
Eating in strip clubs

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:05 AM
After that discussion the other day about food I read a review by someone about fugly fatties ruining a meal at a club in Jacksonville, and I wondered if any of you folks that eat in strip clubs lose your appetite if a fugly stripper sits down while you’re eating or even get distracted so you can’t enjoy your meal by an attractive stripper.


  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    If I'm eating, I'm eating: my food has my attention. Then again, I'm usually not eating that much in a club so my attention isn't diverted for that long. The one club where I might order an entrée, I'm eating in an area separate from the 'club'. Of the clubs I've visited that have dancers that unattractive, I don't think any of them had food.
  • George123789
    5 years ago
    I once had the experience of an unattractive dancer thinking I was an easy Mark because my food arrived. I did a two step - when she sat down, I stood up making a show of moving all the packable meal accessories to my cargo pockets, picked up my plate of food/drink and walked to the side of the club. Once there I reset my “camp”. This dancer was particularly stupid besides being flabbier than hell and yes, fellow mongers she followed me to my new camp. By now I was really getting looks/snickers from staff, dancers and other mongers. So, I just looked at her and said in a loud voice during a dancer transition- I am not interested - leave me the hell alone now and forever. Yep, she got huffy and stomped off. But my food was still hot and I enjoyed my meal. Really set the tone for every time I go to this club now - every single dancer stands, greets me and asks permission to join me —- funnier than hell!! But, it lets me control who has my time and yes, I have politely declined dancers since then.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I don't get distracted, but I can also walk and chew gum at the same time :) lol... okay, being a bit of a dick, but ... No, if a fugly sits next to me, I don't lose my appetite. But I seem generally less personally-insulted by unattractive strippers than many here. I don't mind sitting with a stripper I'm not attracted to as long as I enjoy talking to her. And, if a hot girl is sitting with me, I'll have already ordered lunch for her, too -- or if she comes up after I have my food (which is very rare; most girls stay away when they see your food arrive), I will happily split my Monte Cristo with her, or let her snarf my french fries; if she's really hot, I may, dare I say it, give her my pickle. Bonding over food is a fine art, and one that I practice as often as I can :)
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I don't do this very often. But in the few times I have eaten in a club. The girls tend to leave you alone. They are going to approach you when they think they can make some money. You aren't going to get any dances when you are eating, so I've noticed that I have rarely get even approached. But again, this is not something I have done very often. And for the record, I have no problem in telling a fugly to go away.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I have never been to a strip club that’s like a restaurant. You guys continue to talk about his stuff and I feel left out of the loop. The whole scenario would just seem so odd to me. I wouldn’t like because I feel the need to brush my teeth always before I enter a club.
  • GoVikings
    5 years ago
    a girl i don't find attractive sitting down next to me while i'm eating wouldn't make me lose my appetite. i'm not that easily bothered this past friday night, a stripper i know told me she doesn't eat at work because she finds it unsanitary. she said the dressing room is gross. she said there's clothes ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Muddy: eating at a strip club with a decent kitchen is the best deal in the club, as far as the stripper's time. I'll grab a stripper and hang out with her at my table, then at some point "hey can I buy you lunch?". Now it's a 10 minute wait for the waitress, 20 minute wait for the food, 30 minutes to eat, 20 minutes to digest before we're ready to head to the VIP. Locked up all for the $20 Louisiana Back-bay Bayou Bunny Bordelaise, a la Antoine. 'course, the 3-4 shots we do over this time period adds to the cost. But it's still over an hour of table flirting and groping, and like I said, fun to eat together.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    ^^^Interesting. Maybe get that time to connect. Well I will definitely try to seek one out one of these weekends. None near me that I know of
  • Smh..fat ppl aren't ur food..should mind ur own business to point where they don't matter...
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    In the last 10 years I’ve been to many clubs, and I’ve not eaten food in any of them. I’ve been to clubs that are said to have “fine dining” and clubs with basic bar fare - and I’ve not eaten in any of them. It’s simply not my idea of what I enjoy on my club outings. One of the most disturbing things I’ve seen was in a DC club. I knew nothing about the clubs and lack of extras there. A sloppy dancer came to my table and I asked how it worked - where is the private dance room? She said there’s no private dances in DC. - you pay her to sit with you at the table. I passed - and about 10 minutes later she’s sitting at a nearby table downing a huge club sandwich as her blubber overflows her lingerie...I’ve never gone to a DC club since then.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Only baby strippers approach a guy while he's eating
  • lopaw
    5 years ago
    I've never lost my appetite from any nasty strippers, but a few of my fellow customers have occasionally made me wanna puke up whatever it is I'm chowing down on.
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    5 years ago
    I’ve only had one semi-issue while eating at the club, and it was really my fault. It was early afternoon and I ordered some Old Bay Steamed Shrimp for lunch at a club with a tip walk. Not the best of combinations. I ended up putting a stack of singles on my table and told each dancer to take a single. The girls were good humored, understanding and I didn’t have any problems. Later on, I had a drink and a room with one of the dancers, so all was well.
  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    There's not a lot of strip clubs I'll eat it, but I certainly do it sometimes. The clubs I've eaten at have had hiring standards that mean there isn't any stripper there who is so ugly as to make me lose my appetite. I will admit to having been distracted from my meal to chat up a particularly attractive dancer though. I can recall a specific instance where I was at Scarlett's in the late afternoon eating sliders. An absolute 10 got up on stage just as my food was arriving. She was going to finish before I did, so I abandoned the meal and went to tip her. It was a good decision.
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    ^ Club ad of the day
  • NJBalla
    5 years ago
    I have only eaten once at a club and it was a pretty good experience. After a high mileage lap dance the dancer fixed me a plate of food and she sat on my lap while we ate for the next 20 minutes. Not a fan of eating before as gum isnt a substitute for mouth wash.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    There are a few clubs I will eat in. They have to have active kitchens will real cooks and decent to good food. I find it particularly convenient to slide into a club at the tail end of happy hour, before the cover kicks in, and knock down a couple of discounted drinks and order dinner. Most of the time I tune out the dancers while I am eating, but every so often I will see one so hot that I tune back in and watch while I eat. As others have said, most girls won't approach a customer who is eating, but there are a few who do. If she is hot enough she can stay, otherwise I send her packing. One girl even brazenly picks food off my plate, but she and I have some history. I've also ordered food for girls when I've met them early enough and didn't want to lose the momentum and subraman is right that it can be a great way to get to know a girl on the cheap.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ real cooks - LOL
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    I haven't tried this yet, but if undesirable dancer sits by me uninvited, I'll say "I don't want any company, I'll be busy masticating for the next several minutes." The look on her face will be worth the cover charge and meal. What percentage of dancer population even knows what masticate means ?
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I started this thread even though I rarely eat anything in the club, but I have one Fav in particular at a nice club that has a buffet every Friday afternoon, when I would visit with her she used to fix me and herself a plate from the buffet, and we would eat together, I was a very good buffet and she was gorgeous and I enjoyed her company with my meal. As a general rule though I don’t eat at strip clubs.
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