
Comments by minnow (page 33)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sunday may not be best night to visit
    Doggone, rick, your jack on the rocks was a dead giveaway to your identity. My initial inclination was to reject the review, but I couldn't bring myself to shoot down a longstanding distinguished Tuscl member. All my deferred action probably did was delay the publishing of review,(4-3 score vs 5-2) and thus I denied Tuscl members 30 minutes of being serenaded by your wit and wisdom. Mea culpa, as they say.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    You Got a Problem?
    Some problems, starting with the title, which has a belligerent/confrontational tone to it. Not the best way to put audience in a receptive mood for the main content. I see some other readers besides myself picked up on judgmental, or otherwise value imposing passages. Narrative is lacking in specific personal, come to Jesus, epiphany moments that made you realize that your level of strip club involvement just wasn't worth it. Such lack makes me wonder if you didn't just copy from some self help postings from somewhere. J Paul Getty told of his epiphany that led him to quit smoking. At the time he wanted some smokes badly, so he started walking in the rain to a drug store several blocks away from the hotel where he was staying. After an interval, he said this is silly, I'm not going to those lengths anymore for some smokes. "Article" comes off not as helpful, but instead a belligerent, judgmental narrative with a "humble brag" at the end to make author feel better about himself.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Tampa Bed Dances
    T-man-this is 1 of many BS submissions put forth lately for the sole purpose of getting a free 4 week VIP. This slip through the cracks approval coming from a zero - zero Aug 2020 joiner has a fishy smell to it.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Hong Kong in 2020
    I can't believe this pos review was approved. I wonder if OP is the same jack off who has been spamming one sentence reviews in articles section for approval lately.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Joe Biden
    Make fun of your unfavorable candidate all you want, but what really matters is how well Trump and Biden do in the key swing states. We all damn well know that Biden is going to get 15 -20 Northeast, West Coast, and liberal mid-west states (think IL, MN), and that Trump is going to get 15 - 20 southern, mountain west, and conservative mid-west states ( think IN, OK). Trump won OH, FL, PA, WI, and MI in 2016 (all went for Obama in 08, 12.) Lose more than 1 or 2 of those states, and Trump is toast. (Hope that doesn't happen.) I have a healthy skepticism for the polls, but I don't casually blow the off, either. Closing with a trivia question: What do Joe Biden and Barry Goldwater have in common besides being 2 long serving white haired Senators ? A: Both were long time owners of mid-60's Corvettes.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    Are Footjobs Considered an Extra?
    Well, lessee, I recall a dancer in Indy (BF) twenty or so years ago that did footjobs, (I mean without asking or prompting). Aside from scratching something else off bucket list (never put it on there in the 1st place), it really didn't do that much for me. That's 1 out of 500 plus different dancers I've had solid contact lapdances with in the last 3 decades. A 0.2% or less footjob dancer rate. A truly unique experience, or one you'd just as soon forget? So, whatever floats your boat, h-cat.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Generational question
    sb69- Been there, done that. (Although hitchhike events were strictly local). Most events were during college years. The college that I graduated from had a spread out, disjointed campus area, with the admin buildings, student mail boxes, and bank (no atm's) being located ~ 3 miles or so from dorm and academic buildings. There was van service from the dorm that ran ~ every 30 minutes. If one missed the van, they could start walking towards destination with thumb out. In rare events one couldn't get a ride, regular van driver was usually good about picking up stragglers. One time going back towards dorm, a 40 something or so guy picked me up. Right away, he questioned me about the wisdom about going to college in general, and my college in particular. I replied- "College is supposed to prepare one for life." "Xyz university has a program for the career that I've wanted to pursue since my early teens. Therefore, I feel that a degree from "Xyz" would be more useful than, say, a political science degree from State U, as I don't see anything scientific about politics". He didn't ask or comment further. I guess I convinced him that I wasn't a typical young snowflake. I thanked him for the ride, leaving us both to go forth in our respective worlds.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Importance Of Club First Impressions For Repeat Visits
    Some follow up examples of first impressions: Additional Tampa Examples: 2 sample clubs gave a positive 1st impression, 2 clubs were "meh", 2 clubs negative. Both positive clubs (Tanga Lounge, Scarletts- Ybor Strip), and 1 meh (Deja Vu) resulted in multiple repetitive visits from me. In Deja Vu case, my first visit was 1 of clubs first nights, so I made allowance for that in return visit 18 months later. 1 meh (Gold Club) and both negative (Penthouse Club, Doll House) were "no - returns", though I had isolated return visit for DH. That GC "meh" happened on a Saturday night factored into my no -return. Objectively, PHC and DH aren't really bad clubs, but those mini-pancake sized pasties coupled with dancers not really being more (in some cases "as" ) attractive than/as some other nude clubs in the area, I saw no reason to bother with them. Los Angeles area examples: 4 positive, 2 meh, 2 negative. All 4 positives (Bare Elegance, 4 Play, SR - COI, and Silver Reign - Downtown) resulted in multiple repeat visits from me. One meh (Jet Strip) just netted sporadic repeat visits. One meh (Deja Vu - Ontario), and both negatives (Spearmint Rhino- Downtown, Deja Vu - COI) resulted in no returns from me. DVO happened on a Sunday night near closing and wasn't too bad considering, but I found the feed the machine system for dance booths to be annoying. I will not return to SRI-DT under any circumstances due to ROB encounter, and parking valet arrangements. DV - COI wasn't too terrible, but the DV cheesiness had worn thin on me by then, and there's a plethora of attractive alternatives in the greater L.A. area. Keep those anecdotes coming.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    If Biden Wins
    I thought mark 94 was predicting a Trump victory. Hopefully he was just briefly stepping into the hypothetical realm.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Are you buying stocks or bonds right now?
    Yup, there's a thing called dollar cost averaging. Put a selected percentage of monthly income into stock and bond funds each month be it 5%, 10%, whatever. In the long run, stocks and bonds perform better than savings/money market accounts. Fixed dollar amount each month has you buying less shares when stock is up, more when stocks are down, thus getting you closer to the ideal buy low, sell high model. One study of a 60% stocks/40% bond portfolios between 1926 and 2014 had it making making money in 79 out of 80 10 year periods studied. Average annual gain was ~ 8% per year.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Aging: Top Gun 2 Edition
    I don't see Kelly McGillis listed in any TG2 role, though it appears that Val Kilmer may be back in his "Iceman" role.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do you all think travel will recover anytime soon?
    bbb23, were you just referring to air travel, or were you including freeway interstate travel. Either way, a certain degree of return to normal levels depends on how hard nosed certain states are on enforcing quarantines on out of state visitors. Several prior posts have addressed factors for air travel to return to pre-Covid levels. Several industry insiders (those who work for the airlines) estimate 2 to 5 years, with international travel taking the longest to return to "normal".
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Why Girls Aren't Seen As Good Strip Club Customers
    Good interesting article, Eve. Of all the entertainment options a straight hetero female has, I'm just a little baffled why they'd chose to go to a strip club. As you pointed out, alcohol plays a role (especially with a group/pack of ladies), or else they're a reluctant drag along by boyfriend. Why guys would drag a female along to a club is another topic, especially when females are spring loaded to want to be the center of attention. Some guys just flat have poor judgement or are obtuse. I think some guys drag 1 or 2 females along as a dick move, as if to say to all other patrons- "look at me, I have 1 or 2 babes on my arm, and you don't." I personally don't "gas" about their motivation, just that I want any additional bodies sucking oxygen, and taking up space, I want them to be more dancers who can provide me fun.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    WTF with unpublished articles lately?
    So far, I haven't seen any of the egregious stuff pass muster. While we're on the topic of article- I've never seen any vote tally displayed like they are in the reviews. Has anyone figured out how to display the votes ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Ennio Morricone - R.I.P.
    +1 on Meursault post. That I consider his concert tapes a no brainer choice to take to a deserted island speaks volumes of the man's talent and genius. RIP, Mr. Morricone.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Have a safe and happy Fourth of July
    Happy 4th, have a blast.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    In the wind
    NFL plans for black national anthem to be played at Week 1 games
    Are we the United States of America, or the Divided Racial Ethnic Groups (Dregs) who just happen to be here?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Awaiting the edit button since 2011....
    Standards for publishing reviews post-pandemic
    Paging Clubber, and his link to founders review guidelines. Founder cared just enough to publish the review guidelines, and leave it up to current VIP members to enforce standards as they see fit. Each of us know how we'd like a useful review to be, and how much effort we put into the reviews we submitted. I expect no less from others. Myself, I want review to have enough relevant information to make go/no go decision. I don't expect every guideline box to be checked off, but the more boxes checked off, the more likely I am to approve review.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Not worth my time
    @laplurker- Chieftain joined Tuscl in May 2011- 97 reviews would just take out to Nov or Dec 2018. Back to remedial math class for you, laplurker. Chief, enjoy your free VIP until Aug 6, hope your subsequent reviews are richer in useful details.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Holy crap so many girls and...
    shill review/club ad
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Not worth my time
    So much info missing. Masks required? Costs? Staff wears masks, but not all dancers do ? Masks required in LD area? Enjoy your 4 wks VIP access.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Dancers....post Covid 19 Re-Opening
    Thanks for review. Are patrons required to wear mask ? How old are you ? License scan on off peak night seems unusual, at least according to AARP qualified reviewer of pre-Covid visit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Tootsies with NO contact, is like ?
    No contact dances are like driving a (fill in your favorite sports car) with throttle cut off set at 25 mph.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    The Mons - Post Covid
    mikey m's ramblings are a work of fiction spawned by whatever brain cells he has left over from his drunken binges. Showing how he's "fos" is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's not even sporting for me to bother with. desertscrub, you can maintain social distancing in the McDonalds crapper across the street. (It also has a door.) Lastly, ""post covid" in this context means most states phase 2 re-openings time frame.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    First night of reopening at Brad's
    Thanks for the toft, doc, even though it wasn't pricey.