
Honeytrapped by Sawyer

I would have posted this earlier but I was unaware of this site's existence. After hearing my story, a dancer I'm seeing at another club suggested I do it. Be very careful of OTC action with any of the dancers working here, drugs and drug addicts are rampant here. Got honey trapped by Sawyer (brunette with buttplug) and her “boyfriend/dealer”. I had hooked up with her in the club several times and transacted with her enough to trust her. She offered to hook up at a hotel room after hours for $$$$. This time she demanded cash money up front which I thought unusual. I protested, but she got upset that I didn't trust her and like a dummy I fell for it. After we both got naked and she was on top of me, a man busted in and proceeded to rob us at gunpoint. The bitch screamed and jumped up in panic acting like a victim. The assailant robbed me of the rest of my cash which was substantially more than what we agreed I would pay her. In the confusion, she managed to “escape” with her clothes. After the man absconded with all my money I spotted her now fully clothed calmly getting into his car and driving off with him.

And before anyone comments, I didn't go to the authorities because of my rep. She's very good at picking her victims so don't give out any personal details. Your better off not fooling with her at all. She looks innocent and fun but she's dangerous and she'll do anything to feed her habit and/or her dealer. The dancer I'm seeing now has worked with her in the past, she don't give a fuck about anyone but herself, not even her son who she doesn't even have custody of.


  • shailynn
    4 months ago
    It’s always the girls with the buttplug.
  • whodey
    4 months ago
    Sorry to hear that, I've hooked up with Sawyer both ITC and OTC a few times and she has always been great.

    I can say that if anyone robbed me at gunpoint I'd contact the cops, to hell with reputation.
  • VanHeusen81
    4 months ago
    Well I don't know when the last time you hooked up with her was. I'm hearing from other clients she's getting more desperate as her looks decline with age and her continued drug use. I've since met many of her regulars that quit seeing her because she can't be trusted when she's short on enough cash to buy her drugs. She likes to buy in bulk so she can get them at a discount. Also, another customer told me at the time I was robbed she was hitting up regulars to help pay her property tax at the end of the year. Her house was paid for by some old man who used to be her sugar daddy, but she still has to pay the taxes every year. In fact, his family has been fighting to get the house taken away for years because they know she scammed him. He was giving her $10,000 a month for rehab but she was just pretending to go and using the money to buy her drugs.
  • VanHeusen81
    4 months ago
    Oh and one VERY important thing I forgot to mention, and is one of the main reasons I wanted to be specific who we're talking about, a dancer I recently met who knows her all too well can confirm she has Hep-C due to her constant use of needles. She doesn't like to snort her pills because her nose is already fucked up due to her past use.
  • whodey
    4 months ago
    I don't doubt that what you said happened, that situation can happen with the vast majority of strippers who meet outside the club. I can only say that I have never had that experience with her. The last time I met her OTC was in January so she may have changed in the months since then, but she has been pretty consistent for me in the 8 or 10 times I have seen her OTC since about 2019.

    However, it sounds like you have a grudge against her that is really bothering you since you created an account on here and every review, discussion and comment you have made has been trashing her. It also sounds like this happened to you a while ago based on your posts, so it may be time to let it go and move on with your life.

    In the end, you believed a stripper's lies and you made bad decisions. It happens, learn from it and move on to the next girl.
  • wallanon
    4 months ago
    Hopefully one of her regular clients isn't a lawyer with all this stuff you're posting. whodey is right. Learn your lesson and move on.
  • VanHeusen81
    4 months ago
    If you all have a thing that's great. I would have said the same thing as you before this happened. However, I'd say getting robbed at gunpoint is a pretty good reason to harbor a grudge and a good reason to create an account to warn others. I think blowing it off and saying that's normal stripper behavior is doing a disservice to the ones who don't pull this kind of shit, which in my experience is the vast majority. I might expect it from a $100 street hooker, but not one who has given every impression previously that she's trustworthy. And lastly, as I said before, above all things, she is a health risk.
  • twentyfive
    4 months ago
    ^ sounds to me like you’ve got a lot to lose, I’d say you should just move on, winning this fight will cost more than it’s worth.
  • whodey
    4 months ago
    "I'd say getting robbed at gunpoint is a pretty good reason to harbor a grudge" I'd say it is a good reason to call the cops right when it happened, not let it stew inside you for months until it takes over your life. If the "health risk" was what you were concerned with "above all else" you wouldn't have "forgot to mention it" in your review and your first several posts.
  • VanHeusen81
    4 months ago
    I just learned about the hep C a couple of weeks ago from someone close to her. That was what tipped the scale for me to post anything at all. I told the initial story and just forgot to add it. Don't presume to know my mind. I reported my experience and you reported yours. I'm not sure what your continued stake is in this discussion is beyond that.
  • wallanon
    4 months ago
    "If you all have a thing that's great."

    What does that even mean?

    "I would have posted this earlier but I was unaware of this site's existence."

    You do realize we can all see your account has been here since November 2020, right?

    "I'm not sure what your continued stake is in this discussion is beyond that."

    What you should be asking yourself is why people who don't know you and don't really care what happens to you are still taking the time to respond to your public meltdown. There are at least three people who could read all this and know exactly who you are. That's you and the two people who allegedly robbed you at gunpoint. Do yourself a favor and consider asking founder to delete this entire thread.
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    $100 street hooker? Wow...inflation really IS a thing these days.
  • Studme53
    4 months ago
    If that happened to me I would be boiling mad and definitely hold a grudge, to say the least. If I was in your position I would get creative. There’s a million ways for Karma to work.
  • skibum609
    4 months ago
    You could always set up another OTC for huge money, pull a gun on her, tie her up, wait for the b/f to bust in and shoot him. Damn I am always a step ahead.
  • drewcareypnw
    4 months ago
    IMO, if the money stolen from your wallet was a non-life altering amount, you are correct to take the L and let it go.

    Your life was worth much more than a few hundred or even a few thousand bucks, and so you correctly handed over the money. Similarly, your rep is worth much more than that as well, and the cops will not get that money back for you anyway. You learned a lesson, shared it with us that we can learn from it as well, and life can go on as normal.

    I'll acknowledge that getting robbed at gunpoint is scary, and you have every right to be pissed and a little shaken by that. Sharing the story is a PL-public service in my view, so thank for that.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    LOL Skibum.

    @25 is right...dust yourself off and move on.

    Fun fact, Hepatitis C is hard to transmit through sex. It's usually transmitted through a "hot" blood transfusion--rare these days--or sharing needles.
  • Rightfield
    4 months ago
    I appreciate the heads up.
  • BMathers90
    3 months ago
    A friend alerted me to this review and I couldn't help but add what I know about this person. I've been in the industry a long time and I've met a lot of disturbed people, but she is the hottest of messes. She gives normal strippers a bad name. Hell, even calling her a stripper is a disservice to the industry. She is just a whore masquerading as a single-mom dancer. She hates the world even though God has blessed her with advantages that most people would kill for (beauty, nice physique, good parents, a healthy son). She doesn't even take care of her son, she didn't raise him, her parents had to. He was taken from her because of child neglect charges. She doesn't work for anything other than to open her legs. And she doesn't even like sex lol. She appreciates nothing that's been given to her, because everything that she has, it's been handed to her. Her body is a walking pharmaceutical lab. And yes, her house was bought for her so she doesn't even have to pay rent yet she doesn't appreciate that either, it's usually a pig sty. She doesn't even own a car, she has some lonely rich idiot drive her to and from the club almost every day. She's always broke because almost everything she makes goes up her nose or into her arms. She pretends to be everything she's not, and denies being everything she is. The only way to get her to care about anything is giving her drugs or money to buy drugs. And if you've got a consistent reliable source, that's better than cash. Honestly, that's about the only way to guarantee she won't fuck you over. She's now mid 30's but she's been whoring since she worked at Hooter's pre-21days. Also, she was arrested at Morton middle in 2010 on trafficking charges, so she's been in that game a long time too.

    The most dangerous thing about her is her ability to charm you. She can make up any story to suit the situation on the spot. And she's excellent at always playing the victim. She is so good at masquerading as a person with a heart and soul when she's really just a human robot designed to extract you of money or drugs or both. Her favorite clients are the ones from out of town because it's easy for her to pretend to be their GF. She has (or had) dozens of those and they never become the wiser because they can't know she's screwing multiple guys every day. One girl that used to live with her said she probably went through a box of condoms a day. She has a different man for everything. Yard work, food delivery, etc. and she's screwed every one of them.

    I do sympathize that she's put up with a lot of shitty customers and men in general and I can understand her behavior towards them. But I've also seen her shit on some really good dudes who wanted to do right by her,  and sometimes treat them even worse.

    But, even all that is not the worst thing about her. She pretends to care about the girls she works with when she will stab any one of them in the back to make her money. Every girl that used to work there and has since left says pretty much the same thing. She pretends to care but she doesn't care about anybody but herself. She doesn't even care about herself either, just her habit. She's a real POS. One girl I know said she kept trying to get her hooked on shit so she could make money for her dealer. That guy was kicked out of another club because he was trying to recruit dancers there as well. She pretends to be a mother figure to the younger dancers but she will do anything regardless if it fucks with their money or not. And they can't complain to the owner because he loves brunettes and she will fuck him anytime he's hard up. She basically rules the roost there and everything bad about that club is personified in her.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    ^^ Lol @ BMathers90 - This fucking asshole joined TUSCL like an hour ago just to back up VanHeusen81's bullshit OP. The extent to which this guy is willing to go, just to trash this girl, is dangerously deranged.
  • misterorange
    3 months ago
    Anyone ever seen the movie Derailed with Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston? VanHeusen81's story is strangely similar. Actually it's a great movie. I think I'll watch it tonight.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 months ago
    Bmathers90 said "A friend alerted me to this review and I couldn't help but add what I know about this person."

    Yes. We understand, Fake Vanheusen81, you have an axe to grind with this dancer. Consider your axe ground.

    As to the scenario you laid out, creating a sock puppet to keep the thread alive doesn't make it more believable.
  • Puddy Tat
    3 months ago
    ^ The hepatitis C claim put it over the top. It's rarely an STD. Better to claim syphilis, gonorrhea, or herpes.
  • wallanon
    3 months ago
    Is this still going? Because whodey has also bagged this chick I was being polite, but aside from the basic facts that could be summed up in a couple sentences seriously nobody cares about your OP trauma or reasons you have for oversharing your grievances.

    You posted your warning, OP. Thanks. Now when guys around Lexington have their dicks fall off and livers explode they have a place to start (other than themselves for fucking random drug addicts hookers in the first place). This is what PMs are for.
  • 5footguy
    3 months ago
    "I would have posted this earlier but I was unaware of this site's existence."

    You registered 4 years ago. wtf are you talking about?

    your entire story reads all wrong. the language, the style, the "Your better off not fooling with her at all." ... you sound like someone with a grudge, and the sudden emergence of a new user to back up your own story is so... unoriginal?

    please take my advice and whatever problem you have with her, whatever your actual gender or relationship with her, just let this shit go. no one here claims to be a saint, god knows most of us are degens. but what you're doing goes a step further and you're going down a path that you can still get off of. just let it go.
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