ugly piercings

avatar for hump_my_leg_12346
I can't tell you how many times girls with excessive face piercings come up to me and want to hang out. Major turnoffs for me. I'd love to say, "yeah I'd get a dance but that metal in your face is absolutely disgusting." Of course I don't. Anyone feeling the same or have tips on how to subtly convey that this face jewelry is fucking ugly as shit?


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avatar for JamesSD
9 months ago
Unfortunately the bull-ring piercing (septum) is really trendy right now. There's one otherwise very pretty girl with wonderful natural full breasts, a great body and maybe a couple more tattoos than I would like who I don't get dances from because of her septum piercing.
avatar for shadowcat
9 months ago
I won't even watch them in a porno.
avatar for crosscheck
9 months ago
Yeah, the pierced septum can be put on the list of things I will just never understand.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
Nobody gives a fuck. Just move on to someone else and shove your judgment up your ass.
avatar for skibum609
9 months ago
In the 70s we let our hair grow long and wore raggedy army surplus, so I tend not to bitch when young people of today go out of their way to look ridiculous. Most of us did it. It does make women far less attractive, but to resolve that just pick another.
avatar for stripperlover777
9 months ago
******** I Like Tatts More Than Piercings.
If Strippers Get A Tatt, Would B Cool
To See A Little ⭐Star One On Their Neck.
Stars, Hearts, Girl On Pole, Tatted/Printed "Strippers Rule" Are Some Tatts Ideas.
Don't Forget The Naughty One's Above Their Coochie Area! Small Piercings Is Ok, & Actually One In The Kitty Area Would Add Some Stimulation. Tuscl - SC - Cheers
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
9 months ago
Just hold out your arm like a stiff arm. Or threaten to bring a giant magnet to the club.
(I just wince and nod my head no, and they get the message.)

The pierced septum is just fucking ugly. That and the half-shaved head look are two of the quickest ways to shrivel my penis.
avatar for Heellover
9 months ago
I don't like the half shaved head look. It's like why?
avatar for gSteph
9 months ago
I've adapted to to a ~ little ~ facial jewelry, but I sure prefer a none on a pretty face 😍
avatar for mickey48066
9 months ago
I wouldn't say "that's absolutely disgusting" but I would ask, "you're a pretty girl, why did you choose to do this to yourself." Pretty girls in a natural state don't need to turn themselves into human ink pads and pin cushions. I don't seek girls out who look like this but they'll be no worse for wear because there are plenty of beta males in the club who need the less pretty girls (e.g., heavily tattooed and pierced).
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 months ago
OP: "Anyone feeling the same or have tips on how to subtly convey that this face jewelry is fucking ugly as shit? "

Even though my taste in the matter is almost diametrically opposed to the OP's (I tend to like most piercings and tattoos,) why the fuck would I waste my time and breath expressing a negative opinion of them? Because I'm somehow better than them because they didn't make the same choices I would have? Because I need to feel better about myself by denigrating others?

As a guy who really likes tattoos and piercings, do you think I go around to all those ugly girls with none and tell them how much better they'd look with a nice tattoo or nipple rings? Of course not, and doing the opposite is just as stupid.

There are plenty of girls in the club. If the ones there don't suit you, move on instead of flapping your gums about something that's none of your business.
avatar for Rightfield
9 months ago
Similar situation was a dancer I used to frequently spend time with. She was pretty enough. I am into natural breasts, no matter how small. And she had smaller ones, and was fairly young, yet her breasts were sagging a little. That was OK too, except she had pierced nipples. And the overall impression created was that the piercings deflated her breasts. Of course I know that didn't happen, but that was the impression created. Made her breasts look a little sad.

I never mentioned it to her, but I think she cost herself a lot of money with that look. So, yeah, it's her body. But I think she hurt herself in the business sense, not the physical sense. So the temptation is to say something to open her eyes. But I was not so close to her that I felt comfortable doing that. Plus, time has shown me I am not so smart as I think I am.
avatar for FLAP3000
9 months ago
Nips, clits, and tongues are all good. Labret piercings are sexy too. But all the rest of that doesn’t do much for me.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
There are very few perfect markets. Strip clubs may be one of them. If a girl gets a piercing or a tattoo that nobody likes, she will fail to earn a living. What one guy doesn’t like, another does. If you don’t like it, move along. The market will tell her if she’s made herself unmarketable. It’s her decision and nobody else’s.
avatar for motorhead
9 months ago
So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?
avatar for blahblahblahs
9 months ago
There is nothing useful in telling a dancer you dislike something she's done that is irreversible (yes, I know that piercing jewelry can be taken out). My hope is that dancers who get altered in anyway are doing it primarily for themselves.
avatar for Jascoi
9 months ago
i prefer no piercings or tats.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
Motorhead said "So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?"

So... by your logic you don't understand the difference between ordering a product and hiring a service provider.

If you're going to have sexy fun time with women decades younger than you, then don't expect them to have the same beauty standards you grew up with. If you want that, then look to age-appropriate women.

Also, stripping remains a non-mainstream job with at least some taboo attached to it. It's not surprising (except apparently to you guys...) that the job attracts a larger percentage of non-mainstream women, including those with more tattoos and piercings.

And yeah, when I go to the club and see a dancer with a good body, nice tits, etc., with tattoos and piercings, she's not struggling to make money. She's doing just fine. And if she likes how she looks and is making money based on how she looks, then it's pretty doubtful that random horny guy's finger-wagging opinions about her life choices is going to amount to much, except perhaps a local news story.

So, I say go for it. Please test out a number of ways to "subtly convey" how you don't like different dancers' looks, because the inevitable viral video will be my entertainment.
avatar for motorhead
9 months ago
“If you're going to have sexy fun time with women decades younger than you, then don't expect them to have the same beauty standards you grew up with.”

That’s exactly why Hank’s premise that strip clubs are a “perfect market” is false.

There are barriers to entry that strippers face that don’t exist in other jobs. Sex workers are still stigmatized so “the best and the brightest” don’t enter the profession.

Sex is on the lowest tier of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - it’s something every human desires like food and air. Men will “settle” for less just to fulfill this need.

Also, when guys go to a club looking for pleasure, they may be under time constraints so again they “settle” for poor quality but still pay a premium price.

Far from a perfect mind.

Having said all this - of course I would never directly tell a dancer her piercings and tats are hideous. But it’s not a perfect market so the dancers don’t eventually get weeded out of the club
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
9 months ago
Motorhead said "So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?"

Was that in response to my comment? Thought maybe someone I had on ignore might’ve posted. If it was in response to my comment, I agree with you. If a Starbucks barista gets my order wrong, I ask them to remake it.

When I said “There are very few perfect markets. Strip clubs may be one of them.” I was … limiting my comment to strip clubs. Starbucks is not a perfect market.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
9 months ago
You're premise that guys who buy dances from dancers with tattoos / piercings are all "settling" presumes that ongoing changes to what is considered attractive is only happening on the female side of the equation. Fun fact... time changes everything, including what guys find attractive (regardless of whether or not you like it).

You might not like Suicide Girls (SG) models, but that media company continues to make money because there are plenty of guys who actively like that aesthetic. And it's not like the guys who choose to buy a SG subscription are "settling" because there are no other similar media companies that offer photo sets of other types of models. There's plenty of other options. Meaning, the guys who subscribe to SG actively like what they see there.

And that certainly doesn't mean you have to. I'm not here to argue for or against completely subjective tastes. But, this belief that most guys who spend money on tattooed/pierced dancers are all making frying pan vs. fire decisions is not realistic.
avatar for 5footguy
9 months ago
OP: "Anyone feeling the same or have tips on how to subtly convey that this face jewelry is fucking ugly as shit?"

1. Tell her, "I'm not really feeling the vibe" or "You're not quite my type". Respectful, to the point. The other day a not-my-type girl sat next to me in the club and I just said "hey, I appreciate you coming over to talk to me, but I'm not going to get any dances from you today"... she said "ok, well can I sit here anyway?" and I said "I'd rather you didn't because I'm waiting for someone who is going to site here".
2. Since you say that so many of these girls are drawn to you, turn it into a positive. Have a conversation with them, see if you find something you like, and if they're really into you, just bang them from behind so you won't have to see so much of her face. Win-win.

Mickey said: "I would ask, 'you're a pretty girl, why did you choose to do this to yourself.'"

I'll bet you've never actually said those words to a girl, ever.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 months ago
@C.M.I: "You're premise that guys who buy dances from dancers with tattoos / piercings are all "settling" presumes that ongoing changes to what is considered attractive is only happening on the female side of the equation. Fun fact... time changes everything, including what guys find attractive (regardless of whether or not you like it)."

Spot on.

@motorhead: "So by that logic if you go to Starbucks and the barista gives you coffee with 20 packs of sugar because that’s what she likes, you just leave it on the table and walk out?"

False Equivalence. A better comparison would be if the Starbucks menu has nothing but various coffees with 20 packs of sugar, would you order one anyway even though you don't like them?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
Strip clubs demand is not exactly needs-based (it can feel like it) but rather wants-based (hierarchy of needs would put several things before strip-clubbing, f.e., food and shelter and then other false-necessities of typical urban living living like car insurance and attractive shoes etc.).

Nevertheless the bad sales tactics of strippers often surprise me. On the subjects of garlic breath, dirty fingernails, torn or merely casual clothing, ratty shoes, being sick and sneezing all over the place, smelling heavily of the weed they're toking in the dressing room, being so stoned or high they can't connect sentences, smelling of farts and other body odor, I just want to ask, "are you so frickin' clueless?" I think some guys put tattoos and piercings in that same category. I personally think tattoos and piercings are not necessarily in the same clueless-idiot category but I can see why some guys have that kind of reaction to them.

Maybe it's from her civilian life. If she sports a great deal of piercings or tattoos, she probably made the decisions to get those things at a time when she was not thinking about maximizing her stripper income. Similar with shaved-head looks, f.e. the half-side-shave and the butch-but-dangly looks if you can guess what I mean. Those choices (and many related others) of style preference, are decisions generally made without considering the potential impact on stripping income.

So I figure there really are two categories to talk about, when you're talking about strippers' stylistic choices. One group, are dancers who choose to appear the way that will increase stripper income. Another group, are those who choose on the basis of a large portion of their life that is not stripping -- girls who want to look edgy (or whatever other crazy idea crops up in their purdy li'l haids) so they get a lot of tattoos and piercings and head shaves, and THEN later also add onto their life the fact that they strip at a club. With this second group, the look isn't designed for maximizing stripper success, but rather, it's chosen for getting a certain appeal in OTHER parts of their life. You can sometimes see an edge-girl trying to become a demure-girl, wearing bo-peep or schoolgirl outfits (the juxtaposition can be sexy, depending on how she pulls it off and what a given customer's preferences are) even though their hairstyle really doesn't make sense with that outfit. Other edge-girls don't try to be demure girls. It might be interesting to try to watch a transition over say a six-month period as f.e. a girl leaves home for the first time, at first with all the piercings and shavings baggage that got her in with the cool boys at her high school or junior college, getting a job dancing, but then slowly figuring out and trying to implement a new hairstyle and some other accoutrement adjustments. Or maybe not figuring it out ...

A dancer who really does choose to maximize her income, and makes some longer-term planning decisions based on that, will start observing the men in her target market and figuring out how to cater to us. If she really is making her most money from men who prefer the edgy look, then it's a smart choice on her part, to cultivate the edgy look.

However, my guess is, there aren't a lot of guys in the edgy-crowd who are spending well on strippers. The spenders are other guys, men who have disposable income and a certain shall-we-say libertarian (small-L) bent. Depending on the city and the night of the week and so forth, the money is probably coming from the 40 to 50 something solo males with professional office-bound corporate jobs (or job-settings). The looks of the dancer need to be what THAT GUY wants.

Same probably applies to the music choices as well, although personally I don't often decide on whether or not I prefer a dancer on the basis of what noise is going on in the context around her. If there's any type of pop or rock music that I would like to listen to, it's certainly not what I'm hearing at strip clubs. The clubs are playing something that I guess is crunk or rap or hard-ass or butch-bang or something else I don't know how to name. The music choices are probably made by the DJ and management on the basis of what they think their customers most prefer, and (highly important) buy drinks during. If the music can match the sound of a good lap-dancing song as well, that's probably just good luck, an added unintended benefit after the decision was made.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
9 months ago
Another point, can this be compared to boob-jobs?

I personally am very turned off by "bolt-on" tits -- large fake breasts, designed to look perfectly spherical and fake-ish. I know that I don't like the look simply by looking, and thanks to negative experience at strip clubs I also know that I don't like the feel. I almost 100% require that any dancer I have a lapper from, will have natural tits, or at least if her tits are surgically enhanced, then I would insist that they be subtle to the point of "not seeming like fake tits" fake tits. I admit, there are some porn-starlets who pull off the fake-tit look and manage to please me, f.e. Rikki Sixx and Jessie Rogers, but I haven't yet hit on any club dancers that successfully cross that line for me.

So, if I find bolt-ons unappealing, should I inform the dancer? Anyone have (as per original post) "how to subtly convey" my opinion that fake tits are inherently "fucking ugly as shit"? /sarcasm ... maybe
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