avatar for prevert


joined May 2019last seen Nov 2022

Comments made by prevert

2 years ago
Seemed like every other damned day when I was still in. The muj were bad enough. No fucking fear of death as long as they took one of us with them. Your everyday run of the mill hadji is almost as bad like they don’t even realize they CAN die.

And bigthirdeye sounds like a typical armchair warrior who never even fired a shot in anger much less been at the pointy end.
2 years ago
One told me about her two miscarriages and one abortion. Talk about a mood killer.
2 years ago
The west end of Louisville has a town called Portland. No clubs but the circle k and McDonald’s get a bunch of action.
2 years ago
Nice thought but really more fitting for Memorial Day.

But thanks.
2 years ago
From what I’ve seen there’s plenty of nastiness on both sides of the counter. My boy works at a fast food place and what he tells me about the rude entitled people is ridiculous.