
Do big stage tips get results?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Saturday, July 1, 2006 8:12 AM
When I want to get a stripper onstage to come join me, I tip her a buck and ask her to stop by later, pointing out where I'm sitting. I stopped tipping more long ago after finding it didn't make as much difference as a friendly request. It might even raise expectations and bring out her mercenary side. Also, I am not bothered that some guys tip big bucks because I think most girls see it as a lucky break and still appreciate the gesture of a dollar tip as much as ever.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Golfer99, if you ever go to Canada try to get hold of a good thick wad of US $1 bills before you go. They're more appreciated as a titty-tip on stage-side than a Canadian $1 "Loonie" coin!
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Hey Book Guy, I do go to Canada actually used to go a good bit back when the dollar was about 1.25 to 1 exchange rate. The funny thing about the clubs I hit in Vancouver was that almost no one tipped at the stage. We always had US bucks and the girls gave us a big show for the money. Later I figured out that the stage girls were just that stage girls paid by the club to stage dance.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Book Guy lots of the clubs around have started giving out the $2 bills as change. I originally mistook them as $20 and told the waitress that she had given me too much change. She set me straight. The intent in purely greed so you will tip the dancer $2 instead of $1 at the stage. I generally only tip $1 at the stage once in a while $2 if I like the dancer. I don't usually sit up there so I have to walk up there and if she's good, I'll spend a few minutes. However once in a Tampa club a dancer who had dancer for me several times when I was in the area whom I chatted with via email weekly at least, had this sob story of being stiffed by a guy who owed her for a bunch of dances and went out to use the ATM and vanished. I told her I'd give her a big tip to make it up. I think she was expecting me to give her a $20. I dropped a $100 on her during her stage dance, no one noticed but the 2 of us but it was the best money I ever spent lol I stayed in the club for about 4 hours that afternoon mainly in the VIP area and never paid for a dance just because I was so thoughtful. lol That was my only tip over $5 on the stage that i was sober enough to remember lol
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I believe big stage tips might get attention but not a whole lot more than the attention I get for a dollar. Of course there are always a few dancers who do spend more time in front of a guy/gal who keeps dropping dollars on her. It seems like a nice looking female tipper gets more attention regardless of the size of the stage tip. I've having flashbacks of females tipping females. :) and seeing her buttcheeks pop out nicely. :)
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    If I decide to tip a dancer, I like to tip very well. Never less than $5 bucks. I don't pity tip... only tip those I wanna take home or am having fun with ITC. $10 or $20 and "thanks for dancing, love to buy you a drink" has gotten me attention/results 99% of the time. Strippers i'm dating always get $20 tips from me when they're on stage.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    Chances are 50-50 in my experiences. How they are interested in me, how busy the club is, and other factors. If the club is not busy chances are 70 to 80%. If I'm interested in having drinks with them and/or LD's, I let the dancers know to come and see me while I'm tipping. Results are good to very good. Tipping on the stage gets attentions many of the times, especially the dancers that I'm interested.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Depends on the result you're looking for and the size of the tip. I've found that a single $5 tip will get me a visit and enough time to decide if I want to go for a lapdance pretty much anywhere.
  • pop
    18 years ago
    If I don't know the dancer I use stage tipping to decide if I want a dance from her. If she responds the way I like to a buck or two, I'm likely to get a dance. Once, at Shadowcat's favorite club, I tipped a girl $5 on stage and she went beserk hugging me and kissing me on the stage. She came to see me when she was done and asked about a 2 for 1. I agreed and when she got started told me it would be a 3 for 1 because of the tip.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Don't child molesters lure kids with candy? That shit is CREEPY!
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Most clubs I visit, rarely have tipping on stage. Most dancers circulate after they get off stage. If I wish to spend time with one, I do like most do with their stage tips, I offer her the $1-2 and ask her to join me after her rounds. If she comes back, fine. If not, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: the candy is a great idea. I sometimes fold a US$1 bill into a bow-tie or a butterfly (I used to know how to do a cute littler shirt with necktie, but I lost that skill as my brain degraded ...). This always gets the girls' attention. Also, I sometimes am smoking a (tobacco!) pipe, and if it has a nice warm-marshmellow-and-cherry-spice smell to it, that can attract girls like moths to a grandfather. "I'm the guy with the pipe" is enough to identify me -- though it doesn't do much good during stage-tipping, I guess. (Unless I try to stick it up an orifice -- THAT would get me noticed! Not in a good way!) DandyDan: the $2 are probably collectors' items! I'd be happy to know what club that was. I'll keep some! PS -- I'm sure they're giving them out with the full knowledge that they'll (and the dancers'll) be getting them, rather than a $1, as tips. Good plan! They should start only using $5s! BG
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    That depends on what you mean by "results". If you tip extra at my favorite club, they will do extra for you at the stage, either by staying with you extra long or doing more and they will seek you out even if you don't ask for a private dance. But at some of the clubs I visit, they seem oblivious to the idea you might have given a little extra. I think it depends on the club. One of the clubs I visit regularly, for whatever bizarre reason will give you $2 bills in change (like if you want a drink, or for the cover) and if you got one, you are almost obligated to tip it to one of the dancers, and if you do, she will give you a little extra.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I rarely if ever sit at the stage. Thus when I go up to tip I have to leave a table to tip. I generally tip a $ but if the girl is good I might stay for a bit and give her another $ just since I know I won't come back before she finishes. This is fairly rare however and I've found that tipping at the stage in 90% of the clubs is gonna get you a visit from the dancer during the day shift. At night with many more customers, if you want the stage tip to get you noticed, it takes more.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    The girl I have spent some recent time with I ended up tipping $2.00 on stage. She eventually came over and we chatted and she did about 10 dances for over the course of a few hours sitting on my lap when she wasn't stripping. If I am interested in a girl a few bucks will almost always work. I feel if I tip a few dollars more than that it automatically conveys interest and I like to think things through first.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Stage-tipping doesn't guarantee that a girl will seek you out, since many dancers (it still stuns me) aren't really tuned in to who will pay them for their time. It's fun for me to stage-tip, and that's a great occasion to "double check" her attitude. Mumbling a few things in her ear while you stage-tip her is an OK way to make a suggestion ("come visit me, I'm over there"; "we should do a private ... or six"). But that has the disadvantage of informing her that she has a "sure bet" for money at any time in the club, and therefore can have the unwanted side-effect of actually encouraging her to NOT address you until later, when she's run out of other dudes. Once at Michael's in Houston I accidentally gave a $20 instead of a $1 to a girl on stage. I didn't figure this fact out until later, when I was counting my change and noticed I was $19 short of what I should have. But it had attracted her over to me, and we had spent a wonderfully intimate period of time in the interim, so it turned out to be (subjectively) "worth it" in one way or another. And, of course, EVERY person has his or her price for, just about, any activity. How "big" a tip are you asking about? :)
  • chasman
    18 years ago
    Here in Vancouver stage tipping still isn't the norm yet (although it's getting there: Thanks, all you American tourists!!!) and I've only done it once. $5 is our smallest bill, although US$1's (and CA$20's) are also commonly used by the aforementioned tourists. The tips seem to be appreciated, but you don't really get any more show for your dough. Stage dancers tend not to do much private dancing here, so I don't think it helps much there either. In Vegas, my other quasi-frequent SC haunt, I like to sit at the stage and usually tip a buck a song. If a beast gets up on stage I don't hesitate to get up and walk away, usually to another stage or the gent's. If the dancer does a really good stage routine I'll double the amount I tip and compliment her for her skills on the pole, but that happens very rarely in Vegas and I usually intend it only as a tip for the stage performance. I'll also bump the tipping to a few bucks a song if I see a dancer I want to spend some time with on a side stage with no customers around. It can be worth the expenditure to get an almost private dance & sometimes avoid a girl who looks good but turns out to have a bad attitude. The only time I've really gone "overboard" on stage tipping was when a dancer I was spending a lot of time with got called on stage; she'd already promised to come back and I knew she would since she didn't ask me to pay her what I owed her first, I follwed her up to the stag and laid out about $20+ in singles on the rail right off the bat, she'd come by during her set and I'd put a few in her g-string each time. But that was a special occurance.
    18 years ago
    I don't sit at the stage either, that way if the girl is a real beast I don't feel any obligation to tip at all. If I don't enjoy watching her dance, she doesn't get a tip.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I don't often sit at the stage so if I get up to walk over there I tip between three and five dollars depending on the girl. I don't do this every song but usually make a trip up there sometime during her set. If I'm interested in her company I will sit and chat, asking her to join me, when she accepts the tip but I don't increase the size of the tip.
    18 years ago
    I've never given a big tip to a girl on stage. I do exactly what you're doing, give her a buck or two, ask her to join me and point out where I'm sitting. Then if she does I offer to buy her a drink. And if I like her I usually will tell her that I plan on buying some private dances later but would like to get to know her a little bit first, because I'd rather get dances from a person than a piece of meat. Some girls like that, some don't want to invest their time. It usually depends on how busy the place is. But I rarely buy a dance from a girl who won't sit and talk for awhile first.
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