
Low key exclusive clubs recommendations(cities, states and countries)

Just to clarify, a lot of my threads are not my personal opinion but based on discussions I had with other people online
Friday, May 24, 2019 8:06 PM
Hi guys, Long term lurker and great admirer of the forum. I've been going to stripclubs for many years now. I thought we could compile a list of low key exclusive clubs. What would a low key club be? One that doesn't advertise much and tend to have an exclusive clientele with very attractive girls. What are some characteristics of these clubs? 1-Very attractive girls who tend to look like a girl next door, college students and sugarbaby types. Think Elizabeth Cuthbert. 2-Invitation only or high end clientele like wall street, corporate types, finance professionals. 3- Doesn't advertise that much but tend to be sort of known around a few people. 4-Tend to be hybrids between nightlife and stripclub. Would other types of clubs be fair game? For instance, brothels, BSDM? Yes, as long as they are exclusive and have the sugarbabies type girls. Which clubs wouldn't cut it? For instance, tootsies, even though I like going. Most girls tend to be older, they are less attractive and its aim at a mass crowd. Another club would be Talk of the Town in Las Vegas, the girls tend to be unattractive, even though the place is cheap and a bit unknown it lacks the quality. I'll go first: USA: NYC Lido Lounge: Hottest girls in NYC. College girl types, skinny, long legs, high heels. Club used to be invitation only now its fully licensed. They offer food. Die Happy Tonight: Invitation only club, very exclusive in a beatiful theater. Very attractive girls, sugarbabies type. Sure you can find one or two who look like voluptuous by its rare. Miami E11EVEN: Hybrid between stripblub and nightclub. Exclusive clientele hotter girls than average.


  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    At the risk of being nit picky... Are any strip clubs actually exclusive? Sure maybe dance/VIPs may be cost prohibitive enough to keep men from partaking, but the places allow for spectators at the very least. From what I’ve heard about E11even especially is that there’s a ton of plebs to filter through before you get the high roller. So while the high end clientele is certainly there, it’s not exclusively so.
  • lopaw
    5 years ago
    Any "exclusive" club would no doubt be off the radar of the average club goer, in other words - the citizens of TUSCL. You seem to be talking about underground clubs, again most of TUSCL wouldn't know (or care) about.
  • chowder
    5 years ago
    Isn't the first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club?
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Based on the descriptions of the women you say are to be found there, I have no fucking interest whatsoever. You say the word voluptuous like it's a bad thing. Then praise skinny and girl next door like those are traits every man wants. We all have our own preferences. Myself I need some ass and tits, damnit! If there's no variety at these exclusive clubs then they can kiss my big brown ass.
  • loper
    5 years ago
    I'm guessing that these "exclusive" clubs are patronized by people for whom Lexus ads are designed to appeal. In other words, the exact opposite of myself.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I don’t think the examples you cited are very low key at all, as a matter of fact, most of those on your list are pretty heavily promoted and far from exclusive.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    A list of invitation only clubs would just make me sad that I’m not invited
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    Ya post is rather sad. Unfortunately you are not the plug thus, did a shitty job of hooking us up with useful info. You actually based an exclusive club on your preference. Which has nothing to do with with what an exclusive club is. Attention: if anyone in the NYC area is looking for an exclusive club, I work at one. It’s thrown every two weeks and you need to be varied by a dancer(me) to get in. However there are no skinny model types. All shapes, sizes and colors.
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    ***varified**** Sorry for typos
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    Well, Mr Zero-Zero, I'll have you know that people who I freely exchange info with are an exclusive club. You know, people who actually have submitted at least several useful reviews (like more than 1 short paragraph).
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    I'd like to nominate a club called Hong Kong. It isn't widely known because it's in Tijuana, but it does have a bit of a cult-like following in the Down Syndrome community.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    but it ain’t exclusive.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    The lol was @flag, who is clearly not acknowledging that HK also has a cult-like following in the autism community Anyway, interesting topic but tuscl "ethics" are that you need to contribute via reviews before trying to pull off a thread like this. I do agree that, if such clubs exist, they're most likely to feature the kind of women you describe -- that's who older men with this type of money tend to be attracted to, whether or not that preference is shared by the honored denizens of tuscl
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ flags bias is because last time he went to HK they didn’t give home a fruitcup;)
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Is this why nobody takes me seriously? I don’t have reviews because I only go to exclusive clubs. If I review them they won’t be exclusive anymore.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ you mean like Baby Dolls lol
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    @FLF No. We don't take you seriously because you solicit other male TUSCL contributors for HJ and BJs.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ don’t let that homo bully you FLF you continue to do you
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    It was actually unsolicited. I think you’re upset that you weren’t invited.
  • Beat100
    5 years ago
    @Subraman Haha! Yes, I'm actually a seasoned contributer at other adult entertainment boards, as well as having followed this site for many years. So I forgot the whole, "earning your stripes" part. Unfortunately, since cred doesn't carry through from other websites, I see my post has 'ruffled some feathers' with some members here. It's a shame since this I was hoping this thread could help most people as opposed to trying to cause conflict. I was checking some of the Eastern Europe clubs and noticed some of it had non-updated information so if we all pulled together we could try and do a guide for many areas.
  • Lovelyeast
    5 years ago
    exclusive clubs for white wealthy men are called orgies or sex dungeons. Lol
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    Beat, it's an interesting topic. But we're under non-stop troll assault here, and with no moderation to address it, one of the few things we can do is at least get someone to submit a few reviews, before they ask for group advice.
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
    Or maybe even write reviews of these exclusive clubs.
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    That would blow my cover
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Oops wrong account
  • Beat100
    5 years ago
    @subraman @flagooner For sure, I'm open to writing a few reviews of the aforementioned clubs as well as Sapphire, Talk Of Town, Rick's Cabaret..etc. I'll go ahead and do my reviews this week and then we can still use this thread to share ideas..etc.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Beat100 dont pay attention to those two homos, but write a review of their favorite club any way Baby Dolls ; )
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    An invitation only strip club sounds illegal... and unprofitable. Sounds more like a high end pimp's client book.... And Elizabeth Cuthbert is a very plain girl...they're a dime a dozen anywhere. As far as exclusivity goes in night life, its just a marketing buzz word used to create hype. Usually for places that price gouge you so that you think you're paying for the illusion of it actually being exclusive and you're getting your money's worth....
  • flagooner
    5 years ago
  • BGSD3100
    5 years ago
    I would never want to be a member of a club that would allow me to be a member.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I think we could carry on a decent enough thread whether or not it was started by a troll. I just simply agree with 25 and bharlem’s opinions especially that no club, even if upscale and corporate (or perhaps especially because they are) can’t fit these descriptions. I suspect anything that is too exclusive (because wealthy men are caring about anonymity and the like) would simply be throwing private parties with the sugar babies and escorts. Or maybe Instagram? But it’s not something I’m overly familiar with. [view link]
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Maybe if the parameters were changed to “clubs that have the most expensive VIP rooms and nicest ambience”, it could be easier to make a list.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Or possibly “clubs that have the most politicking”...related to club staff working with certain customers to bring in specific favorite dancers.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    How is it exclusive when every Tom, Dick and Harry with $20 in his pocket can walk in the door? ☺ Besides, nobody who knows better believes that the girls working in gimmicks like Lido are actually non-pros who suddenly get the urge to take their tops off and give LDs for side cash. Many of those girls have other club experience and/or work in other aspects of adult entertainment, like camming and even escorting. Look up Lido in the Club Chat section of stripperweb and you'll find some pretty funny discussions. Sell it elsewhere dude. ;) It's like the old "Amateur Night" gimmick some clubs used to run as a way to recruit new talent while bringing more guys in on slow nights. As if the 8-10 new faces on the stage developed advanced pole skills by osmosis or all decided to let loose with their inhibitions just in time to entertain us in the club. *wink*
  • Beat100
    5 years ago
    What are some other forums for men? Stripperweb seems like very good and well-organized. Is there a equivalent for men? For instance, guys who frequent brothels or stripclubs? I see the ultimate strip club list is mostly for reviews are there other forums?
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    @beat, Most SC forums are (or were) more regional, which in some ways makes more sense anyway. For years that was my main source of SC discussion, and once you were a known quantity, you could use DMs to swap more detailed info about the clubs all us local guys went to, and girls we all patronized. At least in my local area, that all went away with FOSTA/SESTA; there's still some local discussion but you have to be a pretty longtime PL to find it I knew of some other national SC type forums at one time, but they were all pretty dead and uninteresting, tuscl seems to be the only national rather than local forum that's been able to keep up traffic
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    B100- Ruffled feathers ? Hell no, several of us enjoy dishing it out whenever the occasion warrants. You come across as a rather obtuse person, or LE awkwardly going about a fishing expedition.
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