years and have been treated like crap for a long time, thats what happens to them.
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
what about the respect?
avatar for RomanticLover
19 years ago
What about EMOTIONS in strip clubs?
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Respect or MONEY??
avatar for davids
20 years ago
The less you spend the more respect you get. Plus you get to the keep your money too.
avatar for jctone
20 years ago
RL, if your boss paid you less is he giving you less "RESPECT"?
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Some strippers DO NOT RESPECT
avatar for Daverinstl
20 years ago
Don't confuse attention with respect. Dancers generally have little respect for guys who come in and drop hugh amounts of money. They spend a lot of time with them but they don't respect them.

The way to have a dancer repect you is to treat them with respect, not like a piece of meat, and spend a reasonable amount. After all its how they make a living. I once had a fav say to me I'll meet you by the bar when this asshole leaves. Now this guy probally dropped 10 times what I spent. But he expected to have his ass kissed and she resented it.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
But guys already know that respect is directly proportional to money spent on dances and dancers.
avatar for RomanticLover
18 years ago
What about the respect?
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