…When dumbass lefties try to make you choose between the flag and not being a bigot. Not gonna play that game. Our flag is not a fucking political football!
I got my beer, fireworks, American flag spandex and my bald eagle. Come get some.
FUCK Bernie Sanders
FUCK Nancy Pelosi
FUCK Ilhan Omar
FUCK Osama Biden Laden
FUCK Joseph Stalin
FUCK Al Sharpton and every other race baiting lunatic
FUCK the white guilt liberals
last commentAnd if you dare speak out of turn they will ruin your career, reputation and/or have a mob beat the living fucking shit out of you.
I respect Drew Bree's opinion on what the flag means to him. But he's smarter than that to answer that question at a time like this.
In his defense he had the same stance back when this issue was first brought up. This was just a case of bad timing, I'm not sure if he still understands why Kap was protesting or even why his teammates are upset.
So you're saying one has a right to their opinion when others deem it's ok to have an opinion - and with the way things are looking, I don't see when it would be ok for Brees to ever have that opinion - as it stands now, one can only have one view of things, basically the BLM-gospel, everyone not-in-line w/ the BLM-gospel hates black people and needs to be dealt with (look at what happened to the Minneapolis mayor when he dared to have an opinion not inline with the BLM-gospel).
The new "enlightened normal" - it's ok to use violence to protest against violence - and if you are fighting for inclusion it's ok to go after everyone that disagrees with you - makes total sense.
But then again the anthem is supposed to be something that is meant to unify us all as Americans and citizens of this country - the way I see if it shouldn't be played in games then might as well never play it anywhere except 4th of July? Is playing the anthem at a gathering of American citizens now gonna be "insensitive"?
He can have his opinion but dont be surprised from the backlash during this time.
Hopefully the younger generation can get this right.
Agin the fake outrage, being offended-by-everything is a tactic to distract from the real issues...
They white kids may and will never know what it means and how it feels to be black in America, but they do have a sense that blacks are treated differently in certain situations (police brutality).
"But it's not about the flag, it's about the race issue." Um, yes it is (flag) because protesters made it so by dissing the flag. No, you don't make me feel "uncomfortable", nor do you bring the race issue more sharply into focus for me. No, you made it clear that you just pissed on the flag. A hungry dog who bites the hand that feeds him doesn't bring his (the dog's) hunger more sharply into focus, it makes the owner more reluctant to hand him another biscuit.
No, I'm not going to look charitably on some asshat that takes a knee during the national anthem (who probably makes more $$ in 1 year than the Joint Chiefs of Staff does. These 5 men (JCS) have been serving (and standing during the national anthem) since long before most NFL players took their first dump in their diapers.)
The people (who are set in their ways) that did not want to hear the message, turned the issue into the "flag".
Lets not put the Cart before the horse, the Flag is an empty symbol unless it represents the Constitution of our nation, and the Constitution put US in the drivers seat . Yes, I believe in respect for the flag but it was the Constitution I swore an oath to uphold, and I loathe 'leaders' who won't uphold it.