
Comments by chasman (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Favorites versus luck of the draw
    My local club can be very hit and miss, has a fairly high turnover and, like Minnow, I only visit often enough to be recognized but not often enough to be a regular. If I'm lucky enough to find a girl who's dances I like, I'm usually happy to stick with her for as long as she sticks around the club. I might be missing out elsewhere, but the odds are not high. My most recent fave has moved on to greener pastures, so I'm in the process of trying to find a replacement. For sampling purposes I go to Vegas once or twice a year, and I usually hit three or four clubs each trip. I find the Vegas strip club experience very much like the casinos: sometimes you hit a nice jackpot with minimal outlay up front and sometimes you throw good money after bad chasing your losses, but the house always wins.
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    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Big Screens
    "the strippers were looking for guys looking at them" LOL Dudester. I've been to clubs in Vancouver when the Canucks are in or making a run for the NHL playoffs and felt downright sorry for the dancers. They're trying to put on a show and they're being ignored by almost every guy in the place. Some clubs will just reschedule the sets to take place during the breaks between periods.
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    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    Sorry Book Guy, but that attitude of "the customer is always right" only comes from people who've never _had_ a customer. You can be pretty sure, however, that they have had their food spat in, their "Grey Goose" poured from the well, their number of dances miscounted, and their questionable credit card charges upheld as legit. However, rude, stinky, sour pusses are my favorite strip club customers. Their money may not be any less green than mine, but their vinegar just makes my little bit of honey that much more attractive to the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    38/19 - First visit was on my 19th birthday (legal age in BC) and I haven't looked back since.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Nightline goes to the Mustang Ranch
    Sorry to break it to you boys, but "Holier Than Thou" comes from both sides of the political spectrum. Book Guy pegs it on the right: anti-sex conservatives are usually fire and brimstone moral majority members who believe you'll go to hell if you do anything outside of marriage, in anything other than the missionary position and get any pleasure out of it. And Dudester pegs it on the left: anti-sex liberals are usually hyper-femminists (of either sex) who think equal means identical, sex workers are slaves (but their undocumented housekeepers aren't) and men who enjoy any sexual activity outside of a committed relationship are oppressors. Notice any similarity between "anything outside of marriage, in anything other than the missionary position and get any pleasure out of it" and "enjoy any sexual activity outside of a committed relationship." Yep, the anti-sex liberals are okay with other sexual positions (but not missionary because the man on top is a form of patriachial oppression). That's the only difference between these anti-sex morons, not their political parties. The political parties are what separate you two guys, and what prevent the moderate masses from overcoming the special interests throughout the West. There are no palatable extremes unless you're an extremist.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Bobbyl, given the avearge rates of white collar workplace crime and the kind of stuff that regularly goes missing in my workplace, I'd trust the random stripper. After an hour or two with her my wallet would probably be empty anyway.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer you rejected refuses to leave and starts getting rude,
    How loud can you yell these words: "Well MY doctor says it's NOT going to 'go away by itself!'" Make finger quotes to go with those last four words.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The food was great
    I've put plenty of stuff about DJ's in my reviews, almost all of it very, very bad. I've left clubs because of shitty DJ's and always appreciate a warning from a fellow monger. Any review that mentions a _good_ DJ in a strip club, in any context other than being silent or built by Werlitzer, is fake.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone a pornstar
    Nautica Thorn and/or Charmaine Star and/or Tia Tanaka. Yeah, I got the yellow fever.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Vegas report
    NE has me stumped too. Nibbling Earlobe? Navel Examination? Nocturnal Emmissions? Neutering the Elephant?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I hate it when...
    ... the hottest girl in the joint is serving drinks, and only serving drinks. Even in a club full of 8's & 9's; if there's a 10 with a drink tray, my night may as well be over.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Miller Lite
    Granville Island Brewing's Maple Cream Ale. Beer is brown.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How important are reviews?
    To me, reviews are a way of gauging what's happening at a club I've been to before, but not in a while -- ususally that means clubs in places where I vacation rather than where I live. If I liked a club but a year or two later it's rating has dropped from the 5-8 range down to 3-6, I take that as an indicator that it probably isn't worth going back. Conversely, if I felt meh about a club and it climbs from 6-8 to 8-10 then I'm more likely to give it another chance. Of course, ratings are iffy and there are both shills and detractors for many clubs, so that's why I also try to read between the lines. If a positive review reads like an ad, or if a negative review reads like someone who's expectations were way too high to begin with, or if a positive or negative review focuses too much on one dancer then it can be discounted. If a reviewer seems to have similar tastes to mine or if he seems to visit a number of clubs I'm familiar with, I'll pay more heed to his advice. For clubs I've never been to, I read reviews more for the non-stripping/dancer information: what's the neighborhood like; how overpriced are the drinks and do they push you to buy them for the dancers; are managers/bouncers omnipresent; should I make sure to empty my bladder or get a Hep vacination before I visit; can I get a seat on a Saturday night or am I looking at a strudel-fest on a Tuesday. How I relate to the quality of the entertainment can vary a great deal from other mongers, but I like to get an idea about what kind of environment I'm going to find myself in before I go.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Double standards.
    Whenever my more prudish friends & relatives get on my back about going to strip clubs, they always ask me if I'd want my daughter working in a strip club (I have no kids so this is hypothetical). My standard response is usually something allong the lines of "less than I'd want her working elbow deep in someone else's toilet but more than I'd want her working on a Kandahar roadside clearing IEDs." If the asker is a banker or a lawyer, I ususally work foreclosing on family farms or chasing ambualnces in there somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    Would I hypothetically mind if my hypothetical daughter were a stripper/escort? Yep, but I'd mind less knowing she was in a safe(r) situation, without fear of criminal prosecution or political, social or moral persecution. And in all likelihood, I'd probably mind if she earned her crust by scrubbing someone else's toilets, or getting shot at in a foreign country, or standing waist deep in human shit, or taking blood samples from IV drug users, or going deep undercover for the DEA, or any of a hundred other jobs that are dangerous or unhealthy or just as potentially damaging as sex work. But it's all just hypothetical, so get the next naked girl on stage already.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    First Rule: as already stated, leave the plastic at home. Second Rule (but First Fule of Vegas clubs): never let a cab driver suggest a club or steer you to a different club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper and Porn Star?
    I'd guess she's selling Waxxxin' Phat Asses! #5, Ghetto Gal Slam Vol 1 & Jamaican Girls Wine Their SexyBody.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best Vegas clubs
    I get to Vegas once or twice a year and usually hit three or four clubs per trip. In general: the mileage is better than a lot of locales accross North America and worse than a lot of locales accross North America; the prices -- cover charges, drinks, lappers & VIP -- are among the highest you'll encounter anywhere in the western hemisphere, but it's Vegas and the whole city is priced for tourists looking to drop serious cash these days; the talent levels at all of the clubs have dropped due to the increasing number of venues, the decrease in tourism encouraging fewer dancers to make the trek from other locales to work for a few days, and the general drop in dancer attractiveness everywhere that I blame on the internet. There are good times to be had in Vegas clubs, but patience is a virtue: I usually spend 60 - 90 minutes scouting before I get my first lap dance, and I almost never get a dance from someone I haven't tipped at stageside first. Cheetah's and the OG can still be good, and while there aren't as many great dancers as in the old days they are easier to find and will stick with you for less cash than at other Vegas clubs. Treasures and Seamless have more eye candy but distinctly lower mileage and higher prices. The Deja Vu is still my personal favourite mostly because the dancers tend to be more my type than at other clubs and somewhat higher mileage is commonly available, but it can wind up being very expensive and because it's a nude club it's sodas only. I'm going to have to come out against the Rhino for having too high a percentage of Barbie dolls for my taste and for being way too crowded even during the week -- I go to strip clubs to rub up against the entertainers, not the other customers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I met a new dancer...
    Am I the only one who thinks she calls herself Shadowcat?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ummm YES im a girl WTF?
    A troll is someone who post to deliberately provoke a reaction from other posters, usually to start an argument. My web etymology is a little weak but I'm pretty sure it come from the fishing term. Your first post, wondergrl, tends to fall under the heading "Too Good to be True". More of us than just crizgolfer probably figured there was a better than even chance your were really a forty year old tub of goo who lives in his mom's basement and decided to screw with some peoples heads just to get his jollies before his next World of Warcraft marathon(or does that just say too much about me?) Welcome to the board, by the way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More consistent ratings.
    Raincoat, firstly it's an international board. That said, I think that most SCers and most board members are looking for and posting information about clubs in their own local area or in cities they plan on visiting or have just visited as tourists. In the last two decades I've been to SCs on two continents, three countries, nine provinces/states, and twelve cities but of the actual time I've spent in clubs only a tiny fraction of that has been outside of Vancouver. Given my own experience I can only reasonably rate clubs against their local competition -- if I didn't I wouldn't be able to give relative ratings for the best and worst Vancouver clubs because none of them would rate more than a 2 against the best Vegas clubs. It's the review that really tells the objective story about a club, and that's where I'd say most fall short. A two line review -- whether of the "I had the best time ever" or "Totally lame rip off joint" veins -- is less than useless. Personally, I wouldn't complain if Founder stopped accepting them entirely. I don't expect every review to rehash the cover charge or tell me where I'll find the men's room, but I do want some info covering the various elements covered by your own rating system. However, the problem with resorting to numbers is that it again becomes relative. Value, to use your example, has a completly different meaning to different customers depending on economic circumstances, personalities or situations. It has a very different meaning to me when I'm at home and rent's coming up versus when I'm on vacation and I'm planning on dropping a grand a day all told. I want to read the details, to get some specific feel for whether the club's mood suck's because the girls are all Wannadancers or the DJ loves telling racist jokes between songs. Do the private dances rock because a small number of the girls will suck you off for an extra $20 or because the club runs a dance school and all of the girls know the art of teasin' and pleasin' as a result. Most significantly, as imnumnutz' post kind of points out (the dancers at the Vegas LD are an entirely differnet species from the dancers at the Vegas SR, although I agree that neither are "mostly" 9s and 10s), is dancer quality a 3 or a 10 because the reviewer likes/dislikes tattooed goth spinners or Barbie dolls with bleached hair, spray on tans and big bolt-ons or because the girls back home are prettier.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    I'll put letters on these and let you slot them in between numbers 1 and 8 as you please. A) Not only do we want to spend as little as we have to, we also want to get away with as much as we can. That's the nature of the customer side of any economic relationship. If that shocks, surprises or disgusts you then look into another line of work -- ideally one with no customer contact. B) Some guys like piercings and tattoos. Most don't. If you choose to put surgical steel through your face/nipples/clit or cover your arm or back in a picture of a snake/angel/"tribal" design, then don't complain when your customer base shrinks because most of your regulars stop buying dances. C) We like tits and will spend money to see and touch them. We like nice tits way more, and we will spend way more money to see and touch nice ones. When opting for surgical enhancements spend some time finding a good surgeon and be prepared to spend some real money on them. Don't just open the yellow pages, close your eyes and point at an ad. D) Visiting a strip club is like any other form of fictionalized entertainment. We are willing to suspend disbelief to enhance our good time so keep the lies simple, beleivable and within the fantasy (you have no kids, you like older men, you love your job because you're always horny, you're bi, etc.). But don't treat us like we're gullible morons because that just destroys the whole thing; the 350 pounder doesn't want to hear about his "muscles", the guy with the combover won't believe you think bald is beautiful, and the guy with the four inch hard on doesn't want to be told it's huge. E) Unless its a club where things really are better in the VIP room than on the floor (whatever that may be in that particular club) don't try to upsell us. We come in with X dollars to spend, we plan on spending all of it, and if you treat us right not only you will get all of it regardless of what room we use but we'll look for you when we come back. Rip us off and you won't get another dime -- and the really vindictive among us will slag you to other customers out on the floor and/or on the internet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for you new guys....
    Can I get an "Amen" to number 35?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Age and date of first sc or equivalent experience.
    I'm 37. My first SC visit was on my 19th birthday, the Marble Arch in Vancouver. I waited until I was nice and legal, but half of the guys with me were underage and one of them was already a regular there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stir fried cabbage.
    And here I was thinking this would be one of those "What the kids are calling it these days," types of threads.