
Most consecutive private/lap dances

Monday, February 2, 2009 8:47 PM
What's the most consecutive lap dances you've had? Do you regret the money afterwards? Whenever I try to tell myself to stop after N dances, I always get caught up in the moment and don't stop. At that point, the girls don't even bother asking if I want another and just keep going. When I find myself trying to count songs, I figure it must be time to stop.


  • Anna
    15 years ago
    Can't you claim them as a deduction for your business...like entertaining clients?
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    Probably about 35, but I didn't spend $600. I spent $150 (30 dances X $5 + 5 free dances). The money was well spent. I normally regret spending $5 for 1 dance because that means I was either extremely broke or much more likely that I had a very poor time.
  • mreef
    15 years ago
    $5 dances, was this in the last decade? If so, where?
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    That is the normal price of dances here in Miami at the black clubs. My favorite club is Angels on W. Dixie Hwy and 148th Street, North Miami, FL. The dancers in this club pride themselves on being superb super sluts. :)
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    5 at $20 each, plus tip. The tecno music starting giving me a headache.
  • clubtreker
    15 years ago
    My lapdance notebook, kept since 1993, shows 8 dances as my record at one sitting. Most recent of those was at the sorely-missed Club Peek-A-Boo in West Palm Beach in 2004 with a remarkably beautiful and conversational black woman named Vanity. I've done more in one evening with one dancer, but only by calling time out.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    My record when dances were $10 (topless club) was 12 in a row. Nowadays those same dances are $20, and it's rare for me to get more than 3 or 4 max. Recently at my fave nude club ($30 dances) I ran amok while getting UUUHM from my flavor-of-the-month, and before I knew it I was in for 12 dances. Damn. That hurt my wallet badly. I left broke, but happy.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    In the era of $5 dances I probably did a straight run of about 10 or so. By nowadays prices, generally the girl will cut you off at about 4 or 5 and demand confirmation (or payment) so that she won't get stiffed. (Ahem. "Cut off" = make you stop. "Get stiffed" = end up giving effort for no reward. Unfortunate metaphors.)
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Actually I don't remember and didn't know at the time. The dancer I was with said she was enjoying the dances and after the original two for $20 offered to do more at half that price which was probably two for $10. This was at a club in Columbia years ago. Shadowcat is very familar with the club. I don't know if I was back there 30 minutes or 45 minutes and we may have both lost count. I wasn't doing anything that would get me in trouble there. However the dancer told me next time that she couldn't stay back there that long. I may have spent $100 to $120 I don't remember anymore. I enjoyed those lap dances. The other day I got 3 lapdances for $20 and then got another 3 for $20 more. The dances were not as good as normal but I couldn't resist the lower price offered.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I may have only spent $80 to $90 on that 30 to 45 minute session I mentioned above. It was probably 15 to 18 dances. Neither one of us knew how many dances it was. I doubt I'm going to find too many dancers that give me that kind of break, half off the regular discount. The normal dance price at the time was two for $20.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    For per dance songs, max is 6 for me. For a 30 min. VIP, guessing 8-10 dances. // lopaw- What we need is a credit/ATM card with cash-back feature for making cash withdrawls for stripclub visits!
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    It was about near the time the club closed and the place was dead. The dances usually cost $25 each, and the club has a special every hour of 2 dances for $30 (but just a limit of one). Since it was so slow and near closing time, she said I could buy them at the special price any time, so I bought 3 dances for $90 (plus $10 tip) and got 3 free ones, so a total of 6 dances.
  • melzor
    15 years ago
    Was at Deja Vu in Vegas in the middle of the afternoon, pretty slow. It was Tuesday and every once in a while they would do 5/$100 specials. Don't remember what the normal price was. Went back there for the 5 songs and we were both having a great time, so she poked her head out and asked the boss if we could do the special again. Said she's start counting on the next song but danced thru that one too, after 6 more songs she poked her head out again to see if we could do the special one more time. Once again said she'd start counting on the next song but kept dancing anyway. After 6 more songs she said she'd lost count and that the next one was probably number 5. So got 20 songs out of 3 * 5/$100. Then we sat at the bar for next couple of hours talking and kind of cuddling cause she was cold. Gave me her # and email addy, and signed a picture she had for me. (She was some kind of fetish model too, and had a picture in the back she went and got for me.) For the $300 I probably could have gotten a vegas escort for an hour instead, but I think it was worth it.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    The most I remember is 8, with one of my old ATF's. It would have been more, but she got called to dance. It was definitely worth it, especially in light of the fact she was probably the only dancer worth it at that club at that time.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    The below is based on a sometimes faulty memory. Free - 1 Paid/Free - 10 Paid - 6
  • how
    15 years ago
    Number of dances tends to be an irrelevant measure...most encounters at clubs last until a certain event occurs, rather than based on how many songs have elapsed...
  • xhunter
    15 years ago
    My most consecutive dances from a dancer was at the Yellow Rose in Austin, where a very drunk or drugged dancer gave me over 30 in a row. She just happened to be the most perfectly beautiful dancer I have seen in probably about 300 trips to clubs. I announced to her right off that I would give her every dime I had on me, she was so perfect. She was very intelligent (ironically?), a college student, dark, although I don't think necessarily part black, and from the D-FW area. She was extremely liberal about fondling, not the norm even then at the YR and even less so recently. Also, it seemed unusual for exceptionally beautiful and intelligent dancers to allow big-time fondling at relatively conservative clubs. I unfortunately had only a little over $300 on me, and I had already blown $40 on another dancer. In addition, this dancer liked to invite other girls over for 3-ways (mostly the two of them), and of course she had me pay these girls. When I finally paid up probably about $200 for well over an hour of non-stop high-contact dancing and general making out, the dancer was pissed and she stalked off. Not totally my fault, but then again, with anyone that hot, no matter what happened, I admit that it had to be my fault. (No way in hell am I going to a cash machine in a strip joint, and she didn't ask anyway.) This girl was so hot that the other girls there drooled when they looked at her.
  • Anna
    15 years ago
    My answer to this question... wait...dances paid for or actually done? Lol...I had a customer from Austin buy 6 hours upstairs with me at Treasures...It is a minimum of 20 dances an hour up there...so technically he paid for 120 dances...I am not sure how many I actually danced...maybe 40 total and I think he danced like 5 for me. Doing a bunch of dances back to back is...well I like to have a break song every 4 or so because you can only get so horny...and there needs to be some drinking time too.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "What's the most consecutive lap dances you've had? Do you regret the money afterwards?" I think it was around 20 LDs in a row (at $10 Canadian each) with who-knows-how-many free LDs after that. No, I've really never regretted spending money on LDs. I usually have a number of LDs in mind when I agree to go private with a dancer, and sometimes I can be "persuaded" to spend some more time if the LDs go well enough...
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    minnow- cash back on CC would be great. But what I'd really like is to figure out a way to claim strippers as dependents on my taxes. Claiming lapdances as itemized deductions wouldn't be bad either.
  • Six. Done that three times, one from Anthony's Showplace where I told her I wanted to get more dances from her but didn't have the money, but then she told me I can go down to the ATM and get more money, but she'd have to cash out with the cashier at the front of the VIP. I had to suffer through blueballs before getting off, but Jasmine was grinding on me so hard I had to.
  • zorro
    15 years ago
    Probably ~12 @ $20
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    One problem with "consecutive private/lap dances" is the cost of them vs. the cost of a VIP room with a time limit. I believe that if you know the dancer, a much better value can be had in a VIP. But, getting to know the dancer often requires LD's. A real conundrum.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Anna, I wish that I could claim business expenses, but my line of work I rarely (if ever) entertain business clients. And since I'm female, I wonder what eyebrows would be raised if I ever did submit an expense report from the "The Pussycat Club" down the street? Hee hee - I think that I'm gonna try it someday, just to see the reaction.
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