Advice to Strippers

But not too old!
- Be on time and ready to go.
- Don't hang around the dressing room gossiping and bitching about how little you're making. Get your ass out there on the floor.
- Circulate through the club, with a smile. Be aware of the guy smiling back at you.
- Approach smiley and say hello. If he offers a drink, sit down, dazzle him with your charms, let him talk about himself an at least pretend to be impressed.
- Decide during that first drink if this is going anywhere. Because by the time the first drink is done, you should know if the guy is going to do a dance, spend some money or if he just wants to feed you drinks and stare at your tits.
- Regulars pay the bills. Figure out with whom you are comfortable, who you trust, who you enjoy and work, perhaps deliver "special" attention to develop that relationship.
- Men come here to escape from the real world. Keep it fun. Project the fantasy.
- Don't get drunk at a stripclub. It makes you an easy target.
- You are in charge! You set the limits. You set the boundaries but NEVER promise and not deliver. 10 Have an exit strategy. Save! Invest! Educate yourself! I know it's hard to believe now, but you will not be young, beautiful and desirable forever. Plan a way out!
last commentThis is all sound advice, but there's no dancers here to hear it. We need free dancer VIP back!
I thought dancers were members if they submit a review same as us
True, but no dancers are submitting reviews. There used to be free VIP for dancers if they verified. I think founder has said he plans to bring something like that back.
Otherwise I agree.
Put down your fucking phone. Candy Crush will still be there after your shift.
What few dancers that would be here don’t need this advice.
Nice read though.
Amen to the Candy Crush comment.
Sounds like a chicken or egg situation If even offering ever more risky forms of high volume extras isn’t bringing in customers, then dancers have been spending more time at the club to find a customer. With longer hours of waiting means having to find some kind of coping mechanism for the downtime. I’m only basing that opinion off this other thread from nearby.
I think I've seen this post (OP) before somewhere. So many "tips for" are cut and pastes from someone else's posts or AI generated
I think strippers are about average for people under 30 as far as not being very focused on maximizing income. Advice falls on deaf ears when it solves a problem someone doesn't think they have.
Lap dancing is emotionally draining. It depends on a dancer's personality and personal circumstances how draining it is, and whether she can recharge during her off hours. If she's being a phone scroller or a wanna dance stripper, that's more about feeling drained, than disputing the above advice.
A fair number of strippers have had enough bad breaks that they equate hope with disappointment. You don't set goals when you don't want to get your hopes up.
I asked my Cuban fav if she had planned to be a stripper before she came to the US. She said yes, because, in Cuba, people think stripper is stage dancing and having money thrown to you. When Cuban strippers go back to visit, it's embarrassing for them to admit what the job really involves. She had a hard time getting use to lap dancing.
Old guy advice to strippers is going to be very consistent. No AI bot or cut and paste required.
I don't have Siri or Alexa. For other old guys who do, does she yell at people to get off your lawn for you?
Re #7 that can be a tall order. When I asked my Cuban fav if she missed Cuba at all, she talked about her family and close friends (who she can't visit while waiting for her green card), which lead to her having a bit of cry. I guess I could stick to asking her about the weather. If she could make up a fake, totally happy, personal situation without seeming phony, she'd probably have a job in Hollywood.
"Nervous nelly76" needs to take a chill pill and anger management classes.
Shower just before your shift. Think about your breath as well. May sound condescending to say it, but may dancers seem to think it is not necessary.
Shave your legs, always have baby wipes
and shave that pussy.
Strippers are a lot like kittens. They are cute and fun to play with. But trying to get them to obey your rules is impossible
My advice: You're self employed. Your rules are important. Run your business as you see fit, not as experts who couldn't do it tell you too.
Don't have dancers on this site. They'll cloud it with the arrogant stuck up nonsense they post on Reddit already.
But they can't read all the sage advice if they're not on here.
@nelly76 no one likes Minnow
#11 and #12 are approved
PL - That bitch didn't let me touch her tits.
Stripper - Ewwww...that creepy guy asked if he could touch my tits.
Some topics will always have a gap between sides.
PL advice to strippers generally assumes they miss the obvious. But the advisors miss the obvious point that it's about lack of enthusiasm. Most attractive women, even those in low paid jobs, are not strippers. So, it's no surprise that a big percentage of those who do strip barely have enough enthusiasm to drag themselves into the club for a few shifts a week.
I'm not sure I understand where you're going with the thought about "most attractive women." I can't quite follow the connections between attraction, low-paid jobs, and enthusiasm, sorry.
But yeah, a LOT of the advice could be summed up as, "please do a lot of the obvious things that will improve your likelihood of pleasing the customer, therefore will maximize your value in their eyes, therefore will increase your income." In other words, for a lot of the advice, all we're really saying is -- pay more attention / put in more effort / get more enthusiastic (as you put it) / stop being so lazy.
Some of the things may be distasteful to the girls, in which case, their failure to do it may be a considered trade-off. She may actually have thought, "I do want the money but I'm not going to do THAT particular thing for it." For those things (which are all different for each girl) it's a different calculus (IF she's even bothering to do the calculus). And for a few other pointers, she may be energetic but she's misunderstanding something (like, if we advise her to stop prattling on and on, it's not her lack of enthusiasm we're complaining about; or if we say we don't really care about Broadway style dance routines on stage, we're simply pointing out that our priorities don't align with that sort of thing, although we thank her for her enthusiasm). But that's a rare pointer. Most are not about her being active but misdirected. Most are about her being inactive.
Mostly what we're asking for here, is that she be aware and present.
@BG when people don't do things that they could to, the likely reason is that they feel no enthusiasm for doing those things. What is hard to understand about that?
sorry I just didn't get your point about attractive women in other jobs, I got your point about enthusiasm
If attractive women choose not to be strippers (due to lack of enthusiasm for doing what strippers are generally expected to do nowadays), their alternative is typically a lower paying job.
"Some of the things may be distasteful to the girls, in which case, their failure to do it may be a considered trade-off. She may actually have thought, "I do want the money but I'm not going to do THAT particular thing for it."..."
Just to speed things along a bit, then you have the girls who will do THAT particular thing for money but not with the guy in front of her asking. There's countless combinations of factors a girl can use to decide not to do xyz. If we're going to draw a circle then might as well connect the ends lol.
Now for the OP list, this is an interesting thing. I don't have a problem with the list but don't care if dancers walk all over it in their heels. Being on time helps. My 4th ATF was terrible at that but I could tell she was trying. She's semi-fired again even if she's objectively better in action than ATF5. Once I accepted most of the responsibility for what happens and 100% for the outcome the hobby got a lot simpler.
Ilbbaicnl, strippers and escorts are not the only women who supposedly tolerate sleeping with older or unattractive men. Most men are unattractive and for most of human history, women have been sleeping with unattractive men. Plenty of people enter into relationships for financial purposes especially with the modern laws around divorce, child support, etc. the highest chance a woman is genuinely attracted to a guy is for a one night stand but even thats not really the case because they do it plenty of times for rich famous or high status guys who are unattractive. But rest assured, this phenomenon of attractive women painfully sleeping with men they aren’t physically attracted to, isn’t something unique to strippers and escorts. attraction with women isnt physical like it is for men, anyway…
There are some dancers on here, me being one of them (although I sometimes peek into clubs as a customer, mainly to scope out where I'd potentially want to work)
Also, the "shave your pussy" advice is definitely not universal 'cause guys always compliment my bush. (And when I say bush I mean BUSH, no trimming whatsoever) It's not to everybody's taste but that's an unattainable standard anyway.
I would be more likely to order chicken wings at the strip club if I knew a stripper would clean me up with a baby wipe.
I was the regular of a dancer who let her bush grow, because the guy who paid for her implants wanted her to have a bush. But she didn't really like it. I told her she should just glue in a crotch wig when she was going to see him. But I guess they don't sell those at wig stores, and she didn't feel like making one.
My guess is the strippers take the advice to strippers the same way us PLs take advice for strip club customers.
^ Men are simple creatures. Strippers (and even civvies) know what we want. Whether or not their willing to provide it is the question.
^ Free advice is usually worth what you pay for!
That'll be $0.02 (that's $50 with Bidenflation).
@Minnow: You have seen it before because I posted it before. At 70, I've been doing this for 53 years. I have met a lot of strippers. I have given this advice to many. In fact, as one of Desire's first "Regulars", Yung would bring the new girls over to me and tell them to talk to me to "get the low down" on how things work.
^Do you charge a consultant fee? If not my advice is on point. 😁
"she talked about her family and close friends (who she can't visit while waiting for her green card), which lead to her having a bit of cry. I guess I could stick to asking her about the weather"
damn, you pay her AND she gets free therapy. in civvie world that's putting yourself one degree beyond the friendzone, and that zone is one from which you never return.
If I walk out of the house in the morning knowing there are 3 things I need to remember, I forget at least one before I start the car. While I know most of these rules seem like common sense, nobody could lay them on a young woman in her early 20s and expect them to stick. Part of my job is to coach people on how to deal with stressful situations and I always boil things down to 2 or 3 pointers max so as not to overwhelm them. Doesn’t matter if they’re a janitor or a hedge fund manager There was a thread a while back about the average flameout time for newbie dancers, and the consensus among the estimates was quite short. Those that stick it out for as long as they want to aren’t beating their brains out in a state of constant failure. They figure out the best way to make a go of it, and they end up being the most fun to spend time with. That’s why my own personal “rule” is to try to scope out dancers who are hot but have been around the block a few times. Much better chance of mutual success
Twentyfive, you're a douchebag. STFU.
^ I'm in good company, Minnow's a good guy.
None of these rules are complicated and some of them blend together so it's not really 10. The girls with whom I have maintained contact get a refresher course every once in a while. It's really not that complicated.