
The Color of Pussy: Addiction to Strip Clubs & The Effects on the Mind of Man in the 21st Century


In between each lies hustle & flow. The inner workings of my mind, it's dimensions adorned in Pink and Green. It's very heartbeat, soul, rhythm. Nothing else matters.

Why am I going out to sports bars with guys to hit on that one kinda ok bartender that never puts out?

Why I am I going to nightclubs to dance and frolick with the biggest douchebags America has to offer?

Why am I essentially playing in the woods as so many outdoorsy types love to do?

Why I am actually watching some random ass college football game and "getting into it"?

I don't give a fuck about any of that shit. All the dumb shit that EVERYBODY ELSE does. I don't have the fucking patience nor the tolerance for any of that stupid crap anymore. No I'm not watching everybody else have fun on tv. Fuck all that noise. I only care about one question.

Why am I not getting laid at this very second?

A very astute question that *always* needs an answer.

I was sick of watching music videos, concerts where the Rockstar is the Rockstar, Movies where the lead actor is some other guy not me, or some sports game where the stud athlete is doing all the scoring. That is other people that aren't ME. When I go to the strip club, I'm the superstar. The more I make, the faster I drive. I remember watching the music video for Tupac's "I get around" watching him with allllll those women thinking that's gonna be me one day. No more watching now. More doing. With enough money, girls will line up to be in your music video and you get to fuck them! Not just watch and wonder like everyone else. First person sex is soooooo much better than third person sex.

I look at who I am in a strip club. That guy is impressive. He is confident as hell. If only I could be like that in everything I ever do. Vagina is like a steak on a stick to a dog. It really makes you do things you never thought you could do. When I look at my married friends, they've just mailed in. Their significant others were once hot and now zero sex appeal soccer moms. I don't hate on any of that, I'm glad that they're happy. But they have what makes them happy. And I don't and likely never will. What makes me happy, is to fuck the living shit out of every hot girl on this fucking planet. I may never truly get there, but god dammit I can smell it enough for me to still think it's possible and that's what makes me into a person who is able to have a good time in strip clubs.

The big takeaway is how motivating it all is. When we look back on history we say how much man has accomplished, everything, wheel, fire, lightbulbs, gunpowder, antibiotics, skyscrapers, cars, computers, flight all of it, every single bit of it was all in the name of vagina. I am simply the next in a very long line of extremely dedicated individuals. It shows in my work. I work my fucking ass off. I don't do this for anybody else other than him down there. The exact amount of enjoyment I have is directly equivalent to how much money I make. Women in my sex life enter and exit my mind like light poles driving down the street. The more I make, the faster I drive. I will work hard, I will get promoted and I will make more money. I will then take this money I made and use it to attain access to as many vaginas as humanely possible. I can see *exactly* how much fun I will have when I look at my paycheck every two weeks. My penis acts as a compass and always points me forward. Many of these vaginas I speak of, live and hang out at the strip club. I go to the strip club with this cash like Frodo to Mordor with the ring. Except sometimes I end up drinking too much, put the ring on my dick and end up fucking all the orcs too completely unnecessarily. But that's a whole other issue. Point I like taking cash to the strip club. There is just no better purpose for it. What else am I gonna do save it? For what? For when? No I have a great idea for it and I'll tell you all about it after I'm done drawing $240 and giving it to Violet.

I am concerned some of my behavior. I wake up in a cold shivering sweats clutching my girls gone wild dvd and sleep walk to the strip club parking lot some nights. Ok I don’t but I feel it could be the next step. My sex life could be described as going from fasting like Mahatma Ghandi to being an 8 year old kid with ADD in a candy store with one of those all you can take shopping carts. I'm no doctor but it's Pych 101 that what you repress early on, sex in this case, will come back with a vengeance. It has indeed done just that. I used to have a tally in my head of the girls I’ve slept with that’s long gone now along with my virginity and savings account. I do notice some drawbacks. I almost feel naked without money sometimes now. Something I'm trying to work on but when you start bringing in money to girls who are already actually interested in me, it goes without saying, that just completely fucks up the vibe and a lot of potential SO's might've passed me by doing dumb monger shit. What the fuck are you doing man? I'm just used to dealing with all these cold calculated cut throat killers commonly referred to as strippers and in turn puts you in an unhealthy paranoid/aggressive mood so as not to get fucked over at any time. I sometimes look at a crack addict and think to myself, are me and him really all that different? He lives in a box and fucks squirrels, ok maybe it's not that close but let me melodramatic for a sentence or two.

A good way to put all this is see this guy right here https://images.app.goo.gl/agAh8w4GPW29oE… how he thinks about food is exactly the same way I think about pussy.

I have also noticed a narrowing of my view of hotness. I've become somewhat desensitized to sexy women and my standards have risen through the roof. Girls I used to go ga ga over, I wouldn't even give a second look now. I used to do back flips when I could take home a 6 from the bar, now if I don't get a foursome with three 9's I'm kicking myself. I've become quite spoiled in that regard and takes more to reach satisfaction. The only way to walk it back would be jail time or hibernation in a cave for a few winters. I do ponder sometimes how far one can go into that rabbit hole and how certain celebrity men that have beautiful women throwing themselves at them, view sex and the rest of the world. That all being said I would still love to find out for myself.

My breakdown pie chart for spending is as follows 2% essential needs food, water, shelter and then 98% boobies it really is that simple. Everything else in my life has become so focused, there is just no other room for unneeded spending. Criticize me all you want inside of the strip club but outside I might as well be Dave motherfucking Ramsey in the flesh.

Step by step I go to work


All day long I day dream about tits and ass and all night long I dream about tits and ass and the only reason for one second at all when I break my spell is when my dick is in the tits and ass I've been dreaming about.

And it's never enough. Need more from me. Need to be more charming. Need to make more money. Need to be in better shape. I hit the weights. To make my money look more fit.

Bench, Squat, Pull Ups, Pushups, Deadlift or whatever the fuck Rocky montage is going on every set, every rep...

I wanna fuck
I wanna fuck
I wanna fuck

Every goal, Every dream, Everything I ever want in this world has something to do with sex with women. It's made me who am today and and will continue to shape me for tomorrow. I'm proud of the man my dick has made me into. He literally is the only reason I get off the couch. So you know what I guess you can say penis really turns me on. Wait hold on wait what...


  • minnow
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck approved this gibberish ? I've noticed that the tally of publish/reject votes aren't appearing on articles. Is there a certain trick to viewing the tally. Nice 2nd try.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    If you don’t like it, don’t read it. It’s that simple. I on the other hand cant wait for part 17 of your overrated strip club you get no action at though. Please hurry TUSCL waits.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    This was hard to read and I don't get it. But the analogy with the pic of the fat guy was funny as hell.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    @misterorange yeah your probably this was probably a dud. The point is after getting into strip clubbing a lot of the mental push/pulls in my life started changing and it really put my priorities in different places for better or worse. I think I just wrote it too weird but I appreciate the feedback.
  • clubdude
    4 years ago
    OK, I didn't read it all, but I get it. It appears strippers (tits and ass) are your driving force. I sadly must admit this lock down has eased my necessity for strip clubs! Hopefully I'll get it back!
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Strip clubs are the equivalent of "Sex for Dummies" - i.e. very little effort/knowledge required - they are the equivalent of an oasis in the dessert for guys that want immediate easy-access to attractive women.

    If one has strong desires that are not being met regularly, strip clubs offer a remedy - one can make the argument there are better ways to meet one's needs whether it'd be relationships or playing the field, but those alternatives are def not foolproof per se - I'd say if a guy has needs, those needs need to be met and strip-clubs are one way of meeting those needs - one can argue it may not be the best way, but it's better than not having those needs met at all.

    If a guy wants to bang as many hot chicks as he can, and strip-clubs are the only or best way to achieve that, then YOLO - "to every thing there is a season"
  • BigPoppa99
    4 years ago
    I liked the article. Sex. Procreation is an innate way of thinking.
    It also shows how sex can drive us to do better.. At work, in our lives, etc...
    I feel and do the same thing. I use sex, and the way the girls make me feel as motivation.
    It works- one more rep..
    working harder at the office..
    Study smarter..
    I totally understand. Strippers and the club environment can be the best motivator!
    Excellent article!
  • JAprufrock
    3 years ago
    Unless I'm misinterpreting this article, it seems the gist of it is the most important thing in life is pussy and no other activities matter. And that pussy motivates the writer to live another day.
    If so, I agree wholeheartedly. It's what motivates me, in my 50s, to work out six days a week, staying in great shape, and focus on grooming habits much more than I did when I was younger, knowing I need every edge I can get, even though it's exclusively with pros, as I don't have the patience or desire to cultivate a relationship with a civvie.
    Fuck golf, hunting, going to sporting events, concerts or any of that shit. To each his own, but my money goes towards pussy in Tijuana and Toronto (branching out to Montreal soon, as soon as the border opens).
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Good laugh at end
Incoherent Not in English

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