
Why do you come to the TUSCL site. ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Monday, February 17, 2020 6:11 AM
There has to be many reasons why different people come to this website. Are you seeking knowledge about strip clubs ? Are you lonely or bored ? Do you just enjoy trolling other people ? For me, it's obvious. I have an extremely high sexual appetite and enjoy it in many ways. I fulfill that appetite in many ways and have a lot of fun doing it. But I don't have anyone that I can talk about those things with. I'm sure not going to tell my wife. My brother would not understand. Most of my friends would end up telling their wives and then my wife would find out. So I use TUSCL to talk about my exploits. I do have to control what I say somewhat so that I don't come across as bragging. I realize that I have resources that most others do not have. But I am enjoying life and want to tell somebody about my good fortunes. Why do you like TUSCL. ?


  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Mostly for the entertainment value. I have developed several friendships with other members and use the PM system to keep in contact with them. I'm retired and don't travel much so I don't have a lot of use for the reviews. Also Follies is only 35 miles away.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Mostly because I enjoy talking about strip clubs and strippers. Oddly though, many of those topics do not gain a lot of traction around here.
    4 years ago
    Reviews on my local clubs, though they are few and far between.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "I do have to control what I say somewhat so that I don't come across as bragging. I realize that I have resources that most others do not have." So he says he tries not to brag, then the very next thing he does is implies he's got a fatter wallet than most. lol.
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    I come here to post and read posts about strip clubbing. In the process I like to have fun with it, and if anyone trolls me I like to troll them back.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    I showed up on TUSCL because a buddy of mine kept finding these horrible clubs for us to go see I'd never heard of. After a projectile titty milk incident and I told him that was the end of the line for me at his noname places, he showed me the site and all of the other trash clubs we hadn't been to yet. Turns out TUSCL had good clubs listed, too. Before I got too busy to keep up, I also used the site to keep the details organized on clubs I'd been to. The discussion forums I've mostly outgrown as customer seeking information, but will chime in if something looks interesting.
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Warrior: Mostly the same as you, and enjoy reading what others are doing.
  • prevert
    4 years ago
    I can’t here because my dancer “wingman” pointed me here. It’s been eye opening and entertaining.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    I first came to TUSCL to learn what cities had the best strip clubs. I found out that my own backyard (Detroit) had some of the best, especially where extras are concerned. I've stayed to discuss strip clubs and strippers. I enjoy hearing about others' adventures, and I've shared some of my own. I could not tell my normal friends and family about the stripper adventures I have had. I also enjoy the intelligent, well-reasoned political discussions.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Investment advice and the occasional insulting remark
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Initially came here because SCL is useless due to trolls, and USASG has posting policies I don't like. I come here for club intel and insights. Also, it's a time killer.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    All of the above for me too. There is just nowhere else where you can talk about this stuff and boy is there is there a lot to talk about.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    To calm out posers and rail against idiotic stupid people spreading fallacies. I know it’s s fools errand to correct stupid people but it provides good relief since I can’t say it to the everyday people I meet in the workplace.
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    I actually use it to learn about clubs. I used to travel most of the time and it helped me save time in money in finding a club that fit my likes. I also learned what I should spend for what services. Finally, I was not looking for friends, but have found some really decent guys who are now my friends.
  • EastCoaster
    4 years ago
    ^^^ For me, same as what RTP said. I travel a lot and don't/can't club locally, so initially I came for club intel in places I may not have ever been. In the process of reading tons of reviews, I learned I needed to be spending more (LOL), so I upped my game considerably and have been amply rewarded. I have met more than three dozen male and female TUSCLers around the country (and in Tijuana) and have made some great friends because of it. Many thanks to all who post here.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    I joined to get information on local clubs. I continue to visit for entertainment and some travel tips. The site has allowed me some really helpful insider info. Also I am interested in underground clubs to learn FRMOS.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    To pass the time. To hear, enjoy the stories of others. To learn how to enjoy SCing safely (financially and emotionally). To marvel at an amazing picture of pretty women. To laugh at fools, learn how others think. To be part of a group where you can express yourself on topics not discussed in most circles.
  • JuiceBox69
    4 years ago
    I second the finacial advice along with the political discourse
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    After my first few visits (based on Yelp) reviews to nude clubs I was introduced to the world of FS/Extras, I started looking for more Intel and Google searched "club name sex/fuck" and TUSCL was the first result. I initially used TUSCL for the Intel but quickly realized I Mongered differently than most revieww I read, but I found it fun to read about other's experiences and share my own stories. It is a perfect outlet to share stories, stories you would not share with work mates, family, or friends.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I joined for SJG's insights
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    @papi_chulo When i first started on TUSCL I thought he had useful information and was very inquisitive? When i asked him questions regarding TJ SGs and he admitted to never going to TJ, all credibiliry was shot to hell...lol
  • grand1511
    4 years ago
    I'm looking for good packers and movers in India.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    As others, I joined for club info (was taking a trip to Houston and I'd never SCed there) - I looked at the Houston club list and it was huge and I didn't know where to begin - went on the discussion board to ask for Houston help and found it interesting - as others, it was the only place I felt I could openly talk about the hobby w/o being judged - I also found I could learn a lot I didn't know from more experienced-mongers and/or guys that just had different experiences. These days I'm on here more out of habit analogous to guys that meet at a local-watering-hole to shoot-the-shit.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    Commenced clubbing consistently in 2017. First SC excursions were in 1980s in late high school / early college (pre-21 years old), back when it was possible as a teenager to get served alcohol in bars without ID, and could enter and get served alcohol in SCs without ID if I rolled in with the older guys I worked on construction crew with while putting self through college - gotta love the 1980s - I lament my current middle age but the 1980s were fun as hell, and I lament for the younger generation that didn't get to experience the lax law enforcement that accompanied the 1980s - sorry guys. Still remember the hot and sensual brunette spinner I had a crush on at that club but never got dances with despite multiple visits because I didn't know dances existed (the construction guys didn't tell me, or I didn't see them getting any) - I just stage tipped like them and gazed in jaw dropped amazement at the beautiful women and their spectacular bodies. Had a 30 year hiatus from clubbing until a friend urged me to join him in 2017, which I did and was hooked - it can be quite addictive, getting up close and personal with hot bodied youth 25 years my junior. Then I started googling "strip club reviews" for my geographic area seeking intel and wasted a lot of time reading Yelp review garbage that popped up on google's 1st and 2nd pages of results. One day I got what I now consider to be a lucky break and on google page 4 (or something like that) of results, I stumbled upon tuscl, not sure why it was buried so far in the results. I came for the reviews, but ended up with a top notch mongering education thanks to the quality posts of fellow tuscl'ers (Papi, Subraman, and many others). Early on, had to temporarily wade through some misplaced nonsense (notably, the SJG FMROS stuff) but thankfully did not act on it. Have PM'd with some cool guys I've never met but would be fun to club with sometime. Have enjoyed the dancer perspective (BJ99, nicespice, etc.). Having been a newbie myself at one time, I've tried to pay it forward with intel and reviews. Have enjoyed the stories of others (reverendhornibastard, gawker's escapades, artsbrother's article about tuscl member farmerart who preceded me, etc.), jackslash's semi-regular joke posts, and the smartass wisecracks that get posted here. And with this being my 1,000th post since joining around 3 years ago, I say: -Thank you founder -Thank you fellow tuscl'ers. p.s. be nice to the girls, they're nice to have around
  • Liwet
    4 years ago
    To celebrate my birthday, I wanted to go to a popular, and well reviewed strip club. I had done many different Google searches and TUSCL kept coming up. TUSCL also listed all the strip clubs in my city, so it was a valuable resource in my attempts to visit every one of them.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I came to the site to read reviews. Started paying attention to the site more because of the dancer directory and receiving PMs. Ended up on the discussion board because it’s so silly out here. What’s amazing is how many legit human beings I’ve met from here. 😝
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    I was googling local clubs and this site came up in the search. I found it useful for the reviews and the general discussions occasionally come up with some useful tidbits. I enjoy some of the general humor, Mostly it is because of the dancers I have exchanged conversations with. I have even met two in real life. Without this site I doubt that would have ever happened. There are still a world of dancers I haven’t met yet, So I need to get back to the clubs.
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    I am on a quest for knowledge that will lead me to FRLDK. When the day comes I will be sure to share info on how I was a baller and made it happen for $60.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Its like a social experiment. I wish it was useful for more than talking about hookers though.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    I enjoy the subject and interaction.
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    Pretty much just, I used to spend a lot of time here so I come and see what's going on every now and then. Someday this will probably be like many other forums I use to fuck around on for a year or two and then dipped out on. I've come to the conclusion that it is unrealistic for me to expect to find a 1 single cute girl who'll fuck a socially awkward guy like me 2-4 times a day, every day, while refraining from fucking any other guys. So I've instead decided that the only way these desires are going to be met is through robots and thus, eagerly await more technological advancements.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "So I've instead decided that the only way these desires are going to be met is through robots and thus, eagerly await more technological advancements." Robots? When you have all these TUSCLers to help you get plugged in with real live girls? [view link]
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Cc99 work on yourself your social skills...
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Hey DenimChicken! The LDK is the Philosopher’s stone, once you command that you will spin gold.
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    That's precisely it. Human girls expect a guy to have social status. I disagree with the entire concept of competing for social status as I disagree with the values and behaviors that give people social status in our society. Having low social status is a reward to me, because I dislike the ethics of people who believe in social status. Thus, having low social status means I am not living by the rules they have given me. So I only want sex if I can get it while having low social status and low social skills. But I am very horny and very impatient. So how do I get sex without obtaining social skills? Answer 1: Prostitution. Problem is, prostitution is extremely expensive. Thus we come to answer 2: Robots, its a heavy sticker price initially but you get years worth of sex for it.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    So date girls who share your views. Or fuck girls somewhere on the spectrum. In high school I fucked a girl who was in special ed once. She had a small waist and huge boobs. Hookers can be cheap. Meth whores are the cheapest. You said you found aomeone to fuck you. So build on that
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    @CC99 - Allow me a moment to share something with you. You know it already, but it bears repeating. Strip clubs are not reality. Put simply, your status outside of the club means shit inside the club. Celebrities and rich dudes who don't spend get talked about as cheap assholes like everybody else. Strip clubs are less expensive than people think when customers can narrow down the spending to a few girls who like the situation enough to take less. Basically be a reliable regular who they like enough to have them be "home base" on slow shifts. The bar is really low to stand out as a decent customer for most dancers. If you have more than one dancer at the same club you see, pick ones that get along ok. If extras are a thing, it also helps to know how to please women.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    I agree with that...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    It's hard to weigh with any precision who is trolling this thread harder... CC99 or IceyLoco.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    I came to TUSCL to find some strip clubs to visit when I travel for work. I read the reviews and thought them to be full of shit regarding EXTRAS. I decided to give it a try. Damn skippy! Got FS by two girls, 30 minutes apart on the first try ! Th at sold me on the concept of strip Club education. Not to mention that I actually met an interesting stripper from this site, had a good time with her and did not even see her naked. Lol. I also get to brag about my secret hobby without getting others upset with me. The advice given on this site truly works.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    Like others, I came here first for the reviews and to learn more about local clubs. Along the way, I started to post because some of the discussions seemed informative, interesting or funny. I mean, who better to talk about this shit with than anonymous strangers on the internet? Along the way, I’ve had fun with PM convos, been amused a lot and I have an outlet for making an occasional dumbass comment where I think I amuse myself. All in all, not a bad way to pass some time when I have it available.
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    @Wallanon Let's imagine I found the cheapest extras girl on Earth and she charged me $100 to fuck each time. If I wanted to fuck twice a day, I'd need $1400 a week over the course of a year comes out to $72,800. A robot on the very cutting edge of technology right now is about $6,000 and apparently can last for years. So if you fuck the robot 730 times a year over the course of three years, that comes out to nearly 2190 bangs for $6,000 dollars, which is 36.4 times cheaper than an ultra cheap extras girl.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    I came here because there's no other forum on the internet where I can brag about my non existent organization in my attempt to present myself as an all knowing savant and incessantly troll everyone by flooding the forum with my uninteresting off topic drivel because knowing it perturbs most everyone produces a subtle tingle in my nether regions. It's the closest I'll ever come to what I think real sex with a real woman might be like.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    -->"So if you fuck the robot 730 times a year..." Please say you're joking.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Strike that previous post, I have to manage my accounts better. Like all of you I'm here to talk about strip clubs. :D
  • Stephanie4life
    4 years ago
  • rogertex
    4 years ago
    Really good post and equally good comments too. I came for the reviews but hung around because it's a bunch of like-minded people - guys who like beautiful and fit women. I think that is why Founder has hung around this long too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    We come to TUSCL so we can cum in the clubs 😄
  • JuiceBox69
    4 years ago
    Bcause of this site my income went from $15,000 a year 10 years ago to $150,000
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Simple: it is the solemn duty of council members to share the details of rick agenda. Or “rickgenda” if you will. And what is the rickgenda? Simple... fucking sexy female hairless apes, driving drunk, and going wildebeest on those who disrespect the ricks. Any of you damn dirty apes have a problem with that? I didn’t think so! ROAR!!!
  • CC99
    4 years ago
    @DeclineToState Is there something odd about that? @Heaving I have a very strong ability to anthropomorphize. Girls are very fickle, robots are consistent. I like predictability and consistency.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Cc99 work on yourself. Theres no substitute for human interaction. Being with a woman who wants you is completely different. Just date women on the autism spectrum
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I enjoy going to strip clubs. I have been going for many years, and I have a few dancers who provide excellent service at their clubs (and otc). However, I enjoy the variety offered by strip clubs. I use this site to see what clubs still offer the extra service I'm looking for. I believe it is important to keep up with knowledge of club offerings. There can be subtle changes in club policies that have a larger (possibly negative) effect if you don't regularly patronize them.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 years ago
    Between CC99 wanting to bone giant fleshlights and IceyLoco claiming that autism exists, SJG is going to lose his mind in here once the public library opens in San Jose. As I said, it's hard to tell who is trolling this thread harder...
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    For trolling purposes
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    To learn the answer to that age old question, is a robot driving a train to be treated like a civilian??
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I enjoy chatting with mentally ill people for free.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    4 years ago
    Lately it's to be annoyed with private messages and PLs saying they'll come see me and stand me up. I'm about to start charging per message. 🙄
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Most of the things talked about on TUSCL, over 50%, could not be talked about most any place else. SJG Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Full Concert - Tollwood Festival 1997 [view link]
  • SirLapdancealot
    4 years ago
    They don't post to the forums much but I want to give a shout out to my fellow Portland PLs that share local Intel with me through PMs and that write great reviews of our clubs. (You know who you are.) It's another reason I come here. @Waffle once I commit to meeting up you, I won't stand you up. Just get out here and work an afternoon shift! @Meat72 and @DenimChicken LOL I agree with Meat - LDKing is awesome! You never have to end a club night 'unhappy' when you can LDK. And since joining TUSCL I have learned to LDK easily with both cost and time efficiency. When I joined I was a 3-5 song LDKer with very minimal main room pre-teasing time and spending $100-$150 per visit. Nowadays for less than $100 per visit I'm LDKing in 2-3 songs, I spend about an hour every visit massaging and pre-teasing my strippers with a constant boner the entire time, and I've even had a couple of FRLDKs just for sport. LOL it's PL ballin'. 😎
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I started coming here for the stripper talk, but I stay for juice's endless self improvement tips. 😀
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Came for the club tips, stay for the fellowship
  • JAprufrock
    4 years ago
    1. Information: Before I joined TUSCL in 2016, I never heard of Club Hong Kong in Tijuana or Allure Massage near Toronto and wasn't aware of the robust mongering scene in both cities. Now they're my two favorite places. The info and advice has been invaluable. 2. Perspective: Learning from others' experiences, particularly those 50 and older. It has taught me that there is much fun to be had and much to look forward to in your later years even if you are alone. 3. Amusement and entertainment: Self-explanatory.
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