
Comments by chasman (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Las Vegas
    That depends on what you're looking for. Spearmint Rhino is probably the most popular club in town, resulting in the largest number of good looking women, but also in the largest crowds and the most hustle for the VIP. Cheetah's in the afternoon is probably the best value with $10 laps, but you get the girls who work for $10 laps in Vegas. Club Paradise still seems to be regularly described as the classiest, but mileage is reportedly very low. Deja Vu has some very pretty & very sexy young girls, but as a nude club it serves no alcohol and it gets pretty pricey if you want contact. Sheri's and Diamond Cabaret get the most recommendations from cab drivers, but if that doesn't warn you off them then you deserve to go to both.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Strip Club "dos" and "don'ts"
    Do: some research before you travel. That's one of the benefits of this site and it can keep you from being tossed/roughed up for touching in a 6 foot rule city. Conversely it can keep you from beating your head against a wall if you don't find out they offer friction/extras until after you've left the club. Don't: ever, Ever, EVER get in a taxi and ask the cabbie to take you to the best strip club in town.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the sexiest outfit a girl can wear?
    Daisy Duke style cutoff jeans and a tight, white t-shirt or tank top. Oh yeah, giggidy-giggidy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you go for the club or the girl?
    This depends on where I am. If I'm playing tourist (usually in Vegas) then I'm looking for a particular vibe from the club -- decent tunes, sightlines, stageshows and drink service, not to mention absentee bouncers -- and I'm just going to look for a girl that appeals to me. In Vegas I've only ever seen the same dancer at the same club once on a subsequent vacation, but there's usually enough selection & variety that it's not a problem finding someone to satisfy my tastes. At home in Vancouver, where it's all about the stage shows in most clubs and the dancers rotate from club to club on a weekly basis, then I will look to see who's dancing where and use that to select the club. Currently there are 3 dancers in town who will have me going anywhere in the area to watch them, otherwise it's more a case of am I bothering to stop by for a beer if I'm in the area. (If anyone was going to ask, the 3 are Lotus Lane, Striptease and Tiana Temptation.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Trouble in Canada?
    Haven't heard anything about this, and the newsmedia up here grab ahold of strip club stories like pitbulls on a toy poodle. However, given that the Supreme Court of Canada declared indecency laws against private swingers clubs unconstitutional last year there is a simple solution for Ontario strip clubs should such a thing come to pass. Do what bar owners in Utah do: declare themselves a private club, charge a cover, call it a membership fee and Bob's your uncle. Nothing to worry about.
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    19 years ago
    R. I. P.
    I can't say it was a "favorite" per se, but I spent a lot of time at the Marble Arch here in Vancouver in my youth. It was the first strip club I ever went to and I still throw up the devil's horns at the appropriate verse whenever they pay the Crue's "Girls, Girls Girls" in any other strip club. I draw some weird looks when I do that too.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Rail tipping around the nation.
    AN: I love Canada too, that's why I live here, but if you try that trick in a British Columbia strip club you're likely to have a bouncer grab you by your ankles and drag you out of the club. Stage tipping is still pretty rare in this part of the country and most of the times I do see it happen its American tourists (judging by the fact that they tip with US$ or can't tell our fives from our tens) who get absolutely nothing for their money. Heck, rail tipping (or rather, its attendant bonuses) is one of the reasons I love Las Vegas clubs. BC liquor laws prohibit any contact between entertainer and customer. A couple of clubs get around it by having lap dance areas in what literally constitutes a different address where you can't take your drink or by not serving alcohol. And I won't say I've never had a stage dancer rest her ankles on my shoulders or rub my shaven head, but never as a result of tipping and in no way that compares to what I've gotten stageside at Vegas clubs.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Okay, since enquiz got his question answered I'll hijack the thread with one of my own that's not in the Glossary either. What exactly is or makes a dancer a "Spinner"?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    strip clubs in Mexico
    FONDL, except for the Coveted Top 10 I don't think you can fairly use this site to compare clubs in different states/provinces or cities at all. When I read that someone has given, for example, Adelita's in Tijuana a rating of 10 that only influences my choice of where to go if I ever find myself in TJ, it has no bearing on what I'll think of a club that gets a rating of 10 or 5 in Vegas or Vancouver. And a 5 rating for a club in Las Vegas does not equate/compare to a 5 rating in Vancouver where strip clubbing is a very different experience, but to higher and lower rated clubs in Las Vegas. Sure, maybe I can compare Vancouver to Victoria or Las Vegas to Reno, but even that can be invalidated depending on local ordinances or socio-economic situations. Certainly when I review clubs myself I'm rating them in comparison to what you can get somewhere else nearby, ideally within a few dozen miles or so. True if I've only been to one club in a particular locale, like Rick's in Seattle or Mary's Club in Portland, then the rating becomes highly subjective and is of questionable use to anybody. But that's why we also get to write reviews when we rate the clubs.
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    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Did first OTC lead to a second one?
    Well, I'm taking the dangerous track of accepting what she's told you at face value, but I'd guess that it was probably her first OTC as well. Given that taking money for sex suffers a much bigger social stigma than paying money for sex, I'd say that she's having trouble dealing with that belief that she's crossed some line -- ITC she's a "dancer", OTC she's a "hooker" -- that she wasn't expecting to face. It just my uninformed, too-much-theory-not-enough-practice opinion, but you are wasting your time trying to contact her and you will never see her again. Move on.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What about the Duke University rape case?
    I think its just another example of how the newsnets love to run the hell out of any story where they get to say the word stripper on the air.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Club Memorabalia
    From clubs I collect matchbooks/boxes, but I also collect them from restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, etc. so that may not count. Here in Vancouver it's not the clubs but individual dancers who provide most of the memorabilia; they'll throw stuff with their picture on it out into the audience to work upthe crowd increase their popularity. As they work the circuit here the more popular dancers can command more money from the clubs. Over the years I've snagged many posters, postcards, lighters, keychains, etc as they were thrown to me although as I've gotten older I don't make as much noise as the kids and so get less stuff.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Seattle area strip clubs
    Giveitayank, I've only been to Rick's once, I was very impressed and I'm a tourist. I was prepared for the no alcohol rule, the absence of stage tipping was unexpected & I almost never go into VIP rooms. Dancers keeping their kit on during a lap dance was, I thought, kind of odd but I saw and felt plenty so WTF. But if you think the "tourist factor" is a big deal in Sea/Tac, take a look at some of the ratings & reviews of Vancouver BC clubs from out-of-towners. You'd think a couple of songs between sets was the end of the world!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    High Mileage Clubs in Vegas
    A "pretty picture"? No. My last trip to the Olympic Gardens? Sadly, yes. Try the Spearmint Rhino or Seamless, or Crazy Horse Too on the day shift but expect to pay much more in a club than at any hotel lounge's VP bar.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    High Mileage Clubs in Vegas
    Chandler, I got you. My last trip to the OG embodied your allusion to "topless" and "pancake". At least, I assume you were referring to a club full of girls with flapjack titties?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do big stage tips get results?
    Here in Vancouver stage tipping still isn't the norm yet (although it's getting there: Thanks, all you American tourists!!!) and I've only done it once. $5 is our smallest bill, although US$1's (and CA$20's) are also commonly used by the aforementioned tourists. The tips seem to be appreciated, but you don't really get any more show for your dough. Stage dancers tend not to do much private dancing here, so I don't think it helps much there either. In Vegas, my other quasi-frequent SC haunt, I like to sit at the stage and usually tip a buck a song. If a beast gets up on stage I don't hesitate to get up and walk away, usually to another stage or the gent's. If the dancer does a really good stage routine I'll double the amount I tip and compliment her for her skills on the pole, but that happens very rarely in Vegas and I usually intend it only as a tip for the stage performance. I'll also bump the tipping to a few bucks a song if I see a dancer I want to spend some time with on a side stage with no customers around. It can be worth the expenditure to get an almost private dance & sometimes avoid a girl who looks good but turns out to have a bad attitude. The only time I've really gone "overboard" on stage tipping was when a dancer I was spending a lot of time with got called on stage; she'd already promised to come back and I knew she would since she didn't ask me to pay her what I owed her first, I follwed her up to the stag and laid out about $20+ in singles on the rail right off the bat, she'd come by during her set and I'd put a few in her g-string each time. But that was a special occurance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Why don't pretty girls smile?
    Darn it, Yoda, I wish I'd said that first. I'll lay another angle onto the discussion, though, because this is something of a longstanding bugbear with me. Somewhere along the line someone (not me) decided that smiling wasn't sexy; look at an issue of Playboy, Penthouse, Maxim, FHM or any other men's magazine; look at the escort ads on Cityvibe or in the classifieds of you local paper; look at magazine or TV ads for perfumes or lingere or other "sexy" products. Now see how many of the women in there don't smile; they pout, they smirk, they try to affect a thousand yard stare or they half close their eyes and part their lips but they almost never smile. Blame the photographers and the editors and the ad-hacks, but women have bought into it because it must be true because it's in print/on TV. If they had any real idea of what a nice, pleasant, honest smile does to most of us men (just like if they had any idea what hips and real tits and a torso without protruding skeletal features do to us) you'd see a lot more of it in the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you pity tip?
    Not on a bet, not if I'm the only guy in the place, not even if the dancer I'm sitting with gives me a dollar and tells me to tip her because she's new/having a bad night/her best friend. If I don't want to see her without clothes on I'll get up from the stage and move/visit the gents' or focus on the game on TV. Rude? Maybe, but I go to the SCs for my own entertainment -- I ignore crappy cover bands in pubs too and don't feel bad about that either.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    I see this quite often when I'm in Vegas clubs, where it's less the "urban" patrons and more the obvious tourists. I have to admit that even when I want to tip heavily I can't bring myself to do this, probably for the same reasons chitown mentioned in his original post. The most ostentatious display I'll make is fanning 10 or 20 in singles out on the rail or stage in front of myself. As far as throwing coins go, I'd recommend that the curious check out the strip clubs in Calgary or Edmonton Alberta, Canada. The "loonie toss" is a well established tradition in Alberta, although class is not.
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    18 years ago
    For Those In The Cheap Seats
    Did DG forget a comma, or did DE add one? Those are two different lists.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    In answer to the first question, assuming that I'm enjoying the dances & I'm going to get multiple sets, I'll typically get 3-5 dances before asking to take a short break. If I'm not getting another round, for economic reasons rather than just not enjoying the dances, I'm still usually good for 2 songs. (I've never had a lap dance so bad that I've not finished the song, that might be good for another thread though.) In answer to the second question, it's usually a question of finances; I don't plan on or limit myself to a particular number of dances but to however many I can get for whatever my budget for the night happens to be. At home, if I'm going out intending to get lap dances, I'll usually take about $200 for the purpose and stay in budget. If I wasn't planning on getting any laps (the clubs in Vancouver being mostly cabaret style places with mostly air dances) I'm limited by what's in my wallet when I get there and that usually limits me to only a song or two. When I'm on vacation, however, it's not uncommon for me to spen $500-600 in one night and some of that that may or may not go to tips or drinks for the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    heading to Vegas
    I had a helluva good time at Deja Vu a couple of weeks ago, you can check my review. I found the dancers very attractive, if somewhat heavily tattooed and/or pierced. I have yet to read a positive review of the Palomino that I'd consider trustworthy. It is worth mentioning that in Las Vegas these days a dancer must be at least 21 to work in a club that sells alcohol, but can work in one of the no alcohol clubs at 18. Expect the clubs to be fairly quiet in the afternoons right now, but not as bad as in the high summer months. Weekdays only get really hopping during convention season, I hear. Still, there are things to be said for being one of a handful of customers in the joint.
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    14 years ago
    A reminder about avoiding the cover charge at Las Vegas strip clubs!
    Not all Vegas clubs will offer to waive the cover charge if you call for a limo, and one or two expect you to pay more than the normal cover charge. Always check the Web site and/or confirm what you're getting when you call. CT, it is illegal for a taxi in Vegas to pick up or drop off on the street. Also, some clubs will waive the cover if you walk up and some won't, so this should also be confirmed in advance. Deja Vu clubs (at least, Showgirls and Ultra Lounge) have charged me cover on walking up.