Top 40 is Back!

avatar for RonJax2
I am irrationally obsessed with these rankings. What do you all think of the new ratings now that this feature is back?

I've noticed founder is now weighting on past 12 months, I think it used to be 18 months. With that change, Chicago club is still at the top, and Hong Kong moves up to second. I think previously HK had dropped as low as number 4 or 5 on the list.

I'm always rooting for HK to move back up into number 1. First because I think although it's pricier than Chicago, it's still a consistently better experience at HK. And, the fact that it was number 1 was what convinced me I needed to at least try it out a few years ago, now I'm obsessed with that club.

Kandy's Adult Playground in Waterford, PA is inexplicably at number 4, so the list is not without other flaws. Another flaw - Landing Strip in Detroit should have made the cut but at least Flight Club is back, I think it had dropped off the list too, so that's good.

Anyway, it's still a pretty good list. If you wanted to research best clubs to visit it's not a bad place to start.

And one note for @Founder - links to the clubs from all the top 40 lists are currently going to "/listing/undefined", something you might want to fix.


last comment
avatar for ww
9 months ago
No way the Coliseum in Detroit should be the top 40...who the heck is ranking this club that highly??? That's better than every other Detroit area club except Flight Club???

avatar for blahblahblahs
9 months ago
I was hoping for the top 40 list of most ignored users to make a return.
avatar for Mate27
9 months ago
Band AIDS is back into the worst 40 clubs, a title well earned.
avatar for Muddy
9 months ago
Ignore the ratings top 40, you want to look at the # number of reviewed to see what tuscl is into.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
@muddy Top 40 unique reviewers is an interesting list, my problem with it is, if you were to pick just one club to travel to from anywhere in the US, would anyone really choose Playhouse Lounge? I think there are just a lot of New Jerseyan TUSCLers.
avatar for rickthelion
9 months ago
Blahblahape… the top 40 most ignored (muted) posters is indeed back up. And this rick is delighted to report that my bud, the dugan, is not on the list. I understand why yours truly is on the list with two ignores — my hellfire missiles of truth sometimes injure the more delicate posters on TUSCL. But the important thing is that most people are exposed to at least some rickness. ROAR!!
avatar for Rightfield
9 months ago
I was at the King of Diamonds in Inver Grove, MN 10 years ago. I was so unimpressed by the impersonal and unremarkable dancers, plus the security cage around the cashier, that I never went back. Now, this site lists KOD as Number 13 overall nationwide. What the hell? Either it has improved a lot, or the top 40 list is bogus.

I don't see anything very compelling in the recent reviews. I remain skeptical. I don't know Claudia, though.
avatar for rickdugan
9 months ago
I hate to sound ungrateful, but I miss the map function far more than I missed the top 40 list. Just sayin. 🙂
avatar for JamesSD
9 months ago
I liked King of Diamonds when I was there a long time ago, but fully admit a lot of the charm is not directly related to lap dances.

It's pretty easy to get to. The area feels safe, it's not some downtown club. Giant, well lit, free parking lot. Good beer taps. Fully nude, serves beer, pretty intimate stage seating. Pretty white girls with a lot of natural blondes, less tattoos than other parts of the country. Pretty affordable overall, and the lap dances I got involved a good grind.

As far as I know it's not an extras club, but it does a lot of things well that aren't extras related.
avatar for founder
9 months ago
the mapping is back.... click on the map pin icon
avatar for JamesSD
9 months ago
Oh shit, "my" Cheetahs in San Diego is #22?

I know we get badmouthed for being close to TJ but not TJ. But honestly, the value is there, likely because of across the border competition and the overall sex trade keeping prices down. Cheetahs hasn't really raised prices at all since before covid. It's not an extras factory like City of Industry, but for guys who want to see attractive naked women and get a decent contact lap dance from any girl they choose, it's not bad. It again does a lot of the non-extras stuff well, including parking and the bathroom. Night shift is more of a club, but again, if you want to spend $20 to see some hot naked girls dance on stage on a weekend night, there are far worse values out there when Chipotle is over $10.
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
9 months ago
I think extras clubs should be top 10 then everything else….why is a club with no extras top 10 or even 20 I don’t get it
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
^ Because some guys don't like or want extras. Not every PL judges clubs based on your criteria.

Because which clubs offer extras can shift gradually over time and keeping track of that is a ball-ache.

Finally, in the majority of places what we consider to be extras are illegal. So, are you so fucking stupid that your simultaneously asking (A) that TUSCL carry the liability of not just documenting but actually ranking illegal activities and (B) that TUSCL potentially provide both cops and/or news media with the best places to go for either a bust or a salacious expose story on the evening news?
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
9 months ago
^So some guys are gay..okay got it. If you don’t get a hard on when looking at a female then you’re questionable to me.
avatar for skibum609
9 months ago
^Hey asshole I am not extras focus so am I gay too, Mr. Closeted Overcompensation>
avatar for mickey48066
9 months ago
Mr. Monger, I see you're not a fan of tuscls wannabe moderator call me Ishmael (cim). Good for you. You didn't need a pissy response to a comment that was just your opinion but you got one anyway.
avatar for JamesSD
9 months ago
Doesn't want extras = gay is the kind of hilarious leap in logic one expects from the Internet.

Mileage definitely is A factor in considering a club. People who post on this board clearly are more milage motivated than the larger pool that writes reviews, and it's clear that pool of mongers considers factors like perceived safety and especially girl hotness.

I've been to Synn in COI a couple of times. Available mileage is great. Extras are widely available. They are not cheap, at least from what I was quoted. The club itself, while not quite a "dump" still feels dingy. And the girls on the whole are mostly nickels, without a dime in sight.

Most dudes don't want air dances, but there's something to be said for mid tier mileage, especially places where you know if you take any random girl to VIP you're going to get a good grind and be able to touch her tits and ass. The vibe I've gotten is at extras clubs a lot of the girls aren't excited to sell non extras dances, anything under $200-300 is a waste of their time.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
I think the other factor here is that people judge clubs based on their relative experience, and usually that's pretty localized. Meaning people compare one club to other clubs they've been to, usually in the same geographical area.

So KOD may well be the best club (and possibly even has the best mileage) for any club in the twin cities area. The majority of people reviewing it highly just haven't been to Tijuana yet, IMHO, lol.

That's how I account for some of these that made the list anyway (same thing for Kandy's.)

I'll have to take JamesSD's word on Cheetah's. That one stuck out the most for me. I can't imagine flying all the way to SAN for a biz trip and going to Cheetahs versus sneaking across the border. But to each his own...
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
The flaws in the rating system have been discussed and are also pretty obvious. The ratings are subjective and the reviewers use their own discretion and experience whether to review compared to national clubs or clubs in that same locality. You shouldn’t compare TJ to the Bible Belt, but we do. Whether to adjust for that is up to the reviewer.

I don’t know if founder weights the categories, but the ratings are based on the club facilities, attractiveness of the girls and “value.” Nothing about mileage, though most would lump it in as a part of value. Others might be talking about cheap beer.

Whatever. Don’t like founder’s system? Come up with your own list, as many others have done before and posted to the forum.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
I do like getting extras. That's why I primarily go to a well-known extras club. But I acknowledge that other guys have other priorities and tastes when it comes to strip clubs (and rating them).

And, because I like extras, I'd rather that TUSCL not post an obvious shopping list for the news media and cops. That's the sort of dumb shit we can easily avoid.
avatar for skibum609
9 months ago
The list simply means, at least to me, the clubs with the most loyal followings. By the time I am done in Florida, I will have been to 6 of the top 12 in a span 10 days.
avatar for Mate27
9 months ago
The list to me only means two of the stupidest people on the internet have me on mute, ie SkiDumb and 2-bits. lol!!
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
So, since I posted this thread, one numerically bad review for Chicago took it down from Number 1 to Number 3. The funny thing is, I think that review was meant for Hong Kong, and if assigned correctly would probably would've plunged HK down to number 4 behind freaking Kandy's. Instead, Chicago dropping took HK to the pole position.

I think these top 40 list is going to be more volatile with a 12 month window versus 18 months, that makes it more fun to follow.
avatar for twentyfive
9 months ago
^ not to mention that with the repeated website changes, it seems to be causing less reviews overall, not that I’m counting, but site traffic appears to have dropped significantly. The volatility is likely due to a decline in traffic.
avatar for wallanon
9 months ago
I think the list is fine the way it is. No ranking process is going to be perfect and anything driven by the volunteering public is going to be garbage in and garbage out.
avatar for RonJax2
9 months ago
^ @wallanon, you're definitely right about this. For HK in particular, what I find is that many long time visitors will give their numerical rankings on a basis relative to their PRIOR experiences there. Meaning, people have been giving HK (and Chicago, and BT too) lower ratings because it's much more expensive at these places relative to two, three, or five years ago. Whereas I think people SHOULD be rating relative to the value and experience at other clubs, in which case, TJ clubs would dominate the top 5.

So you're right about garbage in, garbage out, to some extent. But to some extent using the averages adds a degree of objectivity to a completely subjective assessment. It's not perfect but I'm still irrationally interested in it.

And @25, you're not wrong, downtime and downed features here can't be helping with the traffic and that would definitely add volatility because one funky rating hits harder. I empathize with founder here because running a social media site is a lot of work and it seems like he's flying this ship solo.
avatar for blahblahblahs
8 months ago
Men's Club of Charlotte has made it to #2. Is this justified or even in the ballpark?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
Holy bejabbers, Muddy at 298 reviews in the last 12 months, do you ever sleep?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
8 months ago
Regarding the "validity" of the ratings, it's still kinda helpful even if you remember all the necessary statistical and sampling caveats. Just seeing that a club has a lot of positive reviews, at all, accounts for something. Clubs in NJ having a higher number of reviews could simply be representing the fact that they're (more) near to major transit hubs. Pompano, Hallandale, and a few other Miami-related places are doing well in the ratings.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
I just noticed that Mateswithlittlechildren think I have her on ignore. What a moron. You are like stepping in digshit MATE. Wipe it off on the curb, get new footwear, throw out the dogshit shoes. That is, you to a T Mateswithtweenardvaarks.
avatar for Manuellabore
8 months ago
Top Anything lists based on subjective criteria are inherently arbitrary. I’ve been to less than half of the Top 40 clubs, but based on those on the list I’ve been to compared to other clubs I’ve been to that are not on the list, my take is that New England TUSCLers may be easy graders. I can see Desire in its rightful spot, but Boardroom Cabaret in the Top 10 and Foxy Lady in the Top 20? And I’ve never been to RI Dolls but I read the reviews and it doesn’t sound like the 22nd best Club. Maybe the high rankings Desire aficionados justifiably give that club have a bit of a halo effect when they stray over to and review these other nearby clubs
avatar for blahblahblahs
8 months ago
Two comments here--rather than impeaching the credibility of the entire rankings, I'm really quite interested in hearing specifically about "Men's Club of Charlotte" as its reviews don't indicate why it would have a place at the top.

With regards to Desire being clearly better than Foxy Lady and Boardroom, I disagree with @manuelleabore, but I know that we focus on different things in our visits.
avatar for skibum609
8 months ago
The best golf course I ever played on vacation (Desires) was Kiaweh Island Ocean Course. My favorite course to play on vacation (Boardroom) is down a dirt road in Nebraska, called Wildhorse, which is the public version of Sandhills Country Club (top 10 in the country) and I love them both, for different reasons.
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