Comments by minnow (page 114)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Looking to dance..
    Try reading the reviews for msp area.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wel-cum back, & Happy Trails in your "retirement". That is one helluva run that you had.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?
    I would look at this the same way I'd look at other distractive/rude behavior- ie talking with other dancer during ld, smoking during ld, or just turning their back and going through the motions without any connection- in short,anything indicative of not giving patron "attention". Bottom line: If I'm interviewing for a job that pays $400/hr (effective rate of $20, 3 minute ld), I'm going to give interviewer my enthusiastic, undivided attention. I expect likewise from someone I'm paying $400/hr.
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    16 years ago
    off topic, slightly re: Playboy
    I get subscription to PB through PCH- still waiting for Jolly Ed to come knocking on my door with big check. I agree with some prior assertions- I ignore 49 out of 50 of fiction work. Many of interview subjects, don't know 'em, don't really give a crap what they have to say. (Some interviews I enjoy reading, though). As for PM socioeconomic background- 2 different PMOY's: 1 worked at a grocery store counter, another behind a deli counter. A few POM's have been Hooters Girls. As for assertion that PB is an endless parade of blondes: A glance at the Jan '09 issue of the 12- 2008 POM's- There were 5 blondes. Of the remaining non-blondes were 1 Asian, and 1 Tanzanian. Seems like a fairly typical medium/large stripclub dancer demographic to me. I guess to satisfy some tastes, featured POM's should be from 12 different ethnicities/nationalities, much like car magazine avoiding featuring particlar manufacturer more than once in 1 year.
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    16 years ago
    My Dancer Pass Me Over to See her richer Regular
    wg- I'm not surprised that this would happen. I do find it odd that dancer would explicitly tell you how much she made off the other guy & how easy it was to make it from them. Most dancers would simply say- "I'm busy with him, sorry." Or, "I already promised some time with him." If a dancer were so gauche as to actually say that, that's a moodkiller for me for future VIP's. Face it, she's there to make money. If you're a car salesman, are you going to go for the customer looking for a Corvette, or a Cobalt? 3 HOURS to get into club!?!?!? (Or was that an available VIP room). WTF, go to another club, or use that time figuring out how to boost your income.
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    16 years ago
    MEN! Id LOVE your help!
    Get back to your homework & studying for your drivers license exam!
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    16 years ago
    Asian Girls in Phoenix Area?
    No- go to, you'll find out why there. Asian population for Phoenix~ 1.9%, L.A.~9.3%, SF > 25%. o-man gave interesting dissertation on Asian dancer demographics, I've only met ONE Cambodian dancer. I'm not in the habit of asking every dancer that I meet about their ancestry. Roughly speaking, my most common Asian encounters in order are: Fillipina, (tie) Thai,Japanese, (tie) Korean, Vietnamese, then Chinese, and Cambo/Lao. I don't think any club that I went to in Phoenix had more than 1 Asian dancer, some I didn't see any.
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    16 years ago
    Porn Star Economics
    Quite a few ASS-umptions there. So called pornstars are probably scattered all over the spectrum as far as earnings & time in industry go. I still see some that were POM's when the Gipper was in the White House doing feature/escorting gigs (occasional, but) as 40 somethings. Ditto for web subscriptions. Just because someone lives in a posh neighborhood doesn't make them a Warren Buffet- they may well be overextended. If someone as famous as Ed McMahon can faced foreclosure, what then of top 10-25% of porn starlets? It's not what you earn, its what you can manage to keep/grow.
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    16 years ago
    dancers pretending
    Metaphorically speaking, I try not to have this quote attributed to a famous comedian apply to me: "I lost a couple of bucks in Vegas, and I've spent $1 million trying to get it back".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Agree with sentiment and the analogy. That said, if given a chance to take a Ferrari for a spin (not nec. own or lease), I'd do it, bumper sticker or not.
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    16 years ago
    PL- How fast do you drive?? I only know what I see listed on Tuscl. Not everyone is familiar with every single town & burrough listed. Chandler AZ, I guess, could be considered as being part of Phoenix metro area. It is within the realm of possibility for someone living there to get to some Tuscon clubs in an hour drive. Anyway, if I'm on a business trip to PIT, how many clubs are within a <= $15 cab ride from 1) Airport hotel area 2) Downtown hotel?? Would it/they be worth the ride?
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    16 years ago
    Embarrassing moments?
    To OP- I don't get what is embarrasing about your situation, or exactly what happened. When you say "dropped them", did you?? 1) Accidentaly drop her panties? 2) Knock the other bills from G string onto the stage? 3) Drop the bills that you intended to give her, plus some others in your hand? Anyway, my "occurence". After customary settle in period, I bought my 1st lapdance. When LD was about to start, dancer got horrified expression on her face, and said "I don't normally do that." When I asked her what she meant, she pointed at my crotch. My fly was open- I said that I would take care of it and be back. In RR, come to find out, the zipper was broken. So I went to doorman, asked him if he knew where nearest 24 hr Walmart was, AND mentioned my predicament, asking if it would be OK to return without paying another cover charge. He said all was cool, but I bet he LHAO when I left. Upon return, never did see original dancer. (Shift change??)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    hanger on
    RE- Tucker 40- "its easier if you're a regular"........ Not nec. true, may actually be harder, especially if subject dancer: 1) Has danced for you before, but she's, shall we say, not that far up on the depth chart. 2) Recognizes you from prior visits as an active lap dance patron. Ah, yes, the cockblock. Aforementioned Scenario #1 has been a persistent problem in only 1 club, remedied by either buying a token dance or 2, or just bailing entirely. In same club on another occasion, different dancer, I just stood up, and asked a somewhat familiar nearby dancer for a dance, which po'd the hanger on, but she finally got the message.
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    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Amanda- Are you looking to dance locally, or are you looking to scout for info on "best cities to work in", and strike out for there, ala starlet striking out for Hollywood? If you live in big metro area, how far are you willing to commute for each shift you work? For me to give you meaningful input, I need to know more about your circumstances, & particular wishes/needs. So, I'll offer my range of "generic advice". If you're living in Podunkville with 1 club in town, and next nearest club 50 miles away, It's a matter of just doing it, much like 1st jump from diving board. If you live in an area with several clubs, it might not be a bad idea to visit a few as a customer along with freind(s), just to get a feel for the atmosphere. You could also pore over the club reviews here, go to, read dancer reviews there, or even pm a dancer that works at a club you might consider. At the end of the day (or night), your on the spot impressions matter the most. Oh, and wishing you good luck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pinky- uhhhm, I only count FOUR clubs listed in Weirton/Wheeling, virtually none of which have a meaningful # of reviews. Dallas Pike club was the one with 1-2 flaming shill reviews (email add. of 1 of reviewers had club address!!!). ss- "fewest distractions...." Recall 2003 SB. Tampa has arguably the strongest "distractions" of any area. City of Oakland has ZERO clubs. Ditto for closoest suburbs. SF is closeby with some good clubs, but you're in 49er territory there. That said, Steelers are clearly a team that knows how to get the "W">(& I'm not a Steelers fan).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    For per dance songs, max is 6 for me. For a 30 min. VIP, guessing 8-10 dances. // lopaw- What we need is a credit/ATM card with cash-back feature for making cash withdrawls for stripclub visits!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    samsung- Please don't rewrite the rules in my thread! The title says "cities", not states. If you want to play that game, 2 things: 1) A large chunk of PA clubs are in East PA in general, & Philly in particular. How much "love" do you think Eagles fans have for the Steelers? 2) The distance from Tempe/Phoenix to Las Vegas is ~= distance from Pittsburgh to East PA/Philadelphia. Vegas is strong in quantity & quality of stripclubs. More "favor" to Phoenix "fan driving radius" base. But, stripclubs don't win ballgames- I throw out my "methodology" as being no more or less "Black Magic" than stuff like the winners conference determining the direction of stock market, etc. After game over, I plan to go to the levity of stripclub, and send in a few reports.
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    16 years ago
    About 80 threads ago (31 Dec), I started a thread with "tongue in cheek" prediction of playoff results, based solely on the merits of playoff teams stripclubs. Based on Pittsburgh clubs vs Phoenix clubs, I "picked" CARDINALS BY 13. *** Note- in my last years thread, I picked NY over NE by 1.
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    16 years ago
    Off Topic, but Very Very Funny
    I guess Dudester won't be searching out bargain fares on VA just to add to his tuscl resume anytime soon!
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    16 years ago
    What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
    o-man: Two words: search function More words: Type in "states with non-smoking laws" More words: Go to travel/airline websites, book thyself a flight to non-smoking destinations. Two words: Stop dreaming.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Stripclub City Strengths vs NFL Playoff Results: Any Correlation??
    If anyone is bothering to click back this far- my "TIC" prediction for Super Bowl, based solely upon on city's stripclub strength> PITTSBURGH vs PHOENIX : Hmmm, 31 clubs for Phoenix, at least 2 of which have been on T40 list, vs 5 Pittsburgh clubs?? Sounds like no contest: // CARDINALS BY 13
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    While I don't expect a dancer to be completely mute, (moans, sighs, whispering sweet nothings or somethings in my ear are a-ok),a couple of peeves include 1) upselling during the dance (ask me before the dance, and only once, please) 2) Loud, blabby patrons adjacent to me (have convo by bar, or take her otc).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Short Songs
    What OP really needs is a road trip out of the LA area, which is notorious for clipped its clipped songs. This subject has been hashed on zbone, I guess a lot of zboners don't think its "cool" to post on Tuscl, hence the ignorance of the "LA Clipper" epidemic. To OP- please let us know how your road trip goes- awaiting your 1st review of club outside LA/OC/COI.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Stripclub City Strengths vs NFL Playoff Results: Any Correlation??
    ROUND 3 NFL PLAYOFFS ( FACTORED BY STRIPCLUB MERIT, LOL ) Baltimore vs Pittsburgh: A carbon copy of last Ravens opponent- "The Block" & 30 plus clubs (4 rated above 7) vs 5 clubs (1 rated above 7), with little or no "long distance help"?? (Sorry, a WV club that had a 10 review on 1 of writeups was an obvious shill)// RAVENS BY 13 Philadelphia vs Arizona: Wading through the "numbers" 1st: Both Phoenix & Philly have 31 clubs, with additional clubs in the suburbs (Philly probably has edge in no. of suburban clubs, but...) Philly has at latest look, 7 significant clubs rated above 7, Phoenix 6. However, the average score of Philly's best is 7.47, Phoenix 7.6. Furthermore, my "subjective" overview of my experience in both Phoenix & Philly clubs (admitedly, more limited in the later) gives the edge to.....// CARDINALS BY 1
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Follow up to February story about Attorney caught up in Craigs list LE sting
    "He was married on Christmas Eve......." How was his bachelor party ????