
With the states that reopened having a spike strip clubs are dead for 2020

New Jersey
Juice was right. 2020 is a wash


  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Pussy. Nobody wants to hear it anymore.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    The spikes are much less worrisome than they appear. They make for great headlines but

    1. There are more confirmed cases largely because there are far more tests. It’s possible that the number of people infected is trending down but we’re revealing a much higher percent of the smaller total.

    2. If someone in a hospital tests positive for CoVid ( every patient is tested ) they are declared a CoVid patient. That’s true even if they have no CoVid symptoms and are in the hospital for a broken wrist.

    So, it’s possible that the virus is in decline while the number of “ confirmed cases “ and “ CoVid patients” shows a spike.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I was thinking that another shutdown would be highly unlikely b/c it's unsustainable to continue to have large parts of the economy on idle - so I was kinda surprised that it seems some businesses in some areas may be shutting down again (if my understanding is correct).

    IDK where SCs lie in all this - in a way I'm surprised some cities allowed SCs to open so soon while still discouraging close-contact and large gatherings - I'd assume if spikes continue to occur it may discourage the opening of strip-clubs not to mention a good # of dancers may not be ready to come back.

    Besides the spikes in certain areas, it seems the overall cases *nation-wide*, and overall-deaths, are flat to declining, *nation-wide* - as long as there isn't a significant rise in deaths and multiple cities' hospitals overrun, I think the trend would continue towards reopening including SCs - I'm leaning towards many more SCs opening vs being forced to stay-closed (unless there is a significant 2nd-wave).

    Below halfway down the webpage are some bar-graphs that aid w.r.t. seeing the # of cases and # of deaths trends nation-wide:

  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    "it's unsustainable to continue to have large parts of the economy on idle"

    The demcrats dont care. The states that re-opened(mostly red states) didnt have any spikes in covid at first until the riots/protests, which was part of the plan. Before floyd the left was going to keep the scare tactics going until november if possible but they saw opportunity to distract as soon as the cops killed a nigga.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    *on camera.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    Not everything is a political conspiracy. Some things just happen.
    Some of them are even bigger than whatever political party you are so invested in.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Americans won't be locked up again voluntarily. Once the protests were accepted by the left, America told them to take their lock down and shove it up their respective asses. Wow, more positive cases, since we started testing. Fake news bullshit is rampant.
    4 years ago
    So why is it that states that are still locked down are showing cases slowing and states that have opened up are showing cases increasing?
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Some states, like New York, were hit early. Some states, like Arizona, much later. The early states are much further along on the decline. That seems to be a bigger factor than the degree of lock down.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    So @mark94 are you saying that all states will experience an infection rate similar to NY eventually; just some states just haven't gotten there yet? That implies that nothing that the population can do will have any effect on the infection rates. If that is what you're saying I don't believe you. More likely you personally don't want to take any responsibility; and you deny that your actions could be contributing to whatever the end result (to society) will be.
    Remarkably these are many of the same sentiments expressed in the accounts I have read from people who went thru the Spanish Flu pandemic of a 100 years ago. You know, the flu that killed between 30 and 50 million people who didn't want there right to be barefaced impinged upon.
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    Either it's going to slowly spread to the point that everyone in those states either knows someone personally getting sick or is getting sick themselves for to finally accept this is a real and dangerous thing...
    OR, somehow that doesn't happen, or they really are too dumb to acknowledge once they see impacts in person (en masses). And, every model developed by them damned "elites" shows it's going to spread and infect, as well as full on give it a try in Sweden...
    I'm glad I live in a state with a seemingly top notch bunch of public health experts and leadership that trusts them.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I wear a mask if there is no other way to get what I want without one. Other than that fuck the mask fuck social distancing; fuck the lockdown; and most of all fuck the Government destroying the economy. Not one person under 50 has died from Covid in Mass., and yet they're the ones who had their financial future and lives destroyed. 90% of all covid deaths in Mass, would have died within a year anyway. Murder the young to save the old and infirm and people wonder why america failed. Don't like this post? Go riot and loot.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    ^agreed 1000%
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    "Not one person under 50 has died from Covid in Mass., "

    Apparently, this is not correct. 15 in their 20's; 28 in their 30's; and 74 in their 40's. https://www.boston.com/news/coronavirus/…

    I know of a young healthy couple, both athletic, that have had their lives changed by this. She got fever for 10 days, but no severe symptoms. He got pneumonia that has left him with lung scarring and possibly permanent impairment. Eight weeks after he "recovered" he gets winded walking to the mailbox. He used to be a competitive runner. This is considered a "moderate case" because he never ended up in the ICU.

    We can't allow this to completely destroy our economy. Seems to me that masks and social distancing is the best way to prevent masses of workers from being too sick to work. It really doesn't matter from an economic standpoint whether the government shuts down the factory or if Covid 19 absences shut down the factory.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    My bad. No one under 20 and 111 50 and under.
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    I keep hearing people trying to explain it away as a Democrat hoax to steal the election by destroying Trump's economy...
    But, I work for a foreign company. They announced a a freeze on business travel, and let us know no one could visit HQ could they wouldn't be allowed in the country. That was at least a week before any states in the US implemented a lock down. I still see all the messages to all employees about staying home and distancing and mask requirements if they have to visit the office.
    They are in a country that has political leadership very friendly with the GOP. Just not friendly enough to let their own people die over this.
    But some people think going to the bar is more important. And think not wearing a mask is somehow going to save the economy.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Listening to the news I heard Phoenix and Scottsdale currently have the highest rates of new infections - the table below has a per state "New Cases" column which can be sorted from high to low:

  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    This is a free country, and folks can travel about freely. So, it’s easy for this virus to travel with them. The world has also gotten smaller, and that has helped to spread the virus globally.

    In my view, it’s reasonable to social distance and wear a mask. Additional disinfecting and more hand washing are also important.

    Without a cure or effective treatment, we must take basic measures to reduce the risk.

    The gradual reopening plans seem to be good ways to return folks to work, and reopen the economy. I don’t think it’s prudent to flip a switch and move from lock down to full opening. By gradual reopening, it allows there to be data to examine and determine if there is a spike in new cases, and possibly locate the cause of the new cases (before it spreads).
  • SaltyNuts
    4 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo, My ATF in Phoenix (Sugar 44) is personally verified COVID-19 free, weekly VIP testing since club opened.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ sounds pretty-scientific
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    Coronavirus spread through the military, particularly the Navy, with relative ease. Yet the military reports only about a couple of dozen of COVID-19 deaths. If the United States followed that pattern we would have less than 9,000 COVID-19 deaths.

    The truth is that most of the people dying from COVID-19 are in an age group that just generally dies from one disease or another. Or they are morbidly obese and are really dying from that. People keep offering up anecdotal stories, Those are outliers and do not present an accurate picture of the severity of COVID-19.
  • JAprufrock
    4 years ago
    Get a flu shot and take a couple Motrin. Nothing to see here.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Nickifree that is a good point. I’m thinking most folks in the military are in good shape, and many are young (or well below the riskier ages for the virus).

    The lockdowns used by several states are too broad, as they keep everyone under shelter in place. I would be interested if they employed a shelter in place for only those in at risk groups. I would think the mortality rates would be the same. The folks infected might rise - but the percentage of those recovering should also increase.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    It seems pretty common sense, open things up and cases rise. So what? Now the medical system can handle much larger capacity that we didd'nt have in March. Unless saturation of the new capacity is at threat it makes little sense to shut down like we did early on. That is what it was all about.

    Stuff like social distancing keeps the numbers down. If too many just say fuck it then we could be screwed again.

    Politics schmalitics!

    Regardless of what you think about the victims of the disease it's the side effect of blowing up the medical system that is the edge of the cliff.

    IMO everything else you are hearing is just somebody's bullshit spin for their agenda.

  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Its getting to the point where getting it and dying will become preferable to listening to all the bullshit 24/7.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    @Ski on this point I 100% agree
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Papi, thanks for yesterdays link. About the only things lacking are hospital and ICU admission figures. Two useful metrics.
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