Comments by minnow (page 74)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I cant stand stuck up dancers!!!
    What is the difference between a dancer and a jet engine ? The jet engine stops whining.......... pd83, in a world where dancers are given to venting, a truly stuck up dancer would consider it beneath her dignity to talk to mere mortals (like other dancers) about anything, never mind the gripes of the job. As a customer, I can pick up on stuck up dancers- the ones who won't interact with customers on stage. The dancer who quickly scoops up the tip, and turns her back on you. The dancer who pretends not to hear you. I don't get worked up over this, I just concentrate on finding good dancers who aren't stuck up.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What are a strip club's most busy days of the week?
    Is blowing a cover charge and 1 overpriced drink really going to break your bank ? You're being over analytical here. Just go on 1 peak, and 1 slack night/shift, and thus get a feel for which one best suits your tastes. One factor to consider is dancer/customer ratio. While it is true that the greater number of hot dancers come out on the weekends, so do the customers, sometimes too many more. I bailed out of an upscale Phoenix club one Saturday night that was chock block full of hot dancers. Thing was, every hot dancer that I approached for dances was already taken as place was even more full of customers. Looking forward to your reviews........
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bucket List Items
    JS- you left out the part about writing Guinness Book of Records to get them to establish some "most" categories with OTC stripper activities. Lastly, having your name entered in several categories.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I need Tampa/St. Pete advice
    I need Tampa/St. Pete advice................. and I need more info from you about your priorities/tastes/preferences before I give you any advice. Given your s/n, I'm guessing a handjob to completion would be your minimum expectations for a "good" club visit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So let's do the math
    DS disgusted with JS?? Nah, probably more along the lines of you tube clip "The Best Sexy Girl Vanessa Hessler." Type that in YT site search engine, go to video with over 80M hits on it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How long have you been unemployed?
    Not to engage in pedantry, but not quite halfway through his career, shadowcats company merged with a larger company. From that point on, a different company name/logo appeared on his paycheck. Yes, himself (and many fellow employees) got to continue in their pre-merger positions without interruption. The retirement announcements in newsletter gave total credit for premerger and post merger years of service. Again a big congrats to shadowcat for his 42 years. Point being that in todays environment, it is rare to retire from a company that retains its original name from decades earlier.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Throwback story... My audition
    "I was very much the preppy kid "....................... A preppy from West Virginia??? Thanks, pd83, you just gave me the first laugh of the day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Sunday at the strip club!
    In some cases, Sunday nights can be hidden gems, with a fair number of peak night quality dancers there with a fraction of the peak night customers. (A more chill atmosphere.) Yet if particular club is in a city with a NFL home game, some Sunday evenings can be just as busy as Saturdays.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Long Time No TUSCL!! (Book Guy says hello.)
    I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, but when "san jose guy" burst upon the scene, I always thought that he may actually be "Book Guy" coming back under a new screen name. Anyway, welcome back, BG.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Most Overrated Club
    I agree with rick and impala. Regional/local ratings are flawed in that, while it may very well be 1 of the better options to go to when in town, it may not be one to go out of your way for. A 6 ish club in Miami would be better than a 7-8 in several places. As impala aptly pointed out, a club that is great on a weekend night may be a different experience on a weekday afternoon while killing time for the flight home. As for Mons, many other clubs have closed the gap, or surpassed it. IMO, remains one of the better options in Tampa. Many reviewers (Most who don't post on DB) think so too. Not everyone is looking to get blown in the back room. Many, to varying degrees, consider dancer attractiveness when choosing a club. Mons still delivers in that department, though other clubs have closed the gap, or diluted the talent pool'. I'm curious ranukam which clubs that you consider the best for having 9's and 10's. I never visited 4P dayshift. Sunday-Tuesday nights weren't as strong as Thursday- Saturday. Yet when I go to a lot of other clubs, I still see some dancers who no way in hell would be hired at 4P.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Corporate Politics
    Double post, thread didn't appear after initial post.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Disturbing findings about the personalities of Internet Trolls
    How many of us are knowingly acquainted with an internet troll IRL ? (eg, have met a troll face to face)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: Corporate Politics
    I agree in part with "AJ" ( the part about him not being mgt. material, lol). It seems that in many cases, its the "Bean Counters" that make it to the top. Those with more of an accounting/financial lean vs product/operational/sales lean. They're good at counting beans, but don't know shit about planting/cultivating beans. Nor are they particularly interested in learning how to do so. I'm tempted to design a new bumper sticker: "Bean Counters: On Tap, Not On Top."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Where do babies come from
    Lawyer Joke For JS69: After her college sports physical, a hot coed asks doc if it is possible to get pregnant from anal sex. Doc answers: "Certainly, where do you think the lawyers come from."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hillary Clinton
    Rumor Control: KFC plans to use the proceeds from their menu sale of the "Hillary Special" to donate to her presidential campaign. The "Hillary Special" comes with 2 small breasts, 2 fat thighs, and a left wing...........
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have you ever told a dancer her dances suck?
    There's so many dancers that give good dances that I just move on. I also believe that leopards don't change spots overnight. There's been a few exceptions to that rule, but no dramatic changes, just moving up to the next level kind. I wouldn't think of telling a dancer her dances sucked. I might try Chandlers approach of "I'll get some dances with you if (x),(y), (z) are going to happen."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Buying a Car ?
    I'd favor getting a late model pre-owned version of your listed choices that still has some meaningful warranty time/mileage left on it. (12 or more months)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best club in Tampa?
    Since chad is reaching an important milestone in his life soon (by turning 30, he'll meet the minimum age requirement for running for US Senator), I'll help him out. Must help out a future Senator. IMO, the Mons has the most attractive dancers. I've only been to 2 of the 3 topless clubs (DH, PH), PH the best lookers of those 2, but not quite as attractive as Mons. If you drink enough alcohol, they might start to look better. HTH.....................
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Prying a girl away from her regular
    I seem to recall farmerart telling about the time shortly before closing where he walked up to a table full of young dudes, made his cash spiel to the dancer who in turn eagerly went with him. OP's case is different- he made his pitch while on stage only to get jilted. I agree with Grand1511 in that saying yes (or implying it- "I'll find you after my set") while really meaning no is worse than just saying that she's with someone for now. In that case, best to move on to alternate choices, either in dancer(s), or clubs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Largest City/Metro Area Without a Strip Club
    Did anyone think of St. Louis ? Yes, there's a bunch in ESL across the river in the other state, But St. Louis and its burbs in the state of "Misery"? Zero.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Random drug testing
    The drug tests shadowcat refers to are actually DOT mandated.(FAA falls under DOT umbrella.) From ~1991-1993, the random drug testing rate was 50% of covered employees. (i.e., if company had 100 employees of a particular craft and class, then 50 random drug tests would have to be administered to employees of that particular craft and class in a calendar year.) Later, that rate was dropped to 25%. Additionally, a 10% random alcohol testing rate was mandated for covered employees. It is possible that some individuals could be required to "piss and blow" in one visit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Musings of a PL who frequents a topless club in Dallas
    Just the bright cheerful guy I need for a wingman.....................
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Is Tom Brady the greatest QB of all time?
    For edification of tusclers, I'll post the career quarterback ratings of the top ones. (* indicates in Hall of Fame). Listed from highest to lowest: P. Manning-97.5,* S. Young-96.8, T. Brady-95.9, *D. Marino- 86.4, B. Favre- 86.0,* R. Staubach-83.4, *T. Aikman-81.6, *D. Fouts-80.2, *T. Bradshaw-70.9
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Which do you like?
    D, E, and not quite F for me. B- tall also works. I'll make exceptions to preferences if particular dancer hits it off well with me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: You Need 1,450% Income Growth to Join the 1%
    Well, I experienced ~2200% income growth between the ages of 25 and 55. I'm not in the "top 1%", so much for those studies.