Best club in Tampa?

avatar for chad215
I will be in Tampa FL for my 30th bday this year and want to do it right. I know this city is known for its clubs so I don't want to mess up my short amount of time there going to the wrong ones. What clubs have the most attractive girls? Which are best for mileage? Extras? ect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Clubs I've been looking into are Thee Doll House, Penthouse, Scores, Mons and 2001 for their distance to my hotel. Oh, and both nude or topless are cool as long as the place is a good time! :)


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a web site that had reliable reviews of strip clubs. That way you could just read the reviews and figure out the answers to these questions. Upon reflection, I guess that wouldn't work. Too much time and trouble to read all of those reviews. Better to a just ask others to do your work for you.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Sorry to be abrupt with my first answer. Just send a PM to San Jose Guy. He gives the best and most concise answers to questions like these.
avatar for chad215
10 years ago
Thanks. I've read hundreds of them for tampa. every review contradicts the next.... trying another avenue. thanks for the help
avatar for chad215
10 years ago
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
"best" is such a relative term.

At the Mons you're likely to find some drop dead gorgeous 10's that dance naked all over you but no extras.

But there might be some dives where a fugly blows you for $50

Which one is better?
avatar for friction_lover
10 years ago
Where depends on the one or two things you want the most. No club in Tampa is best at all. For my money, Mons. You'll find all nude 10's offering fantastic lap dances. You won't find privacy or extras. For those, try Pink Pony...YMMV.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Jackass here. If you actually read the reviews for Tampa clubs, which I have done many times, they make pretty clear the pluses and minuses of each club. The fact that you ask for the best clubs without providing the slightest hint of what factors you look for in a club shows that you haven't read the reviews and don't know what the various clubs offer. Or you have no clue what you're doing. Likely both.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
And the one and only review that you posted to get access to this site is brief and superficial, probably taking you maybe 2 minutes to compose. Yet you expect us to spoon feed you detailed information on all clubs in Tampa.
avatar for chad215
10 years ago
dude chill. didn't know you were the sacred guardian of strip club knowledge. was just trying to get a few peoples opinions on where they like. thank you for those who understood that and gave me useful info.
avatar for samsung1
10 years ago
Mons Venus, 2001, and scores are all on the same intersection.
Penthouse and thee dollhouse are only 5-10 minutes away from them. 2001 stays open until 5am. The best day shift was probably dollhouse or penthouse.
avatar for samsung1
10 years ago
Also the nude clubs do not serve alcohol.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Joined Feb 2015
Clubs: 1
Reviews: 1


Sometimes one needs to pay their "dues". Just sayin'!
avatar for etrash
10 years ago
If you're willing to drive over the bridge to Clearwater Oz is an awesome club. It's topless on stage but the ladies will do full nude in the lap dance area. They have two for one lap dance specials every hour and a full liquor license. It's a more laid back vibe than the Tampa clubs and everyone is very friendly.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Clubber, no you don't. Somebody almost always answers the questions of even an obvious leech. Next time instead of pointing out the obvious, I think it might be more effective to just give out some inaccurate advice.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Is it just me, or did JS69 ask a similar question on Philly clubs a month or so ago?

Chad215 seems to be a new member, I'm gonna give him a break.
avatar for bman77
10 years ago
You can get extras at Brass Flamingo in Port Richey.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
ranukam, it's just you. I studied the reviews for Philly clubs, summarized my conclusions based on my study of the reviews, and only then did I ask if locals thought my conclusions were accurate. I also asked for a recent update on information in older reviews about LE raids that wasn't in the recent reviews. In other words, I did the work myself and only then asked for help from locals about info that might not be in the reviews.

If this guy said I'm new here, I want to get involved, and if it looked like he had actually put forth some modest effort himself then yes I'd help him out. I've done that lots of times for people who made those claims. But that is not this guy. He (like lots of others) does a single review that is crap, shows no effort, and was obviously just done to get free access. Then he's too lazy to read all those reviews he got free access to. Instead, he expects us to do the work for him. I refuse to do that.
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
Since chad is reaching an important milestone in his life soon (by turning 30, he'll meet the minimum age requirement for running for US Senator), I'll help him out. Must help out a future Senator.
IMO, the Mons has the most attractive dancers. I've only been to 2 of the 3 topless clubs (DH, PH), PH the best lookers of those 2, but not quite as attractive as Mons. If you drink enough alcohol, they might start to look better. HTH.....................
avatar for chad215
10 years ago
Hey JS69 I don't know what you're problem is. Didn't know I had to ask your permission to use this site. Im new to this site and will not be continuing to use it because of strip club junkies like you. You obviously have a problem with something reading other reviews u've left. Wait ...what's that? Does that mean I actually do read the reviews? That maybe I did spend days reading reviews for different cities and thats how I choose Tampa and certain Tampa clubs and wanted to just further narrow it down? Thank you for all those that have helped. Congratulations JH69, if your goal is to chase away new people just starting to enjoy strip clubs congrats. You are a very, very sad man to care this much about strip clubs let alone web forums about them. I stumbled across this site researching clubs for my bday. Thought it was a friendly, useful resource like most of the internet is. Didn't know I stumbled into your secret, web, strip club society. Get a life! Looks like I'll goto Mons and walk next door to Scores when I get thirsty. Thanks again for those who helped! Thought I would become a member of this site and try to contribute more to it along the years but some of your members hospitality is disgusting. I know your sleezy type and don't know how it gets you anywhere inside the club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Mons; 2001; and Scarlett’s, seem to get lots of reviews.
avatar for samsung1
10 years ago
Also u can walk across the street to get to 2001.
Get your hand stamped at mons so you don't have to pay the cover again on the same night
avatar for TMojo
10 years ago
Going back to the original question, I think there is a way to approach it.

Imagine a graph like in 9th grade Algebra. The vertical Y-axis measures hotness of the girls at a given club. The horizontal X-axis measures the chance of geting happy for under $125 (or whatever you think is a reasonable number).

Imagine a more or less diagonal line starting high up on the vertical Y-axis for clubs that are packed with 9's and 10's, hot looking blonde girls, fit, supermodels with big tits. The diagonal line slopes downward gradually, through the clubs with girls next door, and girls who look pretty good after a few shots, all the way to the right towards the clubs with the girls are over 40, carrying more than around the belly than in their bra, missing teeth and not having bathed in a few days.

Then imagine another diagonal line starting at zero sloping upwards to the right. It starts with the clubs where extras are difficult or impossible, where you might get promised the whole world for just $500, and you actually get nothing, sloping up gradually to where you get a full service plus a side order of crabs all for $20.

And somewhere in there is a sweet spot where the girls are hot enough and the cost is reasonable.

Does that image help anyone? Where on this graph would you put the various clubs in the Tampa/Clearwater/St. Pete area?
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