avatar for Rightfield

Comments by Rightfield

discussion comment
3 days ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Stripper stabs club DJ.
A black eye for vegan strip clubs.
review comment
4 days ago
avatar for m0nkeyb0ne
For this weird old guy, a perfect win-win
I need the conversation too. The dancer/customer relationship may have a lot of deception about it, but there can also be a level of honesty you don't get with your friends. Plus there is honesty and vulnerability in the nudity. Her voice may be lying, but her bare tits aren't. Talking with, and touching, a relaxed women is 90% of what is great about sex, without the complications of the 100% experience.
review comment
4 days ago
avatar for davindude
First visit
Aren't living expenses in Germany, and Europe in general, higher than in the States? I wonder how the women can provide services for less money in Europe than they cost in the States?
discussion comment
4 days ago
avatar for gothamyte
from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
name eerie photos that captured celebs together who soon died together...!
That picture of Elvis and Nixon together was fun, but they didn't die til later.
discussion comment
4 days ago
avatar for docsavage
Replacement hobbies
Even as a young man, I struggled with to answer the question: "What do you do for fun?" But I have really enjoyed strip clubs. I know of no substitute. I enjoy having conversations with semi-nude women. Some of the conversations are even quite honest. I don't see how gardening, or exercising could hold a candle. I once saw an exercise video where the hostess suggested someone could kick their smoking habit by taking up exercise instead. I understand that works for her, but it doesn't compute for me.
discussion comment
10 days ago
avatar for JasonMckin
FOVorite techniques and positions
Damn it, "I" move my fingers closer to where I want to go, not "they".
discussion comment
10 days ago
avatar for JasonMckin
FOVorite techniques and positions
You know, women are complicated. Many don't want to talk explicitly; civilians or dancers. As another poster said in another thread, they move their fingers slowly closer to where they want to go, and judge the dancer's response. Despite my stupidity as a younger man, when women might have been attracted to me physically, I find I am much more intuitive now. Now, I take the hint. When a dancer moves her pelvis even a fraction of an inch a way from me, I do not pursue. I would never touch where I am not wanted. But she is usually giving subtle clues as to whether I should advance or retreat. I wish to fuck I had the presence of mind when I was younger to proceed thusly with civilians. If I had done so, I maybe wouldn't have to resort to strip clubs in my middle age to make up for it! Unless you are completely obtuse, she is giving clues as to what she expects. Relax and observe.
discussion comment
11 days ago
avatar for tsnell
Minneapolis and Surrounding Areas
KOD is not my personal preference, but I confess that since it is not, I have not been there for many years. Current reviewers say they do an ID scan, which means I will not be checking it out anytime soon. I won't recount my negative memories since they are so old it wouldn't be fair. I've been to Deja Vu a few times, also a long time ago since they seem to cater to younger customers with the no alcohol thing. The Seville is higher end, but I never really connected with anyone there. At Spearmint Rhino, I found the dancers very impersonal. That leaves Rick's and Downtown Cabaret, who have common ownership. DTC is the nicer venue, everyone should see it once. But I usually try Rick's first as I have hit it off with the girls better there. Rick's has crappy limited seating though, until you head to VIP. Next time I go to Rick's, if I spy some dancers I find attractive, I am going to negotiate with a bouncer to see how much to sit in the reserved seating near the main floor. Sometimes a like to spend a few hours in the open, because my budget isn't going to tolerate more than an hour at most in VIP rooms even if I go completely nuts. My first stop is Rick's, then DTC is plan B, and if that doesn't work out, I am done for the night.
discussion comment
11 days ago
avatar for skibum609
Live events
I'm going with long shot Rich Strike winning the Kentucky Derby at the last instant in 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIYD42DV3Ro I read about the announcer who makes the exciting race call. He memorizes all the horse's names and their numbers before the race, as he does not have time to look at a cheat sheet or listen to a spotter. As the race unfolds, he just BARELY sees the winner coming up on the inside and calls his name out just before he crosses the finish line.
discussion comment
12 days ago
avatar for skibum609
Live events
That was a barn burner.
discussion comment
15 days ago
avatar for stoyaf
Tipping in Vancouver
I decided to be direct when I was in a Canadian club once. Asked the hostess who was seating me how do I tip without paper bills? She said, "don't worry about tipping". OK. So then I get a few dances until one beautiful "friendly" French speaking girl bitches me out for not tipping. So I left. Damn the girls were pretty though. Chez Paris in Quebec, I think.
discussion comment
15 days ago
avatar for mogul1985
I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
The Crypt Keeper Pardons His Criminal Son
Meant to say "they", not "that". But also, this is why I might read a political discussion on a strip club discussion board. That is where the answers to life are.
discussion comment
15 days ago
avatar for mogul1985
I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
The Crypt Keeper Pardons His Criminal Son
Congrats to Studme53! I don't know why I couldn't see the obvious answer for myself; that Biden was counting on Harris to win the election and pardon Hunter for him. Then he wouldn't have had to break his word. BUT, it didn't work out that way, so he had to solve the problem himself. Just break his word. Politicians do it so easily. And that is why he found it so easy to turn his back on our friendly forces in Afghanistan. "I am the big shot and that can't do a fucking thing about it."
review comment
22 days ago
avatar for hcaulfield04
Decent odds for Vegas
If you insist that you're not going to pay until after, be prepared to walk out without getting a dance. I am not saying that is the wrong approach, but sometimes the policy is not flexible. The above review shows why would should maybe not play along with Pay in Advance.
discussion comment
24 days ago
avatar for CK_ISBAC
Judge the book by its cover
I am resisting the urge to make smart ass remarks. But it comes down to human interaction. Customers tend to talk with the girls a bit and see if there is some connection.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Studme53
Fake but perfect
I never understood guys who just wanted big tits and didn't care how phony they looked. Firm natural tits still have a droop to them. The bowling ball look sure doesn't do it for me. Help yourself, though.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for sfrsox
I love boobies
Hide the children and children
^^ Ah, thanks Lanechange, you made me look for the Political Forum which I had lost track of. It is one of the 3 choices over in the left margin under "Forums". We are currently in the Front Room. I propose we discuss nothing here that doesn't have labia.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for sfrsox
I love boobies
Hide the children and children
Eddie Munster for AG!
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for MaxMaxima
Seeking spinners without inhibitions
Strip Club on Wheels
But if the fish were biting you wouldn't fuck? Odd priorities.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Papi014
Going solo to a strip club rules & tips please??
Bringing cash instead of credit is good advice. But other than that, I don't see what the big mystery is. Don't piss on the floor or something, and you should be OK.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Pussylicker2
Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by year's end
Pussylicker: Did you click on the link I provided to a statement about $4.5 billion worth of Bitcoin being stolen by hackers? But we do not need to continue the debate, as we are at the point where we are not listening to each other.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for gammanu95
You can unfriend me, unfollow me, and unlike me; but you cannot unlick my butthole
This Veterans' Day, do something to support US Veterans
Wounded Warrior project seems to be a good route too. At least I hope it is, as our household donates to it.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Pussylicker2
Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by year's end
So someone could steal my land? I daresay if someone did, I could go find him and get him by the throat. Where would I go to look up someone who stole my Bitcoin? https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-arrested-alleged-conspiracy-launder-45-billion-stolen-cryptocurrency It appears we depend on the government to protect our bitcoin investment as well. And if the value of Bitcoin increases over the span of a few hours on 11/11/2024, just what does that prove?
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Pussylicker2
Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by year's end
So why is Satoshi Nakamoto such an elusive figure? Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are billionaires not afraid of being known. And Bitcoin is a currency, but it's an investment? And my retirement reserve is going to be rendered worthless because of reparations or something? I admire what Will Rogers said: "Invest in land. They ain't makin' any more." And you don't have to depend on any Wizard of Oz to enforce that mandate.
discussion comment
a month ago
avatar for Pussylicker2
Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by year's end
@FTS, I think your analogies are a little off. Let's take cars. You don't need to know all the details to collect cars. You do have to know some fundamental things. Like whether to collect Duesenbergs, or rust bucket Plymouth Volares from the 1970s. Or this. Say you are in Mexico and want to take the opportunity to buy a Cuban cigar. If you don't know anything about Cuban cigars, what are the odds you are going to end up with the genuine article? If you are buying firewood, do you want hard wood, or soft wood? Eh, it all burns, I guess.