Why don't pretty girls smile?

avatar for FONDL
Seems to me that the best looking girls rarely smile, while the nicest smiles are usually on girls who are otherwise fairly average looking. I was once again reminded of this fact this morning at my gym, where there's a very attractive young woman who I see fairly often - she walks by everyone as if they aren't there without ever making eye contact or saying hello, and she never smiles. What's wrong with girls like that? Are they afraid guys will hit on them if they smile or what?


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avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Upon further reflection, I'm going to agree with whoever (probably several people) said that attractive girls smile as much as anyone else. It's just that we notice it a lot more when an attractive girl doesn't smile, because they're the ones we're looking at. Who cares if the fuglies smile or not? And I definately agree that any girl looks better with a nice smile.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
One of the first things I noticed when I went all-Brazilian is that they are always smiling. They may not always be having a great day financially but their attitude is that "there is always tomorrow".
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
The pout-smirk look (I call it "deer in headlights") is actually biologically preferred, or so I've read in a few evo-bio-psych type books. It's a young woman's "submission" display. The lower lip hanging, the eyes wide open, the tongue pressed to the front of the mouth, and the head lolling. I don't think dancers necessarily have read the evo-bio-psych books, but as others pointed out, maybe they're picking it up from popular culture, men's magazines, and advertising.

But it works best in PHOTOS, in my opinion, not in REAL LIFE. A doltish, dull, bland stare communicates to me, not, "I am submitting to you, because you're so MANLY and HEROIC." Rather, it communicates, "I'm doltish, dull, bland, and staring." I want INTERACTION and quickness. A darting eye, a quick friendly smile (with some sexiness and sultriness involved, yes). That's my preference.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
You guys must LOVE Lawrence Welk reruns.
avatar for chasman
19 years ago
Darn it, Yoda, I wish I'd said that first. I'll lay another angle onto the discussion, though, because this is something of a longstanding bugbear with me.

Somewhere along the line someone (not me) decided that smiling wasn't sexy; look at an issue of Playboy, Penthouse, Maxim, FHM or any other men's magazine; look at the escort ads on Cityvibe or in the classifieds of you local paper; look at magazine or TV ads for perfumes or lingere or other "sexy" products. Now see how many of the women in there don't smile; they pout, they smirk, they try to affect a thousand yard stare or they half close their eyes and part their lips but they almost never smile. Blame the photographers and the editors and the ad-hacks, but women have bought into it because it must be true because it's in print/on TV. If they had any real idea of what a nice, pleasant, honest smile does to most of us men (just like if they had any idea what hips and real tits and a torso without protruding skeletal features do to us) you'd see a lot more of it in the clubs.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
Good point, Yoda, I agree with you. Poor chioce of words on my part, I should have said "an otherwise very attractive girl."
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
I guess my definition of pretty may be different than yours FONDL. If they don't smile they aren't pretty.
avatar for Golfer99
19 years ago
I don't think it's true. It seems that it's all about how pissed or happy they are. I've seen some damn ugly dancers not smile too lol. I've also seen some drop dead hotties smile when you give them a $1 on the stage like you had made their day.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I haven't noticed the prettiest girls smiling more or less than other girls. Of course a smile can make someone look a bit better than someone who is not smiling.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
This is an age old complaint, but I don't think it's true. Although pretty girls may not smile as much as we'd sometimes like them to, it's as often or more as average looking girls. We just notice it more and take it more personally. Also, we credit average girls for their "great smile" because it improves their looks so much. A hot looking girl still looks hot when she's bored, she just looks more unattainable.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
19 years ago
Attitude. People (pretty or not) who smile a lot in a fake and needy way, might be fake and needy. People (pretty or not) who smile in a genuine manner, might be genuine and well-balanced. People (pretty or not) who smile only very seldom, might be defensive or unhappy about life.

Then again, plenty of people (pretty or not) know how to smile in a genuine manner even when it isn't genuine. That's called good salesmanship ...
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Pretty girls smile just as much as anyone else. Possibly even more so. Please clue in, old man.
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