
How do you feel about single girls going to clubs?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 6:19 PM
I'm bi and I appraciate the female form. I'm thinking about going to a club, but I don't want to get hassled and I don't want guys having a paranoid attitude. I would like to know how guys would or have dealt with having a single girl at the club. let me know, ok?


  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    No problem to me at all.
  • bvr99
    15 years ago
    Thanks for replies. I am female, so I guess I should have mentioned that. I am aware that I need to not look like the dancers. That's no problem. I don't mind talking with the guys. In fact, I think that part of it will be fun. I'm just a little apprehensive about getting the message across that I'm nbot there to provide entertainment; just to enjoy myself, just like any of the guys, so I don't really want any one to get to pushy with me; if you know what I mean. The girls got the bouncer, but their not there for me, so I am just wondering what you all think. Thnx.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Strippers do visit other clubs, so it wouldnt be a big deal.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    In my opinion, you will not come off as BI. The males will assume that you are either an off duty dancer or a lesbian. In either case the guys will leave you alone. Why waste time on you?
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    bvr, I can't imagine any guys really giving you any trouble. It'll be obvious that you're a customer. You'll be in street clothes and the strippers will be in bikinis and such. I suppose if your street clothes are a g-string and corset... It won't be the guys giving you too much attention that'll be the problem, it'll more likely be the strippers ignoring you. Strippers tend to think women are there to start shit and raise hell with them. One thing you can do to defuse this is to tip the strippers on stage.
  • bvr99
    15 years ago
    Great suggestion. I will do that. You're right; I should set the tone right up front. Appreciate the advice, if anyone else has any.
  • how
    15 years ago
    You should expect no problems from any other customers. Enjoy!
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    You should just blend in and enjoy. Not all clubs allow single girls though.
  • sabills55
    15 years ago
    you may get guys staring at you if your tipping money sexually but that would be about it. most guys will think your just gay not bi and not think of even trying to sleep with you
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    I have a better idea, act like you're a dancer from somewhere else checking out the place, much better reaction.
  • yndy
    15 years ago
    i'd buy dances for you, esp. if you'd let me watch! (i've done this quite a few times already). but some places refuse entry to unescorted women. i don't get this. i've been told its to keep prostitutes out.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    some clubs charge the ladies a cover charge while others let the ladies in for free. I would recommend going to places where ladies get in for free because I am sure you won't be the only single lady there.
  • Raincoat
    15 years ago
    While certainly a minority, female customers have become increasingly common at strip clubs. Everyone will treat you with respect. However, when you tip at the stage you may find that the dancers want to lift your blouse and maybe take you on stage for some special attention. Male customers will encourage this by applause and helping to provide you with money to tip dancers. The dancer always requests the girls' permission before lifting their blouse.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    bvr99, I am a single gal who clubs solo all the time. All of the interaction I have had with male customers has been fun and friendly. I've even made some "club buddies" along the way! The dancers love women customers that are spending money, and I've never had any trouble getting dancer attention. Just go and have a good time!!
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "The dancer always requests the girls' permission before lifting their blouse" ...if you're lucky that is.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Some clubs don't admit female customers without a male escort, so it varies. I personally don't care about 99% of the things not directly impacting my enjoyment of the place. Since I do register about 100% of the things that do, just about anything in the former category is fine by me.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Females needing a male escort seems to be a regional thing. I don't know where you are located, bvr99, but if you're on the west coast you won't have any problems. I've been in clubs up and down the coast (including vegas), and have never had any problems entering clubs solo. But if you live in a more conservative area, you can always call ahead to find out.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    It's rare, but in some low end dives a drunk patron may try to treat you like a "working girl." Choose your venue wisely and you'll be all right.
  • Raincoat
    15 years ago
    bvr99: After you visit a club, please let us know about your experience.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    As an afterthought, you might post your general location and you might finds someone here to escort you, and help you. :)
  • bvr99
    15 years ago
    Great suggestion! I would consider going with a woman; bi or gay, or stipper. Message me and I will tell you the general vicinity, and we can discuss further! PLS, don't bother to start the conversation if you are NOT a woman. In the end, I'd find out, anyway, so what's the sense, right? TY!!!! Happy clubbing to all.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    bvr99, here's a different take on your original question. In some ways, you are talking to the wrong crowd here. The vast majority are guys, and we're just trying to convince you to come into our club, mess around with some strippers, and let us hand out nearby. The alternative way to get there is to go the "swinger" route. Many swinger couples have a bi female. Swingers organize outings to strip clubs, and when they get there the atmosphere really kicks up. Some swingers use this outing to meet others and then continue the activities in a private setting. You are under no obligation to do that. You can just have fun at the club and then go home. The best place to learn about these events are on swinger web sites like lifestylelounge and swinglifestyle. However, the swinger lifestyle is a regional thing and some areas are not that active. If you live in CA or near a major city you will find a high level of activity. My GF and I go to clubs. She is not Bi, but enjoys the touch of another woman. We have been to a couple of these swinger/club events in Phoenix. Very entertaining, although sometimes the dancers get pissed because the attention is not always on them. Imagine that! Good luck! Good luck!
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    Ok, rough on the editing. I think I meant "hang out"! ;-)
  • jablake
    15 years ago
    "It's rare, but in some low end dives a drunk patron may try to treat you like a 'working girl.' Choose your venue wisely and you'll be all right." True, it was a low end dive, but I wasn't drunk. I saw some prime meat and I moved aggressively. It sure set the sparks to flying. :) The woman was a customer and I didn't realize it. Yes, she was wearing street clothes, but looked like a dancer.
  • bvr99
    15 years ago
    Harry, thnx for watching my back. Not entirely necessary, but I do appreciate the consideration, really I do. I am familiar with the lifestyle. Thnx again for the feedback and suggestion.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I think most of the guys would ignore you or act like your a dancer from another club checking it out or they might wonder where you boyfriend or other female friends are at. However most guys are more focused on the naked talent on stage if the place isn't dead. As far as dancers go, they may leave you alone if you're not tipping. I know of one dancer who is bi herself because she told me. Another dancer I talked to in the past was not and did not want to dance for females in the club. I think she was more of an exception. If you really want to avoid any chance for any confrontation, I would probably try to tip dancers when there is no competition for tips if you walk up to a stage, ie no guys waiting to tip her. I say that because some guys could be unhappy if they don't get to interact with a dancer because she went to you first. Dancers often go get tips from females first even if the guys were waiting longer to tip. It varies though. Some guys really enjoy seeing female customers go up to the stage and watch the dancer pull up her top. I couldn't tell if they asked or not. I thought maybe with some dancers they started pulling up their shirts to see if the female customer would stop it.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    Annoyed. Overly aggressive self-involved chicks who "portray themselves as" someone who is a "girl going to a strip club" are, at first, really stimulating -- oh look, a hot girl getting hotter! and she's civilian! -- but eventually they turn into a total buzz-kill -- oh look, a customer who doesn't know what the rules are, or who does but breaks them anyway, and who also ... worst part ... reminds me of just how lame and pathetic I am, in real life, since she's a real-life female whom I couldn't date and fuck, too. If, conversely, the hot chicks arriving at Rick's were both (a) customers and (b) potential dates / lays / girlfriends for me, then I'd be willing to deal with the chick-bullshit that they bring with them everywhere they go, on the premise that this is the price of pussy-entry, just like in normal life. They act shitty, I put up with it while also demonstrating that I'm not willing to put up with it, and eventually this means they want to fuck me, and I get a hot-looking girlfriend (that's how it's supposed to work isn't it?). But that's not what the chicks who are strip-club "customers" are willing to do. They'd never date a pathetic bald fat loser who actually ATTENDS strip clubs on purpose. Hypocrites. They hate the dopey fat overweight middle-aged men who go to strip clubs, categorically. They would never want romantic attention from us. But they love the idea of descending on a club THEMSELVES and being the belle of the ball, because they want to be looked at and ogled over .. BY US. Arrogant cunts. I hate hot chicks who pretend to be strip club patrons. All they're being, is selfish themselves-patrons, like every other moment of their pampered lives. Now why won't they fuck me? If they'd fuck me, regularly, without the hassle, then maybe I'd appreciate them more. Will they fuck me? With my attitude? nooooooo ...
  • bvr99
    15 years ago
    I respect your opinion, and obviously, it is a result of real-life experience. Thankfully, I can say I wasn't a part of it. I can't pretend to know how I will be percieved. All I can do is take your insights into advisement, which I believe means I need to "observe and follow the unspoken rules" of the club. I guess that means not being an a*hole to the guys, not expecting or seizing opportunity for extra attention. What more can I do? Not much. I can't tell you I will date guys that go there anymore than you can say you would date any stripper (or female customer) that you meet. All I can do is try to be an exception. In the end, all I want is what most customers want; fun and entertainment. Thanks again for your insights.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    Well, the end of this thread now seems rather ominous. So forget about my little "swinger lecture". Here's the simple response: bvr99, at the clubs I have visited often in Phoenix, you would be welcome any time, the guys would not be resentful, and most of the dancers would be happy to see you, happy to give you a few dances. It's not unusual. Fun and entertainment would be no problem.
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    bvr99- Have you considered joining a health club or an aerobics class??
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