I was 19 when I started dancing. I was waiting tables when a grungy looking guy came in and when he finished his meal he gave me a card with his club number on it and told me to audition if I wanted to make some more money. I went to the club 3 days later after building up the courage and did an audition. I was not in the least ready to dance but I figured what the heck. we took care of all the paperwork and I was told to get dressed. The first moment I realized I was in a different world was the dressing room. My manager told me to get dressed and proceded to have a conversation with me while I got dressed. I knew then I better get used to being naked lol. Going on stage was so scary. The place was packed and even being on a side stage people flock to see the new girl. topless on the first song was kinda scary but I figured I had done it and all was well. The second song rolled around and then I remember bottoms had to go. I'm not the typical my pussy is gold girl but I did have a slight oh crap moment realizing I had to do this. I finally got the nerve and off came the panties. It kicked in at that moment that I was naked on a stage and had strangers practically drooling over me. I thought this is great. I worked that night and managed to make a decent payday. Looking back at that day and all the experience I have now its amazing how easy this is. People seem to be scared or sex, nudity or anything that goes against the grain but it wasn't a horrible experience for me. sure I've been groped called some horrible names but all in all its not a bad gig. I think people should understand dancers have an amazing ability to pay the bills with there body and this is a great thing. Ok enough of that high horse lol thanks for listening and feel free to ask questions if you have any.
OK I guess that was a little ballsy then. I'm from SoCal the big deal isn't so much being naked in front of people for girls. I knew a ton of girls in HS who just didn't give a shit, some who I was sure would end up stripping but didn't, seems like the bigger deal is actually just being a stripper.
I was very much the preppy kid in school and somewhat conservative so it was a big shock to me. but I can see the sterotype of being a stripper could be a huge hurdle also
@johnsmith69, you cannot ask for pictures until you have provided some of DS. I'll ask for you though!
@poledancer83, good story. Hope you keep contributing here. So, it sounds like dancing and being nude on stage got easy in a hurry for you. How long have you been spinning around on stage?
Great story! I am so sick of the bullshit on MSNBC and other networks that would have the public believe that every stripper, every sugar baby and every escort are where they are because they were molested or raped or traffic-ed. I am sure that there are a subset of adult entertainers/workers that have endured horrible shit and that is not cool. But what about the other enlightened, liberated feminists that view their bodies as a means to an end within which THEY are in control and THEY have the power to say what, with whom and how much? Like our own little poledancer83! You go girl!!!! The best dancers are from those that genuinely LOVE sex, are PROUD of their bodies and WANT to be there.
Now we just want to come see you. Where in the U.S. are you?
I can only imagine how intimidating that first stage appearance must've been. Sort of makes me wonder how many other women have done it once and never again.
How'd you feel afterward? I've heard "liberating" and even "exhilarating." Some have even said "empowering." Or has it become along the lines of "just another job"?
@pensionking pole83 never said that she wasn't molested either, only that she was quite and conservative in school. Not sure how you jumped to your conclusion. Some girls who are physically and sexually abused my develop a soft spoken personality initially. Not like she was a virgin up there on the stage. That said neither of us know her situation, only what she told us. She was a little uncomfortable getting naked the first time. Gotta think though she wasn't to uncomfortable not to accept the job interview in the first place. Anway.
it was empowering afterwards. I enjoy dancing and more so enjoy the feeling of being in charge while dancing. I have been a dancer for 5 almost 6 years now
GACAclub the pension king was only referring to hoe media portrays the workers in strip clubs, and the pension guy is right when he states we only hear about the damaged history of women and why they start. Pole dancers story is refreshing, of course it's on TUSCL, of how she got started without all this hyped junk. What's nice is knowing how an innocent young girl finds out that something so natural, we as human beings crave the sexual attention. It is quite liberating when it comes in consensual means, which is how the majority of transactions occur. The only media we should view is TUSCL for accurate, no spin reporting!
I think all the hype with entertainers being druggies or having messed up childhoods is bs. my motivation was simple and it was based on needing money. so while its not the most natural thing to do it gets easier once the cash starts to flow. I think the hardest thing is relationships while dancing can be hard
@seaboardrr- its very very different. All of the dynamics are different. Typically a couple is there to feed off of each other in regards to their interaction with the dancers. Also couples tend to get a lot of dances together, not separately. The dancers definitely deal with couples differently than solo patrons. Of course if the female part of a couple ventures off and gets dances on her own then her experience would be more similar to that of a lone custie, male or female. Is that what you two do? Does your missus get her own private dances? Or are you two more like the traditional couples that does everything together in a SC?
Poledancer, actually, I think the most natural thing is for us to be naked. Just look at little kids and how much they love to run around in the buff. They don't care because 1) it's free and natural and 2) they haven't been socialized to believe public nudity is wrong.
If it’s ok for people that are born smarter than others to make $$$ of their intelligence; if it’s ok for people that are born bigger and stronger to make $$$ out of that (e.g. professional athlete) – then why would it not be ok for sexy attractive women to make $$$ out of their sexiness?
Because according to the people born with the bigger sticks up their asses, sexy attractive women who make money are whores, which means there really isn't any good reason they shouldn't.
Meat72 is correct in his summary of my intentions. I know nothing of ms. poledancer's background. I was making commentary regarding the obviously biased and, IMO inaccurate and slanted "reporting" that would lead the casual non-PL civilian to believe that stripping and escorting are ALL the result of childhood molestation and/or sex trafficing. Our own experiences in this lifestyle contradict this characterization. Sadly, mainstream media in this country are no longer in the business of delivering fact -- they are in the business of selling advertising and pandering to the majority opinion.
last comment@poledancer83, good story. Hope you keep contributing here. So, it sounds like dancing and being nude on stage got easy in a hurry for you. How long have you been spinning around on stage?
Now we just want to come see you. Where in the U.S. are you?
How'd you feel afterward? I've heard "liberating" and even "exhilarating." Some have even said "empowering." Or has it become along the lines of "just another job"?
Not like she was a virgin up there on the stage. That said neither of us know her situation, only what she told us. She was a little uncomfortable getting naked the first time. Gotta think though she wasn't to uncomfortable not to accept the job interview in the first place. Anway.
Just curious, how would dancing for the woman part of a couple really be any different than a paying female customer?
A preppy from West Virginia??? Thanks, pd83, you just gave me the first laugh of the day.
Anybody see Dr. Phil today?
Don't we all, just in differnt ways.