It was a couple years ago I went to a strip club with a co worker. He got talked in to VIP within 20 min of being there. an hour and half later I went to see what the fuck he was up to since I was ready to go, him and the dancer were just watching a movie on her phone. (top on, bottoms on) No one was even up in VIP area or even by the entrance.
I later asked him in the car if he fucked her or got head, he said "it wasnt like that, we just watched a movie and hung out and that she was really nice" I asked him what he spent he spent $1200 with drinks and VIP fees and tipped her more at the end.
Ths shit was just crazy. When I dropped him off I was thinking he was going to tip me for dricing him. I had second hand shame when he told me what he spent for nothing to happen. Also I felt by him sitting in my car he disgraced teh passenger seat.
this $1200 guy. just wondering how does he get along with the women at work? regular bars?
the idea of paying that type of money for one session with a girl for any reason was and will never considered at any point of my life. i don't know your co-worker. he could be a swell guy. bur based from what i just read i fucking hate that guy!!!
In Japan they have Hostess bars where the guys pay big bucks and buy expensive bottles to hang out / talk with glamorous non-Asian women. No sex. That may explain why their population is on a death spiral.
And I thought I was the most gullible guy walking. How desperate must a guy be for some female companionship to pay $1200 for a woman to watch a movie with him? I wonder what movie. I hope it wasn't a Jackass film.
Readytomonger to be fair that story is more a lesson of how you should never pay up front and never pay a large amount for vip.
There’s nothing stopping the dancer from doing the same thing to anyone who pays $1200 for a vip. Even if she promises you something beforehand, she can just scam you and do nothing in the vip room. If you try to force her to provide service, you can get thrown out of the club or even accused of sexual assault. If he can and if opportunity presents itself he should steal back what she stole from him
I would pay $1200 for an hour with a select few famous pornstars or insta girls or only fans girls. Even then it would need to be someone well reviewed or the activities were guaranteed to some extent.
Its got to suck being scammed by a stripper. With an online girl at least you can leave reviews, blacklist their phone number etc.
@rickmacrodong I actually have done this before. A dancer was with me in VIP after she said she would give head if I paid to go up there. Then once up there she started playing around not wanting to give head.
I played dumb and acted like I was going to spend even more. She got comfortable and left her purse there while she went to go get a waitress since she was excited at the money I prmised her.
The minute she headed down the stairs I reached into her purse and took back the money, She had already handed over the VIP money to the manager but had her nightly money she made before me. I grabbed it and walked out of there. Never returned, I actually laughed once I got back in my car and drove off. Serves the hoe right. Ended up being more than I paid, so she essentially paid me, I wonder ho she felt when the shoe was on the other foot.
I might pay a $1200 fee for a longer session with someone who both (a) looked physically close to my ideal and (b) clicked inter-personally with me. For that amount of money, the session would require full service and multiple pops. If she wants to charge that much for only one go, I'm not going to hire her. And I'd have to already have some degree of established rapport before agreeing to the session, so that I knew she and I had an inter-personal click already.
I think the biggest disappointment with the simp guy is the disparity. The problem isn't that he had a good time for a high price -- he's allowed to do that. The problem is that, as implied by the OP's knowledge of the situation, the simp could have gotten so much more for that price or for a lot less. If the going rate was that high, maybe he's not a simp. The going rate was a lot lower. That disparity between what most guys COULD get, as opposed to what the one guy DID get, is what gets me to call him a simp.
Regarding the stolen-back money ("stolen"? remunerated?) reported by @ReadyToMonger. I think that's very risky, though I'm glad you got the ultimate victory, getting the money back and then some. Generally anybody who promises X, and knows the customers reasonably expect X, should therefore deliver X. Messing with that time-honored system puts you beyond the pale. Personally I wold have been worried that they would know my car license plate, would find me, and would sic their mob friends on me. That kind of direct-theft isn't really approved by the tough types of people who run clubs. I have had a few tangential experiences with club security, just watching them deal with other people, and I'm sure it would not be polite. Ideally you should have left town because you didn't live there, and should have been driving a rental.
@Funonthaside, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. She engaged in theft by deception and deceived me, so she set the tone, I merely played her own game and beat her at it.
Sounds like you have some simp stories that might involve you. I bet you would have let her run off with your money and just walked out like a simp.
Look at it like this, by me taking my damn money back it at least put her ass on notice that not every guy will put up with it. Who knows I might have saved the next monger from being taken out of his money. So I took it for the team.😂
@ Puddy Tat...ok so lets hear some, only one posted is the one I posted and people getting mad that I taught a hoe a lesson and leveled the playing field for the mongers.
So lets hear one. If everyone has one we should have dozens posted.
^ We've all gotten bullied into a tip, paid a higher than posted amount, gotten whisked to the back by a door vulture. I've had all 3. Not as extreme but it's happened.
Years ago, when I worked as a deputy sheriff, a guy I worked with went to a strip club. Private/VIP dances were $25 per song. He negotiated with a dancer for a $50 bj. Off to the VIP they went. He ended up finishing before the first song was over. When she asked for her $50 he said it was only one song and tried to pay her only $25. After some arguing, a bouncer got involved and made him pay (rightfully so) the $50. He felt he had been robbed so he went just up the street to the Sheriffs Dept. sub-station (the same department he worked for) to file a complaint. It did not go well for him.
^ LOL! Admitting to soliciting prostitution and trying to stiff her.
Bachelor party in Vegas (translation: around some real strip club newbs), guy spent $600 for an hour. I think it was Crazy Horse 3. He came back with a stupid ass grin on his face and for it next 3 days he kept saying he wanted to go back and see her, because "I think she really likes me." Whatever she did back there must have been out of this fucking world.
We didn't go back. I'm sure she forgot him before his head but the pillow that night.
Went to a club with a few friends. One of the guys stayed at the bar talking with a dancer. Then another dancer came over to join the conversation. Eventually he had about 4 to 5 dancers in the conversation and when one dancer left another joined the conversation. This continued for about an hour.
Later in the evening as we were about to leave he said that he had a great time hanging with the dancers. He got to know them and they really liked him and laughed at his jokes. If they lived closer, he "knows" he could have a couple of them as girlfriends, but they all lived "out of town" making that not possible.
Truth be told, all he was doing was buying the dancers drinks and shots. No they do not like him and they were just doing their job. Yet he was still convinced he had something "special" going on with these dancers.
shit!!! if a girl gave me a blowie that made me get off in less than 2 songs then fuck the extra 25 bucks. what an asshole!!!
question: if he worked with you at that sheriff's office then wouldn't he have been given a badge of some sort? unless he was like a janitor or something leo unrelated. he could have just flashed the badge and the girl would probably not had the manager involved.
Readytomonger that sounds amazing mate. How much extra money did you take beyond what sbe took from you? She did owe you a small amount extra for wasting your time with the thieving behavior and at the same time maybe you didnt have time to count all her cash while she was gone. That’s fortunate you were able to do that. Did you ever go back to that club/run into her again? What happened then
I think most of these stories aren't "simping" they're just "having a good time at a price." The mis-impression, of believing the girls "really liked" the customer, was there; but I don't consider that being a full-on "simp." For me, "simp" would mean, actually shelling out way too much money and effort, on the utterly false understanding that you're paying a proper amount and that the girl and you really do "get along" in a civilian way, that she doesn't just want your money. So, to "simp" isn't the same, as hanging with four dancers at the bar and buying their drinks, IMO. Many of us have done that. But we don't expect to date them without paying for their time, or somehow believe we're not "paying customers." Paying for their drinks may even be required at some clubs.
There really aren't many really simping stories on this thread, it seems to me.
I'm trying to come up with my own most simping past behaviors. I actually had the advantage of knowing about TER and CER and (IIRC) TUSCL -- The Erotic Review, Canadian Erotic Review, and this site -- very early in their appearance on the internet. Throughout the 1990s I was associated with major universities so I had very early internet access. I did go to just a few strip clubs before I read about them on the internet, but not many. I guess I got lucky, because the ones that I attended without internet advice were high-service anyway; and then I could use the internet to avoid the rip-offs and really maximize my experiences. This means I was basically inoculated against simping at strip clubs early in my clubbing. I'm sure I simped, probably very badly, in some other type of context -- civilian dates, or at some non-strip-club places, or something. But I'm not coming up with good stories in my recollection.
@rickmacrodong Yeah it was a little under 200 more than what she stole from me. I never went back into that club, not because her or the incident it was because the club wasnt that good. I couldnt give less of a shit if I ran into her again or not.
I'm just glad I taught the hoe a lesson and brought her into reality of how 2 can play that game.
RTM the only part unfortunately missing from your story is that you couldn’t deliver a good old fashioned KO after taking back your property. You had every right to do even much more than what you did.
"I never went back into that club, not because her or the incident it was because the club wasnt that good. I couldnt give less of a shit if I ran into her again or not."
It takes a while to figure out what exactly this was about because it's buried in the middle of a bunch of posts by this guy on the thread. He stole a bunch of money (hundreds of dollars) out of a dancer's purse because we was upset about picking the wrong girl to take to VIP. Then he ran out of the club before the dancer realized what happened. There are dancers I can think of who would literally try to have a guy killed over something like that. Guy's who would just take the "L" aren't simps, they're guys who can afford the hobby and don't lose their minds over risking a few bucks.
@wallanon, Trust me I am not someone to be played with or taken lightly in real life. If someone would ever try to get someone to "handle" me the person they got to try would regret it and the person who sent them would also regret it.
Let me make it clear, the hoe stole money from me, I simply took it back (with interest for the theft by deception she pulled on me) . You are saying "they're guys who can afford the hobby and don't lose their minds over risking a few bucks." I can afford to lose more than a few bucks , but it was the fact of she attempted to play me for a fool. She took as much risk trying to steal from me as I did taking it back. You sound like a 100% SIMP siding with the thief dancer.
I dont start trouble, but I dont run from trouble either and any trouble someone tries to bring my way gets addressed.
"You sound like a 100% SIMP siding with the thief dancer."
I didn't side with the dancer, but you kinda seem clueless in a lot of your posts so I didn't spare your feelings like Book Guy did. The next time shadowcat posts about a strip club drive by shooting around 2AM we'll be on the lookout to see if you post anymore. Even though I find your posts silly and cringe, it'd still be a shame for you to get hurt in an unfair fight.
@Wallanon, sounds like since you are a coward you think everyone here on TUSCL is a coward.
If you find the post "silly and cringe" then why did you respond" That is typical talk of someone who was called out and has nothing else to say to the truth so you try and take the "moral high ground" crap n order to save face.
Some of us here on TUSCL. You talk like someone who is sacred to fight and doesnt understand that anything someone can do to you, you can also do to them. So its up to them how far they want to take it.
No one looks for trouble, but some back down when it shows up (like you) and I can say I am not one of those. do you thnk I have been mongering all these damn years because I dont know the risks of trouble, havent dealt with trouble making bastards who thought they were tough or because I am scared? 😂 Give me a break. Are you sure you are a man, the more you talk the more of a simp you come off as.
TL;DR - Lol. It's a titty bar message board. Stop taking your awkward online persona so seriously.
"If you find the post "silly and cringe" then why did you respond [...?]"
I replied because it takes almost no thought and energy to post on the Internet. You aren't the first person to take exception to something I wrote, but you are among the few to take things so personally. I decided to add a question mark there for you because you forgot it while furiously typing your reply.
"@Wallanon, sounds like since you are a coward you think everyone here on TUSCL is a coward...Are you sure you are a man, the more you talk the more of a simp you come off as."
I am an adult. wallanon is an account that I created so I could talk about strip clubs and a variety of other things when I get bored. It was also a way to ask others about clubs when I thought it would be helpful. These days I answer many more questions than I ask. I think most everyone would find it comical that someone who swiped money from a dancer's purse while she was out of the room then bravely got the hell out of the club (and never went back) would then turn around and call someone else a coward for highlighting their folly.
There've been plenty of people in the 20 years I've been reading and posting here that people decided they wanted to fight each other and talked about it round-and-round. Why would I want to fight you? I barely want to engage with you, but it's worth having people understand who brings value here and who doesn't. I'm not an Internet tough guy, but I'll spend the time occasionally to talk with one.
The toughest part of my day will be deciding which of the girls I've inadvertently double booked to see...this is just noise.
"do you thnk I have been mongering all these damn years because I dont know the risks of trouble, havent dealt with trouble making bastards who thought they were tough or because I am scared?"
What happens if the person causing trouble is you? But in either case, I don't think about you at all really. When I read your posts I simply think "that guy is still here"...The other day when you posted a question (that almost everyone ignored) and "Mr. Monger" responded it was like a meme because I couldn't remember which of you was which. But obviously you've cleared that up. I thought about helping you, but why would l help someone who acts like this? You may not be scared but you are easily triggered.
"That is typical talk of someone who was called out and has nothing else to say to the truth so you try and take the "moral high ground" crap n order to save face."
The truth is your posts do sound a little silly. Have you read them before you press "Add Comment"? But they are tedious and I'll remember this awkward exchange the next time I lol at something you've written.
It's one or the other. You're either some elite "monger" who mysteriously just showed up in 2024 and is off to a rough start on the boards, or you're someone playing a character who sometimes posts really basic questions while attempting to be accepted. I feel somewhat sorry for you because it's clear who you want to be perceived as, but words matter when they're all that you have available. Maybe you're just a really committed troll, or maybe you really are this way IRL.
It only matters because a lot of TUSCLers on the boards are getting up in age and now you sound a little unhinged. Up until now I thought you were just a little sad and socially challenged. Perhaps someone will be bothered to meet you in Tampa while you're there (since you jumped in the middle of someone else's thread to invite yourself to a meetup) and come on here and tell us all you're not that bad IRL. I would be somewhat surprised by that, but have been wrong before. Maybe that would be enough for you to stop trying so hard.
Wallanon, you say there are dancers who would try to have a guy killed over something like that. I believe you, but those sound like some ghetto, criminal dancers.
Anyway in this case its not theft unless you count the extra $200 he stole on top of what the dancer stole from him.
Theft is still theft even if the law doesnt recognize it… if someone steals your illegal drugs, the law doesnt consider it theft, but it technically still is theft, and anyone who is doing that, regardless of their gender, deserves a good old KO. The good news is you could probably even get away with KOing some of those scammers because theyll be too afraid to go to the cops or, have some sort of wannabe gangster mentality where they hate cops and would never call upon them for help.
Extras strippers.. escorts.. like drug dealers are in an illegal or semi legal industry so there’s probably a higher % of scammers in those industries unfortunately
"I believe you, but those sound like some ghetto, criminal dancers."
A reasonable person might think that...which most TUSCLers are even if it can get a little prickly on the boards. There's a lot stories I don't put on here, but as we all know some dancers be cra cra...because the world is...and their life issues are stuff you read about in the news because somebody has to be those people. Strippers in many cities disproportionately are. But they're still people, and even when I have a little fun with their situations I try to keep that in mind. Now if only the crazies weren't so good in bed "mongering" would be a much simpler hobby.
Wallanon, think what you want, what I said stands. Doesnt matter if you approve or not.
Why are you so into my posts? Who ever talked about "Fighting you"? Do you have a comprehension issue, I said plain and simple, I DONT start trouble, but if a dancer tried to send someone to "deal with me" or any of that I wont be frightened or intimidated and will respond in kind.
Thats called simple Self Defense. I am not easily triggered at all. I'm actually a reserved person IRL. Sounds like maybe you want that reaction and misread and misinterpreted what I posted so you can get your jollies off.
last commentI have a couple, but here's one.
It was a couple years ago I went to a strip club with a co worker. He got talked in to VIP within 20 min of being there. an hour and half later I went to see what the fuck he was up to since I was ready to go, him and the dancer were just watching a movie on her phone. (top on, bottoms on) No one was even up in VIP area or even by the entrance.
I later asked him in the car if he fucked her or got head, he said "it wasnt like that, we just watched a movie and hung out and that she was really nice" I asked him what he spent he spent $1200 with drinks and VIP fees and tipped her more at the end.
Ths shit was just crazy. When I dropped him off I was thinking he was going to tip me for dricing him. I had second hand shame when he told me what he spent for nothing to happen. Also I felt by him sitting in my car he disgraced teh passenger seat.
Another thing to note is he said she never took her top off the whole time. WTF!!
Maybe he asked her not to take it off? I usually asks girls to leave on their clothes for dances and VIPs was 100% weak SIMP!
All that's important is whether he had a good time and believed his money was well spent. There is no one correct way to do a VIP.
this $1200 guy. just wondering how does he get along with the women at work? regular bars?
the idea of paying that type of money for one session with a girl for any reason was and will never considered at any point of my life. i don't know your co-worker. he could be a swell guy. bur based from what i just read i fucking hate that guy!!!
what was the movie they were watching?
Your daddy!
In Japan they have Hostess bars where the guys pay big bucks and buy expensive bottles to hang out / talk with glamorous non-Asian women. No sex. That may explain why their population is on a death spiral.
And I thought I was the most gullible guy walking. How desperate must a guy be for some female companionship to pay $1200 for a woman to watch a movie with him? I wonder what movie. I hope it wasn't a Jackass film.
Readytomonger to be fair that story is more a lesson of how you should never pay up front and never pay a large amount for vip.
There’s nothing stopping the dancer from doing the same thing to anyone who pays $1200 for a vip. Even if she promises you something beforehand, she can just scam you and do nothing in the vip room. If you try to force her to provide service, you can get thrown out of the club or even accused of sexual assault. If he can and if opportunity presents itself he should steal back what she stole from him
I would pay $1200 for an hour with a select few famous pornstars or insta girls or only fans girls. Even then it would need to be someone well reviewed or the activities were guaranteed to some extent.
Its got to suck being scammed by a stripper. With an online girl at least you can leave reviews, blacklist their phone number etc.
@rickmacrodong I actually have done this before. A dancer was with me in VIP after she said she would give head if I paid to go up there. Then once up there she started playing around not wanting to give head.
I played dumb and acted like I was going to spend even more. She got comfortable and left her purse there while she went to go get a waitress since she was excited at the money I prmised her.
The minute she headed down the stairs I reached into her purse and took back the money, She had already handed over the VIP money to the manager but had her nightly money she made before me. I grabbed it and walked out of there. Never returned, I actually laughed once I got back in my car and drove off. Serves the hoe right. Ended up being more than I paid, so she essentially paid me, I wonder ho she felt when the shoe was on the other foot.
Willing to be cited for theft over a few dollars/principle? With all the talk of cameras in rooms, it was bold to snatch the cash.
Regarding the first "simp." Yeah, simp.
I might pay a $1200 fee for a longer session with someone who both (a) looked physically close to my ideal and (b) clicked inter-personally with me. For that amount of money, the session would require full service and multiple pops. If she wants to charge that much for only one go, I'm not going to hire her. And I'd have to already have some degree of established rapport before agreeing to the session, so that I knew she and I had an inter-personal click already.
I think the biggest disappointment with the simp guy is the disparity. The problem isn't that he had a good time for a high price -- he's allowed to do that. The problem is that, as implied by the OP's knowledge of the situation, the simp could have gotten so much more for that price or for a lot less. If the going rate was that high, maybe he's not a simp. The going rate was a lot lower. That disparity between what most guys COULD get, as opposed to what the one guy DID get, is what gets me to call him a simp.
Regarding the stolen-back money ("stolen"? remunerated?) reported by @ReadyToMonger. I think that's very risky, though I'm glad you got the ultimate victory, getting the money back and then some. Generally anybody who promises X, and knows the customers reasonably expect X, should therefore deliver X. Messing with that time-honored system puts you beyond the pale. Personally I wold have been worried that they would know my car license plate, would find me, and would sic their mob friends on me. That kind of direct-theft isn't really approved by the tough types of people who run clubs. I have had a few tangential experiences with club security, just watching them deal with other people, and I'm sure it would not be polite. Ideally you should have left town because you didn't live there, and should have been driving a rental.
Everyone starts off timid and gets bold...
This is the same with ANY job, ANY customer service, ANY profession, ANY sport, ANY card games, ANY idea.
Nobody starts off driving at 90 mph on a 55.... They start slow and steady then know what they can and can't do...
everybody has to be a SIMP at start, and progress.
@Funonthaside, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. She engaged in theft by deception and deceived me, so she set the tone, I merely played her own game and beat her at it.
Sounds like you have some simp stories that might involve you. I bet you would have let her run off with your money and just walked out like a simp.
Look at it like this, by me taking my damn money back it at least put her ass on notice that not every guy will put up with it. Who knows I might have saved the next monger from being taken out of his money. So I took it for the team.😂
her and your behaviour can't be good.
We've all got some simp stories before we became hardened mongers.
@ Puddy Tat...ok so lets hear some, only one posted is the one I posted and people getting mad that I taught a hoe a lesson and leveled the playing field for the mongers.
So lets hear one. If everyone has one we should have dozens posted.
^ We've all gotten bullied into a tip, paid a higher than posted amount, gotten whisked to the back by a door vulture. I've had all 3. Not as extreme but it's happened.
Puddy....technically that isnt really simping. Thats just being a fool.
Years ago, when I worked as a deputy sheriff, a guy I worked with went to a strip club. Private/VIP dances were $25 per song. He negotiated with a dancer for a $50 bj. Off to the VIP they went. He ended up finishing before the first song was over. When she asked for her $50 he said it was only one song and tried to pay her only $25. After some arguing, a bouncer got involved and made him pay (rightfully so) the $50. He felt he had been robbed so he went just up the street to the Sheriffs Dept. sub-station (the same department he worked for) to file a complaint. It did not go well for him.
^ LOL! Admitting to soliciting prostitution and trying to stiff her.
Bachelor party in Vegas (translation: around some real strip club newbs), guy spent $600 for an hour. I think it was Crazy Horse 3. He came back with a stupid ass grin on his face and for it next 3 days he kept saying he wanted to go back and see her, because "I think she really likes me." Whatever she did back there must have been out of this fucking world.
We didn't go back. I'm sure she forgot him before his head but the pillow that night.
Went to a club with a few friends. One of the guys stayed at the bar talking with a dancer. Then another dancer came over to join the conversation. Eventually he had about 4 to 5 dancers in the conversation and when one dancer left another joined the conversation. This continued for about an hour.
Later in the evening as we were about to leave he said that he had a great time hanging with the dancers. He got to know them and they really liked him and laughed at his jokes. If they lived closer, he "knows" he could have a couple of them as girlfriends, but they all lived "out of town" making that not possible.
Truth be told, all he was doing was buying the dancers drinks and shots. No they do not like him and they were just doing their job. Yet he was still convinced he had something "special" going on with these dancers.
shit!!! if a girl gave me a blowie that made me get off in less than 2 songs then fuck the extra 25 bucks. what an asshole!!!
question: if he worked with you at that sheriff's office then wouldn't he have been given a badge of some sort? unless he was like a janitor or something leo unrelated. he could have just flashed the badge and the girl would probably not had the manager involved.
Readytomonger that sounds amazing mate. How much extra money did you take beyond what sbe took from you? She did owe you a small amount extra for wasting your time with the thieving behavior and at the same time maybe you didnt have time to count all her cash while she was gone. That’s fortunate you were able to do that. Did you ever go back to that club/run into her again? What happened then
I think most of these stories aren't "simping" they're just "having a good time at a price." The mis-impression, of believing the girls "really liked" the customer, was there; but I don't consider that being a full-on "simp." For me, "simp" would mean, actually shelling out way too much money and effort, on the utterly false understanding that you're paying a proper amount and that the girl and you really do "get along" in a civilian way, that she doesn't just want your money. So, to "simp" isn't the same, as hanging with four dancers at the bar and buying their drinks, IMO. Many of us have done that. But we don't expect to date them without paying for their time, or somehow believe we're not "paying customers." Paying for their drinks may even be required at some clubs.
There really aren't many really simping stories on this thread, it seems to me.
I'm trying to come up with my own most simping past behaviors. I actually had the advantage of knowing about TER and CER and (IIRC) TUSCL -- The Erotic Review, Canadian Erotic Review, and this site -- very early in their appearance on the internet. Throughout the 1990s I was associated with major universities so I had very early internet access. I did go to just a few strip clubs before I read about them on the internet, but not many. I guess I got lucky, because the ones that I attended without internet advice were high-service anyway; and then I could use the internet to avoid the rip-offs and really maximize my experiences. This means I was basically inoculated against simping at strip clubs early in my clubbing. I'm sure I simped, probably very badly, in some other type of context -- civilian dates, or at some non-strip-club places, or something. But I'm not coming up with good stories in my recollection.
@rickmacrodong Yeah it was a little under 200 more than what she stole from me. I never went back into that club, not because her or the incident it was because the club wasnt that good. I couldnt give less of a shit if I ran into her again or not.
I'm just glad I taught the hoe a lesson and brought her into reality of how 2 can play that game.
RTM the only part unfortunately missing from your story is that you couldn’t deliver a good old fashioned KO after taking back your property. You had every right to do even much more than what you did.
"I never went back into that club, not because her or the incident it was because the club wasnt that good. I couldnt give less of a shit if I ran into her again or not."
It takes a while to figure out what exactly this was about because it's buried in the middle of a bunch of posts by this guy on the thread. He stole a bunch of money (hundreds of dollars) out of a dancer's purse because we was upset about picking the wrong girl to take to VIP. Then he ran out of the club before the dancer realized what happened. There are dancers I can think of who would literally try to have a guy killed over something like that. Guy's who would just take the "L" aren't simps, they're guys who can afford the hobby and don't lose their minds over risking a few bucks.
@wallanon, Trust me I am not someone to be played with or taken lightly in real life. If someone would ever try to get someone to "handle" me the person they got to try would regret it and the person who sent them would also regret it.
Let me make it clear, the hoe stole money from me, I simply took it back (with interest for the theft by deception she pulled on me) . You are saying "they're guys who can afford the hobby and don't lose their minds over risking a few bucks." I can afford to lose more than a few bucks , but it was the fact of she attempted to play me for a fool. She took as much risk trying to steal from me as I did taking it back. You sound like a 100% SIMP siding with the thief dancer.
I dont start trouble, but I dont run from trouble either and any trouble someone tries to bring my way gets addressed.
"You sound like a 100% SIMP siding with the thief dancer."
I didn't side with the dancer, but you kinda seem clueless in a lot of your posts so I didn't spare your feelings like Book Guy did. The next time shadowcat posts about a strip club drive by shooting around 2AM we'll be on the lookout to see if you post anymore. Even though I find your posts silly and cringe, it'd still be a shame for you to get hurt in an unfair fight.
@Wallanon, sounds like since you are a coward you think everyone here on TUSCL is a coward.
If you find the post "silly and cringe" then why did you respond" That is typical talk of someone who was called out and has nothing else to say to the truth so you try and take the "moral high ground" crap n order to save face.
Some of us here on TUSCL. You talk like someone who is sacred to fight and doesnt understand that anything someone can do to you, you can also do to them. So its up to them how far they want to take it.
No one looks for trouble, but some back down when it shows up (like you) and I can say I am not one of those. do you thnk I have been mongering all these damn years because I dont know the risks of trouble, havent dealt with trouble making bastards who thought they were tough or because I am scared? 😂 Give me a break. Are you sure you are a man, the more you talk the more of a simp you come off as.
TL;DR - Lol. It's a titty bar message board. Stop taking your awkward online persona so seriously.
"If you find the post "silly and cringe" then why did you respond [...?]"
I replied because it takes almost no thought and energy to post on the Internet. You aren't the first person to take exception to something I wrote, but you are among the few to take things so personally. I decided to add a question mark there for you because you forgot it while furiously typing your reply.
"@Wallanon, sounds like since you are a coward you think everyone here on TUSCL is a coward...Are you sure you are a man, the more you talk the more of a simp you come off as."
I am an adult. wallanon is an account that I created so I could talk about strip clubs and a variety of other things when I get bored. It was also a way to ask others about clubs when I thought it would be helpful. These days I answer many more questions than I ask. I think most everyone would find it comical that someone who swiped money from a dancer's purse while she was out of the room then bravely got the hell out of the club (and never went back) would then turn around and call someone else a coward for highlighting their folly.
There've been plenty of people in the 20 years I've been reading and posting here that people decided they wanted to fight each other and talked about it round-and-round. Why would I want to fight you? I barely want to engage with you, but it's worth having people understand who brings value here and who doesn't. I'm not an Internet tough guy, but I'll spend the time occasionally to talk with one.
The toughest part of my day will be deciding which of the girls I've inadvertently double booked to see...this is just noise.
"do you thnk I have been mongering all these damn years because I dont know the risks of trouble, havent dealt with trouble making bastards who thought they were tough or because I am scared?"
What happens if the person causing trouble is you? But in either case, I don't think about you at all really. When I read your posts I simply think "that guy is still here"...The other day when you posted a question (that almost everyone ignored) and "Mr. Monger" responded it was like a meme because I couldn't remember which of you was which. But obviously you've cleared that up. I thought about helping you, but why would l help someone who acts like this? You may not be scared but you are easily triggered.
"That is typical talk of someone who was called out and has nothing else to say to the truth so you try and take the "moral high ground" crap n order to save face."
The truth is your posts do sound a little silly. Have you read them before you press "Add Comment"? But they are tedious and I'll remember this awkward exchange the next time I lol at something you've written.
It's one or the other. You're either some elite "monger" who mysteriously just showed up in 2024 and is off to a rough start on the boards, or you're someone playing a character who sometimes posts really basic questions while attempting to be accepted. I feel somewhat sorry for you because it's clear who you want to be perceived as, but words matter when they're all that you have available. Maybe you're just a really committed troll, or maybe you really are this way IRL.
It only matters because a lot of TUSCLers on the boards are getting up in age and now you sound a little unhinged. Up until now I thought you were just a little sad and socially challenged. Perhaps someone will be bothered to meet you in Tampa while you're there (since you jumped in the middle of someone else's thread to invite yourself to a meetup) and come on here and tell us all you're not that bad IRL. I would be somewhat surprised by that, but have been wrong before. Maybe that would be enough for you to stop trying so hard.
Wallanon, you say there are dancers who would try to have a guy killed over something like that. I believe you, but those sound like some ghetto, criminal dancers.
Anyway in this case its not theft unless you count the extra $200 he stole on top of what the dancer stole from him.
Theft is still theft even if the law doesnt recognize it… if someone steals your illegal drugs, the law doesnt consider it theft, but it technically still is theft, and anyone who is doing that, regardless of their gender, deserves a good old KO. The good news is you could probably even get away with KOing some of those scammers because theyll be too afraid to go to the cops or, have some sort of wannabe gangster mentality where they hate cops and would never call upon them for help.
Extras strippers.. escorts.. like drug dealers are in an illegal or semi legal industry so there’s probably a higher % of scammers in those industries unfortunately
"I believe you, but those sound like some ghetto, criminal dancers."
A reasonable person might think that...which most TUSCLers are even if it can get a little prickly on the boards. There's a lot stories I don't put on here, but as we all know some dancers be cra cra...because the world is...and their life issues are stuff you read about in the news because somebody has to be those people. Strippers in many cities disproportionately are. But they're still people, and even when I have a little fun with their situations I try to keep that in mind. Now if only the crazies weren't so good in bed "mongering" would be a much simpler hobby.
Wallanon, think what you want, what I said stands. Doesnt matter if you approve or not.
Why are you so into my posts? Who ever talked about "Fighting you"? Do you have a comprehension issue, I said plain and simple, I DONT start trouble, but if a dancer tried to send someone to "deal with me" or any of that I wont be frightened or intimidated and will respond in kind.
Thats called simple Self Defense. I am not easily triggered at all. I'm actually a reserved person IRL. Sounds like maybe you want that reaction and misread and misinterpreted what I posted so you can get your jollies off.