
So let's do the math

Avatar for Diva1975

How many of you think that js' DS is disgusted by him? I could not fathom the thought if fucking a 54 year old man at the tender age of 19. I feel like he's ruining her life. Go buy a red Porsche or something


last comment
Avatar for jester214

How disgusted are most strippers and prostitutes fucking and sucking random men for money? The nature of the business.

Avatar for Dougster

Do people actually that drivel? And he thinks SJG is bad.

Avatar for Corvus

Not all 19 year olds are as tender as others. But I understand your point of view Diva. It is a stretch.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I’ve actually met JS69 and he def does not look his age – medium build; no grey hair; can pass for early 40s IMO – he does not look like a perv old man at all.

Avatar for GACA

Math. If she was disgusted at one point in time, she's way over it. And you know how girls date older guys who don't act their age and start relating to them on a personal level. Don't get me wrong this DS is not planning on running off and marrying JS69, but I think she surprised herself with how much she would actually enjoy hanging out with a way older dude. I've seen girls routinely go 17-22 years older. If he looks like a 40 y/o ...ehh. she can handle It.

Now how the duck does he handle a conversation with her. No clue.

Avatar for mikeya02

From what I've read, he should divorce his wife, and make the DS, Mrs Smith. Then he could have a DW.

Avatar for GACA

...and how is JS69 running her life? He's better than a 24 y/o weed smoking, thieving, domestic abuse, fuck her roommate, steal her money, make her feel ugly worthless and stupid, and use her car, no job having alternative. IMO

Avatar for JamesSD

I think she loves sucking the money out of his wallet.

Avatar for GACA

Look at Woody Allen and the Asian girl he married. There are still going after all these years. Think it's closer to 40 years apart in age. Sone girls got daddy issue. Best thing for them is to find a older guy who pays the bills while they get to fuck the pool boy, the pizza guy, the dough bag at the club on a girls night out...

Avatar for GACA

@Diva how well did dating guys closer to your age work out for you?

...and what's the difference in age of the customers who are willing to spend the most on you and take care of your needs?

Just saying. how many 19 year olds wouldn't fuck George Clooney?

Avatar for GACA

@Diva your age if you fuck somebody 30 years older you'd be looking at a huge inheritance think about it :)

then get with me afterwards so I can manage your money :)

Avatar for GACA

lastly. ... Somebody obviously ruined that girl life way before JS69 came into it.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Its amazing what some girls will do for money.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Diva, I totally understand your perspective. I don't know how many dealings you had with jerikson40 but she previously told us all about how disgusted dancers are dealing with older customers so we are well-versed in the subject.

I do have a couple of questions for you since you raised this subject. First, how is it possible to experience multiple orgasms during sex and simultaneously be disgusted? This is a serious question. For a man, this would be impossible. Are women different and actually capable of being disgusted at the same time they experience such pleasure? Oh, and she's not faking. I have a body part (fingers, tongue, or penis) inside each time and so I'm going by what I feel in addition to her other reactions.

Second, I'm not trying to get too personal, but how familiar are you with dancer daddy issues? It might help you understand some of this and why disgust isn't involved.

By the way, she is many wonderful things but she left tender behind a while ago.

I'm not saying that she loves me or anything remotely like that. However, she is not disgusted by me either. I show her a great time, I do things with her that I know she enjoys, I treat her with respect, I treat her sexual pleasure as being at least as important as my own, and yes I am extraordinarily generous with her. I honestly don't see why you would think that she would be disgusted by such a guy whether or not I look as young as Papi says or not. Are you really disgusted by older customers who treat you respectfully and generously? If so how can you keep going in such a job?

I am very sorry that you perceive me as a disgusting pig. I value your participation in tuscl and I don't mean to offend by simply sharing truthful stories. However, I do think you need to expect some of the sort of stuff on a website for strip club enthusiasts.

Avatar for rockstar666

I don't throw stones, but a relationship with a 19 year old will get old for me before it gets old for her no matter how great the sex is. She won't understand a single joke I make.

Avatar for seaboardrr

What about a 50yo cougar fucking a college boy? As long as they are both having fun and enjoying each other's company there's nothing wrong with it. Hell, even if she was physically repulsed by him but figured she'd fuck him for a year or so and fleece him for every penny she could get so what. If she wanted to and if he was happy it's really only up to the 2 of them what they do. Of course, if you think about what MOST guys look like at 54 then yeah, it could be sorta disgusting but the people are saying above that he doesn't look his age. As an example: I still feel like I'm 25 (mrs sea will say I ACT like i'm 16), everyone and I mean EVERYONE thinks I'm between 30-34. Whenever I hit 50+ I am willing to bet I'll STILL feel like I'm 25 and fucking like I'm 18. Would I have a problem with us hooking up with an 19yo? Nope. Not as long as she had a woman's body and wasn't a spinner. Do I think there's a good likelihood of us having a meaningful and stimulating conversation over dinner with a 19yo we've taken out for OTC fun? Seriously doubt it but you never know. I need a vampire to bite both of us RIGHT NOW so we stay this way forever...lol

Would most people look at the 2 of them out in public and give them strange looks if they realized he was a lot older and they were NOT father/daughter? You bethcha. Well, at least the women would. lol

Avatar for JohnSmith69

And as for ruining her life, I have helped her out with critical personal problems in her life when there was nobody else (man or woman) to help. I won't share the details because they are personal but I sleep just fine every night and have no regrets whatsoever regarding how I treat her.

Avatar for GACA

@JS69 and @Diva so I saw the married sex thread that seem to get this thread started. I get why emotions are hot. JS69 insinuating sex with an older woman can't be as hot as sex with someone who is just this side of being legal. I can see where he seems like a perv.

Avatar for Diva1975

Wow! This is a lot to digest perhaps the deepest discussion ever had here. A man 9 years my junior ruined my life. He punched me in the face and broke my orbital bone without destroying my looks in the least. The doctors said I dodged a major bullet in that one. However I am emotionally scarred just do right by her and don't fuck up her life that's all I ask js and maybe one day I'll tell you who I am and where I work I want to show you my titties on avatar someone tell me how to do it I'm a stripper I forgot lol

Avatar for sharkhunter

I didn't realize js was doing a 19 year old. I'm suddenly remembering a beavis and butthead show that I watched for a few minutes. I tend not to judge. Half the time I'm not even paying attention or reading everything.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Sorry to hear what happened to you Diva. Hope you are better now and not too emotionally scarred.

Avatar for sharkhunter

if you have an account on a free site like photobucket or Flickr.com, however it's spelled, you can post pics and then a link here, I believe. I never tried it. Someone else may have experience.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Diva, I absolutely will do right by her. I care very much for her because she is a great person. I just don't share those details because I want to protect her identity. Sex stories are easy to share and keep it all anonymous.

I'm very sorry about the former asshole in your life. Men like that are weak cowards.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

If you're referring to another thread, I can't see it, maybe I have the OP ignored.

At this point, I don't dismiss any possibility as to what gets people off. Let's just take a pass on the slut-shaming, the prude-shaming, and all other forms of busy-body-ism.

But if I had to bet, I'd bet she's in it for the money. 19 is young, but society has decided 18 is old enough to make that type of choice. It's probably like working in a nursing home changing bed pans. Many people would never consider it. Many would get one whiff and quit. Some who needed the money bad enough would grit their teeth and stay. But for most of those who stayed, it would get much easier over time.

I'm an ugly old guy who has paid 20-ish girls for sex. They seemed OK with it. But, since it's a man's world, women get good from a young age at seeming to be what a man wants. I don't think it's practical, at least not for everyone, to only have sex with people you're in love with. But you can always be affectionate. Affection is something you'll never run out of no matter how much you give out. A spoonful of medicine help the medicine go down. And the nasty geezer penis go it.

Avatar for Diva1975

Affection is brilliant ilbbaucnl that's why you made my list if ten most fuckable personalities!

Avatar for Diva1975

Affection is brilliant ilbbaucnl that's why you made my list if ten most fuckable personalities!

Avatar for shadowcat

Diva - I've met JS69 twice. If you think what he is doing at his age is so terrible, you don't even want to know what I do at mine. I just prefer not to write about it.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Just to be clear, she absolutely is in it for the money. All dancers are. Without the money, we would have nothing. However, many marriages are also based upon money or material provision so that fact does not mean that a relationship is not real.

In other words, it can be about the money for her but that doesn't mean that we don't have fun together and that her sexual pleasure isn't genuine. Of course she'd much rather be doing this with a handsome 20-year-old, but that doesn't mean that doing it with an older guy for money is disgusting or in any way analogous to changing bed pans. Older guys do have some advantages that go beyond money including wisdom, experience, and knowledge.

Avatar for Corvus

Well said JS69, and SC too. No matter what else any 20 year old boy could provide a 19 year old girl (DS or not), decades of experience in bed with women cannot be replaced by anything else. Most of us mature men bring lots of great times for the young women we chase.

Avatar for alabegonz

Yeah, it looks like that, but to me it's just part of the lifestyle.

Avatar for PhantomGeek

GACA, geez, I wish some of those girls would fuck the pizza guy! I might even eat the cost of the pizza if that happened, especially if she looked anything like JS's fabled DS (or at least how I'm picturing her anyway g).

Avatar for PhantomGeek

And let's not forget the corruptive influence she's having on him. John, did you ever even think about taking recreational drugs before she introduced you to them?

Avatar for PhantomGeek

John, a woman can be hardwired to experience orgasms, even while being completely disgusted. There've been stories of women who had orgasms while they were being raped, something that isn't just disgusting but completely abhorrent.

Avatar for jackslash

As far as math goes, while it may sound mathematically impossible, I'm proof that 60 can go into 20 three times.

Avatar for 4got2wipe

I'm sorry to hear about your injury Diva1975

Avatar for Clubber

Didn't know clubbing was so "involved". I think I'll just stick with my little habit and try to remember a strip club is a strip club and a dancer is a dancer. Well, my ATF excluded. :)

PS - There will always be AHoles in this world. Lucky you dodged that bullet!

Avatar for ATACdawg

Diva, I think that this thread might have set a record for fast growth. I am a Christian and believe that grace is available for any sin. However, there is a part of me that hopes that monster will never find faith and that there will be a special place in hell for him.

We're not all like that, Diva, not even most if us. I truly hope that you will find a trusting relationship!

BTW, I hope you pressed charges and got thatbastard off the street, at least for a few years.

Avatar for rickdugan

Diva, I've sen the light. I'm going to immediately stop paying strippers half my age for sex and donate the money to charities benefiting the victims of sexual abuse. :)


I could assume that they are old enough to make their own decisions. Now 19 is a little younger than I like them, but most of us (ex out the trolls here) are doing things with girls multiple decade younger than we are. I'm sure that this is not ideal for many of them, but they are willingly trading those services for the cash they need.

There are many girls living off of normal jobs who are NOT selling sex for money. DS has decided that it is worth the discomfort of seeing his wrinkly balls and convincing him that she loves it in order to keep him on the hook and take his cash. If she didn't think that the pros (cash and other assistance) outweighed the cons (actually having to have sex with a 50-something year old), then I assume that she wouldn't do it. After all, there ARE plenty of other young girls who get by without fucking and sucking for a living.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

" John, a woman can be hardwired to experience orgasms, even while being completely disgusted. There've been stories of women who had orgasms while they were being raped, something that isn't just disgusting but completely abhorrent."

I've never heard of that before. Even if it's true, would she (1) have multiple orgasms, (2) cry out in pleasure over and over again, and (3) ask the disgusting one to please not stop. I'm no shrink, but common sense tells me that's not what disgust looks like.

Rick, my balls are not wrinkly.

As for her corrupting me, I very seriously doubt I would've ever done any type of drugs without her. But we're all adults, and can make our own choices.

Avatar for Holdem2

Well done JS69. You are a lucky guy and well spoken.

Diva: I see your concerns but I'm kinda surprised at you. Ordinarily you are spot on but I have met a couple girls that don't like guys their own age. They like older guys. Haven't you met a couple in your profession?

Avatar for PhantomGeek

John, I'm no shrink either, but when it comes to rape and orgasms, I really don't think common sense is too applicable.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Its obvious that she's in it for the money. Its also obvious that she can tolerate it for as long as she needs to. But for a 54 yo man to think any differently then that is delusional. It sounds like he understands that, so there it is. Enjoy it while you can coz we all know it has a very short shelf life before she finds someone much younger.

Avatar for Lone_Wolf

@sclvr5005 - "Enjoy it while you can coz we all know it has a very short shelf life before she finds someone much younger."

Agree on the shelf life but it will probably end due to John's need for variety and almost inevitable increase in SS. Not because she found a younger guy. She already has that.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@Diva1975: Well, you've certainly lived up to your nickname in this discussion, haven't you?

Please don't construe my comments to be a dismissal of your perspective on this one, but it is just that, your perspective. It doesn't apply to everyone.

In some ways, John's experience with his DS is similar to my own, though I suggest that he be more successful in detaching himself than I was.

His DS, and my SB, could be consummate actress, but my experience with people is that such acting can only go on for so long before it wears so thin as to be unmistakeable, or morphs into something else. And no offense, this is even more true of strippers, in general, than the rest of the population.

On the other side of that coin, many women seem to be able to put up with a lot of what other people find disgusting, for the right payoff. Was there nothing about your sugar daddy that disgusted you?

But look at it somewhat objectively. John has illustrated some of the reasons he thinks his DSL isn't disgustes with him. I could do the same with my SB. Would she abandon other customers in the club to come visit with me, if only for a minute, if I disgusted her? Would she introduce me to her boyfriend and son if I disgusted her? Would she cuddle with me after sex and trace her fingers through my chest hair if I disgusted her? Would she still call me, two years after leaving town, if I disgusted her? Would she email me dirty pictures of her if I disgusted her? Would she spend most of a weekend entertaining me sexually if I disgusted her?

If the answer to those is yes, then I'm a delusional l, blind old fool. Not denying it, just doesn't seem very likely.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Who’s using who? The argument can be turned on its head and some will argue it may be the younger woman whom is using her beauty and sex appeal to take advantage/$$$ of an older guy by pretending to like him.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Absolutely, Papi_chulo. Nobody in that kind of scenario is innocent or unaware of exactly what they are trying the get out of the arrangement. Both sides definitely have their own agenda.

Avatar for rockstar666

Diva: Were you dancing when you were 19? I ask because dancers grow up fast, and if she's giving lap dances to 50+ guys, fucking them for money can't be all THAT bad.

Avatar for gawker

My ATF is 40 years younger than I. We've had some wild times together but her drug use has increasingly become a problem. With my encouragement and financial support she went through detox, rehab, and 3 months in a 1/2 way house. She relapsed, got thrown out of the 1/2 way house & today I picked her up & brought her home to meet my wife and tomorrow we begin back at detox.

She is grateful beyond words, says its fucked up, but she loves me. I don't think our definition of love is the same, but I do care about her. Yes she's been a hooker, but I've been a John which makes us even in my book. All May/December romances aren't just about money.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Gawker, you've got me beat by 5 years, plus several levels of stripper inspired drug use. Thank you! I really didn't want to be in the lead in this despite how much fun it is.

Avatar for Dougster

I wonder if RickyBoy will be singing the same tune when HIS OWN DAUGHTERS end up being strippers (with the "personality damage" they inherited from him, they are sitting ducks).

Avatar for GACA

@Dougster ...you know the Solar has a system, sure you heard about it you live there, and it was invented by a pretty awesome entity. Therefore RBD is god like because he to invented a system....so ya...ummm...you ...kinda...sorta....welll...didn't. Just pointing out the obvious. You probably just pay strippers who don't even like you for sex. Ha. How's that working out for you. Strippers like me. They tell me every time I go to the SC's. One even said she would think about giving me her phone number, I just have to wait a few months is all.

Avatar for Dougster

Yep, RickyBoy's tried to back off The System and its initial grandiose claims from time to time. Not that he can his story straight, however. One of his watered down claims was that "just ask" is fine, unless the girl is "on the fence" and this is the type The System snaps up. Really, good shit!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

GMD, Diva's not saying a 19yo woman can't like an older guy, just unlikely she's truly horny for him.

Even with boyfriends and husbands, women will often pretend to be more satisfied by their man (at least sometimes) just to make him happy.

Avatar for lopaw

I have always sought my-age-or-younger sex partners, even when I was in my late teens and early twenties. For me to even consider having a sexual relationship with anyone (of either gender) well into their 40's or (eek!) 50's when I was that age would have been unthinkable. I have to agree that I can't see the attraction of someone in their 50's to someone in their teens or twenties...or thirties for that matter. Who really knows what people's true motive is when it comes down to affairs of the heart (or wallet). Just enjoy what you have because you never know how long you will have it. Life's too short to psychoanalyze everything. Just live it!

Avatar for PhantomGeek

Yeah, but, Lopaw, when it comes to affairs of the loin, I think we all have ideas on just what the true motivations are ; )

Avatar for bkkruined

I firmly beleive that most females just aren't as visually stimulated as males are.

And that's mostly what drive us to want younger women, with tighter skin, firmer tits, etc.

It seems that often women are more atracted to a someone who is well dressed with a pleasant personality rather than ultimately what a guy looks like. Otherwise I'd have to beleive that there would be a different segment of the pornography industry for them that would be similarly successfull. But consider that one of the most famous male porn stars is Ron Jeremy? And how much porn shows as little of the guys as possible? and often, has some pretty ugly guys in it, but no one cares because no one is looking at him.

A girl can enjoy being around a guy because of his personality. She trusts him. She thinks he's funny. Maybe she gets taken to places she enjoys and wouldn't otherwise get to visit? all reasons for her to enjoy a guy's company.

Sex, you rub in the right place the right way, guys get hard, girls get wet. They don't have to be in love for that to happen. A little visual stimulation helps, but really even that isn't really necesary for some kids to get excited. Keep the stroking up and orgasms happen. (and the girls that I knew weren't faking it mostly held there breath, or became more ragged with wimpering. Girl's screaming has mostly seemed fake to me, but I've still enjoyed it!)

Avatar for GoVikings

" I firmly beleive that most females just aren't as visually stimulated as males are. It seems that often women are more atracted to a someone who is well dressed with a pleasant personality rather than ultimately what a guy looks like."

VERY true.

Female attraction and male attraction are totally different.

Guys can feel attracted to a woman if she's good looking. But with women it doesn't work like that. Women have to connect with a guy and like you said, it's very much about dressing well and having a pleasant personality.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

There is a popular saying in the Latin culture:

“Men fall in-love thru the eyes; and women thru the ears”

Avatar for lopaw

^^Nah I ain't buying that. I have always been very visual in my attraction, as have most of the women, both gay & straight, that I know. Keep in mind that women tell you what they want you to hear & know, not necessarily the truth (duh). As women in society's roles change, so do a lot of the mores and disciplines imposed on us so that we can be more honest about how we really view things sexually, not just the beliefs & morals that society had imposed on us and wanted us to suppress for centuries. We are sexual creatures, and respond accordingly.

Avatar for mikeya02

^^^ Of course you're visual, Lopaw. You're checking out young hot girls like the rest of us guys.... :)

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I think the truth is somewhere in between the two extremes expressed above. Women definitely value and appreciate good looks but women also value other things mentioned above. Whereas men place far greater emphasis on looks, sometimes almost to the exclusion of anything else. Both sexes are turned on by good looks but it's a matter of degree. Women are more likely to be able to settle for fair to average looks if the guy has lots of other good qualities. Men often can't get beyond the fact that a woman is not attractive.

Lastly, my impression of Lopaw is that she isn't typical of most women's views on sexuality. The fact that she is a strip club enthusiast kind of demonstrates that she places an emphasis on looks that I don't see in much of the female population.

Avatar for mikeya02

^^^^Everyone likes attractive mates, but men do like other qualities in a women than pure looks. But if you're talking about la la land where men are paying for strippers and escorts, yeah, it's based on hotness.

Avatar for sclvr5005

I agree that the truth is somewhere in between. Looks are important to both sexes, and I have met plenty of women who are just as superficial as most guys are. Seems the more successful financially a woman is the more likely she is to be very picky about a guy's looks since she don't need his money. The poor women, like poor guys, gotta settle for what they can get.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Neither sex can be lumped in the “everybody …” category.

But one thing I’ve noticed is that often times; thought not always yada yada yada – men w/ money will often look-for/date/hook-up w/ good looking young women whereas women w/ money will often look for men around their age.

Avatar for sclvr5005

Judging byvthe number of cougar dens in my neighborhood full of older women scamming on younger guys I think the hunt for young meat is about equal from both camps.

Avatar for GoVikings

So you don't agree with what Papi said lopaw? O_O

WOW, I've always found women confusing, but I'm even more confused now.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

JS69's DS is 19yo. This means that she is old enough to make her own decisions.

As far as JS69, it is interesting to hear that he doesn't look like a dirty old man. He just sounds like one when he posts.

But when it comes to his DS, I wouldn't worry. If JS69 can afford a Red Porsche, then given his proclivities, he is also going to be fucking lots of young women. So we can't be worried about it.

It does sound like his antics with his DS are effecting him in a positive way. So again I think we should just lay back and keep quiet.


Deep Purple, No No No


Avatar for lopaw

@govikings- I disagree with the notion that women aren't very visual when it comes to sexual attraction, which is what some of you mentioned here. Sexual attraction sure isnt black & white, especially nowadays. Some old sexual stereotypes just dont hold as much water as maybe some think. Nothing too confusing about that.

Avatar for minnow

DS disgusted with JS?? Nah, probably more along the lines of you tube clip "The Best Sexy Girl Vanessa Hessler." Type that in YT site search engine, go to video with over 80M hits on it.

Avatar for seaboardrr

Hmmmmm, how long is this thread going to get?

Are men more visual than woman, vice versa or is it really equal?

Men have for eons been the hunter gatherers. We distinguish prey based on sight. Women have always been "chosen" and learn to love (or not) the one who chose them or who they were paired with after getting to know their personality. Men haven't changed. We still first notice physical attractiveness and then the personality either seals or kills the deal. If they can't string together a complete sentence a man will still fuck a woman but he'll eventually tire of the ignorance. That's why we have the saying for every hot woman there's a man tired of fucking her.

Recently in human history women have become equals and can do anything they want so now you have women not afraid to pickup a guy purely based on looks. Sure, there is still the slut stereotype for women and stud for men but most people don't care about those labels anymore.

IMO though, women base attraction as much on looks as men do. Actually taking it to a sex act is still a little diff for the most part. Men can go straight to sex. Women decide if someone is attractive and then usually want to figure out the personality before they decide if sex is on the table. It's that next step to the actual sex act that is usually the big diff between men and women. men have 1 and women have 2, USUALLY.

Maybe a view from a normal couple will give more of a baseline. When I met mrs sea I immed wanted to get her naked. I was ready to go. After hanging out with her for several hours I REALLY wanted to get her naked. She can tell you the song that was on the radio so I'm sure she remembers every thought going through her head that night. Maybe she'll post the female view.

Avatar for bkkruined

Who watches porn?

Sure, some women do. But I'm pretty sure the majority of that market is male.

Most men can see a picture of a girl, become aroused by her image, if given half a chance they wouldn't hesitate to be physically intimate without even saying hi or knowing her name.

I'm sure there are ladies who are also like this, but I'm pretty sure they're rare (I've always wished there were more).

Avatar for JohnSmith69

bkk, good points re porn.

"As far as JS69, it is interesting to hear that he doesn't look like a dirty old man. He just sounds like one when he posts."

Wow. SJG has a sense of humor, in a post of reasonable length. Will wonders never cease.

Avatar for GoVikings

I see, thanks lopaw

It's just that I always thought that girls didn't value looks nearly as much as guys do, but I guess not

shrugs shoulders

Avatar for sclvr5005

The majority of porn is indeed watched by guys coz we're the ones its made for. I used to try and get my ex wife to watch it with me and she would always comment on how ugly the guys in them were and how there should be porn made for women. Maybe there is porn made for women out there but by far the vast majority isn't.

Avatar for mikeya02

@Govikings... no, you're right. There are more paintings, photographs, etc, of women than anything, Attractive women were meant to be appreciated and looked at. Take a look at this thread, An attractive women starts a thread and dozens of guys respond... :)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Per Elaine Bennis:

“… female body is a work of art … the male body is utilitarian; it’s for getting around; it’s like a jeep …”



Avatar for Lone_Wolf

In another topic JS69 posted that his DS pulls down about 800 per night dancing. No one, pulling down that kind of cash, would have to force themselves to do something they feel is "disgusting".

I know a few dancers that make bank in the sc, seem pretty normal but still encourage OTC play. They must be able to tolerate old and fugly.

Avatar for FullPress

To continue the conversation how do we define "pervy?" I honestly cannot tell the age of anyone, man or woman by looking at them. Just blind to it. However I am always trying to steer clear of the ladies who look very very young. I look for someone who might look, to me, to be 30-and then my husband me she was about 23 and I feel sort of awful.

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