Comments by Rightfield (page 4)
discussion comment
4 months ago
GrrlGoneBad - The Girl Your Mother Warned You About
My perception is the dancers are noticeably more relaxed around the customers in topless only clubs. So, while I would prefer fully nude, I am willing to make the tradeoff for a more intimate dance. That's odd, isn't it? The idea that topless only dance can be more intimate than fully nude. But it can to me, if the dancer is more relaxed.
OP is obviously comfortable fully nude. Many dancers are not. Plus, I have found that if a dancer is comfortable with the customer, she may flash a little more than her boobs.
discussion comment
4 months ago

Wayfaring Stranger
What could the "new trick" be other than that prostate stimulation with something up your ass at the moment you start to orgasm? I've heard some soldiers in Vietnam got introduced to that by professionals during the war. Claimed it was mind blowing.
I have not been eager to try it, though. I guess I'm a prude.
Or maybe that asphyxia stuff. Not keen on that, either.
Basically, I am not into doing anything for the "last time". I'd rather get blindsided by something randomly along the journey.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Looks to me like she is the one that would be doing the smashing.
Seems there is a lot of power behind that two inches of tape. That which enters MAY not leave.
I would not send my unit into that mission.
discussion comment
5 months ago

Oh, fuck football in the ear. There was a time it was compelling enough to hold our undivided attention. Now they know full well the at-home viewers are primarily doing something else, with the football game in the background. No way it can hold my attention with all the commercials and shots of celebrities breaking up the action. And it is crazy how the officiating got totally arbitrary at exactly the same time betting became widely legal.
Am I a bitter old man? YES! It used to be like religion to me. Now taunting is the highest form of expression. They apparently concluded that is what it takes to keep the youngsters looking up from their little screens once in a while.
discussion comment
5 months ago

Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
Regarding the topless bullriding: Life just isn't fair. Why is it that the contestant with the best boobs also has the sexiest voice and is the best presenter? Plus can ride the bull the longest. (I think; I tuned out after 2nd bull ride. Bouncing boobs are nice, but I can't tolerate stupid talking.)
Or do others choose a different rack? I wonder if we would choose different dancer if we were all in a strip club with those naked tv girls.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Strip Club Nation
"Buzzed" driving is inadvisable; but I am pissed about the Public Service Announcements that say: "Buzzed driving is drunk driving". No it isn't. That's why they are called different things.
discussion comment
5 months ago
They've gone to mandatory kiosks at the medical clinic I go to, instead of human receptionists. It's almost comical. Since 80% of their patients must be senior citizens, how do you see this working out? And lots of nonessential questions to slow the process down even further.
As far as kiosks at fast food restaurants - that was probably the final reason I quit eating at them. Along with the high prices. The trouble with the old restaurant model, however, is you can't find old ladies willing to make over easy eggs for $2 an hour any more. So now everybody eats "breakfast wraps".
discussion comment
5 months ago
Baby, Savvy, Rockin', Sinn & Lust $Strippers
We are probably off topic because I can confidently confirm I have never heard a country song in a strip club.
I am impressed OP mentions Juice Newton, though. I thought I was the only guy that remembered her. "Voice that could cut through steel".
I will offer a shorter list:
I am not into "Texas Women" in real life, but that is a damn good song by Hank Williams Jr.
Slower tempo: "Good Old Boys Like Me" by Don Williams
And "Smoke in a Bar" by Travis Tritt touches a chord with me.
I will quote a sheet rocker I once worked near in OK City who said: "Country music is OK, as long as it's not that "cry in your beer" shit.
God Damn it. There was a strip club in OK City called "Vegas" or something that was right down the road from me. My prick roommate never wanted to head there though, he thought it was perverted. So I would go alone. One of the highlights of the night was when the girls would all get on stage and bend over for a "Vegas Style Smile". Fuck! I should have gone there more.
My roommate ended up as a Jehovah's Witness. But not before a mutual love interest chose him over me. And she tried putting ice cubes in her mouth during BJs to try to help him last longer. I don't think I want a blow job on the rocks. But I would have tried it for her. She picked the wrong fucking guy! He was better looking than me though, so there's that.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Baby, Savvy, Rockin', Sinn & Lust $Strippers
Fuck almighty. I don't think anyone is going to read that entire list.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Best thing about ATMs dispensing large bills is that I can tell at a glance I got the correct number of bills.
Although, I have to say, I have never had an ATM dispense an incorrect amount. This does not jibe with my paranoia and conspiracy theories, however. So I keep checking.
I do feel sorry for the poor youngsters who can only afford to pull out 20 or 40 bucks at a time and have to pay a $3 fee each time. Do schools teach this day to day stuff any more? Many of us think we were born smart, when in fact, if you think back, somebody was explaining things to us.
discussion comment
5 months ago
Some do, some don't. I think it has a lot to do with the original dynamics of the relationship. In other words, was the couple really into each other, or did they settle for something less?
And then there are some people who don't care about sex that much, while for others, it is their central driving force in life.
One thing I have read that I believe is valid: It is very important to be physically attracted to your spouse's looks. Living with someone long term, you are constantly subconsciously assessing little details about them. If you are temporarily pissed at them over something anyway, it is very easy to find their gross toenails, for example, repulsive. In my experience, that does not lead to great sex.
discussion comment
6 months ago

Ashley Madison may be a sensitive subject, as I suspect some of us who frequent this site got doxxed when all the Ashley Madison customer info was made public.
Anyway, the scandal revealed a well kept secret. There were about 50 men for every one woman on the site looking to have an affair. So the website had to hire people to impersonate horny women to keep all the men subscribing.
Women just aren't as interested in affairs as men are. Many women think this make men disgusting. I think it shows nature has played a trick on us. We can't help it, it's how we are programmed.
I have thought about this a lot, and will probably post something like an article about it. Even though nobody probably gives a fuck what I think. Testosterone is a harsh master. I believe it is why we die younger than women, even though they bear the physical burden of pregnancy.
review comment
6 months ago

I don't know why they do that, but I guess we really shouldn't be surprised a lot of strippers have issues. Maybe you reminded her of somebody in her life that done her wrong.
discussion comment
6 months ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Hollywood thinks they can mesmerize me with Computer Generated Images like I was a little kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. They cannot. And of course, there is no such thing as Saturday morning cartoons any more. But CGI is boring as hell.
And then there is Hollywood's social engineering agenda. Not what I am looking for either. But how did we get from naked women to movies? At least no politics on this thread yet.
review comment
6 months ago

That's all the details I need. I don't care what VIP costs, or drinks, because nothing is going to be cheap enough to make up for that attitude on dancer's part.
discussion comment
6 months ago

Sorry I blew up guys. I slammed my margaritas too fast and couldn't handle the alcohol.
I can lighten up, but hope some of you will lighten up on struggling reviewers as well.
review comment
6 months ago

A quote from the great Max McGee: "Never let money stand in the way of a good time."
Of course, it's a lot easier to abide by that if you are a millionaire like Max. Still there is a wisdom to it. A lot of millionaires have died clinging to their cash.
discussion comment
6 months ago
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Well I never heard it before, so it was new to me. I will repeat it.
discussion comment
6 months ago

Living my life by licking my wife!
discussion comment
6 months ago
Oh, and anyone who doesn't want to show their asshole to the camera and walks "must be up to something".
discussion comment
6 months ago
I don't know why they just can't scan our assholes? The little folds of skin should be a readable identifier just like a barcode or a fingerprint.
Many of the customers would be fine with this, as they "have nothing to hide" and are very understanding that the clubs have to protect themselves from liability.
discussion comment
6 months ago
New York
More than once I've walked out of a strip club with 6 or 8 hundred dollars in my pocket because the dancers were so "smart" they could judge me from afar.
Ha! And I never knew how much they were judging me up close until I had a duct tape wallet for a while. They ALWAYS noticed. Turns out they were always peering into my wallet while I was fishing out the 20 or 40 I owed them for the first few dances.
Not everyone with cash wears a Rolex. Personally, I would prefer to spend 20 nights in a strip club rather than buy a fucking watch for the same money. I don't feel the need to impress anybody.
On the other hand, maybe I should buy the watch to impress strippers. Then they might approach me. But that Rolex would also attract attention on the street after I left the club at 2 am, wouldn't it?
review comment
6 months ago

"another club she a condom and she immediately left" What? She left when she started choking on a condom maybe?
discussion comment
6 months ago
Strip Club Connoisseur
One thing I know for sure is that there is one pissed off son of a bitch sitting in a prison cell right now. He might be so mad he can kill his betrayer telepathically.
"The Lady in Red". Why anyone would cooperate with the US government after hearing her story is a mystery to me.
Betrayal is a motherfucker. And yet all parties practice it, on both sides of the law.
discussion comment
7 months ago
Southern Libertine
Side note: Buddy of mine thought it was smart to get "Black Market" testosterone from his drug dealer. He change his mind when his testicles started shrinking.