
Top 10 clubs

Breathe, breathe in the air
Monday, July 20, 2009 7:38 PM
Can anyone lay claim to have visited all 10 in the current list, if so would you have the top 3 in the same order? Can anyone come close to having visited all 10?


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    That would involve going to 3 different countries, better have a passport, also to mention 2 are brothels not strip clubs.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I have visited 4 of the 100 clubs on the top 100...None of them in the top ten although the two in Indiana are within driving distance. Also that top ten list has a new club that gets added/dropped nearly every week.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    Yes, I suppose it would be quite a feat to achieve considering the size of your country let alone visiting others. Samsung1, I wrongly thought that, apart from a little re-positioning, the top 10 had contained the same clubs for a while.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I never heard of the hollywood club until it was listed on the top ten this week. Also I remember Mickey's being ranked in the top 5 but now is ranked 21. Also Treasures and Flight club have fallen off the top 10 recently. Hip Hugger is another club that comes and goes. The top 5 remains pretty stable perhaps but the bottom 5 are changing much more frequently. Then again, I am not an expert so it's just my opinion.
  • racejeff
    15 years ago
    Been to 3 of the top 10. I'm not the biggest Mons fan and will choose another Tampa club when I'm in the area, I think the top 10 for the most part give reliable good experience. Clubs change over time My last Hiphugger visit was the highest contact experience I've had outside of a private room club. Prior to that I had stopped going there for a couple of months as I found the closer BBF an equal/better time. Each person will have there own best experience and enjoy different clubs but If I'm in the area a top 10 TUSCL club will get a visit if at all possible.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    I've been to 4 of the Top 5 and 8 of the Top 20. Somehow I doubt a topless club is the best the country has to offer.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    yeah I agree...I just read the BFF review claiming the person was told "keep you hands to yourself"...WTF if I was at the top ranked strip club in the world I would be disappointed to hear that.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    I've visited 3 in T10, 12 in T40. #19 DV-COI, imo is way overrated. ss- News flash- BBF got knocked down from #1 to #2. A lot of times, its the intangibles that add up.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    I've been to 6 of the Top 10: Brad's Mons Venus Platinum Plus Hip Hugger Sundowner Hollywood From my experience, they're all good clubs. I wouldn't know where to begin ranking them all. The standout in my memory is Mons, however it's been almost 14 years since my last time there, so any comparison wouldn't mean much. I don't believe there is a significant difference between a #1 and a #10 ranking, or even a #40 ranking. What separates them, a half point? Big deal. Clubs constantly move up and down in the rankings, not necessarily because they get better or worse. Like several people have commented before, it's useful to compare ratings of clubs within the same metropolitan area, but not across different regions. Sure, it may be fun, just not very meaningful. BTW, I see no reason why the best club would have to be a nude club. There are other criteria that make a lot more difference, IMO.
  • jgb133
    15 years ago
    I've been to 7 out of the top 14. The high end place is Treasures, for high mileage go to the Platinum Plus. There is quite a difference in each club. Here's my list: 2.) Brad's Brass Flamingo 5.) Platinum Plus 6.) Tootsies Caberet 8.) Silver Bullet Bar 11.) Playhouse Lounge 13.) Treasures 14.) Flight Club I guess my favorite of the bunch would have to be PP. It is the best overall value for mileage and price. It's not as nice in the inside as Treasures, but it's close.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Based on a 2008 article by the [view link] portal, the top 10 strip clubs in the world [4] are: 1. Hot Lap Dance Club, New York City 2. Night Flight (night club), Moscow, Russia Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, New York, New York 4 Play Gentlemen's Club, Los Angeles, California Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas, Nevada Le Crazy Horse (cabaret), Paris, France Seventh Heaven, Tokyo, Japan 8. Mons Venus, Tampa, Florida 9. Wanda's, Montreal Quebec 10. K5 Relax, Prague, Czech Republic [view link]
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    also forgot to mention that if you check out the resources at the very end of the [view link] article one of their sources was [view link]
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Just one. I do not need to look any further.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    How many from the AskMen review were brothels and not Strip Clubs? I've never heard of a Czech Strip Club, everything int that country are brothels or fronts for brothels. For that matter, I am not sure why brothels Hong Kong and Adelitas are included? I also agree nude doesn't always make a club better.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Why dredge up old issues about what is and isn't a strip club? Both AB and HK have girls that dance and strip. Whatever else goes on doesn't change that.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Only been to two, Brad's and Hollywood. I can see how Brad's would be a top club if I went there all the time, but I only went once and I'm not sure it was maxing out that day. On the other hand, Hollywood isn't the best on its own street, IMHO (for me, that's Miss Kitty's). But that comparison also depends on what you put priority in. If all you care about is looking at hot chicks, Hollywood is for you, but if you want full service, Miss Kitty's is for you. IMHO, I'm not sure what the difference is between #1 and #100, or even #200. It's a high wire act, keeping it all straight.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    It's all subjective. One man's 1 is anothers 10.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Wouldn't sat that, tx. Some clubs are clearly of a better quality than others. Occasionally it's surprising at how nice a club turns out to be the first time in, but it's more likely to be the other way.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Two out of the seven. I don't count those not in the US. One of the Top Five.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Of course it's all subjective, and the ratings represent collective opinion fairly well. However, I think the most you can hope to conclude from a rating is whether any given club is worth checking out further, yes or no. Debating the order of the Top 10 is a hairsplitting parlor game. Granted, this whole board is hardly more than a parlor game.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    chandler: "Granted, this whole board is hardly more than a parlor game" And chandler is NOTHING more than a failed writer.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Although I do not travel as much anymore, when I did I found that the consistently better looking dancers were in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Fla. Phx IMO still has excellent eye candy and friction dances but does not offer extras. Many of the favorite clubs on TUSCL appear to be high ranking because of extras and or nudity, but primarily extras. I have always wondered about the true beauty of all of these clubs reviewed as having beautiful women. Just go to The Erotic Review and look at the pictures of a lot of these supposedly beautiful women. It just reinforces that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I have been to 5 of the top 20 in the past 3 years. I agree w/minnow that DV in COI is overrated. I think BBC in Phx is underrated.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Subjectivity vs. Objectivity A person's judgment of the quality of a particular good is subjective. Yes. But there are a number of factors that go into the overall quality of a strip club experience that are not subjective. So if one made a blanket statement that 1 person's 10 is another person's 1, maybe yes, maybe no. People want to argue about what the ratings mean and what you get from the ratings here, and that's great if you're into that. I'm not. If I look at a club that has a big wooden box as its main stage versus a custom stage with a professionally finished surface and dynamic lighting, one is clearly better. If I am standing in a club that still has blood stains from the last guy who was murdered versus a club with armed guards low tolerance for thuggery, one club is clearly safer on the whole than the other. If I am in a club with two dancers, the club in town with 30-50 clearly has a better selection. But certainly subjectivity has its sway. There are clubs in areas of the country that suffer from ratings inflation because the typical reviewer there hasn't really been anywhere else. Doesn't make them bad clubs, it just makes them overrated. Some really good clubs get hammered on reviews because they're so popular you get every rookie in the world there trying to figure out what all the fuss is about. They strike out and the whining ensues. I take all the reviews and ratings with a grain of salt, including my own since most of the time it's my first impression written up. Just have fun with it. It's not that serious.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    To clarify, I was refering to the club ranking, not the rating of the club. Some prefer extras over beautiful dancers. Others prefer nude over topless. IMO, I have always felt the better clubs, were the ones with the most attracive dancers. As an example, the Highliter in Phx is rather divey in atmosphere, but consistently has the best dancers IMO. Whereas BBC and Christies are more upscale, they have beautiful women also, but the best expererience is still at the Highliter. In Houston, IMO, DB Coopers is the nicest club environment, but the dancers are the ugliest.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Wallanon, anything that can be measured objectively is still going to be evaluated differently according to what matters to the reviewer. Some objective factors mean everything to some people and nothing to others. For example, while you may always think a large selection of dancers is better, another guy may find large clubs too impersonal, preferring a quiet joint with only a few girls. Tittyfan, are you saying the better club and the best experience are two different things? I'm not sure I
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    (I'm not sure I) see your point.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Should I have said "wider" selection? Here's the verbiage I left out of my last post: I'd been out to SD plenty of times without checking out TJ, but with all the bellyaching about Adelitas I just took a walk one day and checked it out. It had strippers. Debate over. These threads become a chore because they consistently devolve into knit pickery and bickering over nothing more than semantics. There is no right answer on most of these topics yet there's page after page, day after day of people insisting there is.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Is SD San Diego or South Dakota?
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "Somehow I doubt a topless club is the best the country has to offer." I second that. I've only been to 2 of the Top 66. As far as the [view link] list goes: Wanda’s in Montreal?? Sure, it's an upscale club with a very strict no-touch policy, but there are WAY better clubs in Montreal. Isn't Hot Lap Dance closed too??
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    gatorfan- In the context of wallanon's comment, San Diego. I personally doubt anyone other than me who posts on this board has ever been to a club in South Dakota.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Chandler, I was making reference to the statement by wallanon that he felt a club w/professional stage and great lighting was better than a club without. IMO, I feel the better club is the one with the most attractive women regardless of stage and lighting. wallanon, This is a discussion board, people are discussing their opinions. They evolve no differently than they would if the participants were sitting side by side. Although if that were the case, I am sure there would be fewer personal attacks. Your absolute comment regarding Adelitas is just your opinion. The issue I have gathered regarding Adelitas is, Is it a brothel w/strippers as advertisement?, or is it a strip club with extras? Based upon the reviews, it appears people go there for the brothel, not the dances. This leaves it open for discussion. And after all, this is just entertainment.
  • skibum609
    15 years ago
    I have been to 4 of the top 10 within the past year. If you're looking for sex, Hong Kong and Adelitas are the best, but they aren't the best strip clubs. I have been going to Mons for at least 15 years and while the women are pretty its lack of alcohol, atmosphere and the crowd it attracts makes it a non- top 10 club in my opinion. Tootsies I never liked, but have a friend who lives close who loves it. Personally I like a blue collar, alcohol soaked atmosphere, in a full contact topless only club and that makes the Inner Ropom Cabaret my all-timne favorite despite the fact its over 1,000 miles from my home. The best all around strip club locale right now is Providence.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Misterguy, yes hot lap dance did close. Here is the old page for it on tuscl [view link]
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    The argument over AB and the other TJ clubs has been whether or not they qualify as strip clubs at all, and for AB in particular why it keeps showing up in the Top 10. It's something people who've been posting here a while are familiar with, so there was some shorthand involved. The absolute portion of my comment was on whether or not AB has strippers. I can say it does in absolute terms because I have been to AB multiple times and seen the girls credibly entertaining, dancing, and stripping each time. To continue debate over something obvious to anyone who has been there is pointless and futile. For those who have missed the long running dialogue on strip clubs vs. whore houses, TUSCL-style, here are a few of the links (courtesy of Google): - [view link] - [view link] - [view link] - [view link] - [view link] - [view link] - [view link] Searchable forums would be great to have in a future update.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    DD Thanks, I doubted was South Dakota but we sometimes use initials LA and SD too liberally- South Dakota, Louisiana or those cities in Cali. My thoughts again on the Topless versus Nude, it really doesn't matter what they are wearing on stage, it's what they aren't wearing during a private lap dance that matters. One of the best strip clubs in New Jersey is bikini(non-topless), but this club has FS/BJ with girls taking everything off in private dance area. Some nude clubs I have been to have no mileage and are guarded by bouncers like Fort Knox. It's all about what happens during the lap dance, in my opinion.
  • venice
    15 years ago
    New guy here with a question. What is the best club in the US that serves alcohol and the girls are totally nude?
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Check the Top 10 list... Tootsie's in Miami!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    At my favorite nude clubs, what they're wearing on stage makes all the difference. The lap dances tend to be roughly the same. It's the interaction with bottomless strippers at the stage that makes a good nude club a different kind of thrill.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    Good post Chandler, you just forgot to answer the questions.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Thanks, Tittyfan. Not sure what you're saying I forgot. You know I was responding to Gatorfan, right?
  • venice
    15 years ago
    it seems that there is a vast difference in clubs regionally. I'm kinda thinking about taking a couple of weeks to do a Grand Stripper Tour. I'm wondering what part of the Country would be best. I know I like to see the girls totally nude and I don't like hauling my beer around with me. So, where do I begin? Thanks
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