
Newbie view of the Types of Dancers

Why walk when you can run
I have been to two clubs in the Cocoa Beach area three times, for a total of about 8 hours. These were Friday or Saturday nights, and the clubs were fairly busy. As a newbie, I mostly sat at the bar and watched the action on stage as well as the girls circulating the club. I was approached by many girls for dances, but only got dances from two or three girls a night, two or three dances from each girl. Like I said, I am new, and was really there to check out the scene more than get a bunch of dances. Based on my limited observations, these were the types of dancers I noticed at the clubs:

Olympic Pole Dancer
Some of the girls were amazing athletes on stage and treated dancing more like a sport than a show. They were doing flips and spins and getting into crazy positions on and off the pole. I was sure that someone was going to get hurt at some point, either the dancer or the guys sitting too close to the stage. They were truly working for the money.

Bored Phone Girl
These are girls who seemed bored to be there, and would rather spend time texting on their phones than working the room. They were usually standing or sitting alone near one of the stages and made no attempt to make eye contact with people. I'm guessing they either had regular customers or figured if someone wanted a dance they would approach them directly. If someone stood or sat near them, they would half chat with them and half text with their phone.

This is the girl who was out for the money and you knew it. She would approach you, skip any chitchat, and try to get you to buy a dance right away. If you rebuffed her, she would try harder and use a set of practiced lines. "Don't you like me? Aren't you here to have fun? Look at these tits, feel my ass." If this didn't work, it was a cold "OK. Bye." and on to the next person. They were probably not going to talk to you again unless they were having a bad night.

Some girls seem like they don't want to be there but they know they have to in order to make money, and they are not happy about it. They can be even more cutthroat than the hustler. Don't try to chitchat with them. Either buy a dance or don't waste their time. "Why the fuck did you even come to the club if you're not going to buy a dance?" Thankfully I didn't encounter too many of these girls.

These are the older girls in the club who still looked good but were starting to show their age, and they knew they were in competition with the younger girls. They were much nicer and warmer than the hustlers, but with a crowded room, they knew that they had to keep circulating and asking as many people as possible to get some work. After a couple of tries at getting a dance, they'd say something like "OK, I'll check back with you later," and they usually did.

Contrast them with the Hustler and Veteran, these girls took rejection way too easy. Young and good looking but not super hot, they seemed sweet but lacked any confidence. They would shyly ask "Do you want a dance? No, OK maybe later," and off they would go. Any engagement and they would gladly sit and talk with you, as they were trying their best to make contact and not seem awkward.

Hang with VIP
There seemed to be several girls whose main focus was to hang with people in VIP. They didn't seem to do too many dances, but enjoyed the drinks and hanging with the people. When they did do dances with VIPs, it was usually for an extended time, so they were still making their money. They didn't seem to circulate with the crowd, so if you had your heart set on getting a dance with one of them, you were out of luck.

Too Hot for You
These are the super hot girls who knew it, and if you didn't have the right look, they wouldn't even make eye contact with you. They would move about the crowd, but they were obviously picky with who they sat with or danced for. I am not confident or good looking enough to be in their league, but maybe with some practice (or big tipping at the stage).

Not Hot Enough
On the flip side, there were girls who I was trying to avoid eye contact with because they were not hot enough for me. They were overweight or just not attractive. Some were good dancers, others were friendly enough, but that wasn't enough for me to want to get a dance from them. I'm guessing that some of them make up for their looks with some great lap dances as well.

Some girls are there for the drinks and drugs, and they take full advantage of what is offered to them. They are constantly doing shots, going to the back to "smoke", and never turning down a free drink. Making money is secondary to having fun. "You want a dance? Let's do a shot first."

Balanced Pro
These are the girls you wish the club was filled with. Good looking, confident without being pushy, willing to talk to anyone, but doesn't waste her time or yours. She's there to make money but wants to make sure you have a good time while she's doing it. She might have some drinks but stays in control. Indulges in the fantasy that you're her number one customer even if you're only getting one dance. She will smile and talk to you several times a night, and she doesn't seem to get jealous of other girls.

I'm sure there are overlapping categories, and whole categories I missed. I'm sure I'll figure out some more next time I venture out to some new and different clubs. It's an adventure for sure!


  • southy
    4 years ago
    Good profiles. You made astute observation while staying impersonal.
  • NeverEnuf
    4 years ago
    @ SunRun, your avatar is outstanding!!
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    I have a feeling I've seen this write up somewhere before. Hope OP enjoys his 4 wks free VIP.
  • SunRun
    4 years ago
    I'm sure that someone, somewhere, has made similar observations, but I have never seen it, and in no way copied any of this from anywhere else.
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    Maybe Minnow allowed Ivory's hair colorant to seep into his ears and erode his brain? A couple weeks back, he seemed to criminally admit publishing a plagiarized article about thirty famous financial quotes. The article was an obvious rip off and had nothing to do with strip clubs. Founder took the extraordinary step of taking down the article. By contrast, this appears to be an original, well-written article about strip clubs.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Since when is it a crime to UNKNOWINGLY approve a plagiarized article ? If I'm guilty, then at least 2 of the remaining editors are guilty.
    Anyway, my "it seems fishy" meter started flickering when a newbie posts something so astute as above. I don't have the time to pore through search engines to find a similar post. Maybe mikey m can do the search for me, he certainly seems to find the time to stalk my posts.
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    You must have swallowed too much water when you were in the pool. I read the most recent article and saw your stupid comment and will tell you and your comment are stupid. You stalked me by talking to shurshot, shanny, and a few others about me behind my back.

    Your head is in the wrong place. Based on how lame the club is, you could be thinking about otc and making the rat pack in Lake County- me and Devon, porkbut and Alaska, and you and Amy.

    Instead, your idea of a three some is probably paying $1000 to do an ultra lounge so you can watch Charles do Todd's hair or crawling into the dj booth at 8:30 so you can blow Shawn and Chris or having Stacey put his thermometer in your mouth while Bull checks your pants for contraband. Que te folle un pez.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Mikey, you're the stalker and sneaky underhanded one. It looks like I've gotten under your skin by exposing you as a fraud on the my posts. I only responded to you posting outlandish claims on my review threads. You invited my inquiries by your actions. Making unsubstantiated claims about other members is not honorable behavior. If you really were at Follies when shadowcat was, did you think of introducing yourself to him ?
    As for your 2nd paragraph, it's none of your damn business what I do ITC or OTC, so don't even go there.
    Third paragraph ad hominem attack/insinuations uncalled for. You keep showing yourself to be nothing more than someone who hides behind a keyboard, and several screen names. You obviously follow me on 2001 live website either under another s/n or a guest lurker. If I had to lay money on anything, it's that "Flo3ida" and "soulmaneighties" are 2 other user names created by you. "Their" writing styles are remarkably similar to yours.
    Oh, and "y tu" back at you on insult.
  • SunRun
    4 years ago
    "when a newbie posts something so astute as above. "
    I'll take it as a compliment. Thanks.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Since assumptions are just being thrown out with no sources or attempts to prove them, I did the search myself. Took no more than 20 minutes.

    Used 10 different platforms to check for plagiarism via the body of text and then the URL to this article. The longest and most detailed check I found got a 21% plagiarism rating (while all the rest were no more than 5%) - but the sources they found for the phrases were all linked to dictionary sentence conversion pages, a Russian website, several e-books (Call Me Ilied, Raffles And The Match-Fixing Syndicate, First Time At A Club? Tips And Truths For Party Girls, among others) a blog post about sports, and one source was this exact URL to the article itself. Other than the TUSCL source, all the rest of the sources were completely unrelated to strip clubs or strippers.

    Then I manually searched each paragraph of the article to see if anything was close or matched and found nothing.

    The only "copied" phrases that several platforms found were "Why the fuck did you even come to the club if you're not going to buy a dance?" "Thankfully I didn't encounter too many of these girls." and "No, OK maybe later," and off they would go."
    To me, these are really generic quotes and are commonly said by mongers and dancers anyway.

    To be honest, I think it's kind of a dick move to throw out that somebody - new or not - copied someone else's work, and then follow with that you can't take the time to prove your claim.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Eve - beauty and brains
  • mikeym
    4 years ago
    The evidence supports that minnow is a sleazeball: 1) dick move to accuse SunRun of copying and then following it with cant take the time to prove, 2) approving plagiarized article on Tuscl that was about financial quotes and did not deal with strip clubs, 3) phishing for information and stalking me by talking about me to shurshot, shanny, shadowcat, and possibly others, 4) throwing out baseless accusations and insults at me and others.

    I would support if founder removed minnow and brought back sjg.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    @SunRun, to actually comment on your ventures, (assuming you weren't spooked by the onslaught of unrelated drama), it looks like you discovered a good number of dancer personalities fairly quick. There will always be small number of overlapping or unique dancers that contrasts with the other girls. I haven't danced or mongered in Cocoa Beach yet, so I can't personally comment on how busy and variable the days or nights get, but it's in the books for future exploration.

    The times spent clubbing seem to be the most enjoyable when you're totally new to the scene. You just want to try one or two of everything and things such as money value or mileage don't feel like a high priority. Enjoy it while you can, but be cautious of the high hustlers/angries/ROBs.
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Eve, you are wicked smart. But, being smart, you already know that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Yeah - I too thought it was "extremely insightful" for someone with just a handful of visits under his PL-belt (yeah too insightful) - there are PLs that go to clubs for years and don't see things as clearly as this newbie does. I guess maybe he's just an extremely observant-person and critical-thinker by nature? It also crossed my mind that perhaps the OP had been lurking on TUSCL for a while but his profile shows he joined in January (perhaps enough time to lurk and learn and then write a review?).

    w.r.t. it being possibly plagiarized -IMO there is room for that kind of skepticism on TUSCL as it is not that rare nor unheard off - add to that a newbie w/ no other contributions in close to 6-months of TUSCL-existence and there's a bit of smoke there (e.g. clubs are starting to reopen; someone perhaps wanting VIP to get info on the new wave of club openings, etc) - PL-conspiracy-theory? Perhaps - but this is part of the TUSCL ecosystem.
  • SunRun
    4 years ago
    Wow, who knew a silly article I wrote in less than an hour off the top of my head would cause such controversy!

    I just joined this week, not January. I read some articles, tried to look at some reviews. Like I said, I am new, having visited clubs before the shutdown. With them starting to open back up, I wanted to see some reviews of other clubs, and didn't want to pay for access. Since I haven't visited clubs in months I didn't want to write a review, and reading some of the articles about other newbie experiences, I figured I'd write about what I observed from my first few visits.

    I am an older guy, and as a manager and soccer referee, I do tend to observe people and try and figure out what motivates them. Like most of the dancers, I was in it for the money (or not paying money). And just like in life, there should be skepticism whenever money is involved. But believe it or not, I did just write about what I observed off the top of my head.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    A few things........
    1) Papi, you should have your eyes checked. It's easy to mistake Jan2020 for Jun2020 when you need bifocals. Shortly after turning the big Five Oh as you have is when several people start to need bifocals.

    2) I was a skeptic upon first reading article. Couple that with a vast majority of members first contribution being a review of their club visit. Sun Run's most recent post cleared up some things. Well, excuse me for being a skeptic, I guess frogs can grow a pair of wings and fly after all.

    3) Eve, I said I have a feeling I've seen article somewhere before. Not quite explicitly accusing OP of plagiarism. I've been tuscl member nearly a decade longer than you have, plus a member of 2 other strip club websites during similar time span. If I had a dollar for every "types of", or "how to" articles I've read, I'd have enough dough to buy a champagne room a week for the next decade.(taking hyperbole liberties here.) As it turns out, a quick Tuscl search shows that member "pistola" posted a DB topic on types of dancers. His original post, and several members expounding on topic matched many of OP's categories. So I did see a red convertible before, just one (or possibly others) with slightly different VIN#. If you wish to know why I don't consider search engines to be so great, I'll gladly explain via PM.

    4.) I really hope SunRun enjoys his 4 weeks VIP, plus comes up with some good club reviews.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I had looked at his profile quickly on my cell ph while lying in bed, so I misread Jun as Jan - after the OP's last comment I went back and double-checked and saw that it was Jun not Jan
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I actually forgot there was a search function on TUSCL because I navigate straight to discussions instead of the front page. Those third party search platforms aren't perfect (especially the free ones), but they've helped me get some findings in the past on other matters. But you're free to PM your thoughts on them.

    Anyways, I found the Discussion post you were talking about and scrolling through it, it seems very light-hearted and comical in nature to me, and there are a LOT of answers (Papi sure went ham on it.). Same topic, different execution, but not exactly what I had in mind when I did my search earlier. When I read you saying that you might have seen this write up before, I figured you meant another article with similar insight or wording.
    If he had submitted his club visits as reviews, he would have been barked at for submitting stale content.

    After the shitshow that went down before that one confirmed plagiarized article got removed not that long ago, you can imagine how readers would initially react to phrases such as "seen this somewhere before" or "it seems fishy". If you're quick to say anything that implies copying, unoriginality, or -worst case scenario- plagiarism, then you should have something already prepared to share as your argument. That was the main reason I jumped in, because I wanted to see why it was fishy, but 'why' wasn't being provided.
    But now that you explained what you found and Sun explained his case, I think peace can be kept.
    I'd much rather see a newbie review with astuteness such as this as opposed to the 3 - 5 sentence reviews we often get.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    It's not always easy to find the original plagiarized content - it could be several years old and something that looks like you've seen b/f - there have been times one reads TUSCL plagiarized stuff and feel it's familiar, and with some detective work sometimes one can come up with original work - sometimes it's plagiarized and one can't find the source, and at times it seems plagiarized and it's not - out-of-the-blue TUSLCLers often raise suspicion depending on what they are posting.

    About 2 or 3 months ago I see a review for a club I keep up with (Pantheon in Detroit) - club is not reviewed that often but gets a # of reviews per year - anyway I start reading the review and I'm like wow this guy is very similar to me in how he likes this club and he describes his interaction - anyway it was a copy/paste of my review of that club from 2014 - the more I read it I was "hmm this is very very similar to my type of visits and how I describe them" - I went and looked at my 6 y/o review and sure enough it was a copy/paste.
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I think I've seen this somewhere before.

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