Comments by minnow (page 46)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    not bad
    Because rick, NJB, and myself didn't get to it quick enough. I guess rick has some names to add to his thread.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Photo of "The Living Room" in Dayton OH after the tornado.
    That hits a little close to home as I've made several visits (and submitted several reviews) in the last decade or so.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Nice cool horny guy
    Recommendations for Latina or white ladies - and freedom in private dances to do
    Only 2 reviews posted 10 years ago ? I'd suggest taking grammar classes and brushing up on the English language.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Guys who will approve any review
    Fellas, I just recently noticed reviews popping up where the approving and rejecting votes (if any) are shown, and the order in which the votes came in. One flaky review was tied at 2-2, when a 3rd thumbs up put the flake over the top. I don't have any names to add to rick's list as my time is too precious. I'm not really pushing for this, but I'd be amenable to having ones accept/reject statistics listed in their profile. On the topic of closed clubs, I'd be amenable towards accepting the review on a non-VIP credit basis.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Extra Mile
    Proper etiquette for posting new reviews of clubs you've reviewed previously
    The standard for VIP credit is 4 weeks between reviews for same club. In clubs that I've frequently visited, I try to incorporate reports from different shifts to give readers an idea of what to expect at different times. I can see an infrequently reviewed club whereby over half the reviews on the page are from the same reviewer can be a bit of a drag, but nobody said that rules/standards are perfect. If it frosts your balls that someone can get a years worth of VIP by submitting 13 reviews on same club, well tough shit.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Clubs Using a Scale to Weigh Dancers for Employment
    I can tell that FTS favors the model thin type. (Normal BMI range is 18.5 - 24.9, according to searched site). By FTS standards, a 5' dancer had better weigh less than 97 lbs, and a 5'6" dancer had better weigh less than 118 lbs. FYI, for a 5' dancer, BMI 19-23 range (proposed by FTS) parameters would be 97 - 118 lbs, while parameters for 5'6" dancer would be 118 - 142 lbs. I suggest that Papi avoid any club that hires FTS as a dancer screener.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Worst strip club large cities
    Since OP specifically mentioned "cities" vice metro areas, I'll add St Louis to the list. on that technicality. There are exactly zero strip clubs in the city of St Louis, same as Cincinnati. As most Tuscl mongers know, it's a whole 'nother world club-wise across the Missouri river in "ESL". Across the Ohio River in Newport, KY doesn't begin to hold a candle to ESL clubs, and only serve to add to Cincinnati's strip club Siberia moniker.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Low key exclusive clubs recommendations(cities, states and countries)
    B100- Ruffled feathers ? Hell no, several of us enjoy dishing it out whenever the occasion warrants. You come across as a rather obtuse person, or LE awkwardly going about a fishing expedition.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Low key exclusive clubs recommendations(cities, states and countries)
    Well, Mr Zero-Zero, I'll have you know that people who I freely exchange info with are an exclusive club. You know, people who actually have submitted at least several useful reviews (like more than 1 short paragraph).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    D-lac- Enjoy the I4 parking lot. Flying into ORL rather than MCO- you must be a bigshot exec flying in corporate flight dept jet, chartering a plane, or you're a fractional share owner. Some interesting trivia: Acronym for Boeing Business Jet is BBJ.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Where do we find Native American strippers?
    Seeing that only ~ 2% of US population is Native American (and a bit over half of that is mixed race/ethnic), the pickings are rather slim. My experience with Native American dancers have been more positive on a percentage basis when compared with most other groups. I've met Cherokee, Chippewa, Erie, and Seminole. Waffle, please LMK if you decide to come to Tampa for the winter.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    I'd say that $78K annual income would be a notch up from mid-middle class in much of flyover country, big coastal cities not so much. @James SD- What makes you so sure that most of board is rich ? Did you secretly examine our tax returns ? @Daddillac- Do you have a link to where those income/wealth share statistics came from ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    All play and no work!
    In Cincinnati this week - any club or massage recos?
    If you're looking to go somewhere tonight, New York New York might be worthwhile since Mondays are $10 dance night. I'd rate NYNY more as a club of convenience vs a go out of your way place. If you like riverboat casinos, Concepts in Lawrenceburg, IN just might amuse you for a while.(guess 30 min. or so drive from Hamilton).My suggestion over Lexington KY would be to work your way towards I74 then head to Indy. I74 practically runs into Southeastern Ave, which 3 miles inside of I465 loop will take you to the Brass Flamingo. You're welcome.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $3k for OTC night with hot chick? Is this insane? Worth it?
    E-spark- Making $30K/mo ($360K/yr) would just about put one in the top 1%. CLEARING $30K/mo (as I stated in prior post) would definitely put one in the top 1%.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $3k for OTC night with hot chick? Is this insane? Worth it?
    Here are some financial parameters where spending $3K and not really giving a shit about it : Said transaction should be 10% or less of your monthly take home salary, or no more than the interest/dividend income. More specifically, how many of these conditions apply to you-- 1) Is your monthly take home salary/commision/overtime $30K or greater ? 2) Do you own $1.1M or more in Coca-Cola (KO) stock ? 3) Do you own $1.5M or more in 10 yr treasury bonds ? If none of these apply to you, you're a dumbshit for even thinking about paying well above market value for something.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Houston and area
    Sheesh, 623, you've reviewed SEVEN different Houston clubs, and you're asking US for advice!! Do you know how to read a map? I'm assuming that you're flying into Houston on a 1 day quickie. From past experience, I'd say St James would be a good choice if you're flying out of IAH. For flying out of HOU, I'd be a bit more concerned about traffic, but W15's choices sound good to me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Papi Chulo : The Movie
    Who would have thought of a Papi Chulo movie. Whoever goes to see it, be careful about bending over to pick up spilled popcorn.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Eating in strip clubs
    I haven't tried this yet, but if undesirable dancer sits by me uninvited, I'll say "I don't want any company, I'll be busy masticating for the next several minutes." The look on her face will be worth the cover charge and meal. What percentage of dancer population even knows what masticate means ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Sailors walking into strip club reminded to ‘clap like Mike Pence is speaking’
    Fake news- no such club in Tuscl directory.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Movies and TV shows with great soundtracks
    So many good ones, to that I'd add: 1) Any Ennio Morricone sound track. "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" comes to mind. Ditto the other spaghetti westerns. 2) Goodfellas - Can't listen to several songs without thinking of a scene from this movie. 3) American Graffiti.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Developing a reputation ITC
    A few things, rick: 1) The concept that a guy who comes to club in a suit, and locks down a dancer for hours on end can remain UTR is laughable. 2) Nobody can control dancer gossip, so no point thinking about it too much. Each dancer qualifies and sizes up a customer to suit her own needs as much as the 3 credit bureaus put together. 3) I couldn't say how much dancer gossip has helped, or hurt my club visits without knowing everything said about me, and who heard it when. 4) Since you can't control #2, or fully know #2 and #3, I'd just go with the flow/ roll with the punches. 5) Since I posted this on Mothers Day, Happy Mothers day to all the mothers (and "muthas") out there, and remember that Fathers Day is really 9 months before Mothers Day, (Beat you to it, jackslash ! )
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    reverse lookups
    With the latest practice of spoofing numbers, wtf bother with reverse phone lookups ?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York City
    Eating at a strip club? Steaks
    As a rule, I like to keep dining and clubbing separate from each other. Especially when it comes to steak dinners. I've made exceptions to this rule when on a time compressed schedule, like a flight to catch a few hours later. Notable exceptions being Mens Club- Dallas, and Bare Elegance- LAX. The former may still have a day or 2 a week where they serve discounted prime rib. I don't recall dancers at either place being high hustle. BE- LAX doesn't serve prime rib, but they have a good Friday lunch buffet.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    I'd wager that founder didn't seriously feel the need to ask the question, as he probably had same wtf reaction as most of us. He'll probably reply to "plaintiff" with a link to this thread, and the comment "majority hath spoken, now stfu."
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discuss this email I received
    "desertscrub" is a legit reviewer with many reviews under his belt. Although sometimes goes overboard with club ad tag, a lot of times he's on target. His past "power wash" comments added some comedy to his comments. Keep him aboard, screw the thin skinned wuss who complained about him.