
Developing a reputation ITC

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Saturday, May 11, 2019 5:00 PM
OK, the other night I interacted with the 3rd girl in the last few months who has told me, completely unsolicited (the information, not the girl herself, lol), that the girls talk about me in the back. Now they haven't told me much, but the snippets I've heard include the fact that I don't buy dances ITC and speculation about who I've met up with OTC - some accurate and some not. My gig has always been UTR and that's where I like it. The third one was the hot ass girl who partied with me the other night, so it can't be that bad if she went OTC with me anyway - especially since it's not normally her gig - but I also don't know how many other opportunities it might have cost me over time. What sucks is that I've been even more careful than normal in this club because it is a more conservative place, yet still I am now in the spotlight and so too will any girl that spends concentrated time with me. Idk, I may have to shift things around for a while. Anyone else run into this and was it a net positive or negative for you? In one respect it might help that I've become a known quantity, but OTOH I'm concerned that I might be missing out on girls who are particularly cautious about what others may think.


  • gSteph
    5 years ago
    Uh, what's UTR?
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    Under The Radar
  • jsully63
    5 years ago
    I expect if you go to a place on a regular basis the hens with cackle about us. I’ve got a few girls at my local spot that give me extras in the club since I have a reputation of being a good tipper. Or as I tell my Mrs who sometimes goes with me they see ATM sign on my head. This isn’t an extras club and the girls who don’t do it get pissed at the ones who do since they draw the customers and a few girls have passed me by I expect because of it. But I know what I want and leave happy. Enjoy what you get and it’s their loss if any girls pass you by.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Years ago, when the local SC forums were around and very explicit, a few times the girls figured out who the reviewers were, and it affected those guys' time in the club. Although not to the extent you might expect. And if guys posting explicit reviews with prices were only somewhat blackballed by the girls, I suppose it might not be as bad as we think. I know for a fact the girls know my buddies and I in the clubs we frequent. We've had new girls tell us "yeah, we heard you guys get all the girls and the staff drunk" and the like. I have no idea if any more explicit info gets shared, but if it does, I can't tell
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Just a quick point what did you expect would happen in a small market like Pasco County, not like this should come as any surprise to a smart guy like you. I think what the club girls think or gossip about is not really a big deal, I would guess you might need to club a little farther from home though, my guess is it's more likely Mrs. Dugan or the little Dugan girls might hear something, maybe at school, or there's the chance of an encounter at the supermarket, that someone isn't prepared for. That would be more of a concern if I were in your shoes.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    There are worse things than to be known as someone who is safe, has the money he says he has, and who only does the acts agreed upon.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    I've had girls talk shit about some guy and then go up to him and try to get some action. Talk is just talk.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    5 years ago
    @rickdugan I will play along. Regulars develop a reputation based on their behavior, nice/rude, quiet/silent, talkative/loud, good tipper/bad tipper, well dressed/bad dressed etc etc. All these things are easy to see and talk about. Regarding private behavior, like extras and full service behind closed doors/curtains ITC, or OTC, is all hearsay. Remember: "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." This is one of the reasons I don’t participate in threesomes, and the fact that I don’t want to disappoint two girls at the same time. Most of the Favorites I have had ITC and OTC relationships with, ask for discretion and secrecy. And a gentleman like myself would never tell. Some other girls have tried to find out, and ask me questions and I always say kiddingly “if I tell you, I will have to kill you” or “I'm taking the Fifth, on counsel's advice, on the grounds I may incriminate myself." It is nobody business what two consenting adults do in private. Once I get a fav to do OTC, I don’t have to visit her at the strip club, because I prefer OTC, so nobody would know anything unless “she” decided to let others know. I of course will always answer as I said if asked about by anyone anywhere. Just my two cents.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    @25: Without getting into too many specifics, I live in a bigger metro market than Pasco County and I'm way ahead of you on the other stuff. I keep my play stuff far away from my homefront. They don't live where I do and their kids don't go to school where mine do. I'll leave it at that. @JSD: Yeah, but that cuts both ways. Sure girls prone to things like OTC might be more inclined to start gravitating over, but the ones who are not inclined towards that might pigeon-hole me and stop coming over. It's the pre-conversion girls who often become my best low volume favorites, including my ATF and the runner-up for that title, so I don't want to lose access to them.
  • lotsoffun201
    5 years ago
    I’ve been told they talk about me all the time. They know I spend money but it’s on who I want, not just someone random I don’t know well. I have three regulars I spend money on, they’ve (so I’m told) said I’m cheap. Sorry, not the case at all I have one regular girl for OTC. We went for drinks yesterday after work (no money except for the drinks) and we are taking a road trip this week (again no money as I’m paying). I think it’s just jealousy on their part since they aren’t getting a piece of the pie. What else do females have to do except gossip when they aren’t busy?
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Some dancers seem to jump from club to club to keep it fresh - perhaps it may apply to custies in a similar fashion
  • George123789
    5 years ago
    I have been blessed and honored by beautiful young girls with their phenomenal female talents a few times the past years. And that’s how I look at it - the pretty girl is doing me the honor of using their bodies/talents for my carnal pleasures. Therefore, I never say anything to anyone at any time other than what I share with my mongering cohorts on this esteemed venue. I do go into clubs both near and far from home and I work hard to present a disarmingly adorable persona who does have cash to spend. I have had unknown dancers sit with me and wiggle around until she is in my lap and stick shifting me. I always play innocent or horribly horny. More times than not, I am offered fun things both inside and outside the club. I have been told by dancers that it is known that I play to wit I play even more innocent but they know details! Throws me for a loop every time. But I admit nothing and deny everything. My strategy seems to work! And I’m staying with it till something goes sideways or a better idea comes up.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    At my favorite club, reputations move out of the club. The girls who like me are catty to each other and some have gotten really bad competing for me. The problem is, really young strippers blue the line between work and personal life too much, which is fine with me though. Most of the staff likes me coz I tip well and I get a lot of hookups for it. Most dancers think I'm an asshole and are jealous of the girls I see, who are jealous of each other.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Yeah that’s usually what happens to me too
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    Money makes the world go round. Eight years ago I was going to the same club at least twice per week and spending $500 to $700 per visit. 90% of the dancers knew me and if my ATF wasn’t there or was tied up in VIP when I arrived I was fair game. Yes they talked about me and frequently had me scratching my head as to how they knew some aspects of my life. When the ATF was there and available the other dancers stayed away from me. It’d common curtesy and respect for others. I’ve seen videos taken in the dressing room late at night and I’ve heard them deride some customers and praise others.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    A few things, rick: 1) The concept that a guy who comes to club in a suit, and locks down a dancer for hours on end can remain UTR is laughable. 2) Nobody can control dancer gossip, so no point thinking about it too much. Each dancer qualifies and sizes up a customer to suit her own needs as much as the 3 credit bureaus put together. 3) I couldn't say how much dancer gossip has helped, or hurt my club visits without knowing everything said about me, and who heard it when. 4) Since you can't control #2, or fully know #2 and #3, I'd just go with the flow/ roll with the punches. 5) Since I posted this on Mothers Day, Happy Mothers day to all the mothers (and "muthas") out there, and remember that Fathers Day is really 9 months before Mothers Day, (Beat you to it, jackslash ! )
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    I'd tip a gal knowledgable about such club drama that you dont otc with to find out who squawked are and cut her or them off.
  • mjx01
    5 years ago
    Interesting thread. IME, having a rep in a club usually makes life better. However, seems a little strange that first OTC would dilute her revenue stream by tipping off others how to get your business.
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    I don’t talk about dancers and I don’t ask them if there are any discussions about me either. Based on what Rick has said - the girls have a positive view of him. If they understand he’s otc only - and they speak positively of him - he’s treated them right and compensated them fairly. Nothing negative here.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Dancers talk about me all the time, but it's only vicious gossip.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    They must talk about me. Since I keep getting all these dancers in the non Extras clubs wanting to give me HJ, BJ, and FS, they must be saying something about me in the back room when they are all having their naked pillow fights !!!! Lol
  • rl27
    5 years ago
    Dancer definitely do talk about us. Here are a few times dancers mentioned this to me. When I asked one new and extremely hot black girl at a club for a dance, after the dance she stopped by and asked me why I chose her, "I was surprised you asked me. I was told by other dancers, you don't get dances with black girls." I told her, "well that's obviously not true I asked you," then after she asked for more of a reason I told her, "most of the black dancers here are not hot and the two others who are hot, don't give good dances." My favorites at the time were all not at the club this one day, so I tried a few newer dancers. One dancer a young blonde named Kyra starts doing a move two of my favorites both did with me and she did it quite a bit smoother and a lot better than either of my favorites, and she soon says, "wow, that got you excited quicker than I expected. Heather was right you do love that." Another dancer at a good extras club one dancer told a few of her friends that I was very good at certain things, and I had at least three dancers mention this and asked me to do the same to her. Most likely it was just a way to get me interested, but it did show they discussed things.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "I don’t talk about dancers and I don’t ask them if there are any discussions about me either." Same here. For some freakin' reason each of these girls decided to voluntarily share this. Frankly I would have preferred not knowing at all.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    One thing I've noticed is that when dancers catch feelings, they get extremely catty and lots of drama breaks out. They never take it out on you though.... but it makes other dancers want you as well. Women always want what other women try to get. lol
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