
Comments by minnow (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Coronavirus antibodies may last only two to three months after infection, study
    Earlier in the month, a study was conducted on 382 of the Covid19 infected sailors on the USS Roosevelt (CVN-71) . Just 60% of them tested positive for antibodies. About 1/5 of group were asymptomatic. I would like to know if either group were more likely to develop antibodies. I think the learning curve on this pandemic will be steep for a while.
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    4 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Tampa Post Covid
    Go ahead and TOFFT !! I suspect you'll come up with a new acronym: BBJCOM. Last 3 letters meaning "come on mask."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    It's My Fault
    Two things: 1) Eve is giving Papi a serious run for his money wrt submitting the longest tome like reviews. 2) Make founder an Eve spanking each other a pay - per view event.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Business Travel: V, Fish Hook, Other Recovery ?
    Thanks for the responses, fellas. Curious how long airlines will be blocking the middle seats. (One article mentioned Delta plans to do that through September.) So my earlier post about Southwest returning to full schedule by end of year may have been unintentionally misleading. Same old number of aircraft flying, but maybe not same number of available seats. Seat blocking raises the question of how 1st Class seats, or regional jet seats are managed. Block off half the seats ? ( 2 + 2 configuration). Two key drivers in the business travel segment would be willingness of companies to hold conventions, or if latest pandemic has caused businesses to become completely ( or at least very) enamored with video conferencing as a way to conduct business.
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    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    With the states that reopened having a spike strip clubs are dead for 2020
    Papi, thanks for yesterdays link. About the only things lacking are hospital and ICU admission figures. Two useful metrics.
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    4 years ago
    Anybody else out there ready to give strip clubs a break
    Upright- Correct answer from long time joke: His (Muddy's) dick tastes like shit. After about the 9th volley of video, I'm convinced the director of "Knocked Up" movie is gay.
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    4 years ago
    Tampa/Ybor City Clubs
    Sheikh, don't be so quick to indignation. I've read your SYS review. Although well written, linking dancer names to specific acts not cool. Even schmuck - like. If your psyche can recover from desertscrub initiation (he's tuscl's mix of Sam Kinnison and Andrew Dice Clay), you may be a solid tuscl reviewer yet.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Tampa/Ybor City Clubs
    OP, don't even think about driving Orlando to Tampa without first visiting desertscrub, and getting yourself and car a power wash with his magic power wash spray.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Why walk when you can run
    Newbie view of the Types of Dancers
    A few things........ 1) Papi, you should have your eyes checked. It's easy to mistake Jan2020 for Jun2020 when you need bifocals. Shortly after turning the big Five Oh as you have is when several people start to need bifocals. 2) I was a skeptic upon first reading article. Couple that with a vast majority of members first contribution being a review of their club visit. Sun Run's most recent post cleared up some things. Well, excuse me for being a skeptic, I guess frogs can grow a pair of wings and fly after all. 3) Eve, I said I have a feeling I've seen article somewhere before. Not quite explicitly accusing OP of plagiarism. I've been tuscl member nearly a decade longer than you have, plus a member of 2 other strip club websites during similar time span. If I had a dollar for every "types of", or "how to" articles I've read, I'd have enough dough to buy a champagne room a week for the next decade.(taking hyperbole liberties here.) As it turns out, a quick Tuscl search shows that member "pistola" posted a DB topic on types of dancers. His original post, and several members expounding on topic matched many of OP's categories. So I did see a red convertible before, just one (or possibly others) with slightly different VIN#. If you wish to know why I don't consider search engines to be so great, I'll gladly explain via PM. 4.) I really hope SunRun enjoys his 4 weeks VIP, plus comes up with some good club reviews.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Why walk when you can run
    Newbie view of the Types of Dancers
    Mikey, you're the stalker and sneaky underhanded one. It looks like I've gotten under your skin by exposing you as a fraud on the my posts. I only responded to you posting outlandish claims on my review threads. You invited my inquiries by your actions. Making unsubstantiated claims about other members is not honorable behavior. If you really were at Follies when shadowcat was, did you think of introducing yourself to him ? As for your 2nd paragraph, it's none of your damn business what I do ITC or OTC, so don't even go there. Third paragraph ad hominem attack/insinuations uncalled for. You keep showing yourself to be nothing more than someone who hides behind a keyboard, and several screen names. You obviously follow me on 2001 live website either under another s/n or a guest lurker. If I had to lay money on anything, it's that "Flo3ida" and "soulmaneighties" are 2 other user names created by you. "Their" writing styles are remarkably similar to yours. Oh, and "y tu" back at you on insult.
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    4 years ago
    Want some facts from a black man?
    Thanks for the link, interesting articles. They may be biased, but really, editorials are like a blind man trying to describe an elephant. It is good to get more than one blind persons' description. (i.e, does the elephant have a big dick or a tiny trunk ?)
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Why walk when you can run
    Newbie view of the Types of Dancers
    Since when is it a crime to UNKNOWINGLY approve a plagiarized article ? If I'm guilty, then at least 2 of the remaining editors are guilty. Anyway, my "it seems fishy" meter started flickering when a newbie posts something so astute as above. I don't have the time to pore through search engines to find a similar post. Maybe mikey m can do the search for me, he certainly seems to find the time to stalk my posts.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Why walk when you can run
    Newbie view of the Types of Dancers
    I have a feeling I've seen this write up somewhere before. Hope OP enjoys his 4 wks free VIP.
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    4 years ago
    Kneeling, or otherwise not standing when national anthem is played is an act of disrespect for the flag, PERIOD!!! "But it's not about the flag, it's about the race issue." Um, yes it is (flag) because protesters made it so by dissing the flag. No, you don't make me feel "uncomfortable", nor do you bring the race issue more sharply into focus for me. No, you made it clear that you just pissed on the flag. A hungry dog who bites the hand that feeds him doesn't bring his (the dog's) hunger more sharply into focus, it makes the owner more reluctant to hand him another biscuit. No, I'm not going to look charitably on some asshat that takes a knee during the national anthem (who probably makes more $$ in 1 year than the Joint Chiefs of Staff does. These 5 men (JCS) have been serving (and standing during the national anthem) since long before most NFL players took their first dump in their diapers.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    In case nobody here was aware they should be
    There was a thread started ~ 7-8 years ago titled "The Longest Day" in reference to the 1960's movie about D-day. Two key participants in the thread Alucard (thread starter) and farmerart (made several posts) are deceased Tuscl members with many reviews and posts under their belt. I paused to remember the sacrifices made by the military 76 years ago on this historic day.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Should there be a requirement that articles posted on TUSCL be on topic?
    Wall, what specific examples do you have ? Any been published ? If I see something too OT, I hit the red bar, and kindly suggest they find another website to post their missive on.
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    4 years ago
    3 best albums.compilations of music
    @rockie- OP mentioned "albums/compilations. The "best of" could be considered a compilation. Even with a long tape or multiple CD's. You now get to go to the back of the class and repeat "Reading Comprehension 101" course.
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    4 years ago
    3 best albums.compilations of music
    The "stranded alone for 5 years" proviso automatically calls for "the best of" albums. Pick favorite decade or genre. Oops, cop out answer here. Delving further into question: If I'm being stranded for 5 years, I'd want music to suit 3 different moods. So here's the moods, and "The Best Of" artists. MELLOW/CHILL MOOD: John Barry, Frank Sinatra. Can't go wrong with Barry, but being alone for 5 yrs. makes one want a human voice, so I threw Sinatra into the consideration mix. KICK ASS MOOD: The Who, Grand Funk Railroad. Tommy is a great Who Album, but I like many of their other songs, so the greatest of is appropriate. GFR is underrated, I prefer their Gimme Shelter rendition to the Rolling Stones version. IN BETWEEN MOOD: The Ventures, Beach Boys. Love those Ventures instrumentals, but just might like a human voice once in a while. HONORABLE MENTIONS: Beatles, Chicago, Alan Parsons Project, Louis Armstrong.
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    4 years ago
    Now Drew Brees is getting shit for standing up for our country
    CK had a constitutional right to kneel as he did. That said, there is no constitutional right to be free from the consequences arising from his actions.
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    4 years ago
    Post-covid club atmosphere
    I see the scenario doc laid out being a factor to a certain degree over the next year. Additionally, I see this pandemic accelerating the ongoing trend to a more, if not fully, virtual world. I recognize some inherent advantages that the online world offers. However, I don't enthusiastically relish the prospect of too many brick and mortar stores permanently shuttering, or having video conferencing supplant f2f meeting with doctor, banker, financial advisor. Ditto for call centers. (How the fuck is having an online assistant going to help me if my computer is broke, or my server down ?) Those online faq's answer every question EXCEPT for the one THAT APPLIES TO MY SITUATION. I like what online can do, but don't fully embrace it supplanting long held constants in daily life. Yes, the effects of pandemic transcends the macro dynamics of strip club visits.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    The Color of Pussy: Addiction to Strip Clubs & The Effects on the Mind of Man in the 21st Century
    Who the fuck approved this gibberish ? I've noticed that the tally of publish/reject votes aren't appearing on articles. Is there a certain trick to viewing the tally. Nice 2nd try.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    Well said, founder.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Vaccine in October ?
    Perspective time: The first case of H1N1 pandemic (aka swine flu) in the US occurred in April 2009. Phase 1 testing of vaccine began in July 2009, with vaccine available in November 2009. So October 2020 vaccine isn't totally unrealistic, but comes with the universal caveat that past performance can't guarantee future results.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Return of the Candy Store (post covid19)
    Did club have enclosed toilets where you could drop a deuce in private ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Herd Immunity = give everybody corona & see what comes out of the wash
    ^^^^^^ May I have 5 minutes of my life back ? As for herd immunity, nobody knows for sure yet whether or not that exists (yet) for Covid19. Wikipedia gives as good a laypersons definition of it with few concrete examples. It seems when compared to H1N1 (April 2009 to Aug 2010 in USA), SARS, and Ebola, Covid19 seems to be more contagious and virulent. Yet the later 2 didn't last as long and were more contained. H1N1 apparently affected much of the population, yet a vaccine was integrated into the flu shots in a matter of months as I recall. During that time, I violated the crap out of social distancing guidelines, rode several airliners, hotel elevators, etc, yet the worst I got during the 16 month time span was 1 garden variety cold. Present situation is tempered by the fact that all it takes is one to get you infected . For some perspective on wtf is going on, I suggest weather.com. Clicking on the Covid19 link near top of section will bring up a chart showing a history of daily/total infection count for appropriate county or state. In many locations, a flattening of the curve can be observed, plus a longer time to double the number of cases. Further scrolling down gives stats for all countries world wide on total number of cases, cases per 1000 population, and total number of deaths. In the 2nd category (cases per 1000), the USA has a higher number (3.67) versus other countries. Italy's numbers and Sweden's numbers are 3.5 and 2.26, respectively. It should be noted that both those 2 countries have a higher percentage death rate of total confirmed cases than USA. If USA had the same death rate as Italy, we'd have 170000 deaths instead of the 67000 we have now. I'll cease the statistical rambling now, I hope that weather.com link provides you all with the same factual perspective that it has provided me amidst all the speculation being bandied about.